1、 (北师大版) 三年级上册Unit3 lesson1 Pass the ball!教学设计(蕉城五小钟艳莺)一、基本信息课题Unit3 lesson1 Pass the ball!教材分析本课来自北师大版(三起)三年级上册第一课时。故事中Mocky, Ann, Ken,一起参加足球比赛,内容围绕着球类运动中的动作展开。由于小学生活泼好动,喜欢参加球类运动,因此比较贴近学生生活。有利于学生模仿、表达,有利于在学生刚刚开始学英语时就形成学英语、用英语的意识。学生分析本课的教学对象是三年级学生,他们具有好奇、好动、好胜、好表现,爱玩、爱唱、爱游戏、爱活动等特点,对直观的事物容易理解和接受。所以这节课
2、我适应他们的年龄特征以交互式电子白板为教学手段,采用游戏教学、小组比赛、角色扮演、全身反应法等,为学生创造习得语言的环境,尽量让每个孩子都能参与课堂活动,让他们通过体验和实践进行学习,从中感受到学英语的快乐,提高学英语的兴趣。教具白板课件, 单词卡片,图片,球,手机(拍照上传至电脑桌面)课型新授课二、教学目标知识与技能词汇:话题词汇:能够听说认读pass, catch, kick和throw.情景词汇:能够在语境中理解:Come on. Oh no!的含义。句型:能够在适当的情景中运用句型:Pass the ball! Catch the ball! Kick the ball! Throw
3、the ball!3、能在插图的帮助下理解并朗读本课故事。4、能够听懂有关传球,接球等简单球类运动的指令,并做出反应。过程与方法通过学习使学生能够掌握初步的阅读策略,并且逐步形成良好学习习惯,如:仔细倾听、大胆表达、积极参与、认真观察等。情感态度与价值观通过故事学习,培养学生了解体育运动、乐意参与体育活动的意识。培养学生在体育运动中集中注意力,注意安全的意识和习惯。教学重难点1、能够说出简单的动作指令或根据指令做动作;2、理解并正确朗读故事。三、教学过程ProceduresContents and MethodsPurposes = 1 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT I. War
4、ming up GreetingsT: Class begins.S1: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhong.T: Sit down, please.Ss: Thank you. Sing the ABC songT: Boys and girls, before our class, lets enjoy the ABC song. Introduce the game rulesT: Today we will have a competition, I have devided you
5、 into four groups, one, two, three, four. If you do well, you will go to the upper line, like this, understand?(黑板上将全班分四个小组比赛)T: Now please read the game rules.白板课件播放字母歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。 将全班分四个小组进行进球竞赛,贴近话题,新颖有趣,培养团队合作精神和竞争意识。 = 2 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT II. Leading-in1. Guess whats in the bagT: My children,
6、here I bring you a present, can you guess whats in it?Ss: Ball.T: Is it a ball? Lets check it. Wow, yes, its a ball.T: As we know, there are many kinds of balls around us, such as basketball, volleyball and so on.Guess the riddleT: Now please guess what kind of ball it is.Ss: 足球。T: Yes, football.(教授
7、单词football)通过猜物引出ball,接着显示各种各样的球为下面football的出现做好铺垫。白板课件猜谜语,擦除显现足导入足球,吸引孩子们的注意力,引入今天的话题。 = 3 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT III. New Lesson& Games1. Watch a video.T: So boys and girls, do you like playing football?Ss: Yes.T: Now lets watch a video and tell me what kind of actions you can see.Learn four action
8、sT: Tell me what actions, in English?S1: 踢球。S2: 投球。S3: 传球。S4: 接球。T: You observed very carefully. Do you know how to say them in English? Go with me.T: Read the phrase, pass the ball, pass.T: There is a ball in my hand, pass the ball one by one, group 1 please.(小组孩子们说单词并把球传给下一个同学)throw the ball, catc
9、h the ball, kick the ball也采用说单词做动作的方法。Read the phrases on the blackboard Play games:Quick response Read the phrases quickly the teacher points to. Guess the actions quickly the teacher do. 5. Read the textT: I know many of you like playing football, our friends like it too, who are they?(PPT呈现Ken, A
10、nn, Mocky图片)Ss:They are Ken, Ann, Mocky.T: Today Mocky will learn how to play football. Now please turn to page 26, read the story and think about the question: 故事中的Mocky 踢球出现了什么问题,Ken 为什么很着急?(将隐藏于右侧的思考标签拖拉出)6. Safety educationT: So who can answer my question, hands up.S1: Mocky 把球踢到了窗户边上,差点把窗户打破了。T
11、: Yes. 所以大家在体育活动中,一定要观察四周的环境,注意安全。(PPT播放温馨提示)7. Read the sentences in the textT: Next, lets look at these sentences. The first one, 我们一起踢足球吧。Read it, lets play football(边读边和孩子们一起做动作).句子Come on, Mocky. /Oh, no使用类似方法。8. Play the game: Hide and seek (捉迷藏)T: 刚才我们认识的这些句子宝宝们可淘气了,他们和大家捉迷藏呢,藏哪儿去了呢,哦,原来躲到了草丛
12、里,孩子们,你们能将他们找出来吗?9. Watch the video of the text, listen and repeat.10.Read the text together11.Act the storyT: Do you like the story?Ss: Yes.T: Do you like to act the story?Ss: Yes.T: Who wants to be Ken, Ann and Mocky? Hands up.白板课件播放足球赛视频导入足球的四个基本动作。白板课件逐一呈现动作短语pass the ball,throw the ball, catch
13、the ball, kick the ball,采用全身反应法,让孩子们在模仿,做动作中感受知识,体验知识,学会在活动中用语言表达交流。通过两个抢答游戏让孩子们在紧张激烈的比赛中巩固新知,培养小组荣誉感。强调认真观察图片和思考,并将专注的孩子通过手机希沃授课助手拍照上传至班班通桌面,给所有的孩子树立榜样。此部分借以Mocky的粗心行为加强对孩子们的安全教育,渗透情感目标。将课文中的陌生句子抽出,在动作中理解,跟读,个别读,并以捉迷藏游戏加以巩固、检测,突破难点,为下面的理解课文扫清障碍。播放课文动画视频,模仿纯正的英语口语表达。创设情境,让三个扮演主人公的孩子戴上面具表演故事,培养他们乐于参与
14、活动,敢于表现自我的好习惯,进而使其享受表演带来的愉悦感和成就感。 = 4 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT IV. ExerciseListen and repeatT: I like your performance very much. I believe you are good at listening. Lets go to “Listen and number”. You will listen twice. 听力播放两遍,在播放听力前教授孩子们听关键词的技巧以及在第二遍播放时学会检测自己的答案是否正确。. Sing the songT: Lets relax, enj
15、oy the song “We will rock you”. It is a very passionate and moving gospel song, you will like it.播放1994年美国世界杯的主题曲“We will rock you”,让孩子们在轻松愉悦的氛围中感受足球的激情和魅力。. Summary&HomeworkT: Boys and girls, today we have learnt four basic actions of playing football, what are they?Ss: Pass the ball, throw the ball, catch the ball and kick the ball.T: Good job! For todays homework, read the story af
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