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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 初二开在心中的花 翻开中国文学史,中国有多数风流文人为各色花卉所倾倒,创作了大量以花卉为题材的千古名句。你能填写出以下横线处的花卉名吗? Opening up the history of Chinese literature, there are countless romantic scholars in China who are fascinated by various kinds of flowers and have created many famous sentences with flowers as the theme. Can yo

2、u fill in the flower names at the following lines? 1、竹外三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。(宋苏轼惠崇春江晚景) 1. There are three or two branches outside the bamboo. The spring river warms the duck. (Su Shi, Song Dynasty, huichongchunjiang evening scene) 2、竹引花满街,疏篱茅舍月光筛。(宋刘錡鹧鸪天) 2. The streets are full of bamboos and flowers, with

3、 hedges and thatched cottages and moonlight screens. (Song Dynasty, Liu Zhens Partridge Sky) 3、西塞山前白鹭飞,流水鳜鱼肥。(唐张志和渔歌子) 3. In front of Xisai mountain, egrets fly and mandarin fish are fat. (Zhang Zhi of Tang Dynasty and yugezi) 4、驿寄,鱼传尺素,砌成此恨无重数。(宋秦观踏莎行) 4. Its sent by Posthouse. Its made of fish, bu

4、t its hard to count. (song Qin Guans a trip to the sand) 5、光风吹香洗游尘,隐芳莸笑人。(元王冕幽兰咏) 5、 The light wind blows the fragrance to wash the ()traveling dust. (Yu Lan Yong by Wang Mian in Yuan Dynasty) 6、接天莲叶无穷碧,映日别样红。(宋杨万里晓出净慈寺) 6. The lotus leaves in the sky are boundless, and the sun is red. (Yang Wanli,

5、Song Dynasty, the dawn of Jingci Temple) 7、兴尽晚回舟,误入深处。(宋李清照如梦令) 7. Xing as late as possible back to the boat, into the depths. (Song Dynasty, Li Qingzhao, rumengling) 8、借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指村。(唐杜牧清明) 8. Ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to the village. (Qing Ming by Du Mu, Tang Dynasty) 9、

6、沾衣欲湿雨,吹面不寒杨柳风。(宋志南绝句) 9. Wet clothes, not cold willow wind. (song Zhinans quatrains) 10、浔阳江头夜送客,枫叶秋瑟瑟。(唐白居易琵琶行) 10. Xunyang river head night to see off, maple leaves autumn rustle. (Pipa line by Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty) 11、五月照眼明,枝间时见子初成。(宋朱熹题榴花) 11. In May, when you see the eye, you will see the begi

7、nning of your son. (Song Dynasty, Zhu Xis the title of durian flower) 12、忽如一夜春风来,千树万树开。(唐岑参白雪歌送武判官归京) 12. Suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees open. (Tang cencans white snow song to send judge Wu back to Beijing) 13、落尽子规啼,闻道龙标过五溪。(唐李白闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄) 13. The crow of a childs rule

8、falls to the end. He hears that the road is marked by a dragon across the five streams. (Li Bai, Tang Dynasty, heard about Wang Changlings move to the left and the dragon sign is far away) 14、更无柳絮因风起,惟有向日晴。(宋司马光客中初夏) 14. No catkins because of the wind, but sunny. (Song Dynasty, Sima Guangs the early

9、 summer of the guest) 15、试问卷帘人,却道仍旧。(宋李清照如梦令) 15. Ask the roller shutter, but the way is still the same. (Song Dynasty, Li Qingzhao, rumengling) 16、万里关山路,雏凤清于老凤声。(唐李商隐韩冬郎即席为诗相送) 16. On the mountain road of Wanli pass, the young Phoenix is clear from the old one. (Li Shangyin, Tang Dynasty, Han dongl

10、ang delivers poems on the spot) 17、行人莫上长堤望,风起愁杀人。(唐李益汴河曲) 17. Dont walk on the long dike to watch. The wind blows to worry about killing people. (Bianhe opera by Li Yi of Tang Dynasty) 18、日长睡起无情思,闲看儿童捉。(宋杨万里初夏睡起) 18. I sleep for a long time without feeling. I watch children catch me. (Yang Wanli, So

11、ng Dynasty, sleeping in early summer) 19、待到重阳日,还来就。(唐孟浩然过故人庄) 19. When it comes to Chongyang day, I will come back. (Meng Haoran, Tang Dynasty, passed the old mans manor) 20、人闲落,夜静春山空。(唐王维鸟鸣涧) 20. People idle fall, night static spring sky. (song of birds by Wang Wei of Tang Dynasty) 21、白鸟一双临水立,见人惊起入

12、。(宋戴复古江村晚眺) 21. A pair of white birds stand on the water, startled by people. (Song Dynasty, Dai Fugus a late view of Jiangcun) 22、有情含春泪,无力卧晓枝。(宋秦观春日) 22. Love with tears in spring, unable to lie on the dawn branch. (spring day, Qin Guan, Song Dynasty) 23、簌簌衣巾落,村南村北响缫车,牛衣古柳卖黄瓜。(宋苏轼浣溪沙) 23. Su Sus cl

13、othes and scarves fall, the Village South Village North rings the reeling car, and the cattle clothes and ancient willows sell cucumbers. (song Sushis huanxisha) 24、香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。(宋辛弃疾西江月夜行黄沙道中) 24. Xiangli says good year, listen to the sound of frogs. (Song Dynasty, Xin Qiji, Xijiang moon, walking i

14、n the yellow sand road at night) 25、西风恶,夕阳吹角,一阵落。(清纳兰性德点绛唇) 25. The west wind is evil. The setting sun blows the horn and falls. (Nalan Xingdes a little red lips in Qing Dynasty) 26、孔雀行穿鹦鹉树,锦莺飞啄花。(明杨慎滇海曲) 26. Peacocks walk through parrot trees and Orioles peck flowers. (Yang Shens Dian Hai Qu, Ming

15、Dynasty) 27、新槽酒声苦无力,南湖一顷白。(唐李贺江楼曲) 27. The sound of new trough wine is bitter and powerless, and the South Lake is white. (Tang Lihes jianglouqu) 28、独出前门望野田,月明花如雪。(唐白居易村夜) 28. Out of the front door alone, you can see the wild fields. The moon is bright and the flowers are like snow. (village night b

16、y Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty) 29、背人不语向何处?下阶自折花。(唐李贺美人梳头歌) 29. Where to turn away from others? The next step is self folding. (Tang Lihes the song of beauties combing their hair) 30、花开仙子容,满城歌馆延秋风。(元王冕芙蓉山雉图) 30. The flowers bloom and the fairies look like the autumn wind in the song hall of the city. (the

17、 painting of pheasant in Mount Furong by Wang Mian in Yuan Dynasty) 【参考答案】 reference answer 1、桃花2、牵牛3、桃花4、梅花5、兰花6、荷花7、藕花8、杏花9、杏花10、荻花11、榴花12、梨花13、杨花14、葵花15、海棠16、桐花17、杨花18、柳花19、菊花20、桂花21、芦花22、芍药、蔷薇23、枣花24、稻花25、槐花26、杜鹃27、菱花28、荞麦29、樱桃30、芙蓉 1. Peach 2, morning glory 3, peach 4, plum 5, orchid 6, lotus 7, lotus 8, apricot 9,


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