1、Chapter 2 House KeepingUnit 13Regular Services in Guest Roomsobjectives1. The ways to clean guests rooms.2. The skills to arrange extra beds for the guests.3. Have ability to communicate with guests by related sentence pattern about regular service in guest rooms skillfully.Do you know the following
2、 equipment ?air conditioning dressing table stools Background information:Do you know the following equipment ?luggage rack table lamp Background information: towel hotel disposable Get to know the tools used for cleaning the room trolley mops and detergents sheets and mattress doorframe rubber glov
3、es curtain 国外使用的电源插座和中国大陆的是不一样的,其插孔形状以及电压、电流负荷也不同。因此,很有可能他们需要向酒店借用对应的插座,才能使用。在为客人提供电源插座的时候要注意问清楚电压是多少伏特(Volt)、电频是多少赫兹(Hz)。 Outlet 电源插座 Curtain 窗帘Clotheshanger 衣架Pillow 枕头Pillow case 枕袋Quilt 被子Blanket 毛毯Extra bed 加床Hard mattress 硬床垫Soft mattress 软床垫Laundry list 洗衣单Laundry bag 洗衣袋Sewing kit 针线包Towel 毛
4、巾Shampoo 洗发水Conditioner 护发素Toothbrush 牙刷Toothpaste 牙膏Soap 香皂Tissues 面巾纸Toilet paper 卫生纸Comb 梳子Bath tub 浴缸Bath towel 浴巾Face towel 小方巾Bath mat 地巾Shower cap 浴帽Bath robe 浴袍Hairdryer 吹风机Tap 水龙头Coffee table 茶几Bedhead 床头Electric kettle 电热水壶Chips 薯片Slippers 拖鞋Folder 文具盒Writing paper 信纸Envelope 信封Wardrobe 衣柜
5、Drawer 抽屉Vanity/dressing table 梳妆台Bed cover 床罩Sheet 床单Luggage 行李Do not disturb 请勿打扰Light bulb 电灯泡Breakfast card 早餐卡Ashtray 烟灰缸Matches 火柴Tea 茶Coffee 咖啡Shoes board 鞋拔子Iron 熨斗Ironing board 熨衣板Floor lamp 落地灯Table light 台灯Adapter 插头Extension code 接线板Transformer 变压器Chair 椅子Trolley 工作车Mineral water 矿泉水Door
6、 knob 门把手Nuts 果仁Switch board 控制板Safety box 保险箱Bedside table 床头柜Door bell 门铃Living room 客厅King size bed 双人床TV remote control 电视遥控器Rubbish bin 垃圾桶Flash light 手电筒Key hole 取电器Wall lamp 壁灯Bed room 卧室Twin beds 单人床Imperial guide 京城御鉴Data line 数据线Peep hole 门镜猫眼Lamp shade 灯杆Quilt cover 被罩No smoking card 请勿吸烟
7、卡Bed skirting 床裙Fax form 纸Scissors 剪刀Shoe basket 鞋筐Door stopper 门堵Ceiling 天花板Toilet bowl 马桶Alarm clock 闹钟Wall picture 挂画Ball pen 圆珠笔Shoe shine mitt/paper 擦鞋布Razor /shaver 剃须刀Candy bottle 糖果盅Safety chain 安全链Bathroom scale 体重秤Tray 托盘Telephone Mini bar 小酒吧Cotton ball 棉球Shower head 喷头Tissue paper box 面布
8、纸盒Note pad 变迁Carpet 便签Door handle 门把手Sanitary bag 卫生袋Airconditioner 空调Refrigerator 冰箱Plant 植物Rubber mat 防滑垫Hook 挂衣钩Vase 花瓶Shower cap 浴帽Shower curtains 浴帘Wash Basin 面盆Bed pad 白拍Bed head board 床头板Shopping bag 购物袋Sheer curtain 纱帘Key insert 取电器Lock 门锁Sill 窗台Pot 冷水壶Soap dish 皂碟Clothes brush 衣刷Towel rail
9、毛巾架Wall paper 墙纸Arm chair 扶手椅 Cup 茶杯Mug 口杯Mirror 镜子Dialogue 1 RA: Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. White. May I come through, please?M: Yes, please. By the way its almost noon, and our room hasnt been made up yet.RA: Im very sorry, sir. I was just coming along to your room. Ill be there as soon as I finis
10、h this one.M: Really? Could you do our room first next time? We are always the last.RA: Well, I have a section of fourteen rooms, and I always do the check-out rooms first unless there is request. Now that youve asked me to do so, Ill be glad to.W: Check-out rooms? What are they?RA: A check-out room
11、 means a room which is being vacated at the end of a guests stay. We have to get the room ready for sale again by the Front Office.M: Well, we would like to take a nap after lunch.RA: Yes, I see. Your room will be ready in half an hour, Mr. and Mrs. White.M: Can you do this for this every day?RA: Ce
12、rtainly, Mrs. White. We always try to have rooms made up early on request. Just let us know what you need, and if we can, well oblige. Your room number is 1202.M: Good. We do appreciate the favor of your putting our room first.RA: My pleasure. I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.A: Youre welco
13、me. ( RM= room attendant, M= Mrs. White, W= Mr. White ) Cleaning the Room Dialogue 2 Changing the Room AM: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?W: Im White. Im in Room 608. Can you change the room for me? Its too noisy. My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made. S
14、he said it was too much for her.AM: Im awfully sorry, sir. I do apologize. Room 608 is at the end of the corridor. Its possible the noise is heard early in the morning when all is quiet.W: Anyhow, Id like to change our room.AM: No problem, sir. We manage it. How about Room 602? Its rather quiet. The
15、 room rate is the same as that of Room 608.B: Very well.AM: Please fill in this room changing form.( Mr. White goes through the formalities.)Heres the key to Room 602. The bellman will help you with your baggage. Please return him the key to Room 608.B: What efficiency! I hope Ill have a sound sleep
16、 this evening.AM: Be sure, Mr. White. If there is anything more you need, please let us know.( RM= room attendant White= W )Dialogue 3 ( FA= floor, G= guest ) FA: Good morning, sir. After you, please. ( He makes way for him to pass by)G: Good morning. Would you please do me a favor?FA: Yes, sir. Im
17、always at your service.G: My son is coming for the summer holidays next week. Could I have an extra bed, a kind of roll-away?FA: Please contact the Front Office first. Ill get you the extra bed with their permission.G: Have you any idea how much an extra bed costs?FA: Its US $ 20 for one night.G: By
18、 the way, could you get us a few more hangers? We have so many clothes. We are long-staying guests, as you know.FA: Yes, sir. We are happy to have you. We do hop you are enjoying your stay with us.G: Thanks. Could you change a pillow for me? This one is too thin, and with a stain on it.FA: Certainly
19、, sir. Ill see to it right away. I do wish we had known earlier.G: How nice of you to say so!FA: Its my pleasure. Ill be back in a minute, sir. Adding beds Dialogue 4 Turn-down Services ( CM= chamber maid, M= Mrs. White, W= Mr. White)CM: Housekeeping. May I come in?W: Yes, please.CM: Good morning, M
20、r. and Mrs. White. May I do the turn-down service for you now?M: Oh, thank you. But you see, we are having some friends to celebrate my birthday here. Could you come back later?CM: Certainly, Mr. White. What time would it be convenient for you?M: Could you come again in three hours?CM: Im afraid Ill
21、 be off then. But I will let the overnight staff know. They will come then.M: Thats fine. Well, our friends seem to be a little late. Would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom? Ive just taken a bath and it is quite a mess now. Besides, please brig us a bottle of just boiled water. Wed treat our guests
22、 with special Chinese tea.Dialogue 4 ( CM= chamber maid, M= Mrs. White, W= Mr. White) Turn-down Services CM: Yes, Mr. White. Ill bring in some fresh towels together with the drinking water.M: Thats fine.CM: ( Having done all on request)Its getting dark. Would you like to draw the curtains for you?M:
23、 Why not? That would be so cozy.CM: May I turn on the lights for you?W: No, thanks. I like this atmosphere.CM: Yes, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?M: No more. Youre a smart girl indeed. Thank you very much.CM: Im always at your service. Good-bye, Mr. and Mrs. White, and do have a very
24、pleasant evening.Dialogue 5 Claim and Damage ( O= operator, G=Guest)G: Hello, operator? This is Lucas speaking.O: Yes. What can I do for you?G: Id like to speak to the housekeeper. Im in Room 403. I have some bad news to tell him. ( The operator puts the call through.)H: Whats the bad news, sir?G: T
25、his is Mr. Lucas. I went out this morning and the children played hide-and-seek in the room. They broke the reading lamp on the desk and the curtains fell to the ground. Could you send someone to fix the curtains and bring me another lamp?H: Of course, sir. Ill send someone from Maintenance Departme
26、nt to your room. Thank you for calling.G: Im terribly sorry.H: Thats nothing. Well take care of that, Mr. Lucas. But Im afraid youll have to pay for the damage.G: Oh, I will.H: May I have your room number, sir?G: Room 403.H: Yes, Room 403. Dont worry. Ill see to it at once. Good-bye.G: Good-bye. Sen
27、tences for Imitation: Expressing apology:1. Im very sorry, sir.2. Im awfully sorry, sir.3. I do apologize.4. Im terribly sorry.Making complaints:1. By the way its almost noon, and our room hasnt been made up yet.2. Its too noisy. My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator m
28、ade. Knowledge Tips清洁并检查客房、补充用品。A负责客房高标准的服务及清洁工作。B根据楼层主管的指导,清扫空房,客人已离店房间及入住房间。C将无行李、少行李及外宿房间报告客房部办公室或楼层领班。D检查房间,准备“房间状态汇报”。E补充客房供应品,包括小酒吧用品。F上报客房设施的丢失和损坏情况,及时下单维修。客房服务员岗位职责 DialoguesNew Words and Expressions1. trolley troli n. 手推车,电车,手摇车 v. 用手推车2. corridor korido: n. 走廊,回廊,通路3. section sekn n. 一段,部分
29、4. check-out ekaut n. 结账,退房,检查5. vacated vkeitid adj. 腾出的,空出的, 离职的6. nap np n. 小睡,小盹7. oblige blai n. 迫使,施恩惠于8. appreciate pri:ieit vt.欣赏,领会,感谢9. apologize pldaiz vi. 道歉,谢罪,认错10. formality f:mliti n. 遵循的规范,正式11. efficiency ifinsi n. 效率,功率,效能DialoguesNew Words and Expressions12. pillow pilu n. 枕头13.
30、stain stein n. 污迹 v. 战舞,给.着色14. turn-down service t:n-daun s:vis 做晚床15. convenient kenvi:njnt adj. 便利的,近便的16. overnight uvnait adv. 一夜,突然17. towel taul n. 毛巾,手巾18. cozy kuzi n. 舒适的,安逸的19. operator opreit n. 操作人员,接线员20. maintenance meintinns n. 维持,保持,维修Service procedure of cleaning the roomKnock at t
31、he door gently three timesSay: “Housekeeping.”Ask the guest whether to come into the room.Greet the guest.Ask the guest whether to clean the room now.Clean the room: Open the window; Disposal the rubbish; Make the bed; Clean the bathroom; Replenish the supplies; Vacuum the floor; Self-check.Express
32、your wishes to the guest. Service procedure of extra bed serviceAsk the guest to go to handle the formality of extending a bed at the Front Office.With the permission of the Front Office, put an extra bed for the guest.Service procedure of changing the roomGreet the guest.Ask the guest for his room
33、number.Search for the room available needed in the computer.Form the record of changing the room.Ask the guest to fill in the room changing form.Tell the guest the time of changing room.Extend best wishes.Service procedure of extending the stayGreet the guest.Get the information from the guest: The
34、room number. The type and number of rooms. The time of extending stay.Search for the room available needed in the computer.Confirm the extending stay.Ask the guest how to make the payment.Form the record of extending the stay.Extend your best wishes.Thank you.Goodbye!Ok! Lets say goodbye! Unit 14 Pe
35、rsonalized Service Background Information饭店个性化服务的概念 饭店的规范化服务,是指饭店为满足所有客人的共性需求而提供的标准化服务;而饭店的个性化服务,则是指饭店为满足不同客人的个性需求而提供的针对性服务。饭店的个性化服务起源于海外发达国家,称之为Personalized Service或Individualized Service。之所以提出个性化服务概念,主要是因为西方饭店业在近百年发展过程中,发现饭店提供的标准化服务不能使客人完全满意。因为客人的需求变化莫测,标准化的服务只能满足客人表面的基本需求,而不能满足客人隐含的个别需求。在这种背景下,饭店
36、经营者开始认识到,饭店的服务必须站在客人的角度随机应变,否则标准化服务会演变成机械化服务,个性化服务由此产生。即饭店要达到高质量的服务水平,必须能提供满足不同客人个性需求的针对性服。 Content DialoguesSentences for Imitation:Knowledge Tips Practical Training RA: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?W: Some friends of ours are going to visit us this evening. Would you please buy some fr
37、uit for me?RA: Sure. What kinds of fruit d o you want, apples, oranges, bananas or grapes?W: All except grapes.RA: How many of each?W: One kilo of each will be enough.RA: Yes, sir. Dont you need some refreshments and drinks?W: Well, Ive ordered some cold dishes and some pastry. Ill need two more Bud
38、weiser and a pack of Kent.RA: Yes, Mr. White, two more cans of Budweiser and a pack of Kent. Do you need some flowers?W: Thats a good idea. Can you help me to get some?RA: Certainly, sir. What kind of flowers would you like?W: A basket of lilies.RA: You need fruit, beer, lilies and Kent. Am I correc
39、t?W: Right. Here is five hundred yuan in advance. Is it enough?RA: I think its quite enough. Ill have them bought for you as soon as possible.W: Great. Thank you very much.RA: Youre welcome. Dialogue 1 Buying things on request Room Attendant =R Guest=GDialogue 2G: Is this Housekeeping?H: Speaking. M
40、ay I help you?G: Yes, I like to use my hair dryer but its 220 volts. Do you have a converter I could use?H: Yes, we do, madam. But Im afraid another guest is using it now. We can lend a hair dryer instead.G: Fine. Because Ill attend a party in an hour could you bring it up soon?H: Certainly, maam. I
41、ll send someone immediately. By the way, could I have your name and room number?G: OK. This is Lucy White in Room 1201.H: Thank you very much. Miss White. The floor attendant will be up in a few minutes. Borrowing something (G= Guest, H= Housekeeping) Dialogue 3 Wanting to add something ( G= Mrs. Wh
42、ite, RA= Room Attendant )G: Attendant, can you help me?RA: Certainly, madam.G: My husband and I stay in this room and our children are in Room 946. Could you put some juices in the mini-bar of their room?RA: Yes, madam. I will leave some juice there.G: Thats fine.RA: What kinds of juices do they lik
43、e?G: Orange and tomato juices.RA: How many of each shall I put in?G: Four bottles of orange juice and five of tomato juice. If you have lemon and pineapple juice, please put some in it, too. Children always drink water. Is your water safe to drink?RA: The tap water is not safe to drink. But the mine
44、ral water and the water in the flask are perfectly safe.G: Thank you.DialoguesNew Words and Expressions1. except iksept prep. 除了(某人/某物)之外2. kilo ki:lu n. 公斤,千克,公里,千米3. refreshment rifremnt n. 点心,便餐,恢复活力4. pastry peistri n. 糕点,点心5. lily lili n. 百合花6. hair dryer h drai n. 头发吹干机7. converter knv:t n.转换器
45、,转炉8. pineapple painpl n. 菠萝,凤梨9. mineral minrl adj. 矿物的 n. 矿物10. flask fl:sk n. 细颈瓶,烧瓶,开水瓶11. perfectly p:fiktlli adv. 很,完全地Sentences for Imitation: Inquiring:1. What kinds of fruit d o you want, apples, oranges, bananas or grapes?2. How many of each?3. What kinds of juices do they like?4. How many
46、 of each shall I put in?5. What kind of flowers would you like?Ordering something:1. Well, Ive ordered some cold dishes and some pastry.2. Ill need two more Budweiser and a pack of Kent.3 Could you put some juices in the mini-bar of their room?Tips1) 灵活服务。这是最普通的个性化服务。即不管饭店是否有相应的服务规范,只要客人提出的要求是合理的,饭店
47、就应尽最大可能去满足他们。(2)癖好服务。这是最具体的个性化服务。客人的需求千差万别,有些客人的需求更是独特少遇,需要服务人员仔细观察,“投其所好”。(3)意外服务。这是最有针对性的个性化服务。服务人员急客人之所急,想客人之所想,在客人最需要帮助的时候提供“雪中送炭”式的个性化服务。(4)心理服务。这是最用心的个性化服务。凡是能满足客人深层次的、隐含的心理需求的个性化服务,都将给客人带来一份意外的惊喜。这要求饭店服务人员有强烈的服务意识,主动揣摩客人的心理,服务于客人开口之前。(5)自选服务。这是高品质的个性化服务。随着电脑技术的发展,个性化服务可通过电脑Guest Operated Devi
48、ces(宾客自选装置)来实现。客人的留言、查询消费账目、结账、叫醒服务、客房送餐(Room Service)和Vod点播(客房视像点播系统),都可以由客人通过客房电视电脑系统自由选择并处理。饭店个性化服务的种类: I. Listen to the following recording and complete the dialogue: (answer) Practical Training Special Items in Rooms FormItemsRoom No.Required No.ItemsRoom No.Required No.Extra Blanket12101Bed sh
49、eetBath towelPillow21072Infant Cot13151Ashtray11621Extra BedBathrobeHeaterLight bulbBall Pen21071Toilet paperVaseTowel OthersRemarks II. Make dialogue according to the situations (example ) Practical TrainingSituation 1: A guest Mr. White asks a floor attendant to buy something for him. ( G= Mr. Whi
50、te, FA= floor attendant )FA: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?G: Id like to tell you that some friends are coming to celebrate my birthday tonight. Would you please get a birthday cake and some fruit for me?FA: Yes, of course. What kind of fruit would you like, bananas, tangerines or grapes?
51、G: Some bananas and grapes, please.FA: How many of each?G: One kilogram of bananas and two kilograms of grapes.FA: Yes, sir. Anything else?G: HmFA: Would you like some flowers?G: Thats a good idea. Can you help me to get some?FA: Yes, I can. What kind of flowers would you like?G: A basket of tulips.
52、FA: Yes. A birthday cake, some fruit and flowers. Is that correct?G: Right. Now, here is the money for them. Is it enough?FA: I think its quite enough.G: Many thanks.FA: Its a pleasure. II. Make dialogue according to the situations (example )Situation 2:There is something wrong with the TV in the Mr
53、. Whites room. He asks a floor attendant for help. Practical Training ( FA= Floor attendant, W= Mr. White, E= Electrician)FA: Housekeeping. May I come in?W: Come in please.FA: Whats the matter, sir?W: Ah, Im afraid theres something wrong with the TV. The picture is wobbly.FA: ( Trying to fix it, but
54、 in vain.) Ill send for an electrician from the Maintenance Department. We can have it repaired. Please wait just a few minutes, Mr. White.(She leaves the room. Five minutes later, there is knock on the door.)FA: Housekeeping, May I come in?W: ( Opening the door)E: Good evening, Mr. White. ( The ele
55、ctrician enters the room, accompanied by the floor attendant.) The TV set is not working well, is it?W: No, it isnt.E: Let me check it. ( He finishes the repairing.) Mr. White, everything is OK now. Is there anything else I can do for you?B: No, thanks. What efficiency! ( Taking some money.) This is
56、 for you. III. Reading Comprehension:( answer ) Practical TrainingA Read the following Passages and decide whether the 5 statements are true of false.A Read the following Passages and answer the questions. ( T ) 1. A security plan is important to the hotel operation and management. ( F ) 2. A Bomb s
57、care is the greatest threat to any hotel. ( T ) 3. The careless disposal of cigarette-butts and smoking in bed may cause fire. ( F ) 4. Its unnecessary for all employees to participate in the hotels security effort. ( F ) 5. Always keep an eye on people who are young and polite.B look at the followi
58、ng pictures then fill in the blanks with the name of articles appeared in the text. 1. pastry 2. lily 3. Budweiser 4. hair dryer IV. Complete the following dialogue by filling in each blank with a proper expression. Practical Training ( G= Mr. White, FA= floor attendant )FA: Good afternoon, madam. ?
59、G: Yes. Id like to . Can you for me ?FA: Yes, of course, sir. What would you like me to buy ?G: Some fruit, a cake and some drink.FA: Anything else?G: Youd better bring me .FA: would you like ?G: Roses would be ok.FA: Well, I see. G: Heres . Will it be enough ?FA: I think its quite enough.celebrate
60、my birthdaydo some shoppinga basket of flowersWhat kind600 Yuan What can I do for you V. Put the following sentences into English orally. Practical Training1. 我会马上派人替您购买。2. 请拿一份中国日报给我。3. 卫生间的肥皂要添了。4. 拖鞋坏了,请给换一双。5. 先付50元,够吗?6. 我睡得有点冷,请给我加条毯子。7. 我已经买到您要的药,请每天服三次,餐后服用,每次两片。8. 非常感谢,但是我们不接受小费。 Introducin
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