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1、 PAGE 页码 14 / NUMPAGES 总页数 14科教版三年级英语下学期期末综合复习真题班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图写单词1. 选择与对话相符的人物。1Whos that woman?(_)Shes my grandmother.2Whos that man?(_)Hes my father.3Whos that woman?(_)Shes my mother.4Whos that man?(_)Hes my grandfather.5Whos that boy?(_)Hes my brother.2. 看图填单词。(1) (2)(3) (4)(5) (6)3. 看图,完成句子。1This

2、 is my_.2This is my_.3This is my_.4This is my_.4. 根据句意和图片,在横线上填写一个正确的单词。1.Its hot. Please_the window.2. Its time for breakfast. You cant_now. OK, Mum.3. Is this your_, Helen? No, its Yang Lings.4. Wheres my cap, Dad? Its_the table.5. How old are you, Tom? Im_.6. Hurry up! Its time for_.7. Whos this_

3、? Hes my friend Jack.8. Look! What are these? Theyre_.5. 看图,选词,填字母编号。A. sing B. cook C. fly D. read E. draw F. swim1(_) 2(_)3(_) 4(_)5(_) 6(_)填空题6. 选词填空。1Where does he work?He works in a_(gym / cinema). He is a coach.2This is a_(eye / nose).3I dont like_(pears / apples).7. 根据图片,选出正确的单词写在四线格上。1It has

4、 two big(eyes / ears).2Look at that cute(elephant / monkey).3My sister is(fat / thin).4Look! The monkey has a long(tail / nose).5She is my(grandpa / grandma).8. 选词填空(词汇运用)。1._(Do/Does)the cat like meat?Yes, it does. 2._(Have/Has)she got a sweater?Yes, she has. 3._(Who/What)is that?Its Tom. 4.Whats y

5、our favourite_(song/colour)?Yellow. 5.Amy_(go/goes)to school on Monday.9. 选词填空。How Point Whats black fine1._your name, please?2._are you, Lingling?3. Im_, thank you.4._to the blackboard.5. Its a_dog.10. 用“can” or “cant”填空。1The dog_fly.2I_eat a plane.3The fish_swim.4Sam_run fast.连词成句11. pencil box a

6、its (.)12. Is,black,monkey,a,it (?) 13. make, puppet, Lets, a (.)14. at Look skirt my (.)15. pinkskirtaits (.)选择题16. 选出每组中不同类的单词。1A.she B.UK C.USA( )2A.dad B.mom C.family( )3A.thin B.man C.fat( )4A.giraffe B.he C.cat( )5A.student B.teacher C.today( )17. _ ( )Heres your pencil.A.Whats this? B.What ar

7、e these? C.Wheres my pencil?18. 选择不同类的一项:( )A.first B.two C.second19. Isheyourbrother? ( )No, _.A.heis B.sheis C.heisnt20. Do you have a PE class on Friday? ( )Yes, I _.A.am B.is C.do句型转换21. 按要求完成句子。1.Are these buses long?(肯定句) 2.The apples are smooth.(否定句,意思不变) 3.It isautumnnow. (根据句子意思提问)4.My rubb

8、er isa triangle.(根据句子意思提问)What_is_rubber?5.The children likerobots.(根据句子意思提问)the childrenlike?22. 根据要求写句子。1Lindais my friend.(根据句子意思提问)2Are you Kitty ?(作肯定回答)3Im a dog .(变成否定句)4Are you Alice?(作否定回答)5Imfine.(根据句子意思提问)23. 根据要求写句子。1Is this a strawberry?(作否定回答)2Are these grapes?(作肯定回答)3These are oranges

9、.(变为一般疑问句)4These aregreen pears.(根据句子意思提问)5Is this a cherry?(改为复数)24. 句型转换。1. The candy isred and yellow. (对句子提问)2. Itssour. (对句子提问)3. I can heara bike. (对句子提问)4. I like pandas. (变一般疑问句)5. I have an ice cream. (变否定句)25. 句型转换。1How much milk do you want?(用Four bottles做出回答)2Damingdidhishomeworkathome.(

10、根据句子意思提问)_didDaming_athome?3Canyouswim?(做出肯定回答)阅读理解26. 阅读理解。Hello,everyone!Thisismybedroom.Thatismygreenbed.Itsverylovely.Isntit?Canyouseethepinkpillow?Itsmypillow.Ilikeitverymuch.Thedresserisbeside(在旁边)thebed.Itsbrown.Andaclockisonthedresser.Itspinkandpurple.Oh,thisismydesk.Itsblue.Thereisacomputer

11、onthedesk.Iliketousethecomputerverymuch.Ioftenuseittodomyhomework.Mybooksareunderthedesk.Thedeskisbesidethechair.Mychairisblue,too.Ah,mybaseball!Itsonmychair.Ilikemybedroomverymuch!( )1.Whereisthedresser?A. Next to (靠近) the bed. B. Behind the bed C.Nearthedesk.( )2.Istheclockonthedresser?A. No, it i

12、snt. B. Yes, it is. C.Idontknow.( )3.Whatcoloristhedesk?A.Green. B.Red. C.Blue.( )4.Wherearethebooks?A. Under the desk. B. Behind the desk. C.Nearthedesk.( )5.Isthereabaseballintheroom?A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. We dont know.27. 我是小法官。Mike and John: Happy birthday to you, Sarah!Sarah: T

13、hank you.Mike and John: How old are you?Sarah: Im ten.Mike and John: These are for you. A cake and two kites!Sarah: Thank you. Lets eat the cake.Mike and John: Great!阅读对话,判断对错。( )(1)Today is Sarahs birthday.( )(2)Sarah is 9.( )(3)Sarah has(有) 3 kites.( )(4)Sarah, Mike and John eat the cake.28. 根据短文内

14、容, 判断下列句子正误。There are three people in my family: my father, my mother and I.My father likes skating. He can skate well. My mother likes reading books. And she has a lot of books at home. I like singing and dancing. And I often sing songs for my parents(父母亲).( )(1)There are five people in my family.(

15、 )(2)My father doesnt like skating.( )(3)My mother likes reading books.( )(4)I like singing and dancing.( )(5)I often sing songs for my parents.29. 阅读短文,判断正(正确)误(错误)。Hello, I am John. I am a boy. I am ten. I am short and fat. My hair is short. My mouth is big. My eyes are big, too. This is my new fr

16、iend, Jack. He is a boy, too. He is 1He is tall and thin. His hair is short. His mouth is small. His ears and eyes are big. I like red and yellow. He likes blue and green.( )(1)John is ten.( )(2)John is thin and short.( )(3)Johns hair is long.( )(4)Jack is tall and thin.( )(5)Jacks eyes are big.30.

17、看图读一读,先给图上色,再判断句子正()误()。The cloud(云)is in the sky. Its black. The big car is red and yellow. The small car is orange. The tree is big. It is green and brown. The flower is pink (粉色). The thin cat is brown. The fat cat is black and white. The bird is blue.( )(1)The clouds are in the sky.Theyre blue.(

18、 )(2)The big tree is green andbrown.( )(3)The big car is red and yellow.The small car is orange.( )(4)The thin cat is black andwhite. The fat cat is brown.( )(5)The flower is pink.31. 读短文, 选出正确的答案。Hello, Im Mike. I have a ruler, a book, a pen and a pencil. Hello! My names Sarah. I have a ruler and a

19、 book, too. And I have a crayon and an eraser. Hello, I am John. I have a bag and a pencil box. Hi, my names Zoom. I have a bag and a pencil box, too. Hi, Im Wu Yifan. I have a pen, a pencil and a pencil box.(1)Mike has a ruler, a pen, a pencil and _A.a book B.a pencil box C.a bag(2)Sarah has a book

20、, a ruler, an eraser and _A.a crayon B.a pencil box C.a bag(3)John has a bag and _A.a crayon B.a pencil box C.a pen(4)Zoom has a pencil box and _A.a pen B.a pencil C.a bag(5)Wu Yifan has a pencil box, a pen and _A.a crayon B.a pencil C.a bag32. 阅读下面的对话,然后判断正误。Jack and Tom: Happy birthday to you, Luc

21、y!Lucy: Thank you.Jack: How old are you?Lucy: Im nine.Jack and Tom: Here you are, two bags and some dolls(玩具娃娃)Lucy: Thank you. How many dolls?Tom: Four dolls.Lucy: Lets eat the cake.Jack and Tom: Great!1Today (今天)is Lucys birthday.( )2Lucy is ten. ( )3Lucy has(有) threebags. ( )4Jack and Tom give(给)

22、 Lucy five dolls. ( )5Lucy, Jack and Tom will(将要) eat the cake.( )33. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hi! Im Bill. Im nine years old. Im in Grade 3. My favourite sport is football.My favourite colour is yellow. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. Do you want to be my friend

23、?(1)Bill is ten years old.( )(2)Bill is in Grade 3.( )(3)Bills favourite colour is yellow.( )(4)There are three people in his family.( )34. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello, Im John. Im tall and Im fat. My hair is short. My sister is Lucy. She is short and she is fat. Her hair is long. This is my friend. His name is Ken. He is tall and he is thin. His hair is short, too.1John is tall and fat.( )2Lucy is fat , too.( )3Lucys hair is short.( )4Ken isnt Johns friend.( )5Ken is tall and thin.( )35.


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