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1、 2022日本个人留学申请书 2022日本个人留学申请书范文 Dear _, I have always been interested in businesses and how they operate, as well as being fascinated by other languages and cultural differences My passion for the subject increased when I chose business studies as part of my main education at school. In addition to t

2、he general subjects such as mathematics, literature, history it also included marketing, accounting and economics. Although these subjects are somewhat demanding, I find them extremely interesting. After secondary school I decided to continue my education at Kazakh National University founded by Al

3、Farabi, it is one of the best and oldest universities in Central Asia, in the faculty of the International Economic Relations. I believe that the degree I have obtained, is the best choice for me. I will be looking forward to learning about the international business world and I am relishing the tho

4、ught of learning to integrate with people from different countries and cultures. The idea of learning to communicate with other people across the world is something that has always appealed greatly to me My speciality that I have got after graduating from the Kazakh National State University is in t

5、he International Economic Relations I have studied financial management, macro- micro- economics, accounting, international currency-credit relations and other subjects. More profoundly I have studied international economic relations, international organisations, their function around the world and

6、my diploma work The analysis of economic aspects of Kazakhstan oil transportation abroad was written on the basis of the research of the economics relations between Caspian countries: Russia, Azerbaizhan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan Not all my work experience has been as a paid employee. Furth

7、ermore I began to take part time jobs when I was at the University; I worked for different financial institutions one of them was National Bank of Kazakhstan in the Credit Department as an Assistant of the Head Manager and in the Currency Department. My work in this Bank taught me to be self-organis

8、ed, how to make analyses of credit rating and commentaries, function of the currency policy, which is one of the essential part of any banks activities, and how to work out complex approaches in settlement of different issues and tasks. After this time I have changed my field of work and continued i

9、t in the Close Stock Company KazTransOil as an Accountant, which is analysing and developing the plan of transportation oil into different countries Having important previous experience I have applied my knowledge and skills at the position of an Assistant of Head Accountant in the Financial Departm

10、ent. The main goals of the Department - to provide necessary structure of transportation for joining the main oil field with the processing factories and export it abroad. My responsibility included calculating the budget of the Company, making up balance sheet, and analysing a project plan. However

11、 I realised that to work as a professional specialist in a business area for the broader and deeper understanding finance, accounting and international environment are needed For me as a young specialist it is very important to try an opportunity to continue my education in the University that has p

12、roved itself as one of the best among the other recognised universities focusing on business studies, promoting and facilitating research in such significant period when integration is outgrowing to globalisation and countries becoming more dependent on each other. I think that my interest in accoun

13、ting and finance, educational background and professional experience will open new perspectives for me if I will study at this University. Now I feel that I have potential for realisation myself in the area of finance and my constant interest to this science, to study more deeply this subject, abili

14、ty to distinguish main economic trends will assist me to transmit my knowledge to other specialists. Yours sincerely, 日本留学到底有什么魅力 1、世界顶尖级的教育水平 在日本,不仅有闻名世界,各个学科综合发展的七所日本帝国大学,还有类比美国麻省理工专攻理工科的东京工业大学,以及培养商科精英称为“亚洲哈佛”的一桥大学,在日本国内被一致公认为日本的艺术家培养学府的东京艺术大学等。 此外,资源匮乏的日本能作为制造大国实现经济成长的背景是:通过优秀的教育孕育出知识和技术。像电动汽车、数

15、码相机、光纤、人工心脏等,日本向世界输送了许多运用最先进的科学技术和医学技术制造的产品。另外方便面以及在各国普及的卡拉OK其发祥地也是日本。 在日本,不断地想办法,创作独创性商品的文化根深蒂固。另外,在日本的学校里,留学生们评价说:不仅仅是提升学习能力,还可以锻炼人的本性,走上社会后能起到作用。 2、魅力的文化 日本和中国是一衣带水的近邻,文化上与中国同宗同源,留学生在日本生活可以发现很多中国传统的习俗依然被完整的保留了下来。 另外日本拥有众多文化遗产,比如日本的象征富士山,以及姫路城、严岛神社等历史悠久,被列为世界文化遗产。还有被列为世界无形文化遗产的和食,采用季节食材,色彩丰富又健康,支撑

16、着作为长寿大国的日本。 注重礼仪、严谨、认真被认为是日本人的国民性。日本人对中国人也很友好,为留学生提供了比较好的学习生活环境,使得留学生并没有太多离乡背井之感,减少了留学生的孤独和寂寞。 3、舒适的生活学习环境 日本社会以治安好,犯罪率低而闻名。公共交通十分发达且准时。保险制度也很完善,对外国留学生的医疗问题解决的堪称世界模范,外国留学生可以和本国公民一样参加“国民健康保险”计划,每年只需缴纳不多的保险费,就可享受与日本国民同等的医疗保障待遇。 4、各种留学生支援制度 因为日本少子化化趋势加剧,日本为了引进人才,出台了许多有利于留学生的政策,如签证政策的放宽,就业政策的放宽及各种奖学金制度。

17、疫情期间,日本也对赴日留学生出台了一系列支援制度,帮助受新冠疫情影响而生活困苦的赴日留学生们。 大到日本政府,小到日本各企业、各学校都从一定程度上给予赴日留学生优厚的福利和待遇。所以对于想要拓宽自己视野、增进学术修养的同学而言,赴日留学是个不错的选择。 日本留学语言学校选择标准 日本语言学校选择标准一:学校是否是“适正校” “适正校”就是国内所说的“优良校”,是日本入国管理局根据各个学校的留学生的不法滞在率是否超过在籍学生的5%,一年评价一次。换句话说,“非适正校”就是国内所说的“非优良校”,也就是出问题多的学校,是被入国管理局认为学生选拔和管理方面存在问题的学校,所以日本的入国管理局对申请“

18、非适正校”学生的审查力度要比“适正校”严格的多,自然相比之下,签证率也有所差别。 日本语言学校选择标准二:课程内容 学校设置的课程以什么为重点,是否与自己的目的相符。例如普通日语班,升学班或者商业用日语班等等。若经受教育仅有10年或者11年,选修一般课程将不能获得进入大学的入学资格,所以必须选择文部科学省指定的准备教育课程。 日本语言学校选择标准三:是否按不同水准分班 是否细分各个阶段,遵照不同的日语水平分班,进而可以使所有人得到适合自己的日语能力的课程。另外,学校是否安置在学生入学前的分班考试或测验。 日本语言学校选择标准四:是否有基础学科 对于为了进入大学学部而学习日语的人来说,还要留意该

19、校在日语教育的同时是否有教授基础学科(英语、数学、物理、化学、社会学等)的体制。 日本语言学校选择标准五:教育环境 该日语教育机关所在地的教育环境是否良好,交通是否方便。根据个人的不同,有喜欢选择在闹市中心的,也有喜欢在僻静地区的学校。 日本语言学校选择标准六:所在城市 根据自己读完日语学校之后的打算来选择到日本读书的城市,或者根据自己的亲戚朋友所在的城市,以便一开始有人照料,这些都是正确的选择。 日本语言学校选择标准七:附属的住宿设施 该日语学校是否确保有附属的住宿设施,或者在没有专用住宿设施的情况下,是否帮助找公共住宅和寓所。建议最后通过确认该学校的关于宿舍得详细说明或者照片等来确认住宿条件。 日本语言学校选择标准八:是否为学生提供升学


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