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1、Class 7.Foundation of Group Behavior7.1 Defining & Classifying 2 or more individuals,interacting & interdependent,who have come together to achieve particular objectives.1.Formal GroupA designated work group defined by the organizations structureCommand group-A manager & his or her immediate subordi

2、natesTask group-Those working together to complete a job taskWhy do people join group?-Security,Status, Self-esteem,Affiliation,Power,Goal Achievement2.Informal GroupA group that is neither formally structured nor organizationally determined;appears in response to the need for social contractInteres

3、t group- Those working together to attain a specific objective with which each is concernedFriendship group-Those brought together because they share one or more common characteristicClass 7. Foundation of Group Behavior7.2 Stages of Group development1. The 5-Stage Model From the mid-1960sForming-ch

4、aracterized by much uncertaintyStorming-intragroup conflictNorming-close relationship & cohesivenessPerforming-When the group is fully functionalAdjourning-for temporary groups, characterized by concern with wrapping up activities rather than task performanceCriticism:do not proceeds clearly,simulta

5、neous, regress;ignores organizational setting2.The Punctuated-Equlibrium M Studies of more than a dozen,group dont develop in a universal sequence The timing of when groups form & change the way they work is highly consistent(1)The 1st meeting sets the direction; (2) the 1st phase of group activity

6、is one of inertia; (3) a transition takes place at the end of the 1st phase when the group has used up half its allotted time; (4) the transition initiates major changes; (5)a 2nd phase of inertia follows the transition;(6)the groups last meeting is characterized by markedly accelerated activity Cla

7、ss 7. Foundation of Group Behavior7.3 Sociometry An analytical technique for group interaction-find out who people like or dislike & whom they would or not to work withSociogram-A diagram that graphically maps the preferred social interactions obtained from interviews or questionnaires. Key termsSoc

8、ial networks-specific set of linkages among a defined set of individuals.cluster-group existing Prescribed cluster-formal groups Emergent clusters-informal,unofficial groupsCoalitions-a cluster of individuals who temporarily come together to achieve a specific purposeCliques-relatively permanent inf

9、ormal groups in networkStars-one with the most linkages Isolates-Liaison-one connecting 2 or more clusters but are outside Bridges-serving as a linking pins by belong to 2 or more Class 7. Foundation of Group Behavior7.4 Explaining work group behavior the major components determining Performance & s

10、atisfaction1.Group behavior modelExternal conditions imposed on the group Group member resourcesGroup structureGroup processPerformance&satisfactionGroup task2.External conditions imposed on the groupOrganization strategyauthority structureformal regulations-rule,procedure,policiesorganizational res

11、ources-modern high-quality toolspersonnel selection processperformance evaluation & reward systemorganizational culturephysical work setting-layout,acoustic3.Group member resourcesAbilitiespersonality characteristics4.Group structure Shaping the behavior of the member & explaining the -(1)formal lea

12、dership(2)roles-a set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a given position in a social unitrole identity-certain attitudes & behaviors consistent withrole perception-ones view of how he is supposed to act inrole expectation-how others believe ones action in given-psychologi

13、cal contract-an unwritten agreement that set out what management expects from the employee,& vice versarole conflict- confronted by divergent role expectationexperiment-simulated prison4.Group structure (3)normsAcceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the groups memberscomm

14、on classes of norms-performance-related processes; appearance factors(dress,loyalty)the “how & “why of norms-(1)explicit statement; (2)critic events in the history; (3)primacy; (4)carry-over behavior from past situation. Importance. (!)facilitating its survival;(2)increasing the predictability of th

15、e behavior; (3)reduces embarrassing interpersonal problems;(4)central value expressing & clarifying identityconformity-adjusting ones behavior to align with norms 4.Group structure (4)statusA socially defined position or rank given to groups or group members by othersformal & informal status-imposed

16、 by a group through titles or amenities;acquired by such characteristic as education,age,gender,skill,& experience status & norms-high-status,deviation from normstatus equity-the status accoutrements, congruence4.Group structure (5)sizeLarge groups are good for gaining diverse input-fact-finding, bu

17、t smaller groups are better at doing something productive with that input social loafing-the tendency for one to expend less effort when working collectively than individually -others share,dispersion of responsibilitygroup with an odd Nr. of members tend to be pref; groups made up of 5-7 members do

18、 a good job of exercising the best elements of both small &4.Group structure (6)compositionGroup activities require a variety of skills & knowledge,diversity,heterogeneousgroup demography-the degree to which members of a group share a common demographic attribute,such as age,sex,race,education level

19、,or length of service in the organization,& their impact on turnovercohorts-as part of a group, individuals holding a common attribute5.Group processes how group processes can impact on group effectiveness Potential group effectiveness+ process gains-process losses=actual group effectivenesssynergy-

20、an action of 2 or more substances that results in an effect that is different from the individual summation of the substancesocial facilitation effect-the tendency for performance to improve or decline in response to the presence of otherssimple routine tasks-speed up;complex-close attention6.Group

21、task size-performance relationship moderated by task requirementThe impact of group processes on the performance & member satisfaction is moderated by task requirementthe complexity & interdependence of tasksmore information-process capacity & uncertainty, a group characterized by poor communication

22、, weak leadership,high level of conflict,& the like,doesnt mean it will be low performingClass 7. Foundation of Group Behavior7.5 Group decision making1.Groups vs. individualAdvantages of groups-it can increase: 1. complete information & knowledge;2. diversity of views;3.acceptance of a solution;4.l

23、egitimacydisadvantages of groups:1.time consuming; 2.pressures to conform;3.domination by the few; 4.ambiguous responsibilityeffectiveness & efficiency: accuracy-group decision tend to be more accurate;speed-individuals are superior; creativity; acceptance2.Groupthink & GroupthiftGroupthink-phenomenon in whi


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