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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业新高考概要写作“高级词汇”的运用考试拿分就靠它高级词汇的运用应遵循以下几条原则:原则一:弃旧取新原则阅卷老师偏爱学得晚的单词,因为使用学得比较晚的单词,可以体现学生学以致用的意识。例如,表示美丽的形容词,同学们首先想到的是初中词汇beautiful,用高中词汇appealing,attractive,charming和fascinating等来替换beautiful,可以为书面表达提分不少。原则二: 短语优先原则高考书面表达中,多使用词组和习语来代替一些单词可以起到增加

2、文采的作用。例如,first可用to begin / start with 替换;besides可以用in addition和what is more替换;consider可以用take sth. into consideration/account替换;remember可以用 keep in mind替换。原则三:避免重复原则同学们要想写出一篇好的书面表达,就要尽量避免重复多次使用同一个简单的单词。例如,反复使用should,这时考生应该充分发散思维,灵活地运用短语be supposed to 和had better等进行替换。第1组:代替important的高级词汇简单Education

3、is very important.高级Education isof much/vital/great importance.简单The work he does is very important.高级The work he does isabsolutely vital.简单A balanced diet is very important for us.高级A balanced diet isabsolutely essentialfor everyone.简单Money is the only thing thats important to him.高级Money is the on

4、ly thing thatmatters to him.简单First impressions are very important.高级First impressions really docount.简单Parents are important in childrens learning.高级Parentsplay an important role/part inchildrens learning.简单Childrens education is very important for Chinese parents.高级Chinese parentsattach much impor

5、tance tochildrens education.简单Its very important for parents to be honest with their children.高级Itsvery vital/essentialfor parents to be honest with their children.第2组:代替good的高级词汇简单He is a good football player.高级He is anamazingfootball player.简单This is a very good place.高级This is afantasticplace, re

6、ally beautiful.简单The view from my bedroom window was very good.高级The view from my bedroom window wasabsolutely breathtaking.简单This is a very good opportunity to learn about American culture.高级This is auniqueopportunity to learn about American culture.简单The schools examination results were very good.

7、高级The schools examination results were veryimpressive.简单The food was very good and we had a wonderful night.高级The food wassuperband we had a wonderful night.(superb:杰出的,极好的)简单The staff are doing a good job.高级The staff are doing asplendidjob.(splendid:辉煌的,灿烂的,极好的)简单I cant stand him, but my wife think

8、s hes very good.高级I cant stand him, but my wife thinks hesmarvelous.(marvelous:非凡的,不可思议的)简单You look very good in that dress.高级You lookabsolutely gorgeousin that dress!第3组:代替cause/make的高级词汇简单His actions could make him lose his job.高级His actions couldlead tohim losing his job.(lead to sb doing sth:导致某

9、人做某事)简单The accident caused two passengers to die.高级The accidentresulted inthe death of two passengers.简单There are several reasons for the strange phenomenon.高级Several reasons mayaccount forthe strange phenomenon.(account for:对做出解释)简单The floods caused the deaths of over a hundred people.高级The floodsw

10、ere responsible forthe deaths of over a hundred people.简单Daily shaving can cause a number of skin problems.高级Daily shaving cangive rise toa number of skin problems.(give rise to:引起,导致)简单We are still dealing with problems caused by your mistake.高级We are still dealing with problemsresulting fromyour m

11、istake.第4组:代替because of的高级词汇简单Weve reached our goal because of your great help.高级Weve reached our goal,thanks toyour great help.简单Because the money isnt enough, the project will not continue next year.高级Owing toa lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.简单Because of the pilots strike,

12、all flights have had to be cancelled.高级As a result ofthe pilots strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.简单The fishes in the river have died because of water pollution.高级The fishes in the river have diedas a consequence ofwater pollution.简单The restaurants success was mainly because of its new ma

13、nager.高级The restaurants success wasdue largely toits new manager.第5组:代替very的高级词汇简单Self-confidence is very important to our success.高级Self-confidence isabsolutely vitalto our success.简单Earthquakes are very difficult to predict.高级Earthquakes areextremelydifficult to predict.简单His mother is a very succ

14、essful politician.高级His mother is ahighlysuccessful politician.简单His attitude is very important to its success.高级Its success will dependto a large extenton his attitude.(to a large extent:在很大程度上)简单She looks very beautiful tonight.高级She looksextraordinarilybeautiful tonight.(extraordinarily:非常,格外的)简单

15、Conditions have improved a lot over the past few years高级Conditions have improvedconsiderablyover the past few years.(considerably:相当,非常)简单Raising money for the homeless has been very difficult.高级Raising money for the homeless has beenincrediblydifficult.(incredibly:难以置信地,很)第6组:表达“对有好处”的高级词汇简单The vis

16、it to European universities will be good for us.高级We willbenefit greatly fromthe visit to European universities.简单We should work together to help the whole community.高级We should worker together tobenefitthe whole community.简单A bit more exercise would be good for you.高级A bit more exercise woulddo you

17、 good.简单Its useless to tell him - he wont listen.高级Its no goodtelling him - he wont listen.简单The summer course can make studentsoral English become better.高级The summer course canimprovestudentsoral English.第7组:表达“对坏处”的高级词汇简单Modern farming is very bad for the countryside.高级Modern farming havedone muc

18、h harm tothe countryside.简单These chemicals is very bad for the environment.高级These chemicals havecaused serious damage tothe environment.简单Smoking can be very bad for your health.高级Smoking canseverely damageyour health.简单The fire was very bad for the school.高级The schoolwas completely destroyedin the

19、 fire.简单Alcohol and drugs were very bad for his career.高级Alcohol and drugs almostruinedhis career.简单I want you to have fun.高级I dont want tospoilyour fun.(spoil:溺爱,毁掉)第8组:表示“大小多少”的高级词汇简单My new job will be a big challenge.高级My new job will be atremendouschallenge.(巨大的)简单More and more Americans are cur

20、ious about Chinese culture.高级An increasing number ofAmericans are curious about Chinese culture.简单The shortage of teachers is a big problem.高级The shortage of teachersposes a major problem.(poses a major problem:构成重大问题)简单We have made some small changes to the program.高级We have made someminorchanges t

21、o the program.(minor:较小的)简单Most of the students are short-sighted.高级The majority ofthe students are short-sighted.简单The policy benefits only a small group of people in the country.高级The policy benefits onlya small minority ofthe countrys population.第9组:devote替换spendHe spends all his spare time in re

22、ading. He devotes all his spare time to reading.第10组:average替换ordinaryIm an average(ordinary) student.第11组:but替换veryThe film we saw last night was very interesting. The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.第12组:seat 替换sitOn his way to school, he found an old lady seated(sitting) by the

23、 road, looking worried.第13组:suppose替换shouldHe is supposed to(should) have driven more slowly.第14组:appreciate替换thankThank you very much for your help. We appreciate your help very much.第15组:the case替换trueI dont think it is the case(true).第16组:on替换as soon asAs soon as he arrived, he began his research

24、. On his arrival, he began his research.第17组:due to替换because ofHe arrived late due to(because of) the storm.第18组:cover替换walk/readAfter covering (walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.第19组:contribute to替换 be helpful/usefulPlenty of memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study. Plenty of memory

25、work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.第20组:round the corner替换coming soon/ nearby The summer vacation is round the corner(coming soon). Do you have any plans? Li Ming studies in a school round the corner(nearby).第21组:come to light替换discoverThe family were so pleased when they discovered t

26、he lost jewels. The family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to light.第22组:have a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneselfAfter visiting the workshop, we went back to school. Every one of us had a ball(had a good time).第23组:come up with替换think ofJack is very clever. He often comes up with (thin

27、ks of) new ideas.第24组:set aside替换saveSome students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for books.第25组:be of + n. 替换adj.The products are of high quality (very good) and are sold everywhere in China.第26组:refer to替换talk about/of,mentionThe professor you referred to(talked about

28、) is very famous.第27组:lest替换so that /in order thatI wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it. I wrote down his telephone number lest I forget it.第28组:be caught up in. be crazy about. be absorbed in. be addicted to. 替换be interested inHe is caught up in (interested in) collecting stamps.第29组:more than替换veryIm very glad to learn that you are coming in September. Im more than glad to learn that you are coming in September.第30


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