1、 大学生2022澳洲留学申请书 大学生2022澳洲留学申请书 Dear _, For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to the various sub-fields of Computer Science (CS). However, our syllabus has focused mainly on traditional CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPU systems. We have had barely a gli
2、mpse of the newer technologies that are likely to change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future. The desire to examine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt for graduate study. Most of my interests are in the fields related to information systems and sharing of c
3、omputing power and resources. I am interested in Database management systems. We have had a course on this topic in our undergraduate program and I would like to explore it greater detail. Another subject that I would like to study further is that of Distributed Operating systems, a topic which we s
4、tudied briefly under the course on Operating systems. Networking is the third field I consider interesting enough to study in greater depth. We have not yet had a course on this subject but I have a fair amount of knowledge through independent reading. I have tried, throughout my undergraduate caree
5、r, not to restrict my activities to those imposed by the syllabus. I have been a member of the organizing team of my colleges annual intercollegiate technical festival. I have participated in an Internet Workshop conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, whose aim was to explain the under
6、lying concepts used in the Net such as routing, domain naming, protocols & also to give an overview of Internet related languages such as HTML, VRML, JavaScript and Java. I have also attended a seminar on E-commerce organized by Verifone India Ltd, an Indian subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard. These semi
7、nars have given me extra information which was not possible through the undergraduate program. In addition, I have participated in Software Developing Competition where I had developed Graphical Sorting Tutor in C along with my co-developers. This project sought to demonstrate and explain the variou
8、s sorting techniques graphically. I am also developing an Intranet e-mail Client and Server in Java as my final year project. This will be developed using SMTP & POP3 protocols with minimal MIME conformance. These projects have exposed me to the industry standards in software development along with
9、the invaluable experience I gained from them. The fact that more than five of the faculty of your department are working on subjects that I would like to pursue further, especially information systems, parallel computing, and distributed systems, and that your department is nationally ranked has in
10、large part determined my decision to apply to your university. I also believe that I possess the capacity for hard work & the motivation required to perform well in an undergraduate program as competitive as yours. Since my economic resources permit me to partially fund myself for the duration of gr
11、aduate course, I request you to consider me for any form of financial aid such as teaching and research assistantships. In conclusion, it is my belief that a higher degree in CS from an esteemed university like yours will prepare me for the challenges of the rapidly evolving computer industry. Yours
12、 sincerely, 澳大利亚留学新生入境指南 一、填写入境卡 登机以后,在平稳飞行的时候,空乘人员会询问是否需要入境卡,新生入学必须要进行填写,大家需要遵照实际情况,将自己的所有信息填写到相关的栏目中,确认自己的入境资格。 由于入境卡是公开信息,大家可以直接搜索相关模板,在国内的时候就可以填写进行熟悉,这样在飞机上直接誊写就可以了,不用担心会出错,并且也可以很快完成这个项目。 二、入关选项 大家下了飞机以后,是需要经受入关的检查的,大家可以选择人工检查,也可以选择自助入关,前者是新生入境必须要经受的检查,如果已经是老生了,则可以选择资助入关会节省时间一些。 人工窗口排队的人会比较多,大家要
13、提前准备好检查需要出示的证件和材料护照、签证、COE、入境卡,如果有申报的行李需要再次经受检查,没有的话检查合格就可以直接入关了。 三、领取行李 基础检查完成以后,遵照机场内的指示牌,前往行李带领取自己的行李,标志是Luggage Claim,经受入关人工检查的学生,去领取的时候基本上只有自己的行李了,会比较容易找到。 拿到行李箱以后,要先检查有没有损坏和破损,如果没有的话,直接去海关经受检查;如果有的话,要按时的联系机场的工作人员,进行索赔和经受补偿,一定要维护好自己的权利。 四、过海关 这是大家经受考核的最后一步,也是比较关键的一步,对新生会有期的严格,除了要开箱检查行李,还会检查大家的手
14、机,虽然是抽查,但是大家爱也需要提前准备和检查好,确认自己没有问题。 后续大家再次入境,就会简单很多,如果没有申报的行李,可以直接走绿色通道,不需要再经受检查;而如果有申报的行李,走红色通道,开箱检查合格也可以直接进入澳洲。 澳大利亚留学生活费清单 一、生活购物 衣服有季节性的差异,夏天的衣服轻薄,虽然相对便宜,但是大家购买的频率也会更高一些,并且大部分的衣服是季抛,很少会穿到第二年。 而冬天的衣服则要相对好一些,一件质量好的衣服甚至可以陪伴你渡过整个留学生涯,但是即便是这样,大家还是需要做好购物的规划,尽量选择一些物美价廉的衣服,这样才能保证自己一年的开支不超过2000澳元。 二、一日三餐 在平均物价不低的澳洲留学,不论是在那一座城市,吃饭这件事都不算便宜,在学校可能会相对划算一点,但是总是吃食堂肯定会不习惯的。 所以大家不妨考虑一下自己做饭吃,只要条件允许,大家可以自己在超市或者市场内购买食材,然后开火做饭,这样一年的总开支会节省不少,5000澳元就足够了。 三、住宿开支 如果大家的预算有限的话,建议还是以学校住宿为主,虽然环境比较简单,只有基础的家居,但是在安全上保障还是比较高的,而
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