1、(四个月前)(PDV商场)(约翰布里姆专用车位)不好Oh, no.布里姆先生我没看到你Mr. Breem. I didnt see you there.你鬼鬼祟祟的You*re sneaky.五秒钟规那么对吧Five-second rule, right?但前提是我们可以在这里吃东西But only if we could eat in here.可惜不能所以我就扔这里吧Which we cant so Ill just put that in there.先生有何贵干How can I help you, sir?我需要昨晚的监控录像带八号,摄像头的I need a security tap
2、e from last night, camera eight.时尚色彩那家店丢了几件商品Sassy Colors has some unaccounted for merchandise.时尚色彩被抢了Wait, Sassy Colors got robbed?我们不想妄下结论一切皆有可能We dont wanna jump to conclusions. It could be anything.可能是浣熊偷的它们能拿起物品Could be a raccoon. You know, they can lift objects.有只浣熊把我朋友那只猫的脸抓烂了One of them ripp
3、ed the face off my buddys cat.-汤米对r录像带-Tommy. - The tape.不好Oh, shit.一定是有人忘记装录像带了Someone mustve forgotten to load the tape.那个人是我培训的And that someone was trained by me.先生我对此事承当全部责任Sir, I take full responsibility.我次你和时尚色彩的良好市民一个诚挚的抱歉I owe you and the good people of Sassy Colors a sincere apology.我生病了I h
4、ad a medical issue.-这完全不由我控制-我们要求你-It was completely out of my control. - Were gonna need you按计划行事我们的计划to stick to the plan. Our plan.谢谢你过来Thanks for stopping by.绕过去Over.从下面穿And under.现在就像你们猜的那样And now, you guessed it!再绕过去从下面穿Over, and back under again.我就是这样和我妈妈练习的I practiced this exact same way wit
5、h my mother,我妈妈也是用这种方法和她妈妈练习的and my mother practiced this exact same way with her mother.难以置信吧Can you believe that?不太难Yes.-接下来呢绕过去嘿-Whats next? Over! - Hey.对了That*s right.从下面穿Under.抱歉但她让孩子们做缝纫Im sorry, but shes got them sewing.甚至不是缝衣服And not even sewing-sewing.是假装在缝纫真是可悲Ifs pretend-sewing, and its p
6、athetic.看上去她很开心啊It looks like she*s having fun.是因为她不懂这有什么区别Yeah, thats cause she doesnt know any different.天啊看这些小女孩接受训练God; just seeing these little girls being trained这么小就变得驯服顺从这真是for this domestic, submissive behavior at such a young age- Just-你更希望她们年纪大一些再学Youd prefer they learn it when they get a
7、 bit older?也许在她们第一次婚姻中学Like, maybe in their first marriages?不我根本不希望她们学No, I dont want it to happen at all.那样就太好了That would be great.绕过去Over.天这个真好吃Wow! That is really good.我甚至都不喜欢吃燕麦葡萄干曲奇但这个太棒了Im not even an oatmeal raisin guy, but that is excellent.天啊真的谢谢-Wow. Yeah. - Thank you.你还没有说电视上的事You havent
8、said anything about, what happened on television?我不确定你是否对南加州公共广播电视台那条新闻满意I wasnt sure if you were happy with the PBS SoCal piece.我没得到你的反应I hadnt heard from you.而我听到了很多人的意见I heard from a lot of other people.对 有一家广告人才公司给我打广电话想谈关于里奥的事Yeah, this, commercial talent agency called me and wanted to talk abo
9、ut Leo.我说:“我儿子不会上电视卖汉堡包的“I said, My son is not selling hamburgers on TV.对没有那条新闻.Uh-huh. Yeah, no, it was.很不错很好里奥表现得非常好It was, you know, great. It was nice. And Leo was really great.好吧Okay.想听实话吗其实很令人失望Honestly? It was actually really disappointing.他们没有去谈真正的问题Instead of actually talking about real iss
10、ues, 而是决定打“可爰儿童这张牌they decided to play the cute kid card.这是绕过事物本质的情感操控It was emotional manipulation over substance, 电视和政治凑到一起就总是这样 which is what happens anytime you combine television and politics. 好吧你在嫉妒一个12岁小孩Okay, so you are jealous of a 12-year-old?你把我的论点过度简化了Thats a wild oversimplification of m
11、y point.我内心深处隐隐觉得你是个混蛋You know, I had a sense deep down that you were a jerk.现在一想好像也没多深Not even that deep down, come to think of it.我什么I- What?你想了解我是谁You wanna know what I am?我是个直截了当的人Im a straight shooter, okay?我有话直说这常常给我带来麻烦I tell people like it is, and oftentimes that gets me in trouble.你想让我怎么做我不
12、能为持有强硬观点而抱歉What do you want me to do? I cant apologize for having strong views 关于一个组织我们不可否认about an organization that, lets face it- 爸爸你喜欢我缝的吗Daddy! Do you like mine?我I.我爱你宝贝I love you, sweetie.我爱你I love you.问管理层们的意见只是另一种拒绝的方式Running it up the flagpole is just another way of saying no.保持方向别想接受新主意Sta
13、y the course. Forget embracing new ideas.也许吧也许他们只是需要时间考虑Maybe. But maybe they just need time to think about it.厄尼对待新主意是会慢慢来确实如此Ernie takes his time with new ideas. Does happen.在这件事上他们认为自己比我明智They think theyre smarter than I am about this,他们甚至没绝对不是-and theyre not even- - No way, Jose.他不断强调这是个家庭公司He k
14、ept saying theyre a family company.他们根本不懂家庭的意义他们也完全不懂女人They dont know anything about families. And they dont know anything about women.我们想要什么我们的思维方式和What we want or how we think and-我好喜欢这个包I love that bag.你能想象我拿这个包的样子吗Can you see me with that bag?当然可以你应该买下来奖励自己Yes, I can. You should get it. Treat yo
15、urself.不行我是说我可以但不行I cant. I mean, I can, but I cant.太贵了Its too much.这不重要抱歉我专心听你说Not important. Sorry, Im all yours.我能录制那盘录像带就应该感恩戴德了You know, I should just be grateful that I got to make the tape at all,我应该完全照他们说的去做因为他们才是专家and I should just do whatever they tell me cause theyre the experts.你不信吧You d
16、ont believe that.把包买下来不行-Buy the purse. -1 cant.我不该买I shouldnt.太贵了Ifs too much.你很有钱啊Youre rich.感觉和我不太搭It just doesnt feel like me.天啊我们该回去了对吗今天挺有趣的Oh, gosh! We should be getting back, yeah? This was fun.你能再陪我去个地方吗很快的Would you be okay with making one more stop?只有你才会把这件事搁置四个月之久Only you would sit on thi
17、s for four months.我善良的宝贝啊My pure of heart babe.我不喜欢对别人的选择指手画脚You know, I donrt like to judge people on their choices.那都是他们的选择Its their fucking choice, you know?有些人的选择很蠢他们会为此付出代价And some people make dumb choices that they pay for.说到底这才是让我改变主意的原因行为是有代价的And ultimately, thats what swayed me. Actions hav
18、e consequences.你建了一个港口你破坏了海浪You create a harbor, you kill the wave.你剽窃我女朋友的动作你装腔作势You steal my girls moves, youre a poser.你惹我们我们就会And if you fuck with us, we will f看他来了Look, hes pulling in.你这样真性感Youre so hot when you*re like this.-全神贯注地-别干扰我我们有任务在身-All dialed in- - Don,t distract me. Were working he
19、re.我们有很多事要弄清楚必须看看我们面对的是什么Weve got a lot to figure out. We gotta see what were working with here.等等那不是布里姆而是Hang on. It*s not Breem.他老婆the wife.我虽然很高兴见到你As good as it is to see you,我们到底要不要聊你是为什么而来are we eventually going to get to what brings you by?我也说不准Cant say for sure.有意思的开场Intriguing start.我倒是完全不在
20、乎Not that I care one way or another.我总是欢迎有人来陪Human company is always welcomed here.人们一直知道我有时和海鸥说话所以Ive been known to conversate with seagulls from time to time, so.说得怎么样Hows that go?不对等Asymmetrically.它们很不善于聆听They are terrible listeners.嘿约翰Hey, John.因为船坞工程注入资本Due to capital infusions into the marina
21、project,你的分红your dividend will-所有原始投资人的分红and dividends across the board for all the original investors会比之前几个季度少所以will be less than in quarters passed. So.听起来不错约翰Sounds good, John.听起来不错Sounds good.我想犯同样的错误Im wanting to make the same mistake.我是说我既想也不想I mean, I do and I dont,我想犯他犯过的错wanna make the same
22、 mistake he did.那个爸爸犯过的错That. That Dad did.你得说得具体一些Youre gonna have to be more specific.-好现在是我们的机会来吧-好-All right. Nows our chance. Come on. - Okay.来啊Come on!嗨格林先生吗Hi, Mr. Green?格林先生很抱歉打搅你了Mr. Green, Fm so sorry to bother you-不女士们Oh, no, ladies.不行我们今天不签名不No, we cant do autographs today. No.(文森特格林健身房)
23、但我爱你们But I love you.这个外套很漂亮Thats a great blazer.谢谢我得和你谈谈Thanks. I need to talk to you.亲爰的谈什么About what, sweetheart?就是谈你是如何成为你的Just how you became you.说得好蠢货Nice one, dingbat.我们请你吃午餐只谈一个小时就好Let us buy you lunch. We only need an hour.无论他的咨询费是多少我们愿意出双倍Whatever his consulting fee is, well double it.你觉得这是
24、我们一直在等的吗You do think this is what weve been waiting for?-我确实认为有可能-你知道晚些时候有什么在等着你吗-1 do think it might be. - Do you know whats waiting for you later? 这算什么What is this?宝贝我不会错过的-Oh, babe. -1 would not miss it.我不会错过的I would not miss it.我的天Oh, my God.后来波特彻底不戴他那枚了Over time, Porter stopped wearing his alto
25、gether.这就是他的This was his.不会吧No shit.抱歉Sorry.我希望你们俩I wish you two-我希望他能走上正确的道路I wish he wouldVe followed the righteous path.听着你可能知道什么是正确的路Look, you may know what that is, 但我完全不知道but I certainly dont.是我当然知道Oh, yeah, I certainly do.那恭喜了Well, congratulations.-那感觉一定很好-并非如此-That must be nice. - It isnt.已经
26、不再好了Not anymore.我看到了其他的道路其他Im seeing other paths. Other.我不知道I dont know.我不知道该说什么约翰真的Im not sure what to say, John. Honestly.但我能告诉你的是我们之前对我们的安排很满意But I can tell you that we were happy with our arrangement.是的We were.幸福的人不会去A happy man doesn*t go and-他是因为其他事不幸福He was unhappy for other reasons.他没有从生活中得到
27、所需要的一切His life didnt give him all that he needed,但我从来没有觉得他缺失的东西应由我负责一次也没有but Fve never, not for a second, felt responsible for what he was lacking. 还有他需要的东西For what he needed.他需要什么And what did he need?你需要什么What do you need?我需要有人对我说把一切都抛在身后是没关系的I need someone to tell me its okay to leave it all behin
28、d.永远不会有人对你说这话的No ones ever gonna tell you that.是Yeah.我该走了I should go.但既然你现在说出来了But now that yourve said it out loud.她一定在商场里花了几千块She mustve dropped a couple thousand in there.钱对于这些人来说根本不算什么Money means nothing to these people.明白我的意思吗See what Im talking about?我们应该要多少钱How much should we ask for?我觉得应该狠狠敲
29、一大笔Skys the limit, I think.她都拿不过来她的购物袋了She cant even carry all the bags she bought.真令我反胃Makes me sick.我总是让他们把沙拉酱放在一边否那么太浪费了I always ask for the dressing on the side. Otherwise, what a waste. 一份美味的沙拉却要被糖和脂肪淹没You take a beautiful salad, and you drown it in sugar and fat. 我还没说考伯沙拉呢And dont get me start
30、ed on Cobb salads.那就是去掉面包的培根芝土汉堡Its a bacon cheeseburger without the bun.我们正在研制一款不含脂肪的沙拉酱You know, were working on a line of fat-free salad dressings, 但我们还在调味but were still zhuzhing the flavors.玛丽卡对味道非常挑剔Marika is very particular about flavors.玛丽卡是哪位And Marika is?和我同住一个屋檐下的美女The beautiful woman I sh
31、are my home with.天啊Oh, God.我好奇的是Well, I was just curious我父亲来到这个国家时两手空空My father came to this country with nothing.他在餐厅里洗碟子睡在地板上He washed dishes in a restaurant and slept on the floor.他一路打拼现在在南方拥有40家三文治连锁店Worked his way up to owning 40 sandwich franchises all over the South.天啊他非常想让我当他的接班人但我另有打算And bo
32、y, did he want me to walk in his footsteps, but I had other plans.这人还真是说个不停啊This thing doesnt have a pause button, does it?是在舞池里On the dance floor.我曾热爰舞蹈Dance was my passion.但我当不了职业踢踏舞演员因为我的身材太壮了But nobody was gonna hire me as a hoofer when I looked like a heifer, you know? 我小时候肥胖I was a big kid.这就是
33、被迫没日没夜地在三文治店里打工的结果Being forced to work all day and night in a sandwich shop will do that to you.你父亲现在一定很为你自豪Well, your father must be very proud of you now.我们没有往来We dont speak.我是一位健身教练Well, Tm a fitness instructor.我是从健身房起步的然后我推出了我的第一盘I started in the studio, and then I made my first-我知道你是谁I know who
34、 you are.我看过那盘录像带Ive seen the tape.健身的The workout.是我错了I fucked up.我们通过错误吸取教训Mistakes are how we learn.只是不要再犯同样的错Just. donrt make the same one twice.先生我保证Sir, you have my word on that.再见先生Take care, sir.好继续吃吧All right, lets get back to business.我的老天Holy shit!老天就对了兄弟Holy shit is right, bro.摩门教老板在自己的商场
35、里打飞机Mormon boss man jacking it in his own mall.他们甚至不可以在自己家里打飞机Theyre not even allowed to jerk off in their own house.-什么是的-What? - Yeah.不这太残忍了No, that*s just cruel.-你还没看到最精彩的地方呢哥们-Youre not even seeing the best part. - Dude.从另一个角度可以看到那个性感的家庭主妇在自摸Look at the freaky housewife flicking the bean on this
36、 other angle. 看在这里See, right there.这里Right there.看There.天啊这很私密啊Wow. Thats intimate.同时又很公开And also, really public.他们为什么这么做Why would they do that?也许他们沉浸于当下天啊谢谢Wow. Thank you.谢什么他又没夸你For what? He didnt compliment you.玛丽卡时不时会给我看一些东西Marika shows me things from time to time 她觉得我可能会感兴趣的东西if she thinks I mi
37、ght find them interesting.我是无意间开始的Well, I just fell into it.我喜欢上了有氧训练和它带给我的影响I fell in love with aerobics and what it could do for me, 我想把它和其他人提供and I wanted to share that with others.我也跳过舞I danced too.-是芭蕾吗我从你的身材猜的-对没错-Ballet? Im guessing from your form. - Yes, thats right. 我的抬腿高度从来都超不过一个踏脚凳I could
38、 never lift my leg higher than a footstool.但还是可以跳现代舞和爵士舞But you can get away with it in modern and jazz.我其实只是好奇你是如何做出I really was just curious how you made that transition 从录像带到电视的转变 from tape to television.我现在遇到了困难You know, Pm having a hard time我的人不肯听我的建议getting my people to really listen to my sug
39、gestions. 简单Easy.-我没有“我的人-好吧那你如何-1 dont have people. - Okay, but then how do you- 五年前我在一家舞蹈教室工作Five years ago, I was working in a dance studio, 做着文书工作祈祷着能得到升职 praying for a promotion from desk duty. And then. 我遇到了玛丽卡I met Marika.她相信我And she believed in me.这就足够了我从此掌控了自己的人生和未来And thats all it took for
40、 me to take control of my life and my future.一个真正相信我的美丽女子One beautiful woman who truly believed.我的人生由我做主I control my own name.我的事业由我做主I control my own business.没人能告诉我该怎么做怎么说And nobody tells me what to do or say.除了玛丽卡Except Marika?每个人都需要合作伙伴Well, everyone needs a partner.你们拥有彼此这是个开端You two have each
41、other, which is a start.不抱歉我们没在一起我们只是朋友Oh, no, sorry. Were not together. We*re just friends.我也希望有更多控制权但我与斯塔和格伦纳公司签了约I would love to have more control, but Im in a contract with Stahl/Grunner. 我不能随便脱身I cant just walk away.有的人永远没准备好离开老爸家Some of us are never ready to leave Daddys house, 无论老爸对我们有多冷酷无情ho
42、wever unfeeling or cruel Daddy was to us.我说得对吗Am I right about that?很好猜他并不认识你Easy guess. He doesnt know you.我知道我就是这样因为我经历过I know I am because I had it too.别上了这个江湖骗子的钩Dont you get sucked in by this cheap trick.天啊我觉得你也是Oh, my gosh. I think you are.抱歉我只是不喜欢看到你Sorry, I just hate seeing you-你值得拥有更好的You d
43、eserve better而不是甘心妥协仅此而已than what you settle for, thats all.她说得对吗你妥协了Is she right? Is that what you do?谁也不要做决定No ones making any decisions.这样伤人.mess with people like this.我要创立一个健身紧身衣品牌You know, Im starting a line of workout tights叫做文尼瘦身衣called Vinnies Skinnies.采用注册了专利的吸水面料制作将会掀起健身衣物革命Its a patented
44、moisture-wicking fabric that will revolutionize fitness attire. 我想和你谈谈让你当我们销售伙伴的事fd love to talk to you about being one of our sales partners.如果你有兴趣玛丽卡可以联系你Marika can get in touch if yourre interested?她看起来如此-是-She just looked so. - Yeah.就像我妈在整个晚餐期间盯着时钟看Like my mom when shed spend all dinner watching
45、 the clock,气氛越来越紧张just getting tighter and tighter.是Yeah.这东西能造成很多痛苦This thing, this could cause a lot of pain.我们能够翻开痛苦深渊的大门Like, we could open up a world of hurt.我不希望成为四处伤害别人的人I dont wanna be the one that goes around, like, stabbing people.我尤其不想伤害孩子们I especially dont wanna stab kids.没错我的良心过意不去No, I
46、couldnt live with that on my conscience.孩子们是无辜的Like, kids are innocent.是这个世上唯一纯洁的东西The only pure thing in this world.但是在很多方面But in a lot of ways,我们都是支持孩子们的were on the kids side.他们伤害了她They hurt her.伤害了他们不是我们They hurt them. Itfs not us.我们曾犯过一次错We made a mistake once.是我们报名录像带俱乐部那次吗When we signed up for
47、 that cassette tape club?是茜拉说服我们让我们相信她有能力那次When we let Sheila convince us that she had the power.但正义站在我们这一边这是用钱也买不来的But we have righteousness on our side, and thats something you cant buy. 有人吗Hello?好耶漂亮Yeah! Nice.对不愧是我女儿好耶-Yeah, thats my girl. - Yay!-什么.你们好啊嗨-Wha- Hey, guys. - Hey.你们在干什么呢Whats going
48、 on out here?童子军和我们想象中不太一样Well, Little Cadets didnt turn out to be quite what we expected, 所以我们决定自己组织活动so we decided to take matters into our own hands.你呢今天过得如何How about you? How was your day?我和你说的情况也差不多I- You know, it wasnt too different than that.宝贝这平安吗Is that safe, babe?不平安这就是重点很危险No. Thats the p
49、oint. Its pretty dangerous.-毕竟是飞刀好吧-1 mean, its knives. - Okay.好我们再来一次准备好了吗Lets do another one. Ready?肘部姿势要摆好要瞄准木靶Youre gonna set your elbow, youre gonna aim it at the wood然后用全力扔出去and throw it as hard as you can.对了Yeah.芭妮泰勒Bunny. Tyler.我没想到你们会来I wasnt expecting you guys.你们是不是有关于动作备注的问题要问Did you have
50、 some questions on the notes for my routine?没有我不会做你的动作No. I wont be doing your routine.我们不是说好了吗I thought we had agreed?然后我看了看支票你的钱给少了Then I looked at the check, and you were short.大概少了两万四千五百美元About $24,500 short.听着我跟你说过了我受到了你的健身课启发Look. I told you I was inspired by your class.我很喜欢你的健身课I enjoyed your
51、 class.但那只是个开始But it was a start, okay?我不欠你任何东西I dont owe you anything.我创立的东西只属于我一个人What Ive created is mine and mine alone.不茜拉不是的No, Sheila, its not.但那不是我们来这里的原因But thats not why were here.我们来这里是因为你和那个极为保守的摩门教徒Were here because of what you and that tight-ass Mormon are doing被商场监控录像带录下来的行为on this se
52、curity tape from the mall.你们自慰得很有型呢When you were yanking a la mode.宝贝是谁啊Babe? Who is it?只是推销雅芳的Ifs just Avon.我很快就回来Fil be right in.你们是在虚张声势You*re bluffing.不我很不擅长撒谎No, Im a terrible liar.他的心情全都写在脸上He has no poker face.我一直以为你有点冷酷I always thought you were kinda cold,但在公共场合和已婚男子一起自慰but publicly jacking
53、it with a married man?摩门 教甚至规定教徒不准自 慰Mormons arent even allowed to jack it.有谁会想从生活如此混乱的人那里学习如何保持健康呢Who wants to learn how to be healthy from someone so messed up?两万五Twenty-five grand.否那么我们把它寄给他老婆和你的商业合伙人Or we send it to his wife, your business partners,对了还有丹尼and Danny.给你一周时间One week.我们要么得到钱要么看着你毁于一旦
54、Either we get money, or we get to watch you get destroyed.无论怎样我们都很兴奋Either way, we are, like; psyched!我的天啊Oh, my God.I mean, you know, maybe they got lost in the moment. 这沉浸得够厉害的Like, really lost.那位老板知道摄像头在哪Boss man knows where the cameras are.是他亲自安装的He put em in himself.他今天早上过来查看监控但是很遗憾He came by t
55、o check on em this morning, but sadly. 某位瘾君子忘记装录像带了 some stoner forgot to load the tapes.他对这个错误非常宽容He was super gracious about that error.那是一定Bet he was.嘿眼力不错兄弟Hey, good eye, bro.谢谢兄弟我只是在找看点Thanks, bro. I just look for the story.(四个月前)(三个月前两个月前一个月前当下)宝贝Baby.-这.这是-是什么-This is- This is- - Yeah?这可以拯救我们
56、一是吗-This could save us. - Yeah?我的Oh, my我的天Oh, my God.我的天Oh, my God!我的天Oh, my God.宝贝Sweetie.天啊Jesus- I di-早上好Good morning.你吓死我了You scared me.爸爸呢Wheres Daddy?应该是在洗手间吧In the bathroom, I think.你今天想吃什么样的鸡蛋What kind of eggs do you want today?爸爸做的Daddys.宝贝我知道你看到我有点伤心生病心里不好受Sweetie, I know it was hard seein
57、g me a little sad and sick, 但我现在好多了but Im better now.所以你想吃什么我都可以给你做So I can make you whatever you want.我只想吃麦片I just want cereal.好很好Okay. Perfect.要爸爸做的From Daddy.你现在想惩罚我You think you wanna punish me now?你等着吧你根本不清楚状况Just wait. You have no idea.好啊早上好All right. Good morning.太阳出来了妈妈起床了早餐吃什么Suns up. Moms
58、up. Whats for breakfast?麦片她要你做Cereal. She wants you to make it.好我来做Okay. I can do that.看看我能做得多快Lets see how fast I can go.爸爸疾如闪电Daddy lightning!One! Two!提醒一下我今天全天不在家Just a reminder, Tm out all day.我要去洛杉矶开一场重要会议I have a big meeting in Los Angeles.我们今天也有重要的事Yeah, well, we have a pretty big day ourselv
59、es.对不对Dont we?童子军我给她报名了Little Cadets, I signed her up.童子军我们不是觉得这有点太准军事化了吗Little Cadets? I thought we decided that was a little paramilitary for us?是但我送她上学时听到有些妈妈在聊这个Yeah, but, you know, some of the moms were talking about it at drop-off, 我就想:“不妨试试”and I kinda thought, HEh/ you know?-有些妈妈给宝贝-Here you
60、 go, sweetie. - Some moms, huh?是Yeah.比方旺达Like Wanda?对没错是有她Yeah, uh-huh. She was there.她是那些妈妈之一怎么吃醋了She was one of them. Why? Jealous?告诉他你是谁你在做什么Tell him. Who you are, what you do.我小时候当过童子军我很喜欢You know, I did scouts when I was a kid, and I loved it.他们给我们巴克匕首很大的那种They gave us Buck knives. Big ones.我也想
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