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1、 去新加坡留学的入学申请书格式 去新加坡留学的入学申请书 Dear _, English Language. To most, a simple form of interaction. To the world, the mother tongue of communication and business. For me, a passion and hopefully my future. Excited to be a part of the modern day lingua franca, I am intrigued by the importance and the compl

2、exity language holds. For language can arouse many emotions; hearing a child speak their first words can be beautiful, witnessing a politicians speech can be comforting and reading a headline can often be disturbing. I would relish the opportunity to extend my knowledge and understanding of the Engl

3、ish Language. My ultimate ambition after accomplishing a degree is to teach at key stage 5. I believe I have the competencies required to inform and inspire others on the subject I hold so closely to my heart. Complementing English Language, I perused Psychology and Media Studies at A-level. Compari

4、ng psychological theories was a great eye opener. Admittedly, I do not possess strong judgments with regards to evolution, nevertheless, I found studying the human mind and behaviour remarkable. I particularly enjoyed exploring the work of Noam Chomsky and Jean Piaget, these Psychologists have fuell

5、ed my appetite for teaching and child development. Whilst studying the media syllabus, I became critically conscious of the persuasion to which we are all subjected too and found the power of the press phenomenal. I was fortunate enough to interview some familiar faces and I was able to apply my ind

6、ustry experience to my work. During this time I gathered valuable analytical and representation skills which supplemented my English Language coursework. In addition, I acquired journalistic practice by writing reviews for a student magazine. My proudest academic achievement came at key stage 4, whe

7、re I attained a diploma for attending a Gifted and Talented Workshop. Responsible for my own group I designated roles for each, guiding them to victory and winning the holiday we had created. So far in the world of work, I have had several positions in several different sectors. Some unchallenging a

8、nd most unrewarding. Searching for the perfect post has been disheartening, making me more determined to spend my life in the right career. Lightening the mood, I have accumulated precious skills and discovered strengths in communication and team-work. Working solely on commission as a party organis

9、er, my enthusiasm for the role enabled me to build a creditable client base and gain recognition through the company. My demonstrations incorporated both oral and visual promotion. Thus, public speaking, once an alien trait, is now my second nature; whether it be voicing my opinion or demonstrating

10、a product. This attribute can only aid my capability of becoming a successful teacher of the English Language. Pursuing a teenage trend of fame, fortune and footballers, I began glamour modelling simply on a whim. Far from cocksure, I was able to build my self-confidence and explore an industry mask

11、ed in glamour. Being crowned Miss South Yorkshire 2022 opened many doors and I subsequently graced the covers of celebrated magazines including Nuts and Exposed. I soon established that underneath the glamour is a trivial world of demands and deadlines. A world, which enabled me to mature and questi

12、on what it is exactly that I wish to achieve from life. Modelling, alongside media studies, spurred my ever increasing passion for photography, a hobby I find therapeutic at times. Nevertheless, I prefer reading and writing a thousand words than trying to capture them in a pixel. Being family orient

13、ed is primarily the reason I wish to remain in Sheffield to obtain a degree. Many of my friends have graduated via Hallam University and have recommended you with gratitude. “We cant plan life. All we can do is be available for it.” I agree entirely with Lauryn Hill, so much so, I have this quotatio

14、n tattooed down my spine. For I am available and eager to begin my next adventure through life at your university. Yours sincerely, 新加坡研究生留学优质专业一览 一、新加坡研究生优质专业盘点 1. 金融类专业 作为新加坡的支柱性产业之一,金融一直是大陆生申请热度很高的专业。和香港一样,新加坡也是亚洲四小龙之一,世界的金融中心,所以这个专业申请汇聚了全国的经营学子,当然了,申请难度也是极高的。除了考虑学生的211背景,专业对口性之外,基本上都需要GRE,GMAT成绩

15、,有工作经验会额外加分。 推荐专业:新加坡国立大学Finance,国大Business Analytics,新加坡南洋理工大学Finance,南大Financial Engineering 2. 物流专业 新加坡因为他得天独厚的地理位置,是一个的港口城市。港口业务遍及全世界,因此新加坡的物流产业特别发达。在专业领域,物流专业也是很好就业的,新加坡的公立学校,私立学校培训了不少物流产业的人士,囊括对采购,供应链,运输,库存管理等有兴趣的人士。但是因为国家对该专业有一定的保护主义,因此申请而言,国大南大对大陆生的名额是十分严格,也是很有限的。即使学生有很好的学术背景,这个专业的申报难度还是很高的。

16、 推荐专业:新加坡国立大学Supply chain management, 南大Supply Chain & Logistics,南大Maritime Studies 3. 电子类专业 新加坡的支柱产业中,加工业也是很出彩的,囊括了制造业和建筑业。而在制造业中,电子产品是新加坡世界的一个标志。跟文科,商科不同的是,电子类专业比较“亲民”,对大陆的开放程度高出很多。新加坡的理工科专业是十分欢迎内地人报名的。一般只要学校在2本以上,平均分80+,有雅思6.5,就可以去尝试申请了。因为新加坡在留学领域是重理轻文的政策,每年吸引了很多内地精英学子赴新学习,毕业后可以为建设他们国家做奉献。所以电子类专业

17、一直是吸引内地理科生报读的欢迎专业之一。 推荐专业:新加坡国立大学Software Engineering,南大Electronics、Integrated Circuit Design等。 二、新加坡研究生就业前景 1、本地就业 新加坡本身是比较缺乏劳动力的,所以基本上每个人都能够找到合适的工作,而作为高材生的留学生,毕业以后就会是国家积极引进的人才,大家在这里可以找到一份很不错的工作。 并且这里的工作福利和社会福利也是很不错的,失业率很低,工作的幸福感也很强,有专门的法律来保证就业者的权益,并且严格执业的是联合国的工作制度,大家可以开心赚钱。 2、回国就业 回国工作也是不会有什么阻碍的,记

18、得在回国之前做好学历认证就行,新加坡的教育会更重视综合能力的晋升,大家会有专门的实习期来晋升技能,这些都是会比大部分国内毕业生要优秀的部分。 找工作也可以进入到各行业的企业,可以选择的岗位也会更多,这样对大家来说也会更加有帮助一些,回国以后有海归身份的加持,大家在求职的时候,也会更有竞争力。 为什么选择新加坡留学 1、教育质量高,文凭认可度高 新加坡的教育系统是全球创新的教育系统,新加坡政府教育业的投资占国民生产总值的4%。沿袭英联邦的教育体系,国际的教学水平,许多世界一流大学都对新加坡的基础教育课程青睐有加。 2、社会安定,犯罪率低 新加坡是全世界犯罪率最低的国家之一,所以,在新加坡留学,学生既无人身安全的顾虑,也不容易误入歧途。 3、文化多元而包容 新加坡是一个多种文化相互交融、很具有包容性的国家,在这个城市中,你随处可见多种语言,多种肤色,多种文化,多种宗教信仰。并且新加坡华人占比特别大,生活习惯和思维模式差异较小。 4、得天独厚的双语教学体系 双语教育环境下的独特体验是吸引大量留学生赴新留学的重要原因之一。在新加坡,学生既能在全英文教学、生活环境中大大加强自己的英文水平,华语作为主流语言之一,也可


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