1、第 PAGE4 页 共 NUMPAGES4 页英语演讲:学习说英文是一项艺术 - 英语演讲 - Ladies and gentlemen:I thank you for being here.Im going to get straight to the point.All traditional learning methods are futile.Most college graduates still cant speak fluent English.This proves English students arent learning.Some people seem to spe
2、ak English well.Chinese think these people speak great Englishbecause they dont know the difference.American think these people speak great English becausethey are non-nativeEnglish speakers anyway.Dont think you can learn English by hanging around Americans.Dont think you can master English by goin
3、g abroad.Why?Because what you learn is vague and limitied.You pick up a little here today.You pick up a little there tomorrow.English is like an ocean.There is no limit to what you can learn.You cannot learn aimlessly.You should learn to speak first.Make speaking English your number one priority.Onc
4、e you start to speak,the rest will be easy.Learning to speak English is not a big deal.Its not that difficult.Its no more than a speaking technique.Its just like children learning to speak.They momic their mothers voices.When theyre alone,they speak to themselves.We started off the wrong way right f
5、rom the beginning.We dont need to learn grammar.We dont need to analyze sentences.Children dont need to learn how to write.They dont need to learn K.K. phoics.They dont even need to leran the ABCsbefore they can speak English.All you have to do is listen to the CD and follow it.Learn through intense
6、 repetition.Speak to yourself from dawn to dust.With this method,youll enjoy speaking English.Youll discover its lots of fun.It will bee your passion.Youll enjoy interacting.Youll look forward to meeting people.Breaking the ice will be a piece of cake.Youll feel English is an art.Youll speak like an artist.Your words will be like paint on canvas.One Breath English is the best way.Its a great shortcut.The results speak for themselves.You have to try.You owe it to yourself.It will be the best decision you
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