1、崇文区 19992000 学年度第二学期高三练习(二)英语试卷 2000.6.(时间 120 分钟,共 150 分)第一卷(三大题,共 95 分)注意事项:1答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的铅笔涂写在答题卡上。、科目、试卷类型用2每小题选出后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他标号。不能答在试卷上。3、结束,考生将本试卷第二卷和答题卡一并交回。I单项填空(共 25 小题,计分 25 分)A)从 A,B,C,D 中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。是C。B)从A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳例:He comes late so
2、metimes,?。A、is he Ccomes heBisnt he Ddoesnt he是D。6I think you look very nice.he new coatANo,nksBNoallCIm glad you think so7、 Edison made a lot of inventions, Awhich I think areC which,I think theyDYoure very kind of great importanceBwhich I think they areDI think which are8、The claamed Lei Feng is o
3、ne of the best classeshis schoolA inhonor of Cin favor ofB、 Dhe place of he way of9、 It was careless of you to have left your door unlockedMy God!.A So Was CSo you wereB、So I did DSo did you10She goes over all her lessons once ak and the job her three hoursAspends CsparesBtakes Dlasts11 After seemed
4、 a very long time, the badly wounded soldier came back to lifeAtBit DwhatCwhich12 However ,the native peop1e do have something in commonAhard Cdifferent13Did you get a job?Balike Dsimilar No,I ,but its no useAexpected Cmanaged toBtried to DPlanned14We had to be patient because it some time we got th
5、e full resultsAhas been; since Cwas; after15I didnt want either of Athose;another Call;the othersBhad been; until Dwould be ;beforehats and asked the salesman to show me Btwo;the otherDboth;others16 The serious us flood is reported to have more 200hurtn 30 people dead and aboutAremained Cleft17The c
6、aptain kept calm Acouldnt be preventedBkept Dhadhe terrible storm, otherwise the accidentBmushave preventedC wouldnve been prevented Dshouldnt prevent18Listen! Someone is knocking at the door be Mary She has just been to NanjingA She mus CIt mustB Itcant DShe may19Would you like to go to the movie?
7、I feel likeng something elseA Ct mention it ot reallyBNo,ItDlt think so20Im sorry I didnt do a good jobNever mind,you have tried your bestA Above all C、At all21、Be cure to get there on time,BIn all DAfter all you? Of course, A、will;willwe .Bwont;shall Dcan;mustC、t;do22、 ? Will you please get me some
8、 medicine sot I can have a good sleep?A、How are you feelingC Is there anything wrongB Whats the matter DCan help you23、Is it was at the school was named after a hero he spend his childhoodAwhich;tBwhere;where Dwhich;whereCt;where24、 Why did you move the table over there? the new sofa(沙发)AShare room
9、with CGiven room to25、 What about bike?BTo make room for DSaving room for Do you think it Aa; aCa; theto buy himt bike as birthday gift?Bthe; a Dthe; theII完形填空(共 25 小题,计分 25 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2650 各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳It seemed。t nothing had happened when dawn came. But they soon 26t the entire boat wa
10、rrounded in ice. The captain had fallen 27 so therest of the crew hurriedly woke him. He took a small axe with great care, 28 make a hole 29 the deck (甲板)., and he began to knock the ice away. 30a wave burst over the boat and st over him but he 31 on working for tenminutes 32 the others looked 33 an
11、xiously. By this time he was socoldt he could 34 trust his grip (紧握力) or balance.Eaember of the crew took 35urn to cut the ice away for 36he could bear it. Standing up on, they 37 knock off enough ice to get on their knees.t rolling deck would have been committing suicide ()because a man who had fal
12、len overboard 38 .Then the captain discoveredt ice was 39 inside the cabin (船舱). He 40 one of the crew and together they 41 to get the stove 42he hopet it would 43 enough heat to warm the cabin above freezingpo. 44 the icehe bottom could be melted enough sot is could bepumped out, they were in dange
13、r of 45 .It 46 an hours work before the boat began to float better. But during this time they succeeded in getting rid of the most of the ice.Throughout the afternoon, the coating of the ice began to build up again47 they tried their best.he face of this new danger, Captain Slater decidedt is was 48
14、 dangerous to gamble (孤注一掷) on the chance 49the theboat would survive (幸存) until the next morning. Once more, he crew to clear ice. Then they settled down to wait for 50 day.ordered26AthoughtCrealized 27AillCdown 28Aso as not toCdecided not to 29AinCatBimagined Dknew Basleep Dbehind Bso as toDbu Bon
15、 Dford to30AimeBOnce in a time DFrom time to time Bcontinued Dstruggled BwhenDas Bin D不填Bnot any more Dno longer Bwhat D不填 BwhatDas long as Bhad to Dhad betterCOne more time 31AinsistedCkept 32AbutCwhile 33AdownC 34AmutoreCnot any longer 35AitCt36Aso far as37Awould rather Cforced to38Acould not be s
16、avedBmust nove savedCwould nove savedDmight be saved Bforming Dmaking Bcalled out Dcalled at Bmanaged39AingCturning 40AcalleCcalled to 41AsucceededCtried 42AburntCburning 43Agive awayCgive up 44AIfCAlthough 45AfloatingCsinking 46AtookCused 47AasCinstead 48Amuch tooCtoo little 49AifDlearned Bto be bu
17、rned Dto burn Bgive in Dgive off BUnless DEven if Bfreezing Dstarving Bspent Dpaid Bsince Dthough Btoo much Dlittle too Bwhich Dhow Bone DotherCt50AnextCanotherIII阅读理解(共 25 小题,A 节每小题 2 分;B 节每小题 1 分;讨分 45 分)A)阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目,从四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳。118thEarly in thecentury, Captain Cook, a famous
18、 explorer of Australia,unexpectedly caught sight of an unusual animal during hisvisit to Australia.The animal had a large mouse like head and jumped along on its large legs. To hisgreat surprise, the unusual animal carried its young in a spel pocket of flesh.Captain Cook poed to the animal which was
19、 eating grass in the distance andasked his native guide what the animal was referred to. The guide seemed not toknowt he was poing at and finally said “”, but their requestswere met with puzzled looks of the native people. Before long they got todiscover meant, “I “t the native guide who made the an
20、swer to Cooks question reallyt know what you poing at. “ Funny enough, the name”, stuck and it is still in use today.51Which of the following sentenbest expresses the main idea?captain Cooks guide made a joke.Native Australians could not speak English in Cooks time.Some words have rather funny origi
21、ns ().Captain Cook was a lover of wild animals.52When the native guide said “”, he really meant “ ”AAh, it is a spekind of animalBI wonder what you have saidCWhat do you mean by poing att animal?DI have no idea of what you are referring to. 53We can infer from this passage .we should learn many diff
22、erent languagesCaptain Cook made a mistake in understandingCaptain Cook was a foolish explorerthe importance of a language in common2There are two types of twins; identical and-identical twins. Identicaltwins are formed from a single eggothers body which divides to from twoseparate babies. Identical
23、 twins look the same, and are often parents in clothes of the same colors. It is often difficult to from each other, even when they are standing side by side.dressed by their l identical twins-identical twinscomeo being when the mothrodutwo separated eggs a the same time,both of which grow to form b
24、abies. In this case the twins look like normalbrothers and sisters and are easy tol one from the other.he 1970s and 1980s a scientist did some researcho twins. He invitedmany pairs of identical twins to university and asked them to take part in akof tests. He was particularlyerested in adopted (收养)
25、twins who had beenseparated at birth. He would give the twins different kinds of tests to study their speed of thinking, their speech, their memory, the ways they saw and heard different things, and so on. Time and time again he found separated twins who preferred clothes of the same color, used the
26、 same kind of shaving soap, wore thesame shd square glasses and the same colored socks.There is a third type of twins, but it is a very unusual one. Twins which arejoined together at birre known in western countries as Siamese twins.54It is difficult tol identical twins apart because .they are dress
27、edhe same clothesthey are dressedhe same colorthey are very alikethey are standing side by side55If the twins are easy tol from each other, they are .Avery probably-identical twinssurely identical twinssurely identical twinsalways a brother and a sister56Which of the following is NOT true according
28、to this passage?Ahe 1970s and 1980s a scientist did some research maypes of twins.o the twoBhek of tests, he tested their speed of thinking, their speech,their memory and some other things.CThere were twins who had been separated from each other as soon as they were born.DVery often, separated twins
29、 were found to choose things of the samekind, the same sh 57This passage mainlyand the same color. ls us .Athe ma Bwhaypes of twinss been found out about twinstwins are formed Dhow a scientist studied twins3There were twoeresting pieof news itemshe pr a few years ago.One was about a man who received
30、 a bill from the2,000 a month forng nothing.ephone company for $The connection betn the tws items is simple; computersthe best ephone bill came from a computer which20thinvention of thecentury. Themade a terrifying mistake;t mans bill was only $ 23.26. The other item wasnot as amusing. A man walkedo
31、 the unguarded computer room of a largepackaged food company and expertly programmed the computer to pay him $2,000 a month for raw meat which he “d ” to the company. Of course henever sent the meat, but he certainly received the money . The computer wrote outa bill, and even “signed ” it. It was on
32、ly a random (随便) checkt uncovered thetrick. It could be happening Computers are not thehousands of other companies all over the world.al workerst some people say they are. Theymake mistakes, theyre sometimes slower fooled.n human beings and theyre easilyThe US used to conscript () people with the he
33、lp of a computer. Thearmy sent out a card, which had to be filled in and sent back. It was easy to avoid being called up simply by spreading candle-wax(腊) on the card. The computer couldnt read the card, and did nothing with it.Its in our everyday lifet computers cause many problems. Lets get backto
34、 using people instead of computers, before a mistaket we cant put right.58heparagraph we can conclude .Athe p Bthe Cthe twr isling asentence is the topic sentences items made people surprisedDif a man did nothing at all for the get $2,000 a monthephone company, he would still59The main idea of the s
35、econd paragraph is .Athe computers areal workersthe computers can do anything as well as manthe computers can write out the bill and even sign itthe computers sometimes also make mistakes 60Computers .Awere used to conscript peopleBare usually fastern human beingsCare not soal as people expectDwere
36、not easily controlled and always fooled human beings 61The writer thinks .wed better use people instead of computers in our everyday lifewe should not use computers because they always make mistakes Ccomputers are widely used in our everyday lifeDif we want to work well,t use the computers4When seve
37、ral different people look at the same, it is not unusual foreach of them to see different things; when you alone observe one behavior or one at twodifferent times, youmay see different things. The following arebut some of the factorst lead to these varying perceptions (感知,认知):(1)Eachs perceptions of
38、 others are formed by his or her own culturalconditioning education, andal experien.(2) Sometimes perceptions differ because of what we choose to observe andhow we deal with what weve observed. It is not nesarily truetperception is baseobservations of a particular. Your observations maybe totally co
39、ntrolled by what others have told you about this; or you mayfocus (聚焦) primarily on the situation or role relationship. Most peopleotuse the same yardstick ( 标准) to measure their parents, their friends, and strangers.(3) Sometimes we see only what we want to see ort see what may be obvious to others
40、 because of out own needs, desires, or temporary emotionalses. This is a pros known as selective perception. Selective perception isobviously more difficult when contradictory (的) information is particularlyobvious, but it can bee. We can ignore (忽视) the stimulus “Hes basicallya good boy so what I s
41、aw was not shoplifting. ”We can reduce the importance of the contradictory information “All kids (孩子) get o mischief (顽皮) . Taking a book from the bookstore isnt such a big deal. ” We can change the meaning of the contradictory information”It wasnt shoplifting because he was going to pay for it late
42、r.”62Thefactiven by the authort affects our perception is .Athe abilities of ones auditory (听) and visual (视) sensorsBcultural background andal experienCexperienone learns from othersDcritical measures taken by otheople63While observing a particular, .Aone is likely to take all aspects (方面)o conside
43、rationBone pays more attention to his/her advantagesCchildren often differ from grown-ups in perception e tends to choose certain cues (提示) to look for64Observation of the same differ because .by two people at the same time maytheir measuring yardsticks are not the sameeither of them may be slow to
44、catch informationthe time for observation is not long enougheach of them uses different language to express his/her impres 65The word “stimulus ” in paragraph 4 refers to .Asomething attractive Bselective perception Ccontradictory information Dshopliftings66The worst thing in selective perception is
45、t .rceived information runs against you desireBfacts can be totally ignored or distorted ()Cimportance of the contradictory information can be overrated (估计过高)Dthe same information may not be dealt withhe same way5You know you have to read “betn the lines ”to get the most out ofanything. I want to p
46、ersuade you to do something equally importanthe courseof your reading. I want to persuade you to “write betn the lines. ” Unless youdo, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.I insist, quite btly,t marking up a book is not an act of damage but oflove.There are two ways in which
47、one can own a book. Theis the propertyright you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. Butthiof buying is only thestep toses. Full ownership comes onlywhen you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself apart of it is by writing in it. A compar
48、ison may make the poclear. You buy apiece of beef and transfer it from the b not own the beefhe most importanhers icebox to your own. But youdose until you eat it and get ito yourblood. I am arguing good.t books, too, must be absorbed in your blood to do you anyThere are three kinds of book owners.
49、The bestsellersunread, untouched. The second has ahas all the standard sets and great many booksa few ofthem read through, most of them dippedo, but all of them as clean and shiny asthe day they were bought. The third has a few books or manyevery one of them worn, shaken and loosened by continual us
50、e, marked and scribbled (涂写) in from front to back.Why is marking up a book nesary to reading it ?, it keeps you awake.(And It mean only conscious; I mean wide awake .) In the second place,reading, if it iive, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words,spoken or written. The marked b
51、ook is usually the thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.67The third kind of owners of books must be .Aexperienced readers Buntidy readersCactive readersDcareless readers68Marking up a book means .Awriting down difficulte
52、nBfinding the extra meanings of unknown wordsCwritinghe space the ideas you get through careful readingDmaking notes to show you understand what you have read 69What does the author persuade you to mark?AWhatever you have given deep thought to while reading.BWords and sentenCPrimary questionst bring
53、 up rich ideas. t challenge you.DWhatever disagreements you may have with the book70A great advantage of marking up a book is . Ato absorb all the brilliant ideas it containsBto make yourself a part of it, making further inquiry (查询) easyCto make yourself conscioust you are reading activelyDto enabl
54、e yourself to pick up the book for continual reading崇文区 19992000 学年度第二学期高三练习(二)英语试卷第二卷(共 55 分)III阅读理解B)根据内容,从后的A、B、C 等选项中选出 5 个能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。请将所选(OCustoms Officer;JMr. Johnson) O:Is this all your luggage?J: 71 .O:Would you open this one, please.填入题后括号内。J:Right 72 Theres something wrong wit
55、h the lock O:By the way, how long are you staying in Arcania ?J:Ten days. 73 .O:Is this a new pickup camera ?J: 74 I have a receipt () for it.O: 75 Have a pleasant stay.J:nk you.AI beve it. BYes, its all here.CIm here on business.DDo you want to have a check?71(72(73(74(75 ()E.FNo, its two years old
56、.GSorry, its a bit difficult to open.IV单词拼写(共 10 小题,计分 10 分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只填一词)76It think much (解释) will be nesary.76t sports are good for (发展) mind and body.7777We all beve78He came to this city alone some thirty years ago and has few (亲戚) here.79He (道歉) to me for step78 o
57、n my foot.7980The old ladys health is (逐渐) improving.8081The plane flew at a (高度) of 6000 feet for the most part.8182When he saw so many presents, there was a (满意) son theold mans face.83 Little82Tom can play quite a few ( 音乐) instruments.83 looked ( 笔直) up but saw nothing in the sky.84 They 8485The
58、 Whites livehe house (对面) to the clinic. 85V短文改错(共 10 小题,计分 15 分)此题要求你对一段文章改错。先对每一行作出判断是对还是错。如果是对的,则在该行右边的横线上画一个勾();如果有错误(每行不会多于一个错误),则按下列情况改正:如此行多一个词,则把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。如此行缺一个词,在缺词处加一漏符号(),并在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。如此行错一个词,在错的词下划一横线,并在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行如无任何错误,则改动。例:When I have free time I go a long walk. Some 1 forother have sports. Charles and Linda do all of t
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