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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业108篇散文佳作 要点笔记第一部分 汉译英1. 丑石(An Ugly Stone) 2. 匆匆(Rush) 3. 冬夜(Winter Night) 4. 互助(Helping Each Other) 5. 黄昏(Dusk) 6. 盼头(Something to Look Forward to) 7. 媲美(Beauty) 8. 枪口(The Muzzles) 9. 鸲鹆(The Story of a Myna) 10. 铜镜(The Bronze Mirror) 11.

2、 学校(The College) 12. 野草(Wild Grass) 13. 种梨(Planting a Pear Tree) 14. 哀互生(Mourning for Husheng) 15. 落花生(The Peanut) Come for a taste of What do you say?Thatched pavilionTo ones great delight, father came all the sameSeek to be great or attractiveNod ones assentOnes words remained vivid in my memory t

3、ill this day 16. 盲演员(A Blind Actor) 动一个裤脚管有什么:I just moved the trouser legs a little.what of I t ? Irritate sb to such an extent that Black with anger一张铁青的脸以某人完全可以,sb deserves the position of for See to ones safety 负责某人的安全摔着活该:it serves you right if you stumbled on With tears brimming yet still attr

4、active eyesThe incident occurred during 在舞台上表演:perform on the stage庙小妖风大,池浅王八多:a small temple with strong evil wind A shallow pond with many bad tortoises跑个不出众的演员:Play silent minor roles on the stage老老实实改造:remoulding in real earnestRoar with indignation at sb Severely denounceSet sb boiling as if sa

5、lt had been poured into a pot of hot oil反动分子:reactionary parties低着头:bending his head发了青光眼:see no more because of a relapse of glaucomaWords on the scrapes of paper看不得:couldnt bear to see Art maltreatFumble on 伸手摸起Abuse sth at will 随便破坏怎么能称得上是how can wedeserve to be referred to as忏悔的泪水:regretful tear

6、s他看见了,因为他没有再说下去:yes,he did see all too clearly ,for he abruptly broke off.It is a pity to let it go to waste like thatAt the back of Half a mu of vacant land17. “孺子马” (An”Obedient Horse”)18. 小麻雀(A Little Sparrow) 19. 雄辩症(A Case of Eloquence) 20. 大钱饺子(A Good-luck Dumpling)21. 荷塘月色(Moonlight over in o

7、nes slig the Lotus Pond) 22. 黄龙奇观(A View of Huangllong)23. 枯叶蝴蝶(Lappet Butterfies) 24. 泡菜坛子(A pickle Pot) 25. 田水哗啦(The Irrigation Water Came Gurgling) 26. 我若为王(If I Be King) 27. 西式幽默(Western Humour) 28. 项脊轩志(Xiangjixuan)29. 夜间来客(A Night VisitorA True Story about a ”Celebrity”Being Interviewed)30. 珍禽

8、血雉(Chinas Native Pheasant) 表达法:在 ,有一座高米的山,是的主峰。东西主要出产在这里,故称:Sth ,also known as the ,lives mostly in the of high the main peak of the秦岭山脉:Qinling Mountain Range向后延伸羽冠:extend backwards to form a crest以为主:be predominantly +adv.分布于:usually be found in the (换一种表达法,比live要好)接群性较强:move in groups of 数量+n.(名词

9、转译成动词)每年的时候是交配季节:mating season runs from to高山草丛:alpine meadows因季节变化做有规律的迁移:make seasonal migration孵化器为29天:brood for 29 days(名字转译成动词)他们的食物在夏秋是:they feed in summer and autumn on sth.冰雪覆盖:be ice-bounded以苔藓为主:it mostly eats moss是珍贵的之一:be listed as a rare under special protection由于数量稀少,环境适应性差:because of

10、its scarcity and inability to adapt to new environment词汇:Grass-green 仙草绿色 crest 羽冠 crimson绯红 grayish white 灰白的31. 常胜的歌手(A Singer Who Always Wins)表达法:,就飘飘然:once one do sth,ones head will swell.到底卖几分钱一斤:how much is it worth after all?这简直是胡闹!:it is ridiculous!简直是对灵魂的腐蚀:it is nothing but the corruption

11、of the mind!你不信?:believe it or not ,扭屁股唱黄歌:sway my hips and song obscene songs某人建议:sb comes uo with a suggestion无价值或反价值:worthless or its negative effects掌声雷动:one get thunderous of applause怎么样又有什么用呢?:whats the use of ?群众的眼睛是雪亮的:the audience is the best judge心里有一杆儿称:know how to strike a balance in the

12、 heart出了方向性错误:take the wrong direction by doing sth孤家寡人,自我欣赏:keep aloof from the masses and indulging in self-admiration过了一阵子:some time later/after a period of time,我确实做了!:I did indeed!词汇:Symposium 讨论会 aloof冷淡、远离的 thunderous 雷鸣般的32. 健忘的画眉(The Forgetful Song Thrush) 表达法:结果没有看到:but in vain 一会儿,一会儿:One

13、 moment,the next.尾巴一翘一翘:with its tail waving up and down 招人喜爱:enchanting洁净整齐:neat and clean ,好看极了:,which added to the magnificence of sth.若与住房相似:As birdhouses go,我主动和她打招呼:I began the dialogue 冷冷一笑:give an uncaring smile往哪儿飞:But why should it ?只不过是:sth is no more than 散发(清香):give off the refreshing s

14、mell of sth.我的看法:what is on my mind在做中,各有各的绝招:each has his tricks in doing sth.从从容容地:at a leisurely pace啄食:peck at the food放了什么“迷魂药”:what is the magic in the that make词汇:Chirrup 吱吱喳喳 grove 小树林 hop about跳来跳去 hook 钩子hibiscus马缨花 uncaring心不在焉的 condiments 香料 carefree无忧无虑的 turn over 反复考虑33. 可爱的南京(Nanjing

15、the Beloved City)表达法:南京,有着:Nanjing has witnessed层出不穷的:continuous emergence of 风流人物:distinguished talents and noble hearts彪炳千秋的不朽业绩:monumental achievements that shone through the ages风云人物:powerful figures仁人志士:people actuated by high ideals角逐争雄:contend for the lead一逞豪彦:give play to their genius and vi

16、rtues政治家:political leaders军事家:military commanders文学家:men of letters建筑家:architects一圆之梦:have ones dream fulfilled更加令人鼓舞:even more inspiring成为真正的主人:come to be genuine masters终于:once and for all把装扮得面貌一新:give the old-aged town a new appearance为诸如新的活力:infuse new vigour into通达的运输:an efficient transportatio

17、n network extending in all directions如画的城市建设:picturesque urban construction孙中山:Dr.Sun Yat-sen father of modern China南京将来之发达无可量也: Nanjing will have a future that knows no bounds古老又年轻的历史文化古城:the old city with rich and celebrated past, yet vigorous in her new youth词汇:Actuate blessed billowing sagacity

18、resplendent couplet ambience prophecy Dr.Sun Yat-sen34. 鲁迅先生记(In Memory of Mr.Lu Xun) 表达法:灰蓝色:bluish gray从瓷釉而自然堆起的纹痕:a couple of ripples naturally embossed with its own gaze瓶里种的是:planted in the tree are 那是快近黄昏的时节,而且是个冬天:it was toward evening one winter day和相距离着:glimmering two or three inches from th

19、e 这花不怕冻?:it is not affected by the cold.有时,有时:sometimes,other times只有,别人没有:Only,but none of others.但是无论多么:but no matter how 词汇: ripple emboss handle evergreen puff flick ashtray pomegranate porcelain bust trim35. 苗族龙船节(The Miao Drangon-Boat Festival)表达法在的心目中:in the eye of 将龙的图案打制成银饰装点在上:adorn with s

20、ilver ornaments shaped like dragons只要:provided that 在心中,做是莫大的耻辱:sb consider it a shamen (not ) to do sth.德高望重的:respected长袍马褂:wear in a gown and a mandarin jacket腰系银饰花带:sb wear embroidered waistbands pinned with silver ornaments陪嫁品:dowry gifts清水江的上游:the upper reaches of the Qingshui River靠岸休息:stop al

21、ongside the riverbank岸上:on the shore讨路边饭:ask the boatman to share their food某人经常通过做:Is is not unusual for sb to do sth.(双重否定表示肯定)身着节日盛装:in holiday dress应着翩翩起舞:dance to the accompaniment of 消灾免难,百事如愿:protect one from disaster and give good luck.词汇:Embroider刺绣 wave编织 trunk of的树干 sport(v.)以为特色 earlie r

22、初期的,早的conscientious有责任心的 coxswain舵手 oarsmen水手 dowry嫁妆 be pinned with 钉有 bullfights斗牛songfests 对歌(fest:集会,节日)36. 秋天的怀念(Fond Memories ofYou) 表达法:北归的雁阵:the lines of geese flying back north手边的东西:whatever happened to be on my hand眼边红红的,看着我:gaze at me with sad eyes我活着有什么劲?:what am I still living for?肝疼:wi

23、th pains in the liver树叶唰唰啦啦地飘落:rustling fall of autumn leaves忍住哭声说:saying between subdued sobs脸上出现央求的神色:sad eyes in ones haggard face silently implore sb.就明天吧:tomorrow then哎呀,烦不烦:Oh,what a bore!她出去了,就再也没回来:Yes,she went out,never to come back.大口的:mouthfuls of 绝没想到那竟是永远的诀别:I had not ecpected it would

24、be her departure to eternity艰难的呼吸着:gasp her last正开得烂漫:all were in full bloom词汇:Chrysanthemum菊花 haggard 憔悴的 tricycle=three-wheel 三轮车vomit 吐出37. 献你一束花(A Bouquet of Flowers for you)表达法:凯旋归来:return home with flying colors after competitions难道献给暗淡无光的失败者:why shoult they be given to this disgraced loser?一走

25、进机场大厅:upon entering the lobby跑来帮着提包:rush up to help sb with the luggage国内外的行家都这么估计:gym experts at home and abroad have so ecpected摄影机镜头:camera lenses死死纠缠着问:pester her with the question是不是这就加重她的思想负担?:Was it because of this that she became preoccupied with winning?发现一双脚停在他面前:see a pair of shoes in fro

26、nt of her特意来接你:so I come here especially to welcome you 谁都不能避免失败:Nobody coule avoid failure.声音柔和又肯定:her voice come gentle and firm热泪满面:be moved to tears花,理应,难道也要:Flowers are usually given to .Why to ?词汇:Stewardess 机场乘务员 preoccupy 心事重重 shun 故意躲避mattress 垫子 somersault 筋斗38. 鸭巢围的夜(A Night at Mallard-Ne

27、st Village) 表达法:天快黄昏时落了一阵雪子,不久就停了:Towards dusk it started snowing, but soon the snow stopped.(注意句子见隐含的逻辑关系,用适当的逻辑联系来连接)天气真冷:it is bitterly cold.在寒气中,一切都仿佛结了冰。便是空气,也像要快冻结的样子:In that glacial atmosphere everything seemed turned to ice, the air it self as if on the point of freezing.(此篇文章中,多处有长句表达,应注意用多

28、重手法连接)在天空大把撒着雪子时已泊了岸:sth have moored after the flurries of snow fell除了之外:apart from全是黛色如屋的大岩石:a mass of black boulders the size of houses(此处作adv.)寻觅到一个能做小船风雪屏障,同时要上岸还方便的住所:find some shelter from wind where we could easily go ashore.(用定语从句联合了2句句子)上上下下:up and down/from top to toe,结果:,but in the end正当的

29、泊船处:in the regular anchorage当做用的:sth serves us as a/an行将来到的风雪:the coming blizzard这地方是个长潭的转折处,两岸是高达壁立千丈的山,山头上长着小小竹子,长年翠色逼人。This place, at the bend in a long lake, was flanked by high cliffs on the peaks of which grew small bamboos, an enchanting emerald the whole year round.(这是一句长句,带有多个动词,在翻译是,应选用一个谓

30、语动词,其他均采用介词短语,独立主格活着定语修饰的方法连接)这些房子莫不然悬挂在空中:there they hung majestically in mid air.借着黄昏的余光:in the fading light从上来说,处处显出:be characterized by房屋既然在半山上,不用那么多木料,便不能成为房子吗?Why was so much timber needed for houses halfway up hill?(别用use,用need)比还不值价:cost less than ,似乎也不应当有何惹眼惊奇了。:it is really not astonishing

31、 that长年做:do sth year in year 与斗争:grapple out/with sth大小船:boat large and small在后舱:in the stern把倒进热锅里去:fry sth. in another pan of sizzling oil三碗五碗把肚子填满:wolf down three or five bowls后,天已夜了:by then it was dark把身体钻进那个预先卷成一同又冷又湿的硬棉被里去休息Burrow into their stiff,clammy quilts which thet had laid out like tub

32、ing燃一段废揽子:Light a strip of old hawser从石头间的小路径,爬到半山上吊楼房子那里:take path through rocks to the stilt-houses halfway up the cliff即刻也就可以成为熟人乡亲了:in no time they would feel not strangers but friends.(此处为“正话反说”,not but)词汇:Mast 一种灯 emerald 翠绿色,翡翠 silhouette 轮廓 iron cauldrons 铁锅 map canopies篷anchorage 锚地39. 玫瑰色的

33、月亮(The Rosy Moon)表达法:人家会说,这么找了一个卖冷饮的?:people would ask,then ,how come he should choose to marry a cold drink peddler?天上掉下个金元宝一样开心:feel elated as if a gold ingot feel on sb. From the sky在的眼中,sth 变成了:in the eyes of sb.,sth become 以一个书法家的眼光看着:judge/gaze at sth. with a calligraphers eye丑死了!:Ugly beyond

34、words!幸亏来得是时候,不然等到就不好办了:Fortunately, sth. came in time, or it would be too late if sb. Had done sth.但此一时非彼一时:Times,however,have changed.去他的信誓旦旦:To hell with aoo those solemn vows I have made to her!一个卖冷饮的懂什么艺术:what does a cold drink peddler know about art?再说了,:After all,那么以后呢,当然是啦。:Well,then,只有仰望的份儿

35、:only have to bow low to it /only look up to and admire at a distance这是人之常情嘛。:For thats the way thing are.正气凌然地做:sb do sth,feeling well justified.把装进去:in its place sb put in sth.彩色剧照:a colour stage photo瞧,:See?只有的人才配得上我:With ones (charm or beauty)he/she mustbe the one that makes a match for me .王子和女

36、神那还用说?!:A fairy qureen and a prince,what a perfect match!(采用意译,视前文变化)提起毛笔开始写:take up a brush and begin to write情书: a letter of fire厚嘴唇的B:Miss B the thick-lipped把投进邮箱:drop sth into the mailbox河边凉棚下,姑娘哭了一场:In a shed by the river,she wept bitterly.(注意BY的用法!)笑了一场:let out a contemptuous laugh晚上,:when eve

37、ning comes,坐在河边上:sit by the river河水里有:there be sth in the river.(有,用there be 句型)月亮里有一座宫殿,宫殿里走出嫦娥:in the moon there was a palace,and out of the palace flew the Chang Er, the monn goddess(注意句式排比,中译英结构要相同)词汇:Coarse 粗糙的,粗俗的crumple 揉成一团 40. 内画壶百子图(Snuff Bottles with Pictures Inside) 41. 维护团结的人(A Man Upho

38、lding Unity)悄没声息得走进了:steal in quietly压低了声音说:whispere surreptiously to sb.宰相肚里能撑船:a Prime Ministers heart is big enough for a boat to sail.和一半见识:bother to reason with sb.莫名其妙:sb do sth. in bewilderment顾不上做:didnt have the time to do sth.不会计较:not pay any heed to it 哼了一下:let out a snort through his nose

39、垃圾堆:rubbish heap用猪皮粘在脸上:stick on to ones face by the adhesive made of pig skin走私商:profitter皱眉:knit /frown ones brows他背后那样将我坏话究竟是什么意思:What on earth prompted he to talk behind my back like that?找维护团结去了:uphold unity at sb.42. 我有一个志愿(I Have a Dream) 表达法:我只希望吃得饱穿得暖而尽心尽力写文章:I merely hope to have enough to

40、 eat and enough to wear so that I can dedicate myself to writing.在写文章中,我可有个志愿:Talking about writing ,I have a dream to realize.最好是能上外国去读几年书:better still ,I can speed a couple of years studying abroad天天都与接触:to be contact in everyday with 学演戏:learn some acting常常:from time to time 把都做到,我还不知道自己是否可以:even

41、 with done,Im still not sure that功夫下到了:sb. work hardest恐怕有人认为我很不诚实; you might think that I am not telling the truth.让我们往远里说说:let us look at the matter in a broader perspective.他记得过去,才关切将来:As he remembers the past,he cares the future.A把B活现在C的面前:A presents to C the B in a vivid manner受过特别训练的:well-trai

42、ned有教养的:well-mannered加入你还看不大看得起喜剧:if you by now still held drama in contempt,就请想想吧:Id like you to think about 野蛮民族:barbarous Tribes我怎能不做呢?dont you think I should do sth根子长在园地里:sth be rooted in the soil of 我是个没什么远志的人:Im not a ambitious person在今天戏剧节上,on the occasion of the Drama Festival凑热闹:add to the

43、 clamorA滋养B:B take nourishment from B那么,我要做,大概也不能算作无聊:So, when I say I want to do sth, Im not talking nonsense如愿以偿:realize my dream与君共勉之:Im willing to work with you to achieve this goal.43. 运动员的情操(Sportsmens Values)44. 神话世界九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou,Chinas Fairyland) 五光十色的风光:picturesque landscapeBe much more be

44、autiful than can be put into words秀,幽,险,雄:elegance,serenity,Intrigued by Ture lovers of sth Record its unique beauty in poems,paintings,photographs and travel notesThere lived deep in the mountain an immortal named A and a fairy maiden named B翠湖:a lake of emerald green 另一番景象:present another view漂浮于云

45、涛无害:peaks peeping through most and clouds组成了奇异的动物王国:all of this folds into a panorama of beautifully balanced fauna and floraAll the beauty is endowed by nature 自然美见到:Captivate your eyes宁静幽深:tranquility pervades One of nature;s extravagant splendors Crowing glory of Sichuan province 45. 生命的三分之一(One

46、Third of Our Lifetime)提出一个绝对标准:advance a absolute standard古来:since ancient times有成就的人:people of accomplishment严肃对待:be serious about 虚度年华:let a single day slip by without any gain莫不过如此:this is true of sb as well as some others日版夜班:day shift and night shiftCalculate workdays accurately and reasonably本

47、来:it is common knowledge that Set a good example in doing stj Industrious 勤奋During the day/ at night 一听说就不喜欢:sth is not a pleasant name for sb to recall毕竟:there is no denying that 伟大人物great figure手不释卷:he is never seen without a book in his hand Tend state affairs 可见by the amount od sth we can imagin

48、e how 用功 avidly read 重视:set great store by sth 正是我们要学习的this is exactly what we should learn from them My intention of doing with is to 领略:browse through and appreciate 古今:sth of the past and of the present 46. 我可能是天津人(I Might Have Come from Tianjin) 我还记得当时打扮很滑稽:I still remember how funny I look the

49、way I was dressed觉得新鲜:I feel everything is new to me 现在估计起来with the hints mentioned aboveVegue impression 农历十月十五酉时:“you”period ,15th of the tenth lunar month我就知道这些,再多就想不起来了:this is all I know about sth and beyond that I so not remember much else.47. 五台名刹画沧桑(The famous Monastery Witnesses Vicissitude

50、s)48. 爱梦想的羞怯女孩(A Shy Dreamer) 有什么愿望/想法:always cherish a wish to do sth 瞧:take a peep/glance/look每次,总是会感到:each time when it comes to the fulfillment,I get seized with such an uneasiness that 难为情:embarrass sb at the mildest flattery怎么也说不出:crush my utmost effort to say 多要以分钱:ask for one cent more than

51、necessary 缺乏信息:diffidence强烈背吸引:be inexorably attracted by 更糟的是:to make it worse音乐细胞:have music in blood很多天:from days on end尽想这这些:keep thinking of nothing else发财梦:dream after gold为了某人做了什么:sth entice sb to do sth看见:catch sight of难言之隐:skeletons in the cupboard失望之余:out of despair孤独:retreat into seclusio

52、n被的情绪笼罩:weighing heacily on me 只好:could do nothing but to do Aim high 深信:I am convinced Climb up the academic ladder压抑对的向往:smother my haze aspiration for sth保持求学的昂扬斗志:to keep aflme my quest for learning取得丰硕成果:my efforts prove to be so rewarding that 名牌大学:prestigious university热泪盈眶:tears well up in m

53、y eyes是我的本钱:my command of.is my asset时至今日:to this day触及:lay my fingers on 深知:I am quite aware of 音乐天赋有限:my limited music talentMake every effort to turn a dream into reality49. 永久的憧憬和追求(My Lnging and yearning)50. 老人和他的三个儿子(The Old Man and his three sons) 非凡的:extraordinary坚强,勇敢,尽职,富于冒险精神:tough,brave,

54、dutiful,adventurous卷进暴风雨:get caught in a tempest葬身狂涛骇浪:be engulfed in the stormy waves不知道辛苦的:no hard work can fatigue sb诚实守信:trustworthy勇敢和自我牺牲的行为:in a brave act of self-sacrifice无法言语表达:there is no words can describe how衰败软弱:weak and flabby依靠:fall back on 不能再忍受痛苦:can no longer stand the poignancy of

55、 losing怎么样的心情说:say sth to sb in the tone filled with pity/grieve/pain./repent废物:goof-for-nothing一手造成:make sth with ones own doing心痛:suffer from a broken heart错误的做了什么事而受到的惩罚:a punishment brought on oneself for doing sth as a result of ones own mistake51. 乐山龙舟会多姿多彩(dragon-Boat Festival at Leshan)52. 撷

56、自那片芳洲的清供(An Offering from his Sweet homeland) 53. 三峡多奇景 妙笔夺开工(The Scenic Three Gorges Captured )54. 初中国旅游可到哪些地方(Tips on Traveling to China the First Time)做哪个更好,which is preferable for sb to do 还可以:there is more to 正宗的:authentic种类繁多,品种多:fromto离多远:a couple of hours away from sp.天堂:paradise on earth起点:

57、starting point炎黄子孙:be of Chinese descent拜谒:pay tribute to 欣赏音乐,品尝佳肴:enjoy the pleasing music as well as the fancy dishes 幅员广大,气候差异大:a wast land with great contrast in landscape and climate最好是:be supposed to do 不会让你失望:sth will be a most rewarding exp那里有: A closer look takes you to 沿着:lie on 不妨:sth is particularly good for doing 可以,也可以:you can do ,you may either do 最值得买的东西:well worth purchasing在世界上享有盛名:win a worldwide reputation价格合理:reasonably priced唐三彩:three-colored pottery of the Tang dynasty 兵马俑:terracotta figures在哪里哪里的地方,in cities like A and B爱好:keen on


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