国际企业管理 双语 期末简答题汇总(含翻译)_第1页
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1、Topic2 Why Go International话题(hut)二 为什么要走向国际共八十一页1. What are the key reasons holding companies back from going global ? (2-2)妨碍(fng i)公司全球化的几个关键原因?In summary, the key reasons holding companies back are:妨碍公司全球化有几个关键原因,总结如下1. Lack of managerial talent.2. Differencesin language, culture, and business a

2、nd legal procedures.3. Expense and risk.4. Difficulty of serious market penetration.缺乏管理才能语言(yyn),文化,商业和法律程序等方面的差异费用和风险市场占有率低的窘境共八十一页2.What are the major motivations push or pull company go abroad? (2-2) 推动公司出国的主要动力有哪些?1. Having a unique technological advantage with goods or services or possessing e

3、xclusive market information具有独特的技术优势,具有商品或服务,或拥有市场信息的专有技术2. Economies of scale规模(gum)经济3. Tax benefits税收优惠共八十一页4.Approaching Neighbors to Control Risk5.Protecting Turf6. extend the product life cycle. 7.Shorter technology cycles and the rapid diffusion of technologies 4、接近邻居控制(kngzh)风险5、保护草坪6。延长产品生命

4、周期。7、较短的技术周期和技术的快速扩散共八十一页Topic3 The Theory of International Trade and Investment(3-1)话题三 国际(guj)贸易和国际(guj)投资理论(3-1)共八十一页1.Absolute Advantage Some countries, owing to the skills of their workers or the quality of their natural resources, could produce the same products as other with fewer labor-hours

5、. Adam Smith termed this efficiency Absolute Advantage. 1。绝对优势一些国家,由于(yuy)工人的技能或自然资源的质量,可以生产与其他劳动时间不一样的产品。亚当史密斯称这效率绝对优势。共八十一页2. Comparative Advantage Some countries must be relatively more efficient than the other country in one goods production than the other. Ricardo termed this advantage as the c

6、omparative advantage. 2。比较(bjio)优势-有些国家必须比其他国家的效率要比其他国家的效率要高。李嘉图称这种优势为比较优势。共八十一页3.Determinants of National Competitive Advantage: Porters Diamond 3。国家(guji)竞争优势的决定因素:波特的钻石共八十一页Topic4 International business reseachtopic4国际商务(shngw)研究共八十一页1. What are the major difference between international and dome

7、stic research?(4-1)国际和国内调查的主要差异(chy)有哪些?The four primary reasons for this difference are 1.new parameters, 2.new environmental factors, 3.an increase in the number of factors involved,4. a broader definition of competition. 造成(zo chn)这种差异的四个主要原因是1.新参数,2.新的环境因素,3.增加许多因素参与,4.竞争的更广泛的定义。共八十一页2. How do y

8、ou do when you assess the foreign market opportunities ?如果你有用国外市场的机会(j hu),你会怎么做? (4-3)1.Determine if you have a clear advantage over other prospective entrants or existing players. 2.Identify an unmet market need or underserved market niche. 3.Find the “Goldilocks” sized market4.Look for a growing

9、pie so that your slice does not have to come from other players1、确定你是否对其他潜在(qinzi)的进入者或现有的球员有明显的优势。2。确定一个未满足的市场需求或缺医少药的利基市场。3。找到“金发”中小企业市场4,寻找一个不断增长的馅饼,这样你的切片就不必来自其他玩家共八十一页5.Conduct your own Competitive Analysis of each market under consideration.6.Identify markets that are in a state of “disequilib

10、rium.” 7.Find pockets of unhappy customers with low switching costs.8.Understanding the customers purchase decision criteria 5、对各市场进行竞争分析。6,确定(qudng)处于“不平衡”状态的市场。7、寻找低转换成本的不满意客户。8、了解客户的购买决策标准共八十一页9. Identify the most appropriate distribution channels for your product in the chosen country.10.Observe

11、 macro-level trends11.Beware of regulatory hurdles12.Identify the most attractive segment or segments13.Consider the costs of Greenfielding compared to acquisition or joint venture. 9。确定最适合您的产品在选定的国家的分销渠道。10、观察宏观(hnggun)趋势11、谨防监管障碍12、识别最有吸引力的段或段13。考虑greenfielding相比,收购或合资企业的成本。共八十一页3.What are the key

12、 forces that shape the level of competition in the industry according to Michael Porter?米迦勒波特的行业竞争的关键力量(l ling)是什么? (4-3)Five Forces that shape the level of competition in the industry: 1.The Bargaining Power of Customers; 2.The Bargaining Power of Suppliers; 3.The Threat of Substitute Products; 4.

13、The Threat of New Entrants; 5. the Current State of Rivalry Among Existing Competitors in the Industry. 共八十一页五种力量,塑造行业竞争的水平:1、客户(k h)的议价能力;2、供应商的议价能力;3、替代产品的威胁;4。新加入者的威胁;5。行业现有竞争对手之间的竞争状态。共八十一页Topic 5 How to enter the international market主题5 怎样(znyng)进入国际市场共八十一页1.When we DECIDING TO GO INTERNATIONAL

14、 what else we should consider except the benefit we may obtain in global market? (5-1)当我们在进入(jnr)国际市场时,除了我们即将获得的利益,我们还需要考虑其它哪些因素?We should consider the risks and potential obstacles we will face in foreign country . 1.Cultural barriers-Variations in language,religious beliefs, societal norms, and bu

15、siness negotiation styles 我们应该考虑在国外的风险和潜在的障碍,我们将面对的外国。1。文化(wnhu)障碍-语言、宗教信仰、社会规范和商务谈判风格的变化共八十一页2.economic risks3.political risks4.Foreign exchange ellectual property protection 6.Different legal and economic systems 7.not being paid for your goods and services2经济风险3政治风险4外汇风险5知识产权保护(boh)6不同的

16、法律和经济制度7没有为你的商品和服务支付共八十一页2. What are the major alternative entry strategies we can choice when going international? List 6 alternatives at least. 当我们进入国际市场时,有哪些主要的可供选择的战略(zhnl)?至少列举6条。 (5-1, 5-2, 5-3)A.majority of firms that initiate international business activities use four forms of entry strategi

17、es: 1.indirect exporting and importing, 2.direct exporting and importing, 3.licensing, 4.franchising. 绝大多数公司发起国际商务活动,使用四种形式的进入策略:间接出口(ch ku)和进口直接出口和进口许可证特许经营。共八十一页B.larger and more experienced firms mostly use other modes of entry, such as 1.direct foreign investmentgreenfield investment, joint vent

18、ure investment, full ownership subsidiaries 2. contractual agreements-management contracts, outsourcing, turnkey operations, 3.Equity participation4.Consortia规模较大的企业大多采用其他模式的进入,如1、外商直接投资独资、合资子公司的投资,全部所有权2。合同协议-管理合同,外包,交钥匙操作,3、股权参与(cny)4。联盟共八十一页3. What are the benefits and obstacles of direct exporti

19、ng and importing?直接进出口的好处(ho chu)和障碍有哪些?(5-1)They learn more quickly the competitive advantages of their products and can therefore expand more rapidly. They also have the ability to control their international activities better and can forge relationships with their trading partners, which can lead

20、 to further international growth and success.However, the firms also are faced with obstacles. These hurdles include identifying and targeting foreign suppliers and/or customers and finding retail space, processes that can be very costly and time-consuming.共八十一页他们更快地学习(xux)他们的产品的竞争优势,因此可以迅速扩大。他们也有能力

21、更好地控制他们的国际活动,并可以与他们的贸易伙伴建立关系,这可能会导致进一步的国际增长和成功。然而,企业也面临着障碍。这些障碍包括识别和瞄准外国供应商和/或客户,寻找零售空间,过程可能是非常昂贵和耗时。共八十一页4.What kind of help does a company can get from the International intermediaries?(5-1)一个公司可以从国际中间商获得(hud)什么样的帮助?1.Knows foreign market competitive conditions 2.Has personal contacts with potenti

22、al foreign buyers, offer access to key decision makers and buyers, and specialized experience in negotiating with governments, freight forwarders and banks.3.Evaluates credit risk associated with foreign buyers共八十一页1、了解国外市场的竞争情况2、具有潜在的外国买家的个人接触(jich),提供关键的决策者和买家的访问,以及与政府、货运代理人和银行进行谈判的专业经验。3、信用风险评估与外

23、国买家共八十一页4.Has sales staff to call on current foreign customers in person5. Assumes responsibility for physical delivery of product to foreign buyer6. Offer working capital, translating language, clearing customs paperwork, and trade insurance7. Offer after sales support.共八十一页4、有销售人员拜访客户(k h)5。负责将产品交

24、付给外国买家的责任6。提供营运资金,翻译语言,清理海关文书,贸易保险7。提供售后支持。共八十一页5.What is Licensing? What kind of intellectual property one firm has can be licensed to another firm to use? (5-2)5、什么是许可证?什么样的知识产权可以由一家公司(n s)授权给另一家公司(n s)使用?Licensing is refer to one firm permits another to use its intellectual property for compensat

25、ion designated as royalty. The property licensed might include patents, trademarks, copyrights, technology, technical know-how, or specific business skills. 共八十一页许可证是指一家公司允许另一家公司使用其知识产权作为特许权的补偿。许可的财产可能包括专利,商标,版权(bnqun),技术,技术诀窍,或特定的业务技能。共八十一页6What is franching? What kind of rights dose the franchisor

26、 can grant the franchisee to do business?(5-2) 什么(shn me)是特许经营?特许人可以给加盟商什么(shn me)权利?Franchising, is the granting of the right by a parent company (the franchisor) to another, independent entity (the franchisee) to do business in a prescribed manner. The right can take the form of selling the franch

27、isors products; using its name, production, and marketing techniques; or using its general business approach.共八十一页特许经营权的出让,是由母公司(特许人)到另一个独立的实体(加盟商)在规定的方式做生意。权可以销售特许人的产品形式;利用其名称、生产、销售技术;或利用其一般业务(yw)的方法。共八十一页7. What are the Major Determinants of Direct Foreign investment? (5-4)直接(zhji)外国投资的主要决定因素是什么?M

28、arketing Factors1.Size of market2.Market growth3.Desire to maintain share of market4.Desire to advance exports of parent company5.Need to maintain close customer contact共八十一页营销因素1、市场规模2、市场成长3、维护市场份额的意愿4、母公司希望能提前出口的意愿5、需要(xyo)保持密切的客户联系共八十一页6.Dissatisfaction with existing market arrangements7.Export b

29、ase8.Desire to follow customers9.Desire to follow competition6、对现有的市场安排不满意7、出口基地8、愿意跟随客户(k h)9、渴望追随竞争共八十一页Barriers to Trade贸易障碍1.Government-erected barriers to trade 政府限制性贸易障碍2.Preference of local customers (or local products偏爱本地客户(或当地(dngd)产品)共八十一页Cost Factors1.Desire to be near source of supply2.A

30、vailability of labor3.Availability of raw materials4.Availability of capital/technology5.Lower labor costs成本因素1、渴望得到接近的供应来源2、劳动力的可获得性3、原材料的有效性4、资金/技术(jsh)的可用性5、降低劳动成本共八十一页6.Lower other production costs7.Lower transport costs8.Financial (and other) inducements by government9.More favorable cost level

31、s6、降低(jingd)其他生产成本7、降低运输成本8。金融(和其他)的诱因,政府9、更优惠的成本水平共八十一页Investment Climate1.General attitude toward foreign investment2.Political stability3.Limitation on ownership4.Currency exchange regulations5.Stability of foreign exchange6.Tax structure7.Familiarity with countryGeneral1.Expected higher profits2

32、.Other共八十一页投资环境1、对外商投资的总体态度2、政治稳定3、限制所有权4、货币兑换规定5、稳定的外汇6、税收结构7、熟悉国家(guji)一般1、预期利润较高2、其他共八十一页8. What is the Transfer of Technology? What are the essential requirements for the transfer of technology ? (5-6本学期未讲,不考)Technology transfer is the transfer of systematic knowledge for the manufacture of a pr

33、oduct, for the application of a process, or for the rendering of a service and does not extend to the mere sale or lease of goods. 共八十一页(1) the availability of suitable technology, (2) social and economic conditions favoring transfer, and(3) the willingness and ability of the receiving party to use

34、and adapt the technology. 共八十一页The elements of the transfer peopleSoftwarehardwareProduct know-howManufacturing know-howEquipment know-howTrainManuals ProceduresDocumentation InformationAssembly linesEquipment ToolsComponentsRaw materials共八十一页Topic 6 Culture主题(zht)六 文化共八十一页1. What are the Elements o

35、f Culture文化的基本元素(yun s)哪些(6-1)共八十一页2.Which is more important to a managernational culture or organizational culture? For example, is an IBM facility in Germany more likely to reflect Germany culture or IBMs corporate culture?(6-1) 一个经理(jngl)的民族文化或组织文化哪一个更重要?例如,德国的一家IBM公司是更可能反映了德国文化还是企业文化?共八十一页Resear

36、ch indicates that national culture has a great effect on employees than does their organizations culture. German employees at an IBM facility in Munich will be influenced more by German culture than by IBMs culture. This means that as influential as organizational culture may be on managerial practi

37、ce, national culture is even more influential.共八十一页研究表明,民族文化对员工的影响比组织文化对员工的影响要大。在慕尼黑的一家IBM公司(n s)工作的德国员工将更多地受到德国文化比IBM文化。这意味着,作为有影响力的组织文化,可以在管理实践中,民族文化更是有影响力的。共八十一页Topic 7 International Marketing主题(zht)7 国际市场营销共八十一页1.When you screen and analyse foreign markets what kind of process you could use? (7-

38、1)(这学期(xuq)未讲,不考)共八十一页共八十一页2. What do Standardization policy and Adaptation policy mean in the international marketing?在国际市场营销中,标准化的政策(zhngc)和适应政策(zhngc)是什么意思?(7-1后半部分)(1). Standardization policy- Make no special provisions for the international marketplace but, rather, identify potential target mar

39、kets and then choose products that can easily be marketed with little or no modification.(2). Adaptation policy -Adapt to local conditions in each and every target market (the multidomestic approach).共八十一页(1)标准化政策对国际市场没有特别的规定,但是,更确切地说,确定潜在的目标市场,然后选择可以很容易地在市场上销售的产品,很少或没有修改。(2)适应政策,适应每一个(y )目标市场当地的条件(

40、差异化)。共八十一页3.What are the factors that encourage standardization or adaptation ? (7-3)3、鼓励标准化和适应的因素(yn s)是什么?共八十一页Factors Encouraging StandardizationFactors Encouraging Adaptation Economies in product R&D Economies of scale in production Economies in marketing Control of marketing programs Shrinking

41、of the world marketplace Differing use conditions Government and regulatory influences Differing buyer behavior patterns Local initiative and motivation in implementation Adherence to 坚持 the marketing concept共八十一页鼓励标准化的因素鼓励适应化的因素产品研发中的经济体生产规模经济在市场经济中控制市场营销计划在世界市场上“萎缩”不同的使用条件政府和监管的影响不同买家行为模式在执行过程中,本地

42、主动性和积极性坚持营销概念共八十一页4. What are the Factors affecting product adaptation to foreign market conditions?影响产品适应(shyng)市场环境的因素是什么? (7-3)共八十一页共八十一页5.How many price-seting strategies you can use when you set the price in international marketing? What are they? (7-4)你可以(ky)在国际市场营销中选择多少中价格制定战略,分别是什么?共八十一页Thre

43、e general price-setting strategies in international marketing are a standard worldwide price; dual pricing, which differentiates between domestic and export prices; and market-differentiated pricing. 三国际市场营销的一般定价策略是一个标准的全球价格;双重定价,区分(qfn)国内和出口价格;市场差异化定价。共八十一页6.What is price escalation? (7-4)什么(shn me

44、)是价格上涨?Price escalation means export prices far in excess of domestic prices results of the combined effect of both clear-cut(明确的) and hidden costs in exporting. 价格(jig)上涨意味着出口价格(jig)远大于国内价格(jig)。将对出口的显性成本和隐性成本造成结合性的影响。共八十一页7What does dumping means? How many types of dumping are there and what are t

45、hey?(7-4)什么叫做倾销(qngxio)?有哪几种类型的倾销(qngxio),分别是什么?Dumping means selling goods overseas for less than in the exporters home market, at a price below the cost of production, or both. There are two kind of Dumping, ranges from predatory掠夺性的 to unintentional.倾销指的是指在销售海外产品的过程中,以低于出口国国内销售价格、低于生产成本或两者都有的形式进行

46、(jnxng)销售的。倾销,是指一国(地区)的生产商或出口商以低于其国内市场价格或低于成本价格将其商品抛售到另一国(地区)市场的行为。有2种倾销,分别是掠夺性倾销和无意。共八十一页8. What is Transfer Pricing? How many kind of Transfer Pricing are there? What are they ?(7-4) 什么是转移定价?有多少种转移定价,分别是什么?转移定价是指跨国公司内部,在母公司与子公司、子公司与子公司之间销代产品,提供商务、转让技术和资金借贷等活动所确定的企业集团内部价格。这种价格不由交易双方按市场供求关系变化和独立竞争(j

47、ngzhng)原则确定,而是根据跨国公司或集团公司的战略目标和整体利益最大化的原则由总公司上层决策者人为确定的。共八十一页Transfer, or intracompany, pricing is the pricing of sales to members of the corporate family. Four main transfer-pricing possibilities have merged over time: (1) transfer at direct cost, (2) transfer at direct cost plus additional expense

48、s, (3) transfer at a price derived from end-market prices, and (4) transfer at an arms length price, or the price that unrelated parties would have reached on the same transaction.共八十一页转移,或公司内部,定价销售的企业家族成员的定价。四个主要的转让定价的可能性已经合并了时间:(1)直接成本转移,(2)直接成本加上额外费用,(3)转让价格来自终端市场价格,和(4)转让在一个手臂的长度价格,或价格无关(wgun)的各

49、方将达成的相同交易。共八十一页9. What are the Incoterms ? What are the most common Incoterms used in international business? (7-4)什么是国际贸易术语?国际贸易中使用(shyng)最普遍的贸易术语是什么?共八十一页Incoterms(国际贸易术语 )are the internationally accepted standard definitions for terms of sale by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC国际商会). Th

50、e most common Incoterms used in international business are国际贸易术语解释通则(国际贸易术语)是国际公认的标准定义由国际商会(ICC国际商会)销售条款。国际贸易中使用(shyng)最普遍的国际贸易术语解释通则有:Ex-works工厂交货Free carrier (FCA)货交承运人Free alongside ship (FAS)装运港船边交货Free on board (FOB)装运港船上交货Cost and freight (CFR)成本加运费Cost, insurance, and freight (CIF)成本,保险费加运费De

51、livered duty paid (DDP)完税后交货Delivered duty unpaid (DDU)未完税交货共八十一页10.What kind of factors should be consider when the company design the Channel? 在设计(shj)公司的渠道时,有哪些因素需要考虑?(7-5)共八十一页Channel design is determined by factors that can be summarized as the 11 Cs: customer, culture, competition, company, ch

52、aracter, capital, cost, coverage, control, continuity, and communication.渠道设计是由客户、文化、竞争、公司、企业、资本(zbn)、成本、覆盖、控制、连续性、沟通等11个方面的因素决定的。 共八十一页Topic8 International services(本学期未学,不考)共八十一页1. What are the difference between product and service? (9-1) (1)Services differ from goods most strongly in their intan

53、gibility: They are frequently consumed rather than possessed. (2)services are difficult to inventory(3)For the services offering, the of production is usually very close to or even simultaneous with the time of consumption. This often means close customer involvement顾客(gk)的参与 in the production of se

54、rvices. 共八十一页(4)the human element in the service offering takes on a much greater role than in the offering of goods. (5)Buyers have more difficulty observing and evaluating services than goods. (6) require entirely new forms of distribution. 共八十一页(7)many services are footloose, in that they are not

55、 tied to any specific location.(8)much more sensitive to cultural factors than are products. 共八十一页2. List Typical International Services (9-2)共八十一页1.Financial institutions 2.Construction, design, and engineering services 3.insurance services4.legal and accounting services 5.Cmunication services 7.teaching services8.Management consulting 9. healthcare10.Ternational service mix 共八十一页TOPIC 9 Hu


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