1、Store of Learning第一课零售培训店领导艺术阅读练习Store of Learning- Confidential - TIME MMMM, yy January, 09 Training, HRPage PAGE 10 of NUMPAGES 10LEADERSHIP LESSON领导艺术课程 Three Basic Beliefs三大基本信念In 1962 Sam Walton founded the first Wal-Mart Discount City Store in Rogers, Arkansas. The Rogers store opened as a 16,
2、000 square foot store with sales the first full year of $975,000. Sam Walton established and operated the Company on a foundation of three simple yet very important beliefs. These fundamental beliefs are the basis of all policies and decisions by which the Company operates. As we continue to grow, w
3、e must instill in our new Associates a sense of our culture and our founding principles. The principles that launched the Rogers store and guide the Company to this day are simple. These beliefs have made Wal-Mart successful and they are what will keep us successful.在1962年,山姆沃尔顿在阿肯色州罗杰斯开办了第一家沃尔玛廉价商店
4、,开始时罗杰斯商场的营业面积有16,000平方英尺,年销售额为975,000美元。山姆沃尔顿先生是在简单但非常重要的三个信仰的基础上创办和运作这家公司的。这三大信仰是支持公司执行政策和决策的基础。在我们不断发展的过程中,我们必须把公司的文化和基本政策灌输给我们的新员工。这些由罗杰斯商场开始且指导公司发展到今天的政策是简单的。这些信仰使我们取得成功,同时也是保证我们成功的原因。These three beliefs are:这三大基本信念是:Respect for the Individual 尊重个人Service to our Customers 服务顾客Strive for Excelle
5、nce 追求卓越Respect for the individual 尊重个人“Our people make the difference”, is the reason that we have been successful as a company. What it really means is that every single Associate is important and can make a difference no matter what job he/she may hold or what department that Associate may work i
6、n. It also means that when each Associate is successful in his or her duties, that Associate contributes to the success of the team as well as to the success of the entire Company. The key to “success” is our people, the way that they are treated and the way they feel about their Company. Mr. Sam on
7、ce said, “I think the realization that all of us like to be recognized and appreciated and need to feel like the role we play or what we do is important.”“我们的同事创造非凡”是我们公司成功的原因。这意味着我们每一位员工无论他从事什么工作或者他在什么部门工作,他们每一个人是重要的且创造非凡。这也意味着当员工在他/她的职责范围内是成功的,那么这名员工也向团队成功做出了他的贡献,同时向整个公司的成功做出了贡献。“成功”的关键在于我们的同事,在于公
8、司对他们的态度和他们感觉到公司对他们的态度。山姆先生曾说过:“我认为我们每一个人都喜欢被认可,被感激,同时必须喜欢我们所担当的角色或需要知道我们所从事的工作是很重要的。Respect for the Individual is demonstrated in these ways:尊重个人表现在以下几个方面:Servant Leadership公仆领导Servant Leadership is the ability to lead people in achieving group goals while taking care of their needs. A Servant Leade
9、r talks to Associates, listens to ideas, concerns, and suggestions. By serving first, you earn the right to be a leader. To be a true Servant Leader means you have tremendous respect for others.公仆领导是一种带领团队成员取得团队目标同时关注个人需求的能力,一个公仆式领导应该和员工交流,听取员工的意见、他们关注的问题和建议。你要学会做一名真正的领导,服务是第一位的。成为一名真正的公仆领导意味要非常的尊重别
10、人。Open Communications信息分享Another way we demonstrate respect for the individual at Wal-Mart is our open communications. Wal-Mart is one of the few companies that shares so much information with its Associates. We feel it is important to share information, both good and bad.在沃尔玛,体现我们尊重个人的另一方式是信息分享。沃尔玛
11、是少数几个会与员工分享许多信息的公司之一。我们认为无论是分享好的或坏的信息都很重要。Some examples of our open communications are our General Meetings and start-up meetings. In these meetings we share sales figures, profit information, and issues in the Center, among other things. Often the information shared at these meetings is confidentia
12、l. Please treat it as such.我们的员工大会和班前会是我们信息分享政策的体现。在这些会议上我们分享销售额,利润和分销中心的支出,以及其它事情,通常在会议上分享的信息是机密的,请认真对待。We believe that by sharing information, we are truly demonstrating respect for the individual, because it lets Associates know where they fit in and how their performance impacts the Company.我们相信
13、通过分享信息,我们真正地实践了尊重个人,通过信息分享让我们的员工了解到他们所适合的岗位以及他们的表现如何影响到公司。Open Door Policy门户开放政策Part of open communications is our Open Door policy. We, as leaders, are always willing to listen. Our Open Door Policy gives everyone the right to speak out and voice their opinion. Every Associate has the right to spea
14、k to any level of management they choose about any issue, idea, or concern. Open Door is not just the opportunity to air complaints. Some of our best ideas come from Associates who speak out.信息分享的一个部分是门户开放政策。我们作为管理层必须总是愿意聆听。我们的门户开放政策给每个人说话和表达个人观点的权利。每一个员工都有权利和任何一个阶层的管理者交流他们的意见,观点和关心的话题。门户开放不只是提供你一个抱
15、怨的机会,我们的许多好点子就是来自于我们员工。The Open Door Policy encourages respecting the individual by listening and respecting everyones ideas, opinions, concerns, and suggestions.门户开放政策鼓励我们,通过聆听和新生每个人的意见观点,关心的话题和建议来体现,尊重个人。Using the Open Door Policy does not mean that the Associate always gets their way. It does mea
16、n that all Associates have the right to voice their opinion.使用门户开放政策并不意味着你可随心所欲,这真正的意思是你有提出你观点的权利。Service to Our Customers服务顾客Satisfying the needs of the customer is not enough in Wal-Mart. We must always strive to exceed the customers expectations. This means going the extra distance and giving ext
17、ra effort above and beyond the call of duty. Our goal is to provide the stores with consistent quality service at the lowest possible cost.在沃尔玛,仅仅满足顾客的需要是不够的,我们必须永远追求超出顾客期望的服务。这就意味着在我们的责任上或超出我们的职责,进行更多更多的努力。我们的目标是用尽可能低的成本向顾客提供始终如一的高质量服务。Sundown Rule日落原则Our Sundown Rule is a standard that we take ser
18、iously. Every request for information from an Associate gets same-day servicebefore the sun goes down or their shift ends. When it is not possible to answer an Associates question, the Manager must tell the Associate of their progress and when they will have a response.日落原则是我们严格执行的一个标准。对于每个员工的信息要求必须
19、在要在当天给予答复,即在日落或他们班次结束前要解决,当不可能回答员工的问题时,管理层必须告诉员工问题解决的进展情况,和告诉他们什么时候会有答复。Strive For Excellence 追求卓越“Excellence is a journey, not a destination.”“卓越是一个过程,不是结果”Excellence is the result of high expectations, expectations of our people and of ourselves. Striving for excellence means setting high goals an
20、d standards. We should expect every Associate to do his or her best everyday! We should expect the same effort from ourselves as well. It means we do everything possible to make each of our Associates as successful as possible.卓越是对我们的员工及对我们自己有很高期望的结果,追求卓越就是制定高标准和高目标。我们期望我们的员工每天都做得最好,对于我们自己更是如此,这就意味着
21、我们要帮助每一名员工尽可能的成功。Striving for Excellence is how we can achieve extraordinary results. We practice this by: 追求卓越就是我们如何创造 非凡。我们通过以下方式做到:Continuously Improving不断提高Grass Roots Meetings草根会议(基层会议)Expense Control and Managing our P & L 成本控制及损益管理Continuously Improving不断提高The only thing constant at Wal-Mart
22、is change. We realize what has made us successful in the past is not necessarily going to make us successful in the future. As leaders, we must constantly look for ways of improving our systems and methods.在沃尔玛唯一不变的就是变化。我们知道,过去使我们成功的,在未来并不一定也会使我们成功。作为管理层,我们必须不断完善系统和工作方法。Grass Roots Meetings基层会议Anoth
23、er way we Strive for Excellence is through our Grass Roots Meetings. Grass Roots Meetings are held once a year in our Centers; we also have Mini Grass Roots Meetings once a month. These meetings allow Associates to discuss ideas, concerns, and suggestions for the Company and Distribution Center. It
24、is a time for Associates to bring up continuous improvement ideas.另一个追求卓越的方式就是召开基层会议。总部每年开一次基层会议,我们每个月也会有一个小型的基层会议,这些会议允许员工讨论关于公司和商场的想法,关注及建议。这是给员工提出改进意见的机会。Expense Control and Managing ourP & L成本控制及损益管理A very important way that we strive for excellence at Wal-Mart is by controlling our expenses. Th
25、is is very important to us because we are committed to offering our Customers the lowest prices. This is made possible by keeping our operating costs down. The more we control expenses, the more we are able to cut prices and stay ahead of the competition. 在沃尔玛,一个非常重要的追求卓越的方式就是控制成本,这对于我们来说非常重要,因为我们有责
26、任给顾客提供较低的价格,这通过降低营运成本来达到,成本越低,我们就能为顾客提供更低价格的商品,成为价格的先驱。It is everyones responsibility to keep costs down. You can do this by re-using boxes, by controlling supplies, or by not damaging freight.降低成本是我们每个人的责任,你可以通过再利用纸箱,控制自用品用量,防损控耗等方式做到。THREE BASIC BELIEFS 三个基本宗旨Match the Basic Belief to the correct
27、description: 请将基本宗旨与正确有说明连线Service to our Customers服务顾客Trust people, be fair and truthful信任他人、正直、诚实Respect for the Individual尊重个人Continuous Improvement不断提高Strive for Excellence追求卓越Sundown Rule日落原则Which of the Three Basic Beliefs supports the Open Door Policy? What is the purpose of the Open Door Pol
28、icy?在三个基本宗旨中哪一个最支持门户开放原则的?门户开放的目标是什么?Which of the Three Basic Beliefs supports Expense Control? Identify and list three areas where the store can reduce expenses.哪一个是最支持控制支出的?找出三个商场可以降低成本例子。Which of the Three Basic Beliefs supports the Sundown Rule? What should be done if you are unable to answer an
29、 Associates question before their shift ends?哪一个支持日落原则?如果当你无法在一个员工下班前回答他/她提出的问题,你应该怎样做?SERVANT LEADERSHIP 公仆领导Websters Dictionary defines serve as to render assistance, be of use, help contribute to.韦伯斯特大辞典定义服务,是“给予协助,使其有用,帮助促进。”What are the qualities of a servant?一个公仆的特征是什么?“Leaders get people to w
30、illingly do things that they normally wouldnt do.”“领导就是让人们很乐意地去做他们通常不喜欢做的事情。”Norman SchwartzkopfLeader means a guiding or direct head. 领导就是一个率领的,直接的头目。What are the qualities of a leader?一个领导的特征是什么?List someone you respect as a leader. What leadership qualities does this person possess that you admir
31、e?例出你所崇拜的一个领导,这个人的哪种领导魅力吸引了你?What is Your Role? 你的作用是什么?Your daily acts and decisions should support our Three Basic Beliefs. In other wordswalk your talk!每天你的日常行为和决策都是符合三个基本信念的,换句话说就是说到做到!It is not only your role to live the Three Basic Beliefs. It is also your role to teach these beliefs to your A
32、ssociates. Here are some things you can do:你的任务不仅是遵守三个基本宗旨,你还要教给其它的员工,以下有一些你可以做的事:Teach by example. This is the easiest and most effective way to teach the Three Basic Beliefs.举例说明,这是介绍三个基本宗旨简洁有效的方式。Recognize Associates who practice our beliefs.辩别出按照原则做到的员工Talk to Associates about our beliefs during your Coaching By Walking Around (CBWA).在CBWA上与员工谈起我们的宗旨These are just a few suggestions to help you perpetuate our beliefs and ensure our success in t
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