1、第17章 数据展现数据展现的方式有两类: 列表方式; 图形方式。 本章内容包括: 利用PRINT过程打印列表展现详细数据集; 利用TABULATE过程制作汇总报表展现数据; 利用GPLOT过程作图展现数据集; 利用GCHART过程输出高精度图表。 打印列表过程 利用PRINT过程打印列表展现详细数据集。 PRINT过程是展现数据集内容的最简单过程。打印列表过程句法PROC PRINT ; BY variable-1 . variable-n ; PAGEBY BY-variable; SUMBY BY-variable; ID variable(s); SUM variable(s); VAR
2、 variable(s); 语句说明: PROC PRINT语句 PROC PRINT ;option(s)选项说明:DATA=规定要打印列表的数据集NOOBS不输出观测数据的序号OBS=为标识观测序号的变量规定标题ROWS=规定一页打印的行数WIDTH=规定一页的列宽LABEL输出时用变量标签作为列标题例17.1 选项说明举例。DATA=选项:proc print data=ResDat.class;proc print ;run; Obs Name Sex Age Height Weight 1 Alice F 13 56.5 84.0 2 Barbara F 13 65.3 98.0 3
3、 Carol F 14 62.8 102.5 4 Jane F 12 59.8 84.5 5 Janet F 15 62.5 112.5 6 Joyce F 11 51.3 50.5 7 Judy F 14 64.3 90.0 8 Louise F 12 56.3 77.0 9 Mary F 15 66.5 112.0 10 Alfred M 14 69.0 112.5 OUTPUT窗口结果NOOBS选项:proc print data=ResDat.class noobs;run;proc print data=ResDat.class split=#;var height;label he
4、ight=This is a Label # for height;run; This is a Label Obs for height 1 56.5 2 65.3 3 62.8 4 59.8 5 62.5 6 51.3 7 64.3 8 56.3 proc print data=ResDat.class (obs=3) noobs;var height weight;title2 身高体重;id name;run; 身高体重 Name Height Weight Alice 56.5 84.0 Barbara 65.3 98.0 Carol 62.8 102.5应用举例 例17.2 选择打
5、印输出变量。options nodate pageno=1 linesize=70 pagesize=60;proc print data=ResDat.exprev double;var month state expenses;title Monthly Expenses for Offices in Each State;run;例17.3 定制标题内容。options nodate pageno=1 linesize=70 pagesize=60;proc print data=ResDat.exprev split=* n obs=Observation*Number*=;var m
6、onth state expenses;label month=Month*= state=State*= expenses=Expenses*=; format expenses comma10.;title Monthly Expenses for Offices in Each State;run;例17.4 分组创建输出报告。options pagesize=60 pageno=1 nodate linesize=70;proc sort data=ResDat.exprev;by region state month;run;proc print data=ResDat.exprev
7、 n=Number of observations for the state: noobs label;var month expenses revenues;by region state;pageby region;label region=Sales Region;format revenues expenses comma10.;title Sales Figures Grouped by Region and State;run;例17.5 对BY组中的数值变量求和。options nodate pageno=1 linesize=70 pagesize=60 nobyline;p
8、roc sort data=ResDat.exprev;by region;run;proc print data=ResDat.exprev noobs n=Number of observations for the state: ;sum expenses revenues;by region;format revenues expenses comma10.;title Revenue and Expense Totals for the #byval(region) Region;run;options byline;例17.9 用BY组和ID变量定制输出。options nodat
9、e pageno=1 linesize=64 pagesize=60;proc sort data=ResDat.empdata out=tempemp;by jobcode gender;run;proc print data=tempemp split=*;id jobcode;by jobcode;var gender salary;sum salary;label jobcode=Job Code*= gender=Gender*= salary=Annual Salary*=;format salary dollar11.2;where jobcode contains FA or
10、jobcode contains ME;title Expenses Incurred for;title2 Salaries for Flight Attendants and Mechanics;run;制表过程 利用TABULATE过程可以制作汇总报表展现数据。 制表过程既有频数统计和常用描述统计的计算功能,又有很强的用表格展现数据的功能。制表过程句法 PROC TABULATE ; BY variable-1 . variable-n ; CLASS variable(s) ; CLASSLEV variable(s) / style =style-element-name | ; F
11、REQ variable; KEYLABEL keyword-1=description-1 ; KEYWORD keyword(s) / style =style-element-name | ; TABLE row-expression, column-expression ; VAR analysis-variable(s); WEIGHT variable;语句说明: TABLE语句 TABLE row-expression, column-expression ; 和PRINT过程不同,TABULATE过程没有一个缺省的报表格式,所有由TABULATE过程输出报表时,必须先对报表的进
12、行布局设计。报表布局设计要用到TABLE语句。 TABLE语句的选项非常复杂,使用时可查看SAS系统的帮助。这里我们通过例子来说明一些选项的使用方法 。应用举例例17.11创建二维报表。proc format;value regfmt 1=Northeast 2=South 3=Midwest 4=West;value divfmt 1=New England 2=Middle Atlantic 3=Mountain 4=Pacific;value usetype 1=Residential Customers 2=Business Customers;run;options nodate p
13、ageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60;proc tabulate data=ResDat.energy format=dollar12.;class region division type;var expenditures;table region*division, type*expenditures / rts=25;format region regfmt. division divfmt. type usetype.;title Energy Expenditures for Each Region;title2 (millions of dollars);
14、run;例17.12 规定CLASS变量组合出现在报表中。options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60;proc tabulate data=ResDat.energy format=dollar12. classdata=ResDat.classes exclusive;class region division type;var expenditures;table region*division, type*expenditures / rts=25;format region regfmt. division divfmt. type
15、usetype.;title Energy Expenditures for Each Region;title2 (millions of dollars);run; 例17.14 定制行列标题。options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60;proc tabulate data=ResDat.energy format=dollar12.;class region division type;var expenditures;table region*division, type=Customer Base*expenditures= *su
16、m= / rts=25;format region regfmt. division divfmt. type usetype.;title Energy Expenditures for Each Region;title2 (millions of dollars);run;例17.18 创建多页报表。options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60;proc tabulate data=ResDat.energy format=dollar12.;class region division type;var expenditures;tabl
17、e region=Region: all=All Regions, division all=All Divisions, type=Customer Base*expenditures= *sum= / rts=25 box=_page_ condense indent=1;format region regfmt. division divfmt. type usetype.;title Energy Expenditures for Each Region and All Regions;title2 (millions of dollars);run;例17.21 计算百分比统计量。o
18、ptions nodate pageno=1 linesize=105 pagesize=60; proc format;picture pctfmt low-high=009 %;run;title Fundraiser Sales;proc tabulate data=ResDat. Fundrais format=7.;class team classrm;var sales;table (team all)*sales= , classrm=Classroom*(sum colpctsum*f=pctfmt9. rowpctsum*f=pctfmt9. reppctsum*f=pctf
19、mt9.) all /rts=20 row=float;run;例17.23 输出ods html body=x:ResDathtml.htm;proc tabulate data=ResDat.energy style=font_weight=bold;class region division type / style=just=center;classlev region division type / style=just=left;var expenditures / style=font_size=3;keyword all sum / style=font_width=wide;
20、keylabel all=Total;table (region all)*(division all*style=background=yellow), (type all)*(expenditures*f=dollar10.) / style=background=red misstext=label=Missing style=font_weight=light box=label=Region by Division by Type style=font_style=italic;format region regfmt. division divfmt. type usetype.;
21、title Energy Expenditures;title2 (millions of dollars);run;ods html close;run;作图过程 图形是展现数据的重要方法,图形的形象直观是数据报表无法替代的。SAS/GRAPH软件具有强大的作图功能。SAS/GRAPH软件可以展现图形有: 散点图及连线图(PLOTS); 图表(CHARTS); 地图(MAPS); 三维图(3D GRAPHICS); 幻灯片(TEXT SLIDES)等。本章介绍制作图形的两个基本过程:作图过程(GPLOT过程)和图表过程(GCHART过程)。作图过程GPLOT输出高精度散点图及连线图。作图过程
22、句法 PROC GPLOT GOUT=output-catalog ; BUBBLE plot-request(s) ; BUBBLE2 plot-request(s) ; PLOT plot-request(s) ; PLOT2 plot-request(s) ; PLOT语句 PLOT语句规定横轴变量 (行在前面)和竖轴变量 (列在后面)。 选项说明: SYMBOL语句 SYMBOL语句规定图中线和符号的特征。选项说明:AXIS语句 AXIS语句规定图形的轴的表现形式。选项说明: 应用举例 例17.24 创建简单泡沫(Bubble)图。goptions reset=global gunit
23、=pct border cback=white colors=(black blue green red) ftitle=swissb ftext=swiss htitle=6 htext=4;title1 Member Profile;title2 Salaries and Number of Member Engineers;footnote h=3 j=r GR21N01 ;axis1 offset=(5,5);proc gplot data=ResD;format dollars dollar9.;bubble dollars*eng=num / haxis=axis1;
24、run;quit;例17.25 规定泡沫的大小和标签。goptions reset=global gunit=pct border cback=white colors=(black blue green red) ftitle=swissb ftext=swiss htitle=6 htext=4;title1 Member Profile;title2 h=4 Salaries and Number of Member Engineers;footnote1 h=3 j=r GR21N02 ;axis1 label=noneoffset=(5,5)width=3value=(height=
25、4);axis2 order=(0 to 40000 by 10000) label=none major=(height=1.5) minor=(height=1) width=3 value=(height=4);/*接上页*/ proc gplot data=ResD; format dollars dollar9. num comma7.0; bubble dollars*eng=num / haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 vminor=1 bcolor=red blabel bfont=swissi bsize=12 caxis=blue;run;qui
26、t;例17.26 右侧加一垂直轴。goptions reset=global gunit=pct border cback=white colors=(black blue green red) ftitle=swissb ftext=swiss htitle=6 htext=3;data ResD2; set ResD; yen=dollars*125;run;title1 Member Profile;title2 h=4 Salaries and Number of Member Engineers;footnote j=r GR21N03 ;axis1 of
27、fset=(5,5) label=none width=3 value=(h=4);/*接上页*/proc gplot data=ResD2;format dollars dollar7. num yen comma9.0;bubble dollars*eng=num / haxis=axis1 vaxis=10000 to 40000 by 10000 hminor=0 vminor=1 blabel bfont=swissi bcolor=red bsize=12 caxis=blue;bubble2 yen*eng=num / vaxis=1250000 to 500000
28、0 by 1250000 vminor=1 bcolor=red bsize=12 caxis=blue;run;quit; 例17.28 叠加图形。goptions reset=global gunit=pct border cback=white colors=(black blue green red) ftitle=swissb ftext=swiss htitle=6 htext=4; title1 Dow Jones Yearly Highs and Lows;footnote1 h=3 j=l Source: 1997 World Almanac j=r GR21N06 ;sym
29、bol1 color=red interpol=join value=dot height=3;symbol2 font=marker value=C color=blue interpol=join height=2;/*接上页*/axis1 order=(1955 to 1995 by 5) offset=(2,2) label=none major=(height=2) minor=(height=1) width=3;axis2 order=(0 to 6000 by 1000) offset=(0,0) label=none major=(height=2) minor=(heigh
30、t=1) width=3;legend1 label=none shape=symbol(4,2) position=(top center inside) mode=share;proc gplot data=ResDat.djia;plot high*year low*year / overlay legend=legend1 vref=1000 to 5000 by 1000 lvref=2 haxis=axis1 hminor=4 vaxis=axis2 vminor=1;run;quit; 图表过程 图表过程GCHART输出高精度图表。使用GCHART过程可以制作二维或三维的柱状图和
31、饼图。 图表过程句法PROC GCHART GOUT=output-catalog BLOCK chart-variable(s) HBAR | HBAR3D | VBAR | VBAR3Dchart-variable(s) PIE | PIE3D | DONUT chart-variable(s) STAR chart-variable(s) 过程GCHART表现的是数据的汇总信息,即在某种分类下分析变量的某些统计量。 GCHART过程的图形类别及相关统计量数值的表示方法 分类变量及类别 分类变量(chart-variable)也称为作图变量,GCHART过程根据它的值将数据分成若干类,然后
32、分别对柱或角来表示分析变量在某一类中的汇总结果。 分类变量确定类别的方法GCHART过程还提供不同的选项允许按不同的要求进行分类。GCHART过程不提供分析变量时,作图时使用的缺省统计量是频数,指明分析变量时使用的缺省统计量是总和。为了控制柱(饼的角)的排列顺序和用数值变量分类时类的个数。可以使用GCHART过程与分类变量有关的选项。与分类变量有关的选项说明: 例17.33 分类变量选项举例。vbar sales / levels=10;vbar sales / 1000 to10000 by 1000;vbar year / discrete;hbar city / mindpoint=BJ
33、 SH GZ;hbar city / ascending;选择分析变量和统计量 没有选择分析变量时,缺省使用每个类的观测频数为输出统计量。选择分析变量和统计量的选项有: SUMVAR=规定分析变量; TYPE=FREQ|CFREQ|PERCENT|CPERCENT|MEAN|SUM分别设定统计量为频数、累积频数、百分比、累积百分比、均值或总和。没有规定分析变量时,缺省统计量为FREQ,规定分析变量时,缺省统计量为SUM。使用统计量MEAN和SUM时必须规定分析变量。 例17.34 规定分析变量和统计量。hbar city / sumvar=sales type=mean;应用举例 例17.35
34、 总和统计量柱形图。goptions reset=global gunit=pct border cback=white ctext=black colors=(blue green red) ftext=swiss ftitle=swissb htitle=6 htext=3.5;title Total Sales;footnote j=r GR13N01;proc gchart data=ResDat.totals;format sales dollar8.;block site / sumvar=sales;run;quit;例17.36 分组柱形图。goptions reset=glo
35、bal gunit=pct border cback=white colors=(blue green red) ctext=blackftitle=swissb ftext=swiss htitle=4 htext=3;title Average Sales by Department;footnote j=r GR13N02 ;legend1 cborder=black label=(Quarter:) position=(middle left outside) mode=protect across=1; /*接上页*/proc gchart data=ResDat.totals;format quarter roman.;format sales dollar8.;label site=00 x dept=00 x;block site / sumvar=sales type=mean midp
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