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1、东山县2013-2014学年度七年级第一学期期中考试英语试卷(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)题号听力部分笔试部分总分IIIIIIIVVVIVII得分第一部分:听力(20分)I.听句子,选择与其内容相符的图回。每个句子读两遍。(5分)()1.C()2.()3.()4.()5.BC(5分)n .听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子读两遍。()6. A. Hi.B. Nice to see you, too.C. Howdo you do?()7. A. No, Im not.B. My name is Maria.from Japan.)8. A. Youre welcome.B. Welco

2、me to China.)9. A. He is tall.B. He is Tom.friend.)10. A. Its yellow.B. Its Li Ming.C. He sC. Sorry.C. He s myC. It s mine.m.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)11. How old is Michael?A. He is 11.B. He is 12.C. He is 13.)12. Whats Janes telephone number?A. 8621-5320.B. 8621-5340.C.)13. What class is Zhang Lin in

3、?A. Class Seven, Grade One.B. Class One, Grade Seven.C.Grade One.)14. What does Lucy have?A. She has a coat.B. She has a skirt.dress.)15. What color is Bills bike?A. It s green.B. It sred.8621-5230.Class One,C. She has aC. It s black.听下面两段对话,选择正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第16、每段对话读两遍。17两个小题。(2.5 分) 16. What color

4、is JaneA. It s red.) 17. Whose coat is this?A. It s Jane s.Lucy s.听第二段对话,回答第 18-20( ) 18. What grade is Mary in?A. Grade 4.s coat?B. It B. It三个小题。B. Grade 7.blue.s Sally s.C. It s yellow.C.C. Grade 8.)19. What does Mary look like?hair.A. She is tall.B. She has short hair.C. She has grey)20. Maryis (

5、are) black.A. skirtB. shoesC. coatNameHelenFromShe is from 21 .Age (年龄)She is 22 years old.LookShe is 23 with big eyes and a small mouth.ClothesShe has a pink dress and a pink 24 .ClassShe is in Class 25 =听短文,完成表格。短文读三遍。 (2.5分)第二部分:笔试(80分)I.单项选择。(15分))26.Hello!you Miss Zhang? Yes, I

6、 am.A. AreB. IsC. Am)27. Fine, thank you.)28.)29.)30.)31.A. Welcome to China.-How do you do?A. Yes, I do.一WhdA. HeB. How are you?How are you?s the girl with brown hair?B. SheC. Theyhe from Canada? Yes, he is.A. Is B. Does Yes. B-O-O-K, book.A. Can you spell it, please? B. WhatC. DoHow old are you?C.

7、 Howdo you do?is Maria.s this in English?C. Are thesebooks?)32. What are those?buses.A. It sB. They isC. They are)33.Does she have a new bike?一No, sheA.doesn tB.doesC.don t)34. Tom, this is your book. Here you are.A. Thank you.B. I;m OK.C. You re welcome.)35.A. a)36.)37.)38.一 What s this in English?

8、A. What color Who is Amy?A. of一Itegg.B. anC. /are these shoes?They re blue.B. Whose The girlB. fromC. What gradepink skirt is Amy.C. in It is his pen. PleaseA. give him itB. give it him)39. Whois that girl? Oh, sheA. different)40. Ilong arms and my sister OK, I will.C. give it to himmy sister. ButB.

9、 sameshort arms.we lookC. the sameA.have, haveB.have, hasC.has, haven .完形填空。(10分)My name is Lisa. I 41 from England. Im fourteen. I m a 42 . I m in43 . My telephone number is 3200-5673. I 44red and white. I have a good45 . Her name is Alice. She is thirteen. She 46big eyes, a small nose and asmall m

10、outh. 47 hair is blond and long. Her favorite 48 is blue. Shehas blue shirts, blue coats and blue skirts. Her 49 are all(全部)blue. Sheis a student, too. We are in 50 classes, but in the same grade. We are goodfriends.)41. A. areB. amC. is)42. A. studentB. teacherC. actor)43. A. Class two, Grade seven

11、 B. Class Two, Grade Seven C. Grade seven,Class two)44. A. amB. haveC. like)45. A. studentB. teacherC. friend)46. A. isB. haveC. has)47. A. SheB. HerC. His)48. A. classB. gradeC. color)49. A. pensB. desksC. clothes)50. A. sameB. differentC.goodm.阅读理解。(10分)(A)Wang Jun is a boy. He is from Shanghai. H

12、e s thirteen years old. He is in ClassFour. His telephone number is 8235-5028. Jim Green is his classmate. He is fromAmerica. He is twelve. He is in Class Two. Jim is his given name and Green is his family name. His telephone number is 2180-4295.阅读短文内容,选择最佳答案。)51. Where is Wang Jun from?A. Japan.B.

13、Canada.C. China.)52. Wang Jun is in ClassA. TwoB. ThreeC. Four)53. How old is Jim?A. 11.B. 12.C. 13.)54. Jims family name isA. JimB. GreenC. Wang)55. Jims telephone number isA. 8235-5026B. 8235-5028C. 2180-4295LookBenLi Xia(B)NameHe is strong. He has a long face, big eyes and a wide mouth.She is sho

14、rt. She has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. Herhair is black.MariaKumikoShe is tall. She has a round face, small eyes and a small nose. Her hair is brown.She is short. She has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. Her hair is black.()56. Ben has a face.A. roundB. big()57. Who is strong

15、?A. Ben.B. Li Xia.()58. Who has small eyes?A. Ben.B. Li Xia.()59. What color is Maria s hair?A. Brown.B. Blond.()60.look the same.A. Ben and Maria B. Maria and Li XiaC. longC. Maria.C. Maria.C. Black.C. Li Xia and Kumiko阅读表格内容,选择最佳答案。.词汇部分。(16分)(A)根据汉语提示完成句子。(6分)What s this in English?It s a( 书桌).一

16、Let me you ( 帮助).Thank you.Sun Jie s mom is an English( 教师).He is old, and his hair is(灰色的).( 现在)I am in Beijing.I have a sister. She is(九)years old.(B)选词填空:根据短文内容,用方框内单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。(10分)is, from, favorite, round, English, long, student, and,in, likeLi Hua is a girl. She comes 67 Beijing. Her 68

17、name is Helen. She 68 twelve years old. She is a 70 . She s 71 Class 4, Grade 7. Li Hua hasa 72 face and big eyes. Her hair is black and 73 . She 74 fish very much. Her 75 color is pink. Her dress, T-shirt, shoes 76 schoolbag areall pink. And she has a pink telephone. That s cool. 68. 69. 70. 70. 71

18、. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76.情景交际。(15分)A)从n栏中选出与i栏中各句相应的答语。(10分)II()76.Hello! Are you Jane?()77. How do you do?()78. This is Maria.A. A-double P -L-E, apple.Theyre from New York.They are cars.()79. Is she Ann?()80. Whats his name?()81. Where are they from?()82. How old is Li Jie?()83. How do you spell it?()

19、84. What are those in English?His name is Michael.Yes, they are.Nice to meet you.Yes, I am.How do you do?Yes, she is.()85. Are these buses?J. He is twelve.(B)根据对话内容,用适当的句子补全对话(5分)Tina: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: 86 . Are you Kate?Tina: No, I m not. I m Tina.Miss Gao: _87Tina: I m from Cuba.Mis

20、s Gao: This is Kate s letter. Please give it to her.Tina: Sorry, I don t know her. 88Miss Gao: She is in Class 5, Grade 7.Tina: _89Miss Gao: She has blond hair and big blue eyes.Tina: Oh, I see. I ll give it to her.Miss Gao: _90Tina: You re welcome.句型转换。(7分).He is Helen.(改为一般疑问问)He

21、len ?.That s a bike. (改为复数形式)bikes.She is ten years 01d. (就划线部分提问)is she?.Kangkang is from in Class Two, Grade One. (就划线部分提问) are from?.I have a big head.( 同义句转换 )is big.has, wide, girl, mouth, a, that (连 词 成 句 ) 9.My English has a red car.(改为否定句)My English a red car.口 98.书面表达。(7分)半个学期过去了,想必你对自己的同桌(

22、 deskmate) 一定有所了解,请以 My Deskmate 为题,写一篇短文,为我们介绍你的同桌。提示:.包括姓名、性别、年龄、外貌、服装及颜色等;.条理清楚,书写规范,40个词左右。My Deskmate七年级英语听力材料I.听句子,选择与其内容相符的图画。每个句子读一遍。1. Zhao Ming comes from China. 2. These are four apples.3. This bag is blue.4. Lisa has a small nose.This skirt is Jane s.n .听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子读一遍。Nice to see y

23、ou. 7. What s your name, please?Thank you very much. 9. What does he look like? 10.Whose coat is this?in.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。W: How old are you, Michael? M: I m twelve.M: What s your telephone number, Jane? W: It s 8621-5320.W: Are you in Class One, Grade Seven, Zhang Lin? M: Yes, I am.M: Do you have

24、 a coat, Lucy? W: No, but I have a dress.W: What color is your bike, Bill? M: It s black.IV.听下面两段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第 16、17两个小题。M: Hi, Jane! Is this coat yours? W: No, it s not mine. My coat is blue. This one is red.M: Is it Sally s, then? W: No, her coat is yellow. I think it is Lucy s.She

25、has a red coat.听第二段对话,回答第 18-20三个小题。M: Lily, please give this book to Mary. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.W: I m sorry. I don t know her. What does she look like?M: She is short and she has long grey hair. She is in a pink skirt, white shoes, and a black coat.W: Oh, I see. I ll give it to her.M:

26、 Thank you.V.听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。Look at this photo! This girl is Helen. She is from England. She is thirteenyears old. She has big eyes and a small mouth. And she is tall. She is a junior high school student. Her favorite color is pink. She has a pink dress and a pink skirt.Lucy is her good friend. They are in Grade 7. Helen is in Class 4 and Lucy is in Class 3.七年级英语参考答案第一部分:听力(20分)I. 1 5 CCABA II.610 BBAAC III. 11 15 BABCC IV. 16 20 BCBCCV. 21. England 22. 13/thirteen 23


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