1、Chapter 8:Project Human Resource Management精品资料网shu!1The Importance of Human Resource ManagementPeople determine the success and failure of organizations and projectsDespite the downturn in the economy in 2001, there is still a shortage of good IT workers ITAA calculated that there were over 844,000
2、 openings for IT jobs in 20001 in 14 American workers are involved in IT jobsAlthough women represent 47 percent of the work force, they make up only 29 percent of IT jobs精品资料网shu!2Long Hours and Stereotypes of IT Workers Hurt RecruitingMany people are struggling with how to increase the IT labor po
3、ol. Noted problems includeThe fact that many IT professionals work long hours and must constantly stay abreast of changes in the fieldUndesirable stereotypes that keep certain people away from the career field, like women The need to improve benefits, redefine work hours and incentives, and provide
4、better human resource management精品资料网shu!3What is Project Human Resource Management?Project human resource management includes the processes required to make the most effective use of the people involved with a project. Processes includeOrganizational planningStaff acquisitionTeam development精品资料网sh
5、u!4Keys to Managing PeoplePsychologists and management theorists have devoted much research and thought to the field of managing people at workImportant areas related to project management includemotivationinfluence and powereffectiveness精品资料网shu!5MotivationAbraham Maslow developed a hierarchy of ne
6、eds to illustrate his theory that peoples behaviors are guided by a sequence of needsMaslow argued that humans possess unique qualities that enable them to make independent choices, thus giving them control of their destiny精品资料网shu!6Figure 8-1. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs精品资料网shu!7Herzbergs Motivatio
7、nal and Hygiene FactorsFrederick Herzberg wrote several famous books and articles about worker motivation. He distinguished betweenmotivational factors: achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth, which produce job satisfactionhygiene factors: cause dissatisfa
8、ction if not present, but do not motivate workers to do more. Examples include larger salaries, more supervision, and a more attractive work environment精品资料网shu!8McGregors Theory X and YDouglas McGregor popularized the human relations approach to management in the 1960sTheory X: assumes workers disl
9、ike and avoid work, so managers must use coercion, threats and various control schemes to get workers to meet objectivesTheory Y: assumes individuals consider work as natural as play or rest and enjoy the satisfaction of esteem and self-actualization needsTheory Z: introduced in 1981 by William Ouch
10、i and is based on the Japanese approach to motivating workers, emphasizing trust, quality, collective decision making, and cultural values精品资料网shu!9Thamhain and Wilemons Ways to Have Influence on Projects1. Authority: the legitimate hierarchical right to issue orders2. Assignment: the project manage
11、rs perceived ability to influence a workers later work assignments3. Budget: the project managers perceived ability to authorize others use of discretionary funds4. Promotion: the ability to improve a workers position5. Money: the ability to increase a workers pay and benefits6. Penalty: the project
12、 managers ability to cause punishment7. Work challenge: the ability to assign work that capitalizes on a workers enjoyment of doing a particular task8. Expertise: the project managers perceived special knowledge that others deem important9. Friendship: the ability to establish friendly personal rela
13、tionships between the project manager and others精品资料网shu!10Ways to Influence that Help and Hurt ProjectsProjects are more likely to succeed when project managers influence withexpertisework challengeProjects are more likely to fail when project managers rely too heavily onauthoritymoneypenalty精品资料网s
14、hu!11PowerPower is the potential ability to influence behavior to get people to do things they would not otherwise doTypes of power includeCoerciveLegitimateExpertRewardReferent精品资料网shu!12Improving Effectiveness - Coveys 7 HabitsProject managers can apply Coveys 7 habits to improve effectiveness on
15、projectsBe proactiveBegin with the end in mindPut first things firstThink win/winSeek first to understand, then to be understoodSynergizeSharpen the saw精品资料网shu!13Empathic Listening and RapportGood project managers are empathic listeners; they listen with the intent to understandBefore you can commu
16、nicate with others, you have to have rapportMirroring is a technique to help establish rapportIT professionals often need to develop empathic listening and other people skills to improve relationships with users and other stakeholders精品资料网shu!14Improving Relationships Between Users and DevelopersSom
17、e organizations require business people, not IT people, to take the lead in determining and justifying investments in new computer systemsCIOs push their staff to recognize that the needs of the business must drive all technology decisionsSome companies reshape their IT units to look and perform lik
18、e consulting firms精品资料网shu!15Organizational PlanningOrganizational planning involves identifying, documenting, and assigning project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationshipsOutputs and processes includeproject organizational chartswork definition and assignment processresponsibility assi
19、gnment matrixesresource histograms精品资料网shu!16Figure 8-2. Sample Organizational Chart for a Large IT Project精品资料网shu!17Figure 8-3. Work Definition and Assignment Process精品资料网shu!18Figure 8-4. Sample Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)精品资料网shu!19Figure 8-5. RAM Showing Stakeholder Roles精品资料网shu!20F
20、igure 8-6. Sample Resource Histogram for a Large IT Project精品资料网shu!21Staff AcquisitionStaffing plans and good hiring procedures are important in staff acquisition, as are incentives for recruiting and retentionSome companies give their employees one dollar for every hour a new person they helped hi
21、re worksSome organizations allow people to work from home as an incentiveResearch shows that people leave their jobs because they dont make a difference, dont get proper recognition, arent learning anything new, dont like their coworkers, and want to earn more money精品资料网shu!22Resource Loading and Le
22、velingResource loading refers to the amount of individual resources an existing project schedule requires during specific time periodsResource histograms show resource loadingOver-allocation means more resources than are available are assigned to perform work at a given time精品资料网shu!23Figure 8-6. Sa
23、mple Resource Histogram for a Large IT Project精品资料网shu!24Figure 8-7. Sample Histogram Showing an Overallocated Individual精品资料网shu!25Resource LevelingResource leveling is a technique for resolving resource conflicts by delaying tasksThe main purpose of resource leveling is to create a smoother distri
24、bution of resource usage and reduce overallocation精品资料网shu!26Figure 8-8. Resource Leveling Example精品资料网shu!27Team DevelopmentIt takes teamwork to successfully complete most projectsTraining can help people understand themselves, each other, and how to work better in teamsTeam building activities inc
25、ludephysical challengespsychological preference indicator tools精品资料网shu!28Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)MBTI is a popular tool for determining personality preferences and helping teammates understand each other Four dimensions include:Extrovert/Introvert (E/I)Sensation/Intuition (S/N)Thinking/F
26、eeling (T/F)Judgment/Perception (J/P)NTs or rationals are attracted to technology fieldsIT people vary most from the general population in not being extroverted or sensing精品资料网shu!29Social Styles ProfilePeople are perceived as behaving primarily in one of four zones, based on their assertiveness and
27、 responsiveness:DriversExpressivesAnalyticalsAmiablesPeople on opposite corners (drivers and amiables, analyticals and expressives) may have difficulties getting along精品资料网shu!30Social Styles ProfilePeople are perceived as behaving primarily in one of four zones, based on their assertiveness and res
28、ponsiveness:DriversExpressivesAnalyticalsAmiablesPeople on opposite corners (drivers and amiables, analyticals and expressives) may have difficulties getting along精品资料网shu!31Reward and Recognition SystemsTeam-based reward and recognition systems can promote teamworkFocus on rewarding teams for achieving specific goalsAllow time for team members to mentor and help each other to meet project goals and develop human resources精品资料网shu!32General Advice on TeamsFocus on meeting project object
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