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1、Unit 5 过关检测卷时间:40分钟满分:100分听力(30分)笔试(70分)总分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一得分第一部分听力(30分)一、听录音,完成短文。(5分)This is our classroom. Now were not having 1. _. Gao Wei is telling a 2. _. His friend Peter is listening to him. May is 3. _ a song. Li Yan is writing an 4. _. Two students are looking at the 5. _. Guess! What is Ca

2、thy doing?二、听录音,选出你所听到问句的正确答语。(10分)() 1. A. Yes, I do.B. No, Im not.C. No, she isnt. () 2. A. Shes telling a story. B. Im singing. C. Hes making a call. () 3. A. I have a fever. B. Thanks.C. Yes, I am. () 4. A. Yes. Hold on, please. B. Im not Lisa. C. No, I cant. () 5. A. Im watching TV. B. Hes watc

3、hing TV. C. Theyre watching TV. 三、听录音,在相应的位置画“”。(10分)LilyFatherMotherTomLucy第二部分笔试(70分)四、根据首字母提示完成句子。(5分)1. Look! Peter is w_ a funny hat. 2. They are talking a_ the picture over there. 3. My classmate is s_ a very famous English song. 4. Do you like c_ the room on weekends?5. She is l_ at the moon.

4、 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. Lisa will go _ (shop) with her parents this Friday. 2. Lets _ (talk) about our math lessons. 3. Is he _ (sit) on the sofa? No, he _ (is). 4. I want _ (wash) the clothes. 六、单项选择。(10分)() 1. Look _ those flowers. They are so nice!A. toB. atC. in() 2. Its Saturday morning. Lily _

5、her grandpa at home. A. callB. is callingC. called() 3. Ill go to see my grandparents _ my dad this morning. A. andB. withC. for() 4. Our English teacher is _ a cake _. A. make; to IB. making; for IC. making; for me() 5. _ beautiful bird it is!A. HowB. WhatC. What a() 6. Dont worry _ your lessons. A

6、. onB. aboutC. for() 7. Its hot today. Some children _ in the river. A. swimsB. swimmingC. are swimming() 8. I dont think _. A. toB. tooC. so() 9. She is telling a story _ her cute pet. A. atB. withC. about() 10. Lily is going to watch TV _ afternoon. A. at thisB. thisC. /七、给下列句子选择合适的应答语。(10分)() 1.

7、Are you washing the clothes? () 2. What are they doing?() 3. Look at Mr Liu over there!() 4. Lets go and play the guitar. () 5. Whats your favourite sport, Peter?A. OK. Lets go. B. My favourite sport is baseball. C. Yes, we are. D. Oh,he is looking at the picture. E. Theyre watching the talent show.

8、 八、按要求完成句子。(10分)1. Whats Li Yan doing? (用make a call 回答)_ _ a call. 2. Kate is telling a story to her classmates. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Kate _?3. Are you looking at this picture? (作肯定回答)Yes, _ _. 4. Im going to visit my grandpa with my parents this Saturday. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ going to visit _ grandpa with your p

9、arents this Saturday?九、选择合适的句子,补全对话。(其中有一项是多余的) (10分)Betty: Look at this picture. There are five people in the picture. Peter: Yes. Look! 1. _Betty: Yes, they are. Peter: 2. _ Are they looking at the moon, too?Betty: No, they arent. 3. _Peter: Is this little boy looking at the moon?Betty: 4. _ Maybe

10、 he wants to be an astronaut (宇航员). Peter: Thats great. 5. _Betty: Im talking about this picture with you!A. What are the girls doing?B. Are they looking at the moon?C. No, Im not. D. What are you doing?E. They are singing and dancing on the grass. F. Yes, he is looking at it carefully.十、看图片,完成句子或对话

11、。(10分)1. What are they _?Theyre _ pictures. eq avs4al() 2. Is he singing? _. Hes _ a _. eq avs4al()3. The boy is writing _ _ on the computer. eq avs4al() 4. _ your sister _ the clothes? Yes, she is. eq avs4al()十一、阅读短文,回答问题。(10分) (建议用时:6分钟)The Whites are at home. Mr White is sitting on a chair. He is

12、nt looking at the flowers. Hes reading a book. Mrs White is washing the clothes. Shes busy. Tom and Dick are cleaning the motorbike. They like it very much. Jane and Mary are in Janes bedroom. They are listening to music. Janes grandpa and grandma will come to Janes house. They will have a party thi

13、s evening. 1. Where is Mr White?_2. What is Mrs White doing?_3. Are Tom and Dick cleaning the motorbike?_4. Who will come to Janes house?_5. What will they do this evening?_参考答案第一卷听力部分听力材料:一、 This is our classroom. Now were not having lessons. Gao Wei is telling a story. His friend Peter is listenin

14、g to him. May is singing a song. Li Yan is writing an email. Two students are looking at the picture. Guess! What is Cathy doing?二、1. Are you looking at the picture?2. Whats he doing?3. Whats wrong with you?4. Can I speak to Lily, please?5. What are they doing?三、 Good morning, my name is Lily. Im el

15、even. Its Saturday morning. My family are all very busy. Look! My dad is making a call in the living room. My mother is washing the clothes. That is my brother Tom. Hes in the bedroom. What is he doing? Oh, hes writing an email to his best friend. Im cleaning my room now. Whos that girl? Shes Lucy.

16、Shes telling a story to her little sister. Oh, what a busy day!答案:一、1. lessons2. story3. singing4. email5. picture二、1. B2. C3. A4. A5. C三、LilyFatherMotherTomLucy四、1. wearing2. about3. singing4. cleaning5. looking五、1. shopping点拨:去购物“go shopping”。2. talk点拨:lets后跟动词原形。3. sitting; isnt点拨:be动词加动词的ing形式,表

17、示“正在”, sit变ing形式时要双写末尾的t再加ing。作否定回答,be动词is后加not,为isnt。4. to wash点拨:want to do sth. “想做某事”。六、1. B点拨:look at “看”。2. B点拨:“be 动词加动词ing形式”表示正在干某事。3. B点拨:with表示“和一起”。4. C点拨:is making表示“正在制作”,介词for后面要用宾格。5. C点拨:感叹句句型为“Whata/an形容词名词it is!”。6. B点拨:worry about “担心”。7. C点拨:are swimming “正在游泳”, swim要注意双写末尾的m再加i

18、ng。8. C点拨:I dont think so. “我不这样认为”。9. C点拨:about “关于”。10. B七、1. C2. E3. D4. A5. B八、1. Shes making点拨:要注意把She is 缩写。2. What is; doing3. I am4. Are you; your点拨:变一般疑问句将be 动词提前,将原句的I变成you, my 变成your。九、1. B2. A3. E4. F5. D十、1. doing; drawing点拨:图中的小朋友们在画画。2. No; making; call点拨:图中的男生正在打电话。3. an email点拨:图中的男生正在写电子邮件。4. Is; washing十一、1. He is sitting on a chair. 2. She is washing the clothes. 点拨:本题由短文第五句“Mrs White is w


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