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1、 PAGE 11Unit 4Energy and FutureListening and speakingListening11-4 F T F T2concentrationblankethumanityenhancedundergroundcyclemethaneexhaustsmeltmore extremeTranscriptIn the video we will learn how the burning of fossil fuels has added extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and we will see how thi

2、s leads to climate change, human-induced climate change, or global warming.We need to understand something about burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels, like oil, coal and natural gas are the remains of the living things for millions of years ago. Theyre mainly composed of carbon with varying amounts of

3、 hydrogen. If you collect all the exhaust gases from your car during a journey and squash them into a bottle so that they can be weighed, compared with the weight of petrol burned, the exhaust gases will weigh much heavier, because oxygen from the air has been added.Heres a bit of a petrol molecule

4、H2CCH2. It joins with six oxygen atoms or three molecules to build up hydrogen oxide or water vapor and carbon dioxide, another two molecules.Before the world became industrialized by burning fossil fuels, carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere was about 0.28%, tiny compared with oxygen at 2

5、1% and nitrogen at 78%, but enough to keep us warm. Without this natural blanket of insulating gas, the earth would be too cold to support life as we know it. But this carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels burn adds to the existing carbon dioxide levels which are now nearly 50% higher than in pr

6、e-industrial times.Although we get a daily supply of heat from the sun, the earth normally loses this at night and in the cool seasons, so that the average temperature of the earth remains constant. But this status quo is starting to change. As humanity adds carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, it is

7、 as if were putting a sweater around the planet. The extra layer isolates the heat and it cannot escape as easily. While its easy to take off your sweater, the earth cannot lose its greenhouse gases as quickly, and we keep adding to them.By putting our planet in a sweatbox, were causing wide-ranging

8、 consequences for ourclimate.Somepeoplethinkthatlivingthingscontributetotheenhanced greenhouse effect, as they breathe out carbon dioxide. But this carbon has come from their food, and thats come from plants, which took carbon from the atmosphere.Even burning wood doesnt contribute to the enhanced g

9、reenhouse effect, as long as the trees you cut down are replanted. However, the carbon in fossil fuels has remained trapped underground for hundreds of millions of years, so it is extra carbon thats been added to the natural cycle.Were also throwing away other gases into the atmosphere which help tr

10、ap infrared radiation and so also enhance the natural greenhouse effect. Theyre methane, especially from paddy fields and from cows, and nitrous oxide from car exhausts.Why does this rise in temperature cause our climate to change? Well theres extra energy trapped on (the) earth, already causing gla

11、ciers and ice caps to melt. With more energy in the atmosphere, weather becomes more extreme, so there are more floods, droughts, and storms. We have recorded record global temperatures at the start of the 21st century.So in summary, we recalled that the natural greenhouse effect is a good thing and

12、 keeps the earth warm enough for life to exist. However, burning fossil fuelscontaining carbon thats remained underground for hundreds of millions of years has extra carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. We have polluted the atmosphere with other greenhouse gases too such as methane. Al

13、l these gases enhance the natural greenhouse effect and cause global warming and climate change.Speaking2Iceland gets 85% of the countrys electricity from the earths heat. Icelands electricity supply is 100% renewable and depends on geothermal energy and hydropower.Stanford professor Mark Jacobson h

14、as concluded that US can meet its 100% of energy demand through renewables by 2050 through concentrated solar power, utility-scale and rooftop photovoltaic, onshore and offshore wind, tidal and conventional hydropower and geothermal wave.Extensive readingIntegrated exercises11-5:7 1 6 7 56-10:3 2 5

15、6 421)boom2)reduced3)cost-efficient4)fuel5)jobs6)trade deficit7)energy-intensive8)diminished9)Middle Eastern10) get in the way41能源部门10历届美国政府2石油生产11水平钻井3大胆的预测12水力压裂4石油进口13油气储量5真正的繁荣14燃油经济性6妨碍;阻碍15经济利益7能源独立;能源自主16贸易逆差8石油供应中断17天然气出口9重大转变18(比例)占另外;此外地缘政治利益回应;响应成本效益方式制造业复苏能源密集型产业51 in response to the cha

16、llenge of foreign competition 2 get in the way of your study3 account for 6% of the population 4 The current trade deficit5 improve fuel economy and reduce emissionsIntensive readingWarming up1) How Do Solar Panels Work?2) What Are Solar Panels Made of?3) How Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity?4)

17、How Does a Solar Panel System Work?Text understanding1Now is the time to install solar panels on your home.Whether they should go solar, the cost of solar panels and whether it is worthwhile to make the investment.General to specific.2oldestdrop by two-thirds or moreduring 15-25 years4)3%-4%inflatio

18、n in your power billa solar panel leasepurchase agreementexpirereduced costs and generous rebatesgreener and safer3Paras. 3-6 CDParas. 7-8 CDParas. 9-10 AParas. 11-12 CDFParas. 13-14 F4You can save money and the environment by going solar.Consider a DIY solar panel kit, or work with a professional s

19、olar installation company.Language building11-5:6-10:21-5:6-10:c f i j a g b d e hC C C A A B C A C C3considerationconvertadditionalabundantcalculationsimilarlyelectricityregainrenewconsumption4resourcerangestrike4solar5utility6result51retail cost11professional installation company2residential solar

20、 panel12drop at precipitous rate3be converted into13grid-based power4renewable resource14cut into profit margins5electricity bill15tax credit6calculate the return16be filtered by7the vast majority of17depreciate over time8raise rate18similarly situated property9take into consideration19at a fixed ra

21、te10tap into20cut carbon footprint6At current solar panel prices, taking into consideration incentives and tax credits, the retail cost of an average home solar power system in the US ranges from$20,000 to $40,000.With net metering, homeowners with grid-tied solar power systems can watch their meter

22、s turn backward as they get credit for additional solar power generated but not used, which is fed back into the grid.Lest you are concerned about installing solar panels because you do not live in a sunny region, consider that the leading solar power country in the world is Germany, and one of the

23、top solar power producing states in the US is New Jersey!Even if you dont want to purchase your own solar panels, you can enter a solar panel lease or a solar power purchase agreement whereby you buy cheaper solar electricity from the owner of the panels at a fixed rate over the life of the lease or

24、 contract.The vast majority of grid-based electricity comes from burning fossil fuels like coal and gas, which releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.7I wouldnt go so far as to say that hes a liar.Time factor is what we must first take into consideration.Let me put down your telephone number

25、lest I forget it.The new color TV will be put on the market soon.Security cameras have been installed to guard against poachers.The number of reported crimes is increasing at an alarming rate.Academic WritingMicro-skill: References and quotations1According to Goldthau et al. (2019), politicians are

26、more likely to give priority to boosting economy rather than considerations of climate changes.Goldthau et al. argues that energy is the cause of many political disputes, because “despite the impacts of climate change becoming increasingly evident in devastating cyclones, heatwaves and floods, polit

27、icians want to protect local jobs and incumbent industries, such as coal and manufacturing.” (Goldthau et al. 2019: 29).According to Goldthau et al. (2019), politicians are more likely to give priority to boosting economy rather than considerations of climate changes. He explains that “despite the i

28、mpacts of climate change becoming increasingly evident in devastating cyclones, heatwaves and floods, politicians want to protect local jobs and incumbent industries, such as coal and manufacturing.” (Goldthau et al. 2019: 29).Macro-skill: Cause-effect1Effect(Topic)Uniforms are popular in the United States.A person wearing a uniform is regarded as of higher professionalquality.CausesExamples:A television repairman who wears a uniform tends to win more trust.A garage mechanic in a uniform looks more skillful.Uniforms also have many


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