1、本文档相关内容参见 视频 6 Chapter 6 Sense RelationDefinition: A lexeme which is relatedto other lexemes is related to them in sense, hense sense relation.外国语学院 张维友 如何进行课程评价机及考核 一、常用的评价方式 二、本课程拟采取的评价模式 三、考核常用题型 四、考核应该注意的问题一、常用的评价方式1. 评价方式分类评价对象层次和内容:宏观评价和微观评价;内容的复合程度:单项评价和综合评价;评价的功能和用途:诊断性评价、形成性评价和终结性评价;评价主体:他人
2、评价和自我评价;评价方法:定性评价和定量评价。 一、常用的评价方式2.诊断性、形成性、终结性评价 诊断性评价(diagnostic)是了解 学生开展学习活动前的知识结构和 掌握程度所作的评价。 一、常用的评价方式 形成性评价(formative)是指在活动运行的过程中,为使活动效果更好而修正其本身轨道所进行的评价。形成性评价的主要目的是为了明确活动运行中存在的问题和改进的方向,及时修改或调整活动计划,以期获得更加理想的效果。形式包括:课堂学习活动评比、家庭作业评定、课外活动参与点评、学习效果自评、学习档案、平时测验等。 一、常用的评价方式 终结性评价(summative)是对某种外部原因结果的
3、评价,或者用于判别每个特殊的学习者是否获得某些能力,是否可以继续进行某种课程。终结性评价一般是在某一种学习经历结束之后进行,为了分等、鉴定而进行的评价。主要形式包括:期中、期末考试、项目报告、小论文、演示等。一、常用的评价方式形成性评价与终结性评价的区别:根本区别不在于评价形式的不同,而在于他们的评价目的、功能不同。二、课程拟采取的评价模式1. 小组计划 (10%)2. 课前测 (20%)3. 小组报告(PPT展示) (20%)4. 期中考核 (25%)5. 期末考核(25%)上述比例可以调整,根据个要素在这个课程中的分量,可以加大。改变了传统的平时成绩40%,期终60%的做法。二、本课程拟采
4、取的评价模式 1. 小组计划 合作学习的开始,把它纳入考核能引起学生的重视,不至于敷衍了事。 2. 课前测(14-16次/学期) 课前测是为了促使学生事先自学,同时向学生提示本讲中的主要知识点。并且全批全改,对学生有一定的激励作用。同时可以起到出勤考核的作用。二、本课程拟采取的评价模式3. 小组报告 该课程的一大特色,学生参与讲解课文,是研究型教学的一个手段,学生要讲好课,必须做好充分准备。为了引起同伴的兴趣,充分展示了各自聪明才智,广泛阅读,添补新内容,挑选新例子,改进PPT制作技术,互相竞赛。每次演示完后,教师给予评价,并给予评分。二、本课程拟采取的评价模式4. 期中考核 期中考核是检查半
5、学期学的的内容及效果,所以所占比例是整学期的四分之一。5. 期末考核 期末考核是检测期中考核后所学内容,检查期中后所学内容。 二、本课程拟采取的评价模式考试课采取开卷和闭卷。开卷和闭卷的出别不再考试内容,而在考核的方式。闭卷考试主要是考记忆,句子和例子可以从教材中原原本本搬来,设计题目比较容易。但是往往带来的反拨作用是学生会下功夫死记硬背。开卷考试题目较活,主要目的不是考学生记住了多少概念,更主要的是能否使用这些概念分析语言现象和解决实际问题问题。三、考核常用题型 I.多项选择题Each of the statements below is followed by four alternati
6、ve answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets. ( ) 1. Grammatical meaning does not include _. A. part of speech B. plural forms of nouns C. tenses D. appropriateness三、考核常用题型II.正误判断题Decide whether the following statements are true or false and wr
7、ite T or F in the Brackets.( ) 1. Borrowing has brought most synonyms to the English language.( ) 3. The connection between sound and meaning is conventional and arbitrary.III.配伍题Match the words in the left column with the words in the right column. narrowingpicture extension marshal elevationmeatgi
8、rl三、考核常用题型IV. 分析辨认题Analyze the structure of the following words and say how they are formed, and put your answers in the brackets.airline ( ) changeable ( )postwar ( ) NATO ( ) 三、考核常用题型V.填空题Decide whether the words in italics are used in the subjective or objective sense and put your answers in the
9、corresponding brackets.1.The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman in the neighborhood. ( )Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions according to the text or what you know. 1.Content words are changing all the time whereas functional words are _1_. _2_ words enjoy a _3_ frequenc
10、y in use than content words. 三、考核常用题型VI.简答题Comment on the words in italics in the following sentences by pointing out their specific associative meaning (connotative, stylistic, affective,etc). 1. dragon (both in English culture and Chinese culture) VII.综合应用题How would you distinguish synonyms? Illus
11、trate your points with your own examples.四、考核应该注意的问题1. 词汇学考试不是考词汇案例 在本科评估中,看到一份考卷,8道题基本上是考学生词汇量的,如列出英语词,让学生给出汉语意思;填空题也是让学生选择下划线词的正确意思。这样做是不当的。考试一定要抓住词汇学的知识点,设计题目。2. 开卷考试不宜做名词解释 因为概念或定义都是书上有的,学生很容易不懂脑 子原原本本抄。四、考核应该注意的问题3. 题目能让学生利用所学知识分析和解决问题 案例 考核缀合法1.Change the following into nouns:adaptallowadmirab
12、leperceivefamiliarloyal2.Change the following into adverbs:heroeconomicsgeographyactsynonymymorph 四、考核应该注意的问题案例 考核复合法Change the following into a word, paying attention to part of speech: 10%1. break record (adj) ( )2. fight with fists (adj)()3. walk in ones sleep (n) ()4. a worm which glows (n) ()四、
13、考核应该注意的问题案例 考核转类法Find or create five sentences either in English or in Chinese to show five examples of conversion (No point will be given if the examples are taken from the course-book.) 10%Example: We would not stomach such insult. (n v)四、考核应该注意的问题案例 词义与语境Study the following sentences and explain
14、the contextual clues which help you guess the meaning of the italicized words, using such terms as definition, example, explanation, synonym, antonym, superordinate, subordinate, relevant details and word structure, and put your answers in the brackets. (1)Refugees crossed the border to escape the c
15、arnage in their homeland. Many of them still remembered the horrible slaughter not long ago. ( )(2)I like fruit, but not avocado, which is too soft. ( )(3) Most dentists offices are drab places, but Emilios new office is bright, cheerful. ( )四、考核应该注意的问题4. 题目不宜过于复杂案例Match the words in Column A with t
16、hose in Column B according to types of morpheme language family modes of vocabulary development classification of words and sources of borrowing. 四、考核应该注意的问题 A B1. manA. inflectional morpheme2. SpanishB. bound root3. -edC. stem 4. sit-inD. derivational morpheme5. penicillinE. free morpheme6. porkF.
17、terminology7. PrussianG. creation8. -dict-H. denizen9. pre-I. Balto-Slavic10. national in internationalJ. Italic四、考核应该注意的问题Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to classification of words modes of vocabulary development types of motivation sense relations and rhetorical featur
18、es. 四、考核应该注意的问题 21. bleat ( )A. creation22. Failure is the mother of success( )B. semantic motivation23. buster (=bomb)( )C. dialectal words24. change/alter/vary( )D. onomatopoeic motivation25. fish/plaice( )E. personification26. hame (=home)( )F. juxtaposition27. baby-sitter( )G. jargon28. sick (=ill)( )H. relative synonyms29. move heaven and earth( )I. hyponymy30. the foot of the mountain( )J. revival of archaic or obsolete words四、考核应该注意的问题 Analys
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