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1、 芬兰自费留学申请书通用 如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击“申请书专题”察看更多 芬兰自费留学申请书范文 Dear _, When asked why I like Mathematics, I realised that it is all down to my personality. Being a composed, explicit person, I enjoy the challenge of questions with unequivocal answers. My characters orderly side draws me enthusiastically toward

2、s neat solutions, my creativity gives rise to my acceptance of new ideas and my positive mind results in my wish to succeed. All questions have definite answers; we just need to construct ways of reaching them. Mathematics at AS Level opened my mind to several new areas of algebra, sequences and ser

3、ies, and functions. I keenly welcomed the new techniques and enjoyed all aspects of the course. Some of my favourite areas, however, were trigonometry and calculus; it was fascinating to see how trigonometric functions come together in a few simple identities! Being new to the methods of differentia

4、tion and integration, I spent extra time going over examples, which soon became clear in my mind. I look forward to investigating these topics further in the A2 modules. In addition to retaining a strong interest in Mathematics, my fascination for computers has grown. Nevertheless, I was unsure of w

5、hether or not I wanted to pursue a joint honours course of Mathematics with Computer Science, or a single degree course of Mathematics. My decision to apply for the joint course was confirmed after I attended a number of Computer Science Summer School courses in London. Joining Dubai College has giv

6、en me the chance to explore new horizons. Responsibilities, such as being a prefect and Year 7 liaison, have made me realise our importance in the school as sixth formers. I am currently in the process of completing my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, for which I successfully finished an 80km expeditio

7、n through the mountains of Mauritius. I will never forget the feelings of pure enjoyment and adventure; it was truly a challenging experience! Although A Levels take up a great deal of time, I manage to maintain personal fitness by horse riding daily. I routinely enter dressage and show jumping comp

8、etitions throughout the U.A.E., where I frequently achieve a medal place. Riding horses brings on a sense of freedom and allows me socialise out of school. I have also obtained an understanding of what it is like to work amongst a large group of people through working in various companies around Dub

9、ai. These included Barclays Bank, Prolab Digital and Palms Nursery. I particularly benefited from my experience at Barclays, as it introduced me to many fields, such as trading, accountancy and exchange, and taught me to appreciate the evident need for teamwork. Although I am still unsure of the pat

10、h I will take after graduating, I know that having a MathematicsComputing degree will give me many transferable skills. I am currently investigating a number of regions that appeal to me, which include actuarial science and further postgraduate study. For now, I intend to approach the future positiv

11、ely and have many exciting thoughts. I hope to encounter new opportunities, make new friends and rise to the challenge of university! Yours sincerely, 芬兰留学一年的费用介绍 1、芬兰留学学费:芬兰大部分的学校是免收学费的,个别学校的个别专业针对非欧盟学生收取一定的学费。 2、芬生的研究生课程基本是学制2年,目前免学费,生活费每年7-10万元人民币。 3、芬兰博士属工作性质,有工资,部分可以拿工作签证和芬兰社会保险卡(kela卡)。博士生和硕士生

12、还可以申请奖学金,简略1万欧元年。 4、芬兰留学住宿费:学生公寓117480月租,囊括电费;民间公寓252756月租,不囊括电费;民间插住200420月租,囊括电费。 5、芬兰留学交通费:交通票(Helsinki)2区段时间票,1小时;公共汽车(Oulu)2.18区段时间票,1小时; 6、在芬兰生活每月约需350450欧元,其中房租100200欧元,交通费30欧元,食品费100150欧元,其他060欧元。在芬兰大学就读的学生都可以申请学生公寓,价格在200至300欧元,独力的卧室,2人或3人公用的厨房、厕所、浴室。 7、签证时所需保证金6000欧元为一年的生活费用,一年后续签需要再次提交600

13、0欧元的银行存款证明。芬兰博士属工作性质,有工资,部分可以拿工作签证和芬兰社会保险卡(kela卡)。博士生和硕士生还可以申请奖学金,简略1万欧元年。 芬兰留学省钱小技巧一览 一、学校资源 1.教材 学生学习的教材,是可以直接去去图书馆借阅的,因为每年都会有毕业的学生,捐赠自己的书籍,这里面就会有不少大家上专业课需要用到的书籍,以及其他的参考书,可以免费使用,不过数量有限。 2.宿舍 同样还会提供便宜的住宿,留学生还会有优先申请的权利,大家在确认了学校的录取以后,就可以提交申请,这样基本上能够确认下自己入住的资格,每个月只需要及时按缴费,就能够享受舒适的住宿环境。 3.食堂 学校还会安置自己的食

14、堂,大家可以直接在饭点的时候去吃,会有比较便宜的自助可以选择,并且安全有保障,一段饭只需要20-30元,有补贴大家要花的钱会少很多,不过只有西餐可以选择。 4.学生会 学校的学生组织学生会,是为学生提供便利服务的组织,经常会举办一些福利性质的活动,帮助大家熟悉学校和生活的同时,还会准备一些日用品进行免费发放,大家可以直接领取,减少日常开销。 二、社会资源 1.交通卡 在学校内经受全日制的专业授课的学生,可以凭相关证明办理学生专享的交通卡,折扣会比普通的卡更大,大家平时出行基本上就可以刷卡了,短途频率比较高,可以省下不小的钱,长途就需要另外做预算。 2.学生证 大家平时出门还要记得带上学生证,这

15、部分主要是大家消费的时候,可以直接出示证明享受折扣,例如逛博物馆、住宿等,都是可以直接打折的的,并且不需要承担额外的义务,一定要这项隐藏的福利。 3.医疗保险 此外还需要记得在抵达以后,就尽快的确认下自己要够没的保险项目,其中医保是最基础的,生效以后大家在芬兰看病基本上就不需要花钱了,大部分都可以直接报销。 芬兰留学衣食住行分享 一、学生住宿 一般国内的学生,在新生身份时期,会更倾向于选择学校提供的宿舍,因为住宿需要在出国前明确,而宿舍的预约可以直接在线上进行,安全并且可靠,抵达以后办理入住也很方便。 但是宿舍其实是很不方便的,尤其是大家还需要和不同国籍的人住在一起,会面临文化差异带来的各种生活摩擦,所以大部分的学生在宿舍预定到期以后,会选择搬出去自己租房。 二、学生吃饭 食堂可以提供专属折扣,凭学生证可以享受很高得优惠,政府会为食堂进行补贴,这一点和国内差不多,并且可选择的类型也是比较齐全的,不过遗憾的是没有中餐,如果想吃的话只能出去吃或者自己做。 不过食堂开放的时间并不是全天,一般是中午到下午,集中在11:00-18:00之间,只有部分学校会在周末开放,一顿饭的均价在2-3欧之间,划算并且方便,不要轻易下馆子,会很贵。 三、学生出行 公交、地铁、电车都属于月票可使用的范畴,大家直接办一张通用的月票,会更加方便一些,城市的差异会带来定价的不同,一般一个月需要30-3


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