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1、Unit 1 Vocabulary1 illustrate He quoted some old Chinese sayings to illustrate his points.A single example will serve to illustrate the point.To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis.Sizes and prices are indicated, and many are illustrated for your purchasing guidance.目录中列有尺码及价格,其中许

2、多种服装都附有图片,为您购物提供指南。The book was illustrated with color photographs.2distinctAstronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science.天文学是一门严谨的科学,与占星术完全不同。There is a distinct possibility that shell be your teacher next term.她下学期当你们的老师的可能性非常大。We should make a distinction between right and wrong.我们应该

3、分清是非。He passed the examination with distinction.他以优异成绩通过考试。You should make your writing distinct.你应把字写清楚。3immigrate/immigrantThey approve the way of doing immigrate an examinee.他们赞成“移民考生”的做法。The promise of prosperity in the United States encouraged many people to immigrate.兴旺发达的前景吸引了众多的移民到美国We wont

4、grant a visa to you because you have the tendency to immigrate.He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant.California has many immigrants from other states.4emigrate/emigrantThe family decided to uproot themselves and emigrate to Australia.Go back there? Id sooner emigrate!回去? 我宁可移居海外也不回去!They are

5、emigrant labourers. An emigrant from England in 1860, she stayed in Australia and became the spokeswoman for the immigrant population.作为1860年来自英国的移民,她留在了澳大利亚,并且成了移民人口的发言人。5straitDanish navigator and explorer who in1728 sailed through the Bering Strait, proving(though he did not realize it at the tim

6、e) that Asia and North America are separate continents.The door is rather strait.。6the ArcticEskimos live in the Arctic.The explorer told the boys about his adventures in the Arctic.7by means ofAutomation by means of computers.借助计算机而实现自动化。He succeeded by means of perseverance.We express our thought

7、by means of words.8 majority/ minorityThe age of majority is eighteen.The suggestion was voted down by a large majority.这项建议以较大的多数否决了。The Conservatives got in by a small majority.保守党人以微弱多数当选。We were overruled by the majority.我们的意见被多数人否决了。Ever since Adam fools have been in the majority.自亚当以来,一直就是蠢才占多

8、数。9minorityThe nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue(问题中心).在那个国家的少数民族的国籍问题上仍有争论。Only a minority of British households do not have a car.英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。There are 55 minorities in our country.10CatholicHe was a Catholic but didnt practise (his religion).他那时是天主教徒,但并不实践信仰。Th

9、e Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。11despite/in spite ofDespite her age she still had a youthful body.Despite his rough corners he was very likable.尽管他粗里粗气,但却讨人喜欢。Despite advanced years, she is learning to drive.尽管年事已高,她还在学开车。He came to the meeting despite his il

10、lness.He still smoke despite the continual warning of his doctor.12hardshipYears of hardship and neglect had taken their toll.多年的劳累和疏于保养损害了他们的健康。A strong man will bear hardship without complaint.He didnt seem to mind any kind of hardship.His health broke down after years of hardship.13electThey elec

11、t him chairman of the committee.Americans elect a President every four years.They organized a poll to elect a president.14keep upHe can keep up until ten oclock tonight.I hope the fine weather will keep up.Slow down I cant keep up (with you)!She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.15boomThere

12、isnt a recent boom in real estate.最近房地产业不景气。Theres been a boom in exports this year.今年的出口激增。The country was in the middle of an economic boom.国家当时正处于经济繁荣时期。Will our stock market keep her boom?中国股市能否继续繁荣?16aircraft sing./pluralThe wings of the aircraft had iced up.A large passenger aircraft will land

13、 on the airfield.Only experienced pilots fly large passenger aircraft.只有有经验的飞行员才能驾驶大型客机。17racial/racialist/racialismGenuine racial equality still seems light-years away.真正的种族平等似乎仍遥遥无期。He is passionately opposed to racial discrimination.他极端反对种族歧视。He made a speech hitting out at racial discrimination.

14、他做了一次猛烈抨击种族歧视的讲演。18applicant/applicationHeres a job applicant with an excellent track record.这里有个表现记录优良的申请者。In my estimation, the applicant is well qualified for this job.据我看,这位应徵者完全具备这项工作的条件。Applicants shall hold a valid driving licence.申请者须有持效的驾驶执照。The applicant was interviewed and found unwanted.

15、应徵者经过面谈後被认为不合格。19customsHis father is a customs officer.他父亲是一位海关官员。The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。20occurDidnt it occur to you that he was lying?Dont let the tragedy occur again.不要让这样的悲剧再次发生。D

16、isputes occasionally occur between them.他们之间偶尔也发生争论。The possibility that she might be wrong never occurred to her.21indicateHe indicated his willingness with a nod of his head.A research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.Dont forget to indicate before turning.22luggage

17、u. AmE / baggage u. Never leave you luggage unguarded.千万注意看好自己的行李。Send your luggage on in advance.请把行李预先送出。He attached a label to his baggage.他往行李上贴了一个标签。The baggage will be delivered to you at the station.你将在车站拿到行李。23shaveWe could shave prices a little.我们可以稍微削减点价格。He shaved his head bald.他剃了个光头。He

18、had a shave and a bath.24apparent / apparentlyShe heard the news of his death with apparent unconcern.她听到他的死讯无动于衷。It soon became apparent that our opponents were too strong for us.He walked away for no apparent reason.She managed to climb out of the car, apparently unhurt.25brakeRemember to test you

19、r brakes regularly.The driver braked his car suddenly.26slipI m sorry I missed your birthday; it completely slipped my mind/ memory.He had a slip of tongue by chance.他偶然说走嘴。He caught the ball, then it slipped through his fingers.The fish slipped out of my hand.27bakeryThe bakery serves us with fresh

20、 bread daily.I must go to the bakery and pick up some rolls and cake.We bought two loaves of bread at the bakers.Mother has just slipped across to the bakers.母亲刚才悄悄到对面的面包店去了。Mr Baker entrusted me with the child.28ferryWe crossed the river by ferry.He went down to the ferry to find the boat on the ot

21、her side.Would you like a harbour tour on ferry?你喜欢坐渡轮到海港旅行吗?Also the ferry to the Statue of Liberty.还有到自由女神像的渡轮。Red cells ferry oxygen throughout the body.红血球将氧气运送到全身。We ferried the river on a small boat.我们用小船渡过那条河。29team up withHe preferred to go into business alone rather than to team up with any

22、one else.I teamed up with David on the project.Teaming up with China would help spread the risk.携手中国则会分散风险。Very soon I found some other people to team up with and we began to write songs.不久我找到其它几个人合作,我们于是开始创作歌曲。30hireIf it were not for this defect, I shall hire him at once.If you hire a car in Texas

23、, make sure it have air-conditioning.This is a nice setup, did you hire an interior decorator?An employer cannot afford to hire incapable workers.You may hire a suit for your wedding.31fascinatingEverythings so striking and fascinating.一切都是那么新鲜,令人神往。What do you think is so fascinating about America?

24、You had better take care, He is very fascinating.你最好小心些,他太会蛊惑人啦。32make outThis oriental legend is fascinating.I find Nanjing quite/extremely fascinating.The Ancient Egyptians were a fascinating people.古埃及人是个令人神往的民族。I find it extremely fascinating.I find the makeup, costumes and acrobatics quite fasc

25、inating.我觉得京剧的化妆、服装和杂技动作非常令人着迷。The book is fascinating, despite its uninspiring title.33take invt.接受, 让进入, 理解, 包括, 欺骗, 改短 I generally try to take in a show when Im in New York on business.Fish take in oxygen through their gills.If the skirt is too big, we can take in the waist.Theres no short cut to

26、 take in this problem.在这个问题上没有捷径可走。I was taken in by the salesman-the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable.The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.34angleAngular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point.角距离,是由一

27、定点到两物体之间所量度的夹角。Try looking at the affair from a different angle.35apply forDont apply for that job: youre in danger of overreaching yourself.不要申请那份工作,以免有不自量力之嫌。The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。How do I apply for this licence? You want inquiries.If

28、 you will be on holiday on election day, you may apply for a postal vote.倘若选举那天你在休假,可以申请用邮寄方法投票。You may apply for tickets in person or by letter.36nowhereThe book was nowhere to be found.That kind of talk will get you nowhere.说那种话对你没好处。She came from nowhere into national fame.她从无名之辈变成全国闻名。Some of th

29、e great men came out of nowhere.有些伟人来自不知名的小地方。37misarableThe handmaid led a miserable life.How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage?我怎么能靠这少得可怜的工资养家?The plan was a miserable failure.There are still many people whose living conditions are miserable.仍有许多人的生活条件是很艰苦的。38punishmentPunishment seemed

30、 to make no impression on the child.A teacher should not give students corporal punishment.The punishment was too harsh for him.The boy avoided punishment by running away.The engine can withstand a great deal of punishment.这台发动机坚固耐用。39justicen.公平, 公正, 正义, 司法, 法官, 法律制裁 Marriage is, first of all, a co

31、ntract which must be governed by justice.婚姻首先是一种契约,它必须以公正为制约。Justice triumphs in the end.British justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until hes proved guilty.英国司法运作的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是清白的。The police must do all they can to bring criminals to justice.警方必须竭尽全力追捕罪犯,将他们绳之以法。I wont

32、dispute the justice of his remarks.我不怀疑他的话是公平合理的。40mournMen mourn for what they have lost.男人为失去的东西而痛心。They came to mourn the loss of a friend.41civilMan is a civil creature.人是社会动物。The America Civil War broke out during the presidency of Lincoln.在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。We were tired of being pushed around by

33、 officious civil servants.我们厌烦那些官老爷把我们支来支去。42authorityThis old man is a leading authority on wheat diseases.The government is the highest authority in the country.My parents think that the contemporary young people have no respect for authority.43reformLegislative reform is long overdue.立法方面的改革早该进行。Many reforms must be made to the education system.教育体制要作许多改革。You have had every chance to reform.你是一直有改过自新的机会的。The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.税制改革得到众口一词的称赞。44graspIn considering this problem, you should grasp its essentials.He tried to grasp at the money, so he commi


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