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1、17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University117 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University2Question 6How to start an event formally? Part 1: Introduction to Event17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University3A starting pointStep 1 The aims and objectives of staging the particular event must be clearly

2、 identified and stated.Step 2 A feasibility study should be undertaken, asking questions (like those earlier) in a much more factual way. It should examine the exact methods of achieving the event and it should definitively identify any possible sources of funding.17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong U

3、niversity4Depending on the level of the event, these two steps can be performed in a variety ways, ranging from consideration by a small informal group to the engagement of specialist consultants.A starting point17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University517 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong Universit

4、y617 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University717 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University8In a short timescale, complete investigation into an event; if result is justifiable and worthwhile, the investigation should go on to suggest how it can be achieved. A starting point17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in

5、Shandong University9The feasibility study, with its positive outcome, should outline how to achieve the event; detail structure, personnel requirement, financing sources and an event achievement timetable. Enough time is needed for the more detailed event planning and implementation to proceed. But

6、problem often occur quite naturally, it is inadvisable to introduce time pressure from the very start. A starting point17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University10Question 7From the agencys viewpoint, what should we think about the events? Part 1: Introduction to Event17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shan

7、dong University11Part of a plan Effective events are best set within the context of an organizational plan.Events should be provided as part of the ethos and function of the whole business, not just a random fulfillment of an idea. As a real part of an overall plan, events must fit in with organizat

8、ional aims and objectives; must be coordinated across all parts of the organization; and must be worthwhile in future.公共慈悲与商业利益:使命的不一致17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University1217 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University13Specifying as followings:The purpose of having events.What aims and object

9、ives they should have.What staff will be involved.How they will be coordinated.Who will take the lead role.An events strategy 17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University14The aims of an eventThrough being an integral part of an overall strategy, events should have a key role in achieving organizati

10、onal aims.The overall events policy should also clearly state the general aims for all events the organization stages.To provide for the local populations entertainment.To raise funds for the company17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University1517 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University16There may

11、 be one aim and several aims, but however many, it is essential to have them clearly specified during the search for finance and staff.A clear vision is crucial if we want people to sign up, people from sponsors to car park attendants.The aims of an event17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University1

12、7If you dont know where you are going you will probably end up somewhere else. (Dr Laurence J Peter and Raymond Hill)Having established Aims (the raison detre of the whole event), it will be necessary to break it into more manageable steps of measurable achievement objectives. Objectives are set, ag

13、reed and understood by everyone involved.Clear focus; coordinated effort; unity of purpose. The objectives of an event17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University1817 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University19Objectives should be SMARTSpecific to the eventMeasurable in statistical termsAgreed (or a

14、chievable ) by those involvedRealistic (or relevant) to the resources availableTimed around the event schedule17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University20SMART 司马他另类职场生存法那么S specific详细的M measurable可衡量A achievement可完成R realistic现实的T timebond时间段行走职场,智慧先行,基于现实,未雨绸缪,短时达标17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shando

15、ng University21Objectives should alsobe appropriate, simple, clear, unambiguous and achievableavoid causing confusion and misunderstanding or communicating incorrect messageEvents are managed by objectives and are accumulation of these stages.17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University22Objectives

16、assist establishing organizational structureEach individuals and committee to be given a number of their own specific targets (sub-objectives)This will further reflect the need for everyone to work together, as many objectives will inevitably be interdependent17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong Univer

17、sity2317 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University24Question 8What are the best events? Part 1: Introduction to Event17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University25Characteristics of the best events 1A clear vision and a definite purpose for everyones efforts.Clear SMART objectives to which everyone

18、is committed.An appropriate, flexible organizational structure able to achieve specific tasks, but retaining an overall unity of purpose.17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University26Characteristics of the best events 2Committed personnel, willing to “go the step beyond.A leader of calibre, authorit

19、y and personality.Precise detailed planning carried out and documented within an appropriate timescale. 17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University27Characteristics of the best events 3A coordinated team effort operating within budget limits, drawing on all available resources.Efficient lines of co

20、mmunication.A good public image.Effective publicity and presentation, and built-in contingency plans.17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University28Characteristics of the best events 4A total commitment to customer care.Efficient ongoing control and monitoring systems.An atmosphere of unity, focus, h

21、ard work, humor and enthusiasm.Good post-event evaluation. 17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University29Centrality of events 1The centre of the whole manifestation was in fact the small events and events programme which are the main attraction and the impetus to the festival. For garden festival, m

22、any come to see the sports, arts and entertainment groups, such as the pipe band performance and the acrobatics displays are central to the success. 17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University30Centrality of events 2The events are the key element which considerably helped the overall planning;Event

23、s and promotion form a key part of those major spectaclesAnd even have the centrality and significance to other concepts like urban regeneration helped with the image and self-confidence of the host town and city.17 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University31Olympic games (Sydney; Athens; ; London;

24、Loser or Winner?)Garden festival (Liverpool, lasting for another decade visiting; Kunming;)World Expo 2021, ShanghaiAsia Games 2021, GuangzhouWorld Swimming Campaign 2021, Shanghai Corporation-Industry-City-Country-International Region Centrality of events 317 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong Universi

25、ty32Appropriate implementation mechanismsAttention to detailBudgetingBusiness planCharismatic personalityClear structureCommitment to serving the participants and customersContingency planCreativity and innovationCustomer careDetailed programmingEfficient time managementEmergency proceduresEntertain

26、mentEvaluation and controlExcellent communicationGood decision makingGood interpersonal relationshipsGood management Good motivationWhat do you need for success? 117 七月 2022Dr. XU Feng in Shandong University33Hard work and enthusiasmLarge number of volunteersLarge slice of luckLeadershipLogistical planningMarket researchMeasurable targetsMedia interestPlann


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