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1、第一周 Fri. - Sun. 词汇练习题第一组复习 Lesson 11. You should have been more patient t customer; Im suret selling him thewatch was aA) ofsibility. CET-4:98.1B) withC) forD) at2. Generous public funding of basic science would considerable benefits for thecountrys health, wealnd security. CET-4:99.1A) lead to3. On

2、ly under speB) result fromC)inD) settle downl circumstan to take make-up tests. CET-4:97.6B) freshmen are permittedD) are permitted freshmenA) are freshmen permittedC) permitted are freshmen4. Time , the ceration will be held as scheduled. TEM-4:03A) permitB) permittingC) permittedD) permits5. The p

3、rofessor could hardly find sufficient grounds his arguments in favour of thenew theory. CET-4:00.6A) to be based onB) to base onC) which to base onD) on which to base6. Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and and all previouslyneglected matters were taken care of. CET-4:05

4、.6A) convictionB) contestC) consentD) content7. Young people are not to stand and look at works of art; they want art they canparticipate in. CET-4:00.6A) conservativeB) contentC) confidentD) generous8. In the Mediterranean seagreat . CET-4:05.6d is so abundant and so easily harvestedt it is never o

5、fA) fareB) paymentC) worthD) expense9. Urban crowdedness would be grey reved if only the charged on publictransport were more reasonable. CET-4:03.1A) fees10. The old pA) cut downB) faresC) paymentsD) costscentre. CET-4:06.1D) held downr mill has been to make way for a new shopB) kept downC) torn do

6、wn11. I didnt to take a taxi but I had to as I was late. CET-4:01.1A) meanB) ameC) hopeD) supe112. I dont mind the decias long as it is not too late. CET-4:00.1B) your delaying makingD) you delay to makeA) you tay makingC) your delaying to make13. Excuse me. If your calls not too urgent, do you mind

7、 mine? CET-4:98.6t I makeA) I makeB) if I makeC) me to makeD)14. This box is too heavy, give me a hand? CET-4:98.1A) would you mindC) will you like to15. To prevent flooding in w computer. CET-6:99.6B) would you pleaseD) will you please toer the water flowing from the dam is constantly by aA) graded

8、B) managedC) conductedD) monitoredthe primitive scenes of country16. Though in a big city, Peter always prefers to palife. CET-4:03.1A) grownB) raisedC) tendedD) cultivated17. The situation describedhe report terrible, but it may noppen. CET-4:05.6A) inclinesB) maainsC) soundsD) remainsformed, new o

9、ffi18. As the old empires were broken up and new ses werebegan to at an increasing rate. CET-4:04.1l tonguesA) bring upB) build upC) spring upD) strike up与译文1. B当时你要是对那位顾客更耐心些,我相信他可能会买这块手表。2. A充足的基础科学基金将为人民的健康、和安全带来相当大的益处。A只有在特殊情况下,才允许一年级学生补考。B如果时间上来得及,庆祝会将如期举行。D教授几乎找不到足够的理由作为其论据的基础以支持这种新理论。D由于他的出色管

10、理,人们安居乐业,百废俱兴。7. B年轻人们不满足于站在那里那些艺术品,他们需要自己能参与其中的艺术。8. C在地中海,海藻是如此之多且很容易获取以致它的价值从来都不高。9. B如果公共交通的更合理,城市拥挤问题可以大大地得到缓解。10. C旧造纸厂已经被拆迁掉,给一个新的购物中心让出地方。A我本不想坐出租车,但又不得不坐,因为我B只要不太迟,我不介意你延期做出决定。了。13. B对不起,如果你要打的不是很紧急的话,可否让我先打?2B这只箱子太重了,你可以帮我一下吗?D为了防止冬季洪水泛滥,大坝的水流量总是由电脑进行控制的。16. B尽管在大城大,还是喜欢画乡村生活的淳朴景象。17. C中描述

11、的情形听起来可怕,但它也许不会发生。18. C随着古老的和新国家的形成,新的语言开始以越来越快的速度出现。第二组复习 Lesson 21. The energy by the chain reaction is transformedo heat. CET-4:02.6D) conveyedA) transferredDuring the TV soon. TEM-4:09releaseB) releasedC) deliverederview, the singer announcedt he was going to his new albumB) renewC) reveD) rehea

12、rse3. The scheme was when it was discovered it would be very costly. TEM-4:98A) resignedB) surrenderedC) releasedD) abandoned4. Our journey was slow because the train stopped at different villages. CET-4:99.1A) unceasinglyAs the director TEM-4:00on his accountB) graduallyC) continuouslyD) continuall

13、ycant come to the reception, Im representing the company .B) on his behalfC) for his partsinging in a local popD) in hiserest6. Though she began her byHollywood movie star. CET-4:05.1group, she is now a famousA) employmentB) careerC) occupationD) profes7. In a sudden oer, the man tore up everything

14、within reach. CET-4:00.1A) attackB) burstC) splitD) blast8. his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others. CET-4:99.6A) DislikeB) UnlikeC) AlikeD) Liking9. The Prime Minister was followedCET-6:02.1by five or six when he got off the plane.A) laymenB) servantsC) directorsD) at

15、tendants10. enough time and money, the researchers would have been able to discover more inthis field. TEM-4:98A) GivingB) To giveC) GivenD) Being given11. There are few electronic applications to raise fears regarding future employment3opportunitiesA) likelyn robots. CET-4:98.6B) more likelyC) most

16、 likelyD) much likelyhe same firm and, unless12.hose days, executives expected to spend most of their livesthey were dismissed for, to retire atof 65. CET-6:03.1A)egrityB) denialC)petenceD) deduction13. The couple has donated a notamount of money to the foundation. TEM-4:06A) inconsiderableB) incons

17、iderateC) inaccurateD)parable14. Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert it means standing in a queue allnight. CET-4:01.6A) as ifB) even ifC) providedD) whatever15. Well visit Europe next year we have enough money. CET-4:99.1A) lest16. We shouldB) untilC) unlessD) providedbe able to do the

18、job for you quickly, you give us all the nesaryinformation. CET-6:99.6A) in caseB) providedtC) or elseD) as if17. Tomorrow the mayor is to a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.CET-4:05.1A) coordinateB) cooperateC)panyD) assote18. Professor Hawking is as one of the worlds greatest li

19、ving physicists. CET-6:02.6A) dignifiedB) clarifiedC) acknowledgedD) illustrated19. Despite almost universal of the vital importance of womens literacy, educationremains a dream for far too many women in far too many countries of the world. CET-6:01.6A) identificationB) complimentC) confesD) acknowl

20、edgement20. Norman Davis will be remembered by many with not only as a great scholar butalso as a most delightful and faithful friend. CET-4:05.1A) kindnessB) friendlinessC) warmthD) affectionho saw them. CET-6:04.6D) sensitivity21. The they felt for each other was obvious to everyA) affection22. Cr

21、itics beveB) adherencet the control ofC) sensibilityeviby mass advertising has the quality ofthe programs. CET-4:04.6A) lessenedB) declinedC) affectedD) effected4与译文1. B所出的能量已转换成热能。2. A在电视采访中,这个歌手宣布就要自己的新唱片。3. D当发现这个计划费用太高时,就放弃了。4. D5. B由于的旅行速度比较慢,因为火车连续在不同的小村庄停车。不能参加招待以由我(替他)代表公司出席。6. B尽管她以一个地方流行组合

22、歌手的的好莱坞影星了。开始自己的职业生涯,但现在她已经是一位耀眼7. B盛怒之下,这个只要抓到东西就撕碎。8. B与他姐姐不一样,很安静,不轻易与其他人交朋友。9. D从飞机上下来时,身后跟着五六个随从。10. C如果这些者能有的时间和金钱的话,他们就可能在这个领域有的发现。B很少有其他电子设备能比机器人更引起人们对将来就业的担忧。C那时,经理们都希望在同一家公司度过大半生,并且希望在 65 岁时退休,除非因为不能胜任而遭到解雇。13. A这对夫妇已经为捐出了为数不少的一笔钱。14. B决心弄到一张音乐会门票,即使这意味着他需要排一整晚的队。D如果B只要你向C明天有足够的钱,明年将游览欧洲。提

23、供所有必要的信息,就能立即为你做这项工作。将陪同一个商团参观市容。在世的最伟大的物理学家之一。18. CHawking 教授被认为是19. D尽管几乎全世界都承认妇女读书识字很重要,但在太多的国家对太多的妇女来仍然只是一个梦。育20. D许多人会满怀爱意地记住,他们不仅把他当作一位伟大的学者,而且还把他当作一个令人非常愉快的忠实朋友。21. A他们之间的爱慕之情是每个看到他们的人都能看出来的。22. C批评家们认为大量对于电视的控制已经影响到的质量。第三组复习 Lesson 31. I suggested he should himself to his new conditions. CET

24、-4:01.1A) adopt2. TheB) regulateC) suitD) adapters found it imsible to themselves to the climate sufficiently to makepermanent homeshe new country. CET-4:98.15A) suit3. AnimalsB) adaptC) regulateD) coordinatet could not themselves to the changed environment perished and thoset could survived. TEM-4:

25、97A) changeB) adaptC) modifyD) conform4.The old couple decided to a boy and a girl though they had three children of theirown. CET-4:97.6A) adaptB) bringC) receiveD) adoptt she is an force who5. Having had her as a professor and adviser, I canl youpushes her students to excel fartheir own expecions.

26、 CET-6:01.1A) inspirationalB) educationalC) exsiveD) instantaneous6. With its own parliament and currency and a common for peace, the EuropeanUnion declared itselfin 11 offil languagesopen for business. CET-6:06.6A) inspiration7. We areB) assimilationC)uitionD) aspirationng this work in the of refor

27、ms in the economic, sol and culturalspheres. CET-6:02.1A) contextB) contestC) pretextD) texture8. Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage . CET-4:98.6A) relativelyB) actuallyC) annuallyD) comparatively9. Thet-World War II baby resulted in a 43 percent increase in the number ofteena

28、gersA) boosthe 1960s and 1970s. CET-6:04.6B) boomC) productionD) prosperity10. With the development in science and technology man can make various flowers before their time. CET-4:01.6A) be bloomedB) bloomC) bloomedD) blooming11. All flights because CET-4:02.1A) having been canceledC) having cancele

29、doftheterrible weather, they had to go there by train.B) had been canceledD) were canceled12. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to it. CET-4:00.6A)tponeB) refuseC) delayD) cancel13. All flights because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but takethe train

30、. CET-4:99.1A) had been canceledC) were canceledB) have been canceledD) having been canceled614. The man in the CET-4:97.6A) have told15. I was so A) amazedcorner confessed to ato the manager of the company.B) be toldC) being toldD) having toldodays history lesson. I didnt understand a thing. CET-4:

31、04.6B) neglectedC) confusedD) amused16. Tryon was extremeloffice. CET-4:02.1ry, bool-headed enough to stormingo thessA) preventB) prohibitC) turnD) avoid17. The mayor theofficer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing theearthquake victims. CET-4:05.6A) rewarded18. ThB) awardedC) creditedD)

32、 prizedof the company has decided to its operations to include all aspects of theclothing business. CET-4:04.6A) multiplyB) lengthenC) expandnumber of overseasD) stretchvisitors expanded 27%.19. Betn 1974 and 1997, theCET-4:00.1A) byB) forC) toD) in20. The thieves fled with the localclose on their .

33、 TEM-4:06A) backsB) necksC) toesD) heels21. Mrs. Morriss daughter is pretty and , and many girls envy her. CET-4:05.1A) slenderB) lightC) faD) minor22. The moon, being much nearer to the EarthTEM-4:08n the Sun, is the cause of the tides.A) principal23. He didnA) skimmedB) basicC) initialD) elementar

34、yve time to read the report word for word: he just it. CET-4:02.6B) observedC) overlookedD) glanced24. It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rathern cows, serve as a vital ofmilk. CET-4:06.1A) storageB) reserveC) resourceD) source与译文D我建议他应该使自己适应新的环境。B这些新来的人发现,在这个新国家要完全适应这种气候以便地安家是不可能的。3. B那些

35、不能适应变化了的环境的动物了,而能够适应的动物则生存下来。74. D虽然自己已有三个孩子,这对老夫妇仍决定收养一儿一女。5. A我已挑她做教授兼顾问,我可以告诉你她是一种鼓舞人心的力量,推动着学生自身的期望。6. D欧盟拥有自己的议会、货币和对和平的共同愿望,它使用 11 种放。语言宣布其贸易开7. A是在经济、社会和文化领域的背景下从事这项工作的。8. C洪水每年造成了价值几十亿的损失。9. B二战后的婴儿出生导致 20 世纪六七十年代青少年人数增长了 43%。B随着科技的发展,人们可以让各种鲜花提前开放。A由于天气恶劣,所有的航班都取消了,他们不得不乘火车去那儿。12. D因为不能再等订货

36、的送达,不得不取消订单。D所有的航班都已因暴风雪而取消,许多乘客除了乘火车外没有其他办法。D角落的那个人承认对公司经理撒了谎。15. C16. D17. B的历史课我听得稀里糊涂的,一点也没听懂。尽管十分气愤,但是仍然能够保持头脑冷静,没有冲到的去。因这个英勇地救出中的受害者而颁发给他一枚荣誉奖章。C公司董事会已经决定扩大经营,使其范围覆盖服装业的所有方面。A在 1974 年到 1997 年之间,海外游客人数增加了 27%。20. D小偷们在逃窜,其后有当地的紧追不舍。21. A太太的女儿又漂亮又苗条,令许多子羡慕。22. A因为月亮与地球的距离比近得多,所以它是潮汐形成的主要原因。23. A

37、他没有时间逐字逐句地细读,只是草草读了一下。24. D据说,在世界上某些地方,奶的重要来源是,而不是奶牛。第四组复习 Lesson 41. Taking photographs is strictly here, as it may damage the precious cave paTEM-4:05ings.A) forbiddenB) rejectedC) excludedD) denied2. Our hopes and fellhe same instant. CET-4:01.6C) roseA) aroseThe committee has TEM-4:07ariseB) rai

38、sedD) arousedhe road construction project.ipated the problemst B) will ariseC) aroseD) have arisen84. The multinational corporation was making a take-over for a property company.TEM-4:02A) applicationB) bidC) proalD) suggestion5. The advertisement says this material doesnt he wash, but is. CET-4:03.6A) contractB) shrinkC) slimD) dissolve6. As a result of careless washing, the jacket to a childs size. CET-4:98.1A) compressedB) shrC) droppedD) decreased7. The m


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