外研版五年级下册英语 Module 7 谈论职业及上班时间_第1页
外研版五年级下册英语 Module 7 谈论职业及上班时间_第2页
外研版五年级下册英语 Module 7 谈论职业及上班时间_第3页
外研版五年级下册英语 Module 7 谈论职业及上班时间_第4页
外研版五年级下册英语 Module 7 谈论职业及上班时间_第5页




1、Module 7谈论职业及上班时间一、重点语音。选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。()1. A. ChinaB. chairC. teacher D. school()2. A. much B. ChristmasC. headache D. stomach()3. A. kitchen B. watchC. ache D. catch()4. A. back B. lunchC. black D. pocket()5. A. knife B. knowC. knee D. worker二、重点词汇。(英汉互译)(一)名词类1. 出租车, 计程车_2. 工人_3. factory_4.

2、 a taxi driver_(二)时间类1. 傍晚, 晚上_2. 在八点钟_3. quarter_4. at half past seven_5. every morning_6. tomorrow morning_(三)动词类1. 焦虑, 担心_2. 去上班_3. take. . . to. . . _(四)其他1. 近日暮的; 近深夜的; 时间不早的_2. 早的_3. (距整点)差_4. in a factory_三、重点句型。(英汉互译)(一)询问他人职业及其答语1. 他是做什么工作的? 他是一名警察。_2. 她是做什么工作的? 她是一名出租车司机。_(二)描述某人某时去上班1. 我的

3、爸爸每天早上八点钟去上班。_2. 我的妈妈每天早上五点半去上班。_(三)询问他人是否将要做某事/将要做某事的具体时间及其答语1. Will you be home at seven oclock? Yes, I will. _2. Are you going to be late, Dad?_3. What time will you be home? Ill be home at seven oclock. _(四)描述某人将要做某事1. Ill take you there at half past seven. _2. Ill take you to school. _四、重点语法。用所

4、给词的适当形式填空。1. Your sister _(do) her homework every evening. 2. Your grandma _(watch) TV every day. 3. Daming _(fly) a kite in the park on Saturdays. 4. He often _(play) football after school. 5. My mother _(go) to work on foot every morning. 6. Lingling, your father usually _(worry) about you. 五、情景交际

5、。 A. Ill be late. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I wont. D. She is a nurse. E. I go to school at half past seven. F. He is a worker. G. Thank you! (一)给下列句子选答语。()1. Happy birthday!()2. What does your sister do?()3. What does your father do?()4. What time do you go to school?()5. Will you be home at six oclock?

6、()6. Are you going to get up, Amy?()7. Oh no! Its a quarter to eight now. (二)补全对话。Alice: Good morning, Lily. Lily: Good morning, Alice. Alice: What are you doing?Lily: Im reading an email from Lanlan. Alice: Lanlan? What does she do?Lily: 1. _Alice: Where does she work?Lily: 2. _Alice: 3. _Lily: She

7、 usually goes to work at five oclock every morning. Alice: Thats very, very early. How does she go to work?Lily: 4. _Alice: Will you visit her tomorrow? Lily: 5. _ Tomorrow is her birthday. Alice: Great! 6. _Lily: Thank you. A. She is a doctor. B. What time does she go to work every day?C. She goes

8、to work by bike. D. Happy birthday to her!E. She works in a hospital. F. Yes, I will. Module 7谈论职业及上班时间一、1. D2. A3. C4. B5. D二、(一)1. taxi2. worker 3. 制造厂; 工厂4. 一名出租车司机(二)1. evening2. at eight oclock3. 一刻钟4. 在七点半5. 每天早上6. 明天早上(三)1. worry 2. go to work3. 带到(四)1. late2. early3. to 4. 在一家工厂三、(一)1. What does he do?He is a policeman. 2. What does she do?She is a taxi driver. (二)1. My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning. 2. My mother goes to work at half past five every morning. (三)1. 你将在七点钟到家吗? 是的, 我将在七点钟到家。2. 你要迟到了吗, 爸爸? 3. 你将什么时候到家? 我将在七点钟到家。(四)1. 我将


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