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1、定 语 从 句定语从句简介:作用起定语的作用位置定语从句所修饰的词称为先行词,定语从句必须放在先行词之后关联词引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词who, whom, whose, which 和that,以及关系副词when, where, why等,在从句中充当成分。种类定语从句分为:限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句两种定语从句关联词的用法关系代词的用法用法例子Who 指人,在定语从句中作主语;Whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语,有时可省略;whose指人或物,在定语从句中作定语。Which 指物, 在定语从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时可省略)The book which was on the de

2、sk just now was borrowed from Jim.Ive lost the pen which I like best.That多指物,有时也指人,在从句中作主语或宾语,指物时用法与which基本相同。作宾语时可省略。The person that telephoned me is a reporter.The watch that I bought yesterday keeps good time.我昨天买的那块表走得很准。先行词是不定代词everything, nothing,something,all,little,much 等时,用that,不用which. Ill

3、 tell you everything that I know.Million-pound note was all that he had in the world.先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,用that, 不用which.The first thing that you should do is to find a good reference book.This is the best film that I have ever seen.先行词被the only, the very, any, the last, the same, few, all, little, no

4、just, one of等词修饰时。用that 不用which.The only thing that worried me was we could not find the right person to do it.唯一让我担心的是找不到合适的人来做这件事。Whom, which在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,介词可放在whom, which之前,也可以放在从句末,这时可省略关系代词。Im waiting for the woman with whom you talked just now.The town (which) he lives in is far from here.The

5、town in which he lives is far from here.他住的那个镇离这很远。That 在定语从句中作介词宾语时,介词不能放在that 之前,只能放在从句末, 这时that往往可省略。The man (that) you talked about has come to our school.你们谈起过的那个人到我们学校来了。2.关系副词的用法:用法例子When在定语从句中作时间状语,其先行词是表示“时间”的词。Ill never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永远忘不了入党的那天。Where 在定语从句中作地点状语,其

6、先行词是表示“地点”的词。He visited the village where Shakespeare was born.他参观了莎士比亚诞生的村庄。Why在定语从句中作原因状语,其先行词是reason(原因)。The reason why he left the company is known to all.大家都知道他为什么离开了公司。限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。用法限定性定语从句非限定性定语从句区别1是先行词不可缺少的修饰部分,如果省略,主句的意思就不完整或不明确。是先行词的补充或附加说明,如果省略,主句的意思依然清楚。例子1The bag (which) you bough

7、t yesterday is very nice.你昨天买的那个包很漂亮I bought a bag yesterday, which is very nice.我昨天买了一个包,那色很漂亮。区别2与主句不能用逗号分开用逗号与主句分开例子2I like the story you told me.我喜欢你给我讲的那个故事。Shakespeare, whose plays are popular, was a great writer.莎士比亚是伟大的作家, 他的戏剧 很受欢迎。区别3先行词总是一个名词或代词先行词是一个词,也可以是部分主句或整个主句,这时关系代词只能用which.例子3Than

8、k you for the help you have given me.感谢你对我的帮助。Bamboo is hollow, which makes it very light.竹子中间是空的,这使它很轻。区别4可以用that引导不可用that引导,指人时要用who。例子4The thing that had run away was caught again.My son, who studies biology, is now working in London.区别5关联词可省略关联词一般不能省略例子5The bicycle (that) my uncle bought me was

9、very expensive.我叔叔给我买的那辆自行车很贵。My bicycle, which my uncle bought me, was very expensive.我那辆自行车很贵,那是我叔叔给我买的。补充说明:以who, which 开头的句子为避免重复,只用that.Eg: Who is the girl that is playing the piano?Which is the car that hit him?all 指人时,也可用who. something, everything后也可用which.先行词既指人又指物时用that引导。eg.: The writer an

10、d his novel that you talked about are well known.4当句中有两个定语从句时,其中一个已用了who/ which, 第二个从句的关系代词宜用that. 以避免重复。eg: Xiao Hong is the girl who talked to the teacher that graduated from Beijing University.那个和北大毕业的老师交谈的女孩是小红。5. 当修饰的成分是数词时,用that,但one 作代词指人作先行词时,用who, 不用that Ive got one that you might be intere

11、sted in.6. 当关系代词本身在定语从句中作连系动词be 的表语时,用that. Tom is no longer the boy that he was five years ago. 汤姆不再是五年前的那个男孩子了。7. 当主语不指人,而句子又以there / here 开头时,修饰主语的定语从句的关系代词要用that.引导定语从句关系代词的几个特例:1. 由于读音的关系,who 作先行词时,一般用that 引导定语从句,that 作先行词时,一般用which.。 如:Who that is human can do such a cruel (残酷的) thing.这种残酷的事不是

12、人干出来的!He found that which he has looked for. 他找到了他寻找的东西。2. 主句有 few, no, none 等否定词时,通常用but 作关系代词。 There is no one but knows it. 没有人知道这件事。 There are very few but admire his talents. 很少有人欣赏他的才能。 Hardly a man attended (参加) the meeting but was deeply touched by his speech. 他的讲话深深打动了每个与会者。先行词是same 或有same

13、修饰时,关系代词一般用as 或that.如: Our eggs are sold the same day as / that they come in. 我们的蛋在进货当天就卖掉了。先行词是such 或有such修饰时,关系代词通常用as.如:Dont believe such men as praise (表扬、称赞) you to your face. 不要相信当面吹捧你的人。定语从句的转换把定语从句简化成分词短语。在定语从句中如果谓语动词是主动语态,就用现在分词短语来替换从句,如果谓语动词是被动语态,就用过去分词短语来替换从句。The boy who is playing over t

14、here is my brother. The boy playing over there is my brother.This is a book which was written by Lu Xun.This is a book written by Lu Xun.把定语从句简化成不定式短语如果定语从句的谓语动词(词组)含情态动词或定语从句前含序数词last, next等,该定语从句往往可简化为不定式短语。Mary was the first student who arrived at the cinema.Mary was the first student to arrive a

15、t the cinema.把定语从句简化成形容词短语如果定语从句的表语是形容词短语,那么整个定语从句可简化成形容词短语。I have broken the bottle which was full of milk.I have broken the bottle full of milk.把定语从句简化成介词短语在定语从句中,如果表语是由介词短语充当的,那么该从句可简化为介词短语。In our university (大学) there are lots of students who are from South China.In our university there are lots

16、 of students from South China.把定语从句简化为单个形容词在定语从句中,如果作表语的是一个形容词、现在分词或过去分词,在个别情况下,这个形容词或分词可放在先行词前面,直接对其进行修饰。This old man who worked tired found a child who was sleeping on the ground.This tired old man found a sleeping child on the ground.“one of + n.”结构后定语从句的谓语形式传统语法认为 “one of + 复数名词”结构后面定语从句中的谓语动词用复

17、数形式,而当one 前有the , only, mere(ly) (仅仅),very, any 等修饰时,后面的定语从句用单数动词。Tom is one of the boys who are on time. 汤姆是按时到达的男孩之一。Tom is the (only) one of the boys who is on time. 汤姆是唯一按时到达的男孩。但包括R.Quirk.F.T.Wood 等著名语言学家在内的权威人士认为,多数使用英语的本族人用one 作who, that, which的先行词,语用调查的结果如下:He is one of the best students tha

18、t (have 14 %; has 86 %) ever come to this school. (Van Shaik, 1976).他是曾来此校(学习)的最好的学生之一。定语从句专项练习一、Choose the best answer:(单项选择)He is a man of great experience, from _ much can be learned.A. whom B. which C. that D./2. She is one of the best students who _ praised (表扬) at the meeting yesterday. A. was

19、 B. were C. is D. are 3. He was found to be a thief (小偷), _ made his wife disappointed (失望)。 A. who B. which C. that D. whom4. They study in a small classroom _ floor is broken. A. whose B. which C. where D. that 5. Dongfeng Middle School is the one _Mr. Wang taught two years ago. A. which B. where

20、C. in that D. that 6.The place,_ I spent my holiday in last month, is a nice seaside town. A. which B. where C. on it D. in that 7. You may keep any _ you find. A. that B. which C. what D. whom8. Next Sunday is the only day _ he can spare (匀出) to join us. A. that B. which C. then D. on which9. He is

21、nt the man _ he used to be.先行词作be的表语时用that A. that B. whom C. who D. which10. He believed in God (上帝), _ I find strange. A. as B. which C. that D. whom11. Let me think of a proper situation(位置,场所) _ we can use these idioms (成语,惯用语) A. that B. which C. where D. when 12. This is the first time _ I hav

22、e seen you. A. that B. which C. where D. in which13. Please pass me the dictionary _cover (封面)is black. A. which B. which of C. its D. whose14. All, _has to be done is to practise every day. A. who B. that C. which D. what 15. Through practice we can learn a lot _ can not _from books. A. which; be l

23、earned B. that; learn C. which; learn D. that; be learned二、多项选择1. Finally the thief handed _ he had stolen (偷) to the police. A. everything B. that C. which D. all 2. This is the highest building_. A. we have ever built in our school B. which have ever been built since 1994. C. where all the student

24、s lice D. that was built for us to live in3. The building _are bright at night is our school library. A. which B. whose windows C. where D. the windows of which4. The girl _ is our new English teacher. A. you spoke to B. that you talked C. whom hair is beautiful D. you said nothing to5. She has two

25、daughters, _ A. two of them are bright B. neither of whom works as a teacher C. who are both workers D. both of them have gone to school6. The person _ is a doctor. A. who is talking to him B. that Jim is talking to C. who are you talking to D. with who they are talking 7. That is the office _ my mo

26、ther once worked A. which B. in which C. in that D. where 8. This is the coat .A. whose colour is blue. B. that I bough last yearC. which cost me fifty Yuan D. whose colour I am interested in9. The washing machine works very well.A. I bought last Thursday B. which was mended last weekC. whose sides

27、are all white D. that is made in Shanghai10. Shanghai is the very place .A. which the foreigners are interested in B. the foreigners are eager to visit C. where live a lost of foreigners D. that the foreigners are eager(渴望 )to visit 11. Joan is one of the best writers .A. who are thought highly of B

28、. whose books the people in the world enjoy very muchC. who have published (出版)a lot of books D. that has been given medals(奖章)12. The two friends met again, and they talked about a lot of things and persons_ they could remember at college(大学)A. who B. whom C. which D. that 13. He is everyone likes

29、to work with.A. one B. the one that C. the person D. whom14. This is the hotel(旅店) the visitors can enjoy all good things.A. which B. in which C. that D. where15. The earth goes round the sun, even a child knows.A. which B. that C. as D. it16. The railway bridge now will be finished in two days.A. w

30、hich is being built B. the workers are building C. that the workers are working on D. where there are a lot of busy workers 17. Is that cab ?A. the one that we visited yesterday B. where we visited yesterdayC. the one we visited D. which we visited18. Is that the cab yesterday?A. we visited B. where

31、 we saw the teacher C. the one we visited D. which we visited三下面每句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1. They talked for half an hour of the things and persons who they would deal with a few days later. that2. Who is the man who was praised at the meeting? that3. Is this the farm where you visited the other day? that/whi

32、ch4. Is this factory which you visited last week? the one( 第二种方法是:在factory前加上the)5. This is the last time when I shall give you advice on such things. that6. I want to buy the same dictionary that you have. as7. This was the same wallet(钱夹) as I lost in the hotel. is8. Could you show me the room whe

33、re Mr.Wang lives in? which9. The man I fetched the chalk(粉笔) for him is our English teacher. 10. Thats all what I want to say. that11. Has he returned you the book that you lent it to him the other day? 12. Mike is the only one of the students who sing in his class. sings13. I, who is your friend, w

34、ill try my best to help you. am四、改错。1. This is the best film which I have ever seen. that2. The first article which Lucy wrote in Chinese was not good. that3. They are talking about teachers and schools which they have visited. that4. The chair on that he is sitting is made of bamboo. which5. This is the every book which I am looking for. that6. All which we need most is your help. that7. Who is the man who shook hands with you just now? that8. Which is the bus which you want to take?that9. The


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