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1、 外研浙江专版 七年级下课题2 Unit 2 Period 4 Unit 2AVienna is the centre of European classical music. Module 12Western music12345diedcentreDrumsguitarelder基础巩固过关练一答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评12345eldermusiciansnineteenthcalledEuropean二12345Is; orWhat aDid; dieall overHow old三综合能力提升练答 案 呈 现12345musicianpoorhungrymoneyarou

2、nd一678910piecebegantookbyfamous123CAC二模块作文聚焦练作文一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Do you know when Bettys grandfather _(去世)? 2. Beijing is the cultural _ (中心) of China. 3. _ (鼓) are popular in modern music. 4. Do you like playing the _(吉他) or the violin? 5. Li Ming is twelve years old. His _ (年长的) brother is fifte

3、en years old. diedcentreDrumsguitarelder二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. This is my _ (old) brother. And he often helps me at home. 2. My sister and my cousin both want to be _ (music) in the future, because they both like music very much. 3. That famous writer was born in the _ (nineteen) century. eldermusici

4、ansnineteenth4. There is a clever boy _ (call) John living in this small village. 5. Many people still like the _ (Europe) music in their free time.calledEuropean三、按要求完成句子。 1. He is interested in basketball. (用volleyball改写为选择疑问句) _ he interested in basketball _ volleyball? Is or2. She is a lovely gi

5、rl. (改写成感叹句) _ _ lovely girl she is! What a3. This famous scientist died in the 1980s. (改为一般疑问句) _ this famous scientist _ in the 1980s? Did die4. Lu Xun is very famous around China. (改为同义句) Lu Xun is very famous _ _ China. all over5. The old man was ninety-five years old when he died. (对画线部分提问) _ _

6、 was the old man when he died? How old一、短文填空。 根据短文内容和括号中所给汉语提示, 在空格处写出单词的正确形式, 使短文意思完整, 每空限一词。 Franz Schubert (弗朗茨舒伯特) was a famous _ 1 (音乐家) in the world. But he was very _ 2 (贫穷的) and often had nothing to eat. musicianpoorOne day he was very _3 (饥饿的) and went to a small restaurant, hoping that he

7、might meet some friends there to borrow some _4(钱) . He looked _5(环绕) the restaurant but found nobody. Then his eyes fell on a _6 (张) of paper on one of the tables. On it was a short poem. He read the poem and liked it very much. So he sat down and _ 7(开始) to write a piece of music for the poem. hun

8、grymoneyaroundpiecebeganThen he _ 8(带) his work to the owner of the restaurant. He only received a dish of beef and potatoes for it. Thirty years after his death, this piece of music of the poem _9(由创作) Schubert was worth 40, 000 francs. It was played in many big theatres and all the people loved it

9、. Schubert became _10(著名的) all over the world. tookbyfamous二、阅读理解。() 1. Who did the girl first listen to classical music with? A. Nobody. B. Her father. C. Her mother. D. Her friend. 请同学们看典中点本第60页短文。C() 2. How long does the girl listen to classical music a day? A. About one hour. B. About two hours.

10、 C. About three hours. D. About four hours. A() 3. How many classical CDs does the girl have until now? A. Less than 80. B. 80. C. More than 80. D. More than 100.C写无定法, 写必有法 “三步法”描述著名人物 第一步: 介绍姓名及人物生平; 第二步: 描述主要成就; 第三步: 自己的想法和希望。 素材积累(词汇、句型大搜罗) 1. 描述著名人物类话题的常用词汇 favourite, be born, one of, not onlyb

11、ut also 2. 描述著名人物类话题的常用句型 (1) is one of the greatest (2) We should典例 肖邦是一位很伟大的作曲家。请根据下面的提示内容, 以 “Chopin a great musician”为题, 写一篇关于肖邦的介绍文章。 姓名Chopin人物生平 1810年出生于波兰(Poland) , 1849年于巴黎去世, 享年39岁。经历 肖邦小时候表现出对音乐的兴趣。7岁那年, 肖邦创作出了人生的第一部作品; 16岁时, 肖邦进入华沙音乐学院(Warsaw Conservatory of Music) 学习; 在当时的音乐中心维也纳开钢琴音乐会、

12、出版了很多音乐作品。主要成就 肖邦是世界闻名的音乐家。他一生创作了大约200首乐曲。提示: outstanding 杰出的; unquestioned毫无疑问的 Chopin a great musician _Chopin, one of the greatest musicians in the world, was born in Poland in 1810. In 1849, Chopin died at the age of 39 in Paris. He created nearly 200 musical compositions and they are popular all over the world. By the age of seven, Chopin had created his first musical composition, showing outstanding musical talent. _When Chopin was sixteen, he attended the Warsaw Conservatory of Music. After that, Chopin went


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