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1、SOCIAL ETIQUETTE1Social EtiquetteAgendaDining EtiquetteBusiness EtiquetteOffice EtiquetteTelephone EtiquetteForeign and Cross-culture Etiquette2Social EtiquetteSocial manners are needed now more than ever beforeWith informal, open and laid-back lifestyles sweeping in rapidly, our personal conduct is

2、 constantly being challengedPossessing social manner is an assertKnowing what to do and how to do it with finesse and style will give you the competitive edge wherever you go3POWERS PRINCIPLE *1Let the wise listen and add to their learning4Social EtiquetteConsideration for others must always come fi

3、rst. In doing so, we show respectGood manners practised as a means to an end, eventually becomes an integral part of your characterAfter all, practise makes perfect5POWERS PRINCIPLE *2Do unto others as you would have others do unto you6Social Etiquette- General Points to noteUse phrase such as “Than

4、k you, “Please and “Im sorryGive sincere complimentsBe considerate of and sensitive to others feelingsAlways keep ones promisesAlways keep to appointments. If you are unable to make it for the appointment because of an emergency, call the other party immediately7Social Etiquette- General Points to n

5、oteDo not use sarcasm to degrade anotherDo not boast, especially about where you have travelled to, or talk down anotherDo not gossip but is discreetDo not name dropDo not bring a friend to a function without first checking with the hostDo not ask personal questions regarding finance, salary housing

6、, car and so on8POWERS PRINCIPLE *3Humility comes before honour9Social Etiquette- Reminders for MenAllow a lady to enter a dining room firstEase out the chair for the lady and help seat her if the maitred has not done soRemain standing until the maitred has eased out the chair for the lady and she i

7、s seatedStand when a lady enters the roomStand when a lady gets up to leave the room10Social Etiquette- Reminders for MenPlace the ladys order with the waiterDo not embarrass the lady by suggesting that it is time to end the eveningAllow the lady to precede you into the liftAssist the lady with her

8、heavy packagesOpen the card door for a lady11POWERS PRINCIPLE *4A kind hearted woman gains respect12Social Etiquette- Guidelines for LadiesDo not hesitate to open the door for a man should his arms be full of files or parcelsDo not chastise a man should he fail to extend social manners to youBe read

9、y to first extend social courtesies to everyone, in general, and older men and women in particularDo not use your charm with the oll intention of luring a man to buy you expensive gifts13Social EtiquetteDining EtiquetteEating is very much a way of life in all culturesEating style is quite another ba

10、ll-game altogetherThe knowledge of table manners will enhance your confidence and increase your enjoyment while dining 14POWERS PRINCIPLE *5The cheerful heart has a continual feast15Dining Etiquette- General points to noteDo not make revolting noises do not slurp your soup nor belch during or after

11、the mealIf you need to cough, cup your hand over your mouth and cough away from the otherDo not comb your hair or put make-up or lipstick at the dining tableDo not use toothpicks, fingernails or, worse still, a fork to dislodge food stuck in between teeth16Dining EtiquetteThere are two acceptable st

12、yles of diningAmerican styleEuropean or Continental style17Eating MannersThe Dos and DontsIf you have food in your mouth, do not talkDo not chew your food with your mouth openCut up only one piece of meat at one time and each time bite-sized, so that chewing and swallowing become easierDo not wash d

13、own mouthfuls of food with water18Eating MannersThe Dos and DontsDo not spit fish bones onto the table cloth, table mat or on your plateDo not use your side plate as a “dumping groundDo not butter a whole slide of bread and then fold it like a sandwichSmall rolls should be broken into half first bef

14、ore proceeding as above19Eating MannersThe Dos and DontsDo not slurp when drinking the soupDo not blow on hot soup and foodWhen drinking soup, should spoon the soup away, catch the drip and bring the spoon to the mouthCut food with as little noise as possible. Grinding the knife against the plate ca

15、n actually be quite annoying20Eating MannersThe Dos and DontsChew crisp food slowly because they make a crunchy noiseWhen eating greasy food, wipe mouth before taking a drinkDo be careful as you eat, ensure the table cloth is not soiled in any wayEat food at a gentle pace. Enjoy and relax. It is not

16、 necessary to gulp the food down as if it is your last meal on earth21Social ConversationsWhen you are dining do make small talks so that your guests feels comfortable and at ease. Topics should be confined to the weather, sports, common interests and acquaintances, and current affairsSteer clear of

17、 topics relate to religion, sex or personal problems when you make social conversationsRemember also that the sharing of gossip and crude jokes should not be practised in such situations22POWERS PRINCIPLE *6Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips23Dining Etiquette-

18、PostureKeep your elbows off the table24Dining Etiquette- PostureEating in style by not leaning forward25Dining Etiquette- Napkins & CutleryPlace the napkin on lap when seatedWhen finished eating, touch lips lightly with the napkin and place it neatly on the right side of our plateAs all silverware a

19、nd cutlery are clean once they are placed on the table, do not wipe them on your napkinAvoid picking up food with your hands when a folk or spoon is provided26Dining Etiquette- Napkins & CutleryPlace the cutlery in the “Rest position if you have not finished eating27Dining Etiquette- Napkins & Cutle

20、ryWhen you have finished eating, your knife and folk should be placed side by side with the folk facing upward28Dining Etiquette- Host-Guest RelationshipWhen you are invited for dinner, always, respond as soon as possibleAlways be on timeThe guest will normally follow the maitred into the dinner roo

21、m, he would then ease the chair and seat herIf the guest is a man and the host is a lady, either one may follow the maitred into the dining room.29Dining Etiquette- Host-Guest RelationshipAlways give the guest preferential treatment usually the seat facing the room or the one with the best view is g

22、iven to the guestFor a large group of guests, it would be appropriate for the host to precede his/her guests into the dining room so that the host can indicate where each guest is to be seated30Dining Etiquette- Host-Guest RelationshipWhen hosting a group of guests, the maitred or the waiter will se

23、at the lady guests. The seat on the right of the host will be reserved for the most important guestIn most instances, the men and women will be given alternate seats round the tableThe host must always pace his eating with guests31Dining Etiquette- Host-Guest RelationshipStandard seating planHostHos

24、tessSecond Most ImportantFemale GuestFourth GentlemanThird LadyMost ImportantMale GuestSecond Most ImportantMale GuestFourth LadyThird GentlemanMost ImportantFemale Guest32POWERS PRINCIPLE *7Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well for it is your life33Business Etiquette- General poin

25、ts to noteBusiness appointments must first be set and then strictly honoured.Always arrive on time. Better still, be early.In case of an emergency and you need to cancel your appointment, do so as soon as possible.Ensure you personal assistant or sectary apologise on your behalf.Offer your personal

26、apology at the first available opportunity and do reschedule the appointment.34Business Etiquette- For the chairpersonBefore the MeetingDo not schedule a meeting for late afternoon, especially if the meeting is going to be longBe thoughtful by informing the participants of the length of the meetingG

27、ive external participants about one weeks notice, preferably, of the scheduled meetingRemind the participants of the meeting at least a few days before35Business Etiquette- Guidelines for the meetingStart the meeting on time as an act if respect for those who are punctual.Hand phones and pagers shou

28、ld be switched offBe sure to introduce those who do not know one anotherMaintain control of the meeting and manage it with tact, order and diplomacy36Business Etiquette- Guidelines for the meetingEnsure the meeting is conducted according to the agenda and do not allow anyone to deviate from it nor t

29、o dominate the discussionEnd the meeting on time and thank all participants, especially those who have made presentation. 37POWERS PRINCIPLE *8Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way38Business Etiquette- For the participantsBasic CourtesiesDress appropriately, representative of your p

30、rofession and companyArrive on time as it is bad manners and disrespectful to keep other waitingIntroduce yourself to others especially if you are not from the companyWait to be seated unless it is an in-house meeting where your seat is fixed39Business Etiquette- For the participantsBasic Courtesies

31、Sit upright. Remember that body language and non-verbal communication speak louder than wordsDo not yawn, doodle, click your pens or pencils, crack your knuckles or shuffle papersListen to the whole discourse of the meeting and not simply hear the discussionParticipate in the discussion and ask ques

32、tions if you do not understand40Business Etiquette- For the participantsBasic CourtesiesDo not interrupt when someone else is speaking but do give comments when called upon and keep them short and sweetSpeak up at the meeting and do not be a “yes manBe bold enough to disagree or offer a differing vi

33、ew if you have toWhen the meting is over, clear all your belongs, thank the chairperson then leave41Business Etiquette- Seating protocolRulesThe chairperson generally sit at the end of a rectangular table facing the entrance doorThe seats on the right and left of the chairperson are for senior membe

34、rs or important guestsThe other executives will fill the rest of the seats on both sidesThe end seat directly opposite the chairperson is reserved for the “Presenter42Seating arrangements for in-house meetings within a corporate setting(the bigger the number, the lower the level of importance)Seatin

35、g ArrangementChairmanPresenterSenior ManagementSenior Management1357924681043Seating arrangements for meetings with important clients or delegates(the bigger the number, the lower the level of importance)Seating ArrangementSenior ManagementHost Company42Chairman1331VIP2444Business Etiquette- Greetin

36、gs and IntroductionsGuidelines for Making IntroductionsA man is always introduced to a womenThe younger person is introduced to the older person if the same genderSimilarly, the junior person is introduced to the senior person of the same genderWhen you are being introduced, look the person in the e

37、ye and say :How do you do or “Im pleased to meet you.45Business Etiquette- Greetings and IntroductionsGuidelines for Making IntroductionsThe person who received the introduction must then reciprocate with a good handshake and a smile. Smile and speak audibly. Most people warm up to a smile46Business

38、 Etiquette- HandshakesGuidelines for HandshakesEngage in a good handshake by grasping the persons hand firmly but it should not be a knuckle breaker. A limp handshake is always suspect of sincerity.Release each others hands after the handshake.Do not hug or kiss during business greetings.Do not put

39、your are round the waist or on the shoulder of the opposite sex.47Business Etiquette- Business CardsReceiving CardsBe sensitive and alert when you exchange cardsWhen the other party gives you his or her card, receive it with both handsLook at the card, as if to appreciate it.On receiving the card, d

40、o not write anything on the card received. Do not use is as if it is a writing pad.48Business Etiquette- Business CardsGiving Out CardsDo not give your card until the card-receiving transaction is completed.Give out your card with both hands.Hand out your card such that your card faces the receiver.

41、Never leave home with fewer than ten cards.49Business Etiquette- Business CardsGiving Out CardsShould you be left with only three cards but you have to give them out to five business associates, do not select the privileged three who will receive your card.When caught in the above situation, give ou

42、t your cards first to the one nearest to you and then to the next two in tow.50Business Etiquette- Business CardsGiving Out CardsApologise to those who have been left out and promise to send your card by mail. Do not fax your card details over.When sending your card by mail, include a short note men

43、tioning the day and time of meeting.51POWERS PRINCIPLE *9Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found is those who take advice52Office EtiquetteThe BossThere are few things you should do to exhibit good manners as a boss in the office.53Office Etiquette- What the boss should doBe ready to apologi

44、se if a mistake is madeTreat all your staff as professionalsTreat each staff with respectGive sincere compliments when good work has been done.Do not sow discord amongst your staffPractise confidentiality when private and personal matters have been shared with you.54Office Etiquette- What the boss s

45、hould doDo not aggravate the situation by taking sides with or carrying tales back to any one party.Always be impartial and you will be respect for it.55POWERS PRINCIPLE *10It is to a mans honour to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel56Office Etiquette- What the boss should Not doInsult

46、 your staff and subordinatesAsk your secretary to lie for youAsk your secretary to run your own personal errands which are totally unrelated to office workGive nicknames.Throw your temper at your staff. They are human beings after all.57POWERS PRINCIPLE *11A patient man has great understanding but a

47、 quick-tempered man displays folly58Office Etiquette- What the staff should doAddress your boss or senior with due respectBe professional and formal in the presence of visitors59Office Etiquette- What the staff should Not doIf you are insulted of ticked off by your boss, do not retaliate. Request fo

48、r a private audience to air your dissatisfactionIf your work is criticised, do not take it personally60Office Etiquette- What peers and co-workers should doRespect each others privacyRespect each others office spaceKnock before entering another persons office room or spaceBe sensitive to others. Try

49、 not to emit any sound from your bodyKeep your feet off desks, tables and chairs61POWERS PRINCIPLE *12A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret62Office Etiquette- What peers and co-workers should Not doGive intimate nicknames to one another, keep your position and relations

50、hip in mindAsk your co-worker to lie or cover up for you when you bungle a jobGossip. Keep confidencesBring your bad mood to the office, take charge of your emotionsComplain63Office Etiquette- What peers and co-workers should Not doDisplay too many personal pictures or dcor on your table of office w

51、allBorrow money from your colleagueWaste time on the phone with your personal friendsEntertain your friends in the officeSwear, shout and curseSit on anyone elses desk64Office Etiquette- What peers and co-workers should Not doEat in the office barring exceptional situations working late, rushing out

52、 important reports and so on.Be a lullaby choreographer yawning is contagiousCarry out acts of personal hygiene in public65POWERS PRINCIPLE *13Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low positions. 66Telephone EtiquetteAlways keep your caller info

53、rmed of what you intended to do as most callers dislike being put on hold unless absolutely necessaryTo communicate effectively over the telephone, one has to be polite and courteous at all times.A pleasant disposition is always more productive than a rash display of impatienceApply the golden rule

54、and mind your Ps and Qs67Telephone Etiquette- Common CourtesiesDo punctuate your sentences with a liberal sprinkling of “please and “thank youAnswer the phone within 3 ringsPersonalise your conversations by identifying yourselfSpeak directly into the mouthpiece and articulate clearly, do not mumbleF

55、urther build rapport with the listener by projecting your voice in a friendly manner68Telephone Etiquette- Common CourtesiesUse positive language especially when you are returning to the caller who has been put on hold As your voice is the only tool of communication over the telephone, do add colour

56、 to your speech by injecting more rhythm and enthusiasm to itSleak clearly and slowly. Project your voice. Enunciate your “ts and “ds, “fs and “ss, “ps and “bs. If in doubt, spell it out69Telephone Etiquette- Common Courtesies“Smile when you are speaking to someone on the phoneBe courteous to the ca

57、llers who have dialled the wrong numbers.To the rude caller, you have the right t hand up if they do not change their tone and content of conversation.Do not eat or drink when you are on the phone.70Telephone Etiquette- Common CourtesiesDo not talks on the phone while doing other things.Do not blow

58、smoke into the receiver.Let an angry caller cool down before carrying on with a discussion. Do not lose your own temper in the interim.The person who places the call will have to take the initiative to end the call without waiting for the receiver to do so.71Telephone Etiquette- Common CourtesiesCal

59、ls should be returned on the day they are received or as soon as possible.End your conversation on a positive note.72Telephone Etiquette- when you are the callerIdentify yourself. Spell your name if the receiver has difficulty pronouncing your name.If the person you have called is not available, do

60、not find out the whereabouts of the person. Simply leave your name and number and hang up.Do not show impatience when you are asked to wait.Do not be put off if you are asked to state your business. Explain correctly, concisely and clearly. Be clam at all times. It is poor manners to lose your tempe


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