1、海南集团英语培训“说题”海南中学 黄燕飞1、什么是说题?初步了解“说题”:是指在做题的基础上,阐述对习题解答时所采用的思维方式,解题策略及依据,进而总结出经验性解题规律。 可分为“学生说题” 和“教师说题” 。“教师说题” 是类似于说课的一种教育教研展示和讨论活动,是说课的延续和创新,是一种深层次备课后的展示。2、说题说什么?五、说拓展价值 初步了解一、说命题立意 二、说知识考点 三、说如何分析讲解 四、说指导学生作答 分析讲解命题立意 知识 考点 题目 拓展 结束语 说 题指导作答说题流程说题= 讲解题目把题目讲解透彻,让学生能理解这道题目所包涵的知识点,能会做运用这个知识点的变式练习说题一
2、、选择题目= 讲解题目5.源于书本,和文本有联系,贴近学生的生活,语境好4.有时代感和有地方特色,学生比较感兴趣的话题3. 紧扣中考的必考点2. 可以增加些变式练习的题目1.结合学生的学情, 学生的易错点2.了解题目的语境。讲解语言简洁明了,点到为止。3.从学生的角度去讲,讲清来龙去脉。4. 充分备课,准备丰富的变式练习。二、讲题1. 考查的语言点在中考中的地位, 由点及面。5. 形式多样。可以由老师讲,也可以由学生讲,也可由学生在小组内讲。( )1.Now it is 7 oclock in _ morning in Beijing and 11 oclock at _ night in L
3、ondon. A. 不填;the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 南通市2014中考英语 单项选择 第一题 例题1剖析 方法一一、说命题立意这道题考查的是学生( )能力水平。属于( )思维,试题在整张试卷难易程度中是( )的。 ( )1.Now it is 7 oclock in _ morning in Beijing and 11 oclock at _ night in London. A. 不填;the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 识记低阶较易二、说知识考点( )1.Now it is 7 oclock in _
4、morning in Beijing and 11 oclock at _ night in London. A. 不填;the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 冠词时间时区题号项目 语言知识课程目标要求词汇语法功能话题三、说如何分析讲解“在上午”和“在下午”是两个“fixed phrases”,所以在短语“in the morning”中要用定冠词,而在短语“at night”中,则不用冠词,故选“C”。本题中,如果学生学习英语的基本功羸弱,不太擅长识记一些“事实性”知识,答案就会出现偏差。( )1.Now it is 7 oclock in _ morni
5、ng in Beijing and 11 oclock at _ night in London. A. 不填;the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 四、指导学生作答在解答本题时,学生首先可以在题干中圈划出着两个短语,其次根据脑海中储存的知识,在两根横线上写下相应答案,最后匹配选择项,得出准确答案。( )1.Now it is 7 oclock in _ morning in Beijing and 11 oclock at _ night in London. A. 不填;the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a the/五
6、、说拓展试题讲解完后,我们要探讨试题的价值,做好试题的拓展与迁移。本题是典型的冠词试题,经常出现在中考试卷单项选择题第一题。针对“冠词”这个知识点,教师在平时教学中要加强筛选整合信息的训练,“讲中练,练中讲”,通过训练,学生才能掌握冠词(定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词)的各种用法。 ( )1.Now it is 7 oclock in _ morning in Beijing and 11 oclock at _ night in London. A. 不填;the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 关于如何使用时间介词in, on, at原则性 _ |_ |_ |_
7、 At(点) on(天、日) in(月,季,年) 原则性与灵活性相结合例题剖析 方法二某些法定的形式或者是已成习惯关固定下来的形式灵活性at weekends at Christmasat lunchtime at noon at night at midnight in the morning in the afternoon in the evening帮助学生归纳( )63.The magazine beside the TV is about how to make cakes.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is about how to make cakes? 南通市2014中考英语
8、句型转化 第三题 例题 2 剖析一、说命题立意这道题考查的是学生( )能力水平。属于( )思维,试题在整张试卷难易程度中是( )的。 理解运用高阶较难( )63.The magazine beside the TV is about how to make cakes.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is about how to make cakes? 三、说如何分析讲解“beside the TV”作为后置定语来修饰先行名词“the magazine” ,在英语语法中,对于定语的提问常用“which”,故答案是“Which magazine”。本题中,学生对“beside the TV” 在句
9、中的成分判断容易出现偏差,在学生们印象中,地点介词引导的短语理所当然强调地点,划线提问用“where”, 这就是本题的难点。( )63.The magazine beside the TV is about how to make cakes.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is about how to make cakes? 四、指导学生作答在解题时,学生首先可以在题干中圈划出“beside the TV” 并写下“定语”,其次用箭头符号指向“the magazine” ,最后在横线上写出准确答案。( )63.The magazine beside the TV is about how to
10、 make cakes.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is about how to make cakes? 定语Which magazine五、说拓展试题讲解完后,我们要探讨试题的价值,做好试题的拓展与迁移。本题是需要学生运用基础知识,进行综合分析,考察学生思维是否敏捷。针对学生介词短语在句中是定语还是地点状语等其他成分这个疑难点,教师在平时教学中要加强筛选整合信息的训练,“讲中练,练中讲”,通过训练,加以指导、分析、比较,学生才能掌握介词短语各种用法。 ( )63.The magazine beside the TV is about how to make cakes.(对划线部分提问)
11、_ _ is about how to make cakes? 2012年中考题 选择题第11题Song Ying is _ kind that she has donated almost all her savings to a charity. A. very B. so C. muchD. such例题3 剖析 so/such -thatIts kind of Jane to help me with my study.(同义)Jane is so kind that she can help me with my study.Jane is such a kind girl that
12、 she can help me with my study.Jane is kind _ _help me with my study.变式练习(一)enough to Amy is very careful. She notices small changes around her. 2014年南通中考题Amy is careful _ _ notice small changes around her.enough to so/such -thatDavid is old. He cant finish the task alone.(同义)David is so old that he
13、 cant finish the task alone.David is too old to finish the task alone.David isnt young enough to finish the task alone.变式练习(二) so that变式练习(三)Tom studies hard. He wants to go to high school.(同义) Tom studies hard _ _ he can go to high school.Tom studies hard in order that he can go to high school.Tom
14、studies hard in order to/ so as to/to go to high school. so that 例题4 剖析Stephen had a very exciting trip last night. (改为感叹句) 2014年南通中考题_ _ exciting trip Stephen had last night!请各位老师各显神通 Compare the speeches made by the students from different schools, and you can find Frank is _. Sure. Thats why we v
15、ote for him.more boring B. the most boring C. more interesting D. the most interesting2. Why have you stopped _, Kitty? The singing competition is coming up soon.to practice to sing B. to practice singing C. practicing to sing D. practicing singing3. Do you know _ second-hand smoke? To protect our h
16、ealth and memory.how we should prevent B. where should we prevent C. why we should prevent D. whether we should prevent 互动活动:5分钟讨论时间,请大家想想怎样讲题? 2014年南通中考题promise chat choose discuss refuse1.The two English travellers _ about the weather in a traditional English way when they meet. 2.Mr Green never _
17、 anyone to do anything unless he is sure that he can do something well.3. Most young people in the village agreed to move to town, but some of the elderly people _.4. We _ Canada for the coming holiday, and the next step is to plan our rout carefully.5. I heard lots of noise from your group, Suzy. S
18、orry to have disturbed you. We _ the history project. chattedpromiseshave chosenrefuseddiscussed2014年南通中考题FpP1P2presentfuture时态分析 (定位法+语境)A 置于情景中,理解句意,找正位置注意点: B考虑基本结构、时态、语气、语调反思感悟有利于提高教师素质。有助于提高学生的解题能力。有利于理论与实践的结合 。有利于营造教研气氛。 对“为什么要说题”的理解教育态度不要发烧,不要心血来潮,应该是平淡的,像一杯白开水,是一个灵魂对另一个灵魂的态度诉说。朱良才谢谢,让我们共同学习!
19、Thank you for listening!例题剖析1. Have you ever seen _ 3D film Titanic? Not yet. But I hear it is _ love story between Rose and Jack. A. a; theB. the; a C. a; a D. the; the不能用实事,学生不一定去看,不了解Rose and Jack例题剖析6._ try your best to help people in need? It will be an experience you will never forget.What abo
20、ut B. How aboutC. Why not D. Why dont 纯粹语法题7. Do you know _ it is from the supermarket from your school? Twenty minutes walk.how longB. how soon C. how much D. how far此how far 是伪语境,不看答句,就可看出答案。 Could you tell me _? Id like to take part in it. On July 5th. (2012年南通市中考题)A. when will the fashion show b
21、e heldB. when the fashion show will be heldC. where will the fashion show be heldD. where the fashion show will be held Simon, I wonder _. Last Saturday. (2011年南通市中考题) A. when the foreign visitors arrived B. when did the foreign visitors arriveC. when the foreign visitors will arrive D. when will th
22、e foreign visitors arriveABDo you want to be successful in everything you do? If so, then 16 ? Here is an example.There was a farmer who 17 corn (玉米) all his life. Each year he took his corn to the market. Then each time his corn was chosen as the 18 and won the first prize.One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something 19 about how he grew it. The farmer 20 his seed (做种子的) corn to his neighbors.16. A. why B. howC. whenD. where17. A. grew B. boughtC. soldD
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