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1、Unit 3 Pricing市场营销英语English for Sales and Marketing- 2 -2022/7/15ContentsWarming-upReading AListeningReading BWritingProjectVocabulary and StructureSpeaking- 3 -2022/7/15Warming-up ActivityWarming-up Activity Task 2Warming-up Activity Task 1- 4 -2022/7/15Warming-up: Task 1A. Limited Time PricingB. P

2、romotional PricingC. Psychological Pricing - 5 -2022/7/15Warming-up: Task 2DEABC- 6 -2022/7/15Reading Activity AReading A: Task 4Reading A: Task 3Reading A: Task 2Reading A: Task 1For background information, click HERE. Reading AReading A Pricing in Emerging MarketsThe final price of a product may b

3、e influenced by many factors such as costs of raw materials, machinery, wages, administration, premises, advertising, promotions, bonuses, distribution and profit margins, taxes and meeting regulatory requirements. These factors can be categorized into two main groups : internal factors and external

4、 factors.- 7 -2022/7/15声音翻译Reading AInternal Factors Some factors can be controlled by the company and, if necessary, can be adjusted. However, making a quick change is not always possible. For instance, price may depend heavily on the productivity of the manufacturing facility (e.g. how much can be

5、 produced within a certain period of time). The marketer knows that increasing productivity will reduce the cost of each unit and thus allow the price to the customers to be decreased. But increasing productivity may require major changes in the manufacturing facility such as building new premises o

6、r buying new machinery which will take time and will not translate into lower prices for a considerable period of time.- 8 -2022/7/15翻译声音Reading AExternal FactorsPricing very often has to take into account external factors, especially in the case of consumer goods. Indians are among the worlds most

7、price sensitive customers. Yet, many MNCs (multinational companies) operating in India ignore the mass market and launch products for the upper end of the market only. Consequently, their ability to build volume is threatened. For example, when Levis entered India in June 1995, it was expected to do

8、 well, as it had the advantage of owning one of the leading brands in the world. By mid 1998, Levis realized that it was going nowhere. Teenagers perceived Levis products, priced at over 2,000 rupees, to be too expensive, forcing the company to tone down its premium image. Nike also started marketin

9、g its brands in India in 1995. Until April 1999, however, all Nikes products were priced at 2,500 rupees and above. Needless to say, volumes did not pick up. In July 1999, Nike introduced sneakers priced at 999 rupees to meet the needs of entry level sports enthusiasts.- 9 -2022/7/15翻译声音- 10 -2022/7

10、/15Reading A: Task 1Before reading the passage, list as many factors as you can that may influence the final price of a product.Cost, advertising, tax, wage, bonus, distribution, etc. - 11 -2022/7/15Reading A: Task 2Internal FactorsExternal Factorscosts of raw material, machinery, wages, administrat

11、ion, premises, advertising, promotions, bonuses, distribution, profit marginstaxes, costs of meeting regulatory requirements- 12 -2022/7/15Reading A: Task 31. F 2. T3. F 4. F 5. T- 13 -2022/7/15Reading A: Task 4(Open answer) - 14 -2022/7/15Listening ActivitiesListening Task 4Listening Task 3Listenin

12、g Task 2Listening Task 5Listening Task 1- 15 -2022/7/15Listening task 1A new face cream.To capture a large market share.Penetration pricing. Production and development costs.The large sales volume. - 16 -2022/7/15Listening task 21. pricing strategy2. build market share 3. samples 4. low-income 5. ps

13、ychological- 17 -2022/7/15Listening task 3- 18 -2022/7/15Listening task 4FFTTF- 19 -2022/7/15Listening task 5competitionfailureperceived valuequalityproduct development cost- 20 -2022/7/15Speaking ActivitiesSpeaking Task 4Speaking Task 3Speaking Task 2Speaking Task 1- 21 -2022/7/15Speaking task 1Sam

14、ple A: Whats your opinion about the pricing strategy for our new furniture? B: Well, I think its not appropriate. I feel that a penetration pricing strategy will build market share quickly. A: I agree with you. - 22 -2022/7/15Speaking task 2Sample A: I feel that we may use psychological pricing stra

15、tegy for our new product. B: No, I cant agree with you. A: Then, what about promotional pricing strategy? B: Thats a good idea.- 23 -2022/7/15Speaking task 3Sample A: Hi, David. B: Hi, Mary. Nice to see you here. A: Yeah. How are you? B: Im busy with pricing our new product. A: What pricing strategy

16、 have you adopted? B: Penetration pricing. A: Why? B: Because we want to capture market share.- 24 -2022/7/15Speaking task 4SampleGood morning, ladies and gentlemen! Im glad to have the opportunity to share my thoughts with you. When it comes to the pricing of products, there are certain factors you

17、 must take into consideration. The first factor is the demographics of the targeted customers. Let me share an illustration with you. Suppose your product is a portable bag specifically designed for students. If 90% of the populations in the region you are targeting are students, your product price

18、will be affected positively. The second factor is product development cost. This is definitely a factor you cannot turn a blind eye to. In conclusion, the two factors are very important in the process of pricing. - 25 -2022/7/15Reading Activity BReading B: Task 3Reading B: Task 2Reading B: Task 1 Re

19、ading BReading BMcDonalds Pricing Strategies Product Line PricingMcDonalds has a unique pricing strategy. Their Value Meals fall into the category of product line pricing. “Where there is a range of products or services the pricing reflects the benefits of parts of the range.” For example, a custome

20、r can order a Two Cheeseburger Value Meal that comes with a medium drink and fries for around $3 (prices may vary). The customer can choose to Super Size this meal to get a larger drink and more fries for a little more money or they could buy another Value Meal that might include different items at

21、a different price. - 26 -2022/7/15翻译Reading B Promotional PricingAlmost all McDonalds have signs and banners indicating special promotions. For example, currently the McDonalds in Maine is advertising “Two Sausage McMuffins for $3”. This promotion can be seen on a large banner draped across the buil

22、ding on many restaurants in Maine. Promotions change weekly and may consist of different menu items packaged together. Penetration PricingWhen McDonalds first began to break into the coffee market, they ran a large marketing campaign in order to gain some market share in the industry. For a limited

23、time, customers could get a free coffee every morning from 8:00-8:30 a.m. This was to promote their new coffee partnership with Green Mountain Coffee and helped spread the word that McDonalds was now offering coffee.- 27 -2022/7/15翻译Reading BValue Pricing“This approach is used where external factors

24、 such as a recession or increased competition force companies to provide value products and services in order to retain sales.” The most notable and recent example of this is McDonalds “Dollar Menu”. The Dollar Menu was created because McDonalds recognized that the economy was in decline and that th

25、eir competition was getting fiercer. The introduction of the Dollar Menu, from which customers can buy a number of single products for only one dollar, is by far the most economical product line that McDonalds has ever offered. The Dollar Menu recognizes the current economic climate and has increase

26、d the pressure on competitors.- 28 -2022/7/15翻译- 29 -2022/7/15Reading B: Task 1Pricing Strategy of McDonaldsExample Product Line PricingValue MealsPromotional PricingSausage McMuffinsPenetration Pricingfree coffeeValue PricingDollar Menu- 30 -2022/7/15Reading B: Task 2- 31 -2022/7/15Reading B: Task

27、3Task 3 Translate the following passage into Chinese.A business develops the pricing strategy for a product after performing a marketing analysis. Product distribution, positioning and promotional decisions are made and demand is estimated. A pricing strategy is formulated taking into consideration

28、factors of cost, competitors and profit objectives. Possible pricing strategies include a full-price strategy, competitive pricing, discount pricing or a mix of these.对市场进行分析之后,企业会对产品进行定价,同时决定如何对产品进行分销、定位和促销,并估算需求量。制定定价策略时会考虑成本、竞争对手和利润目标等因素。可能采用的定价策略包括全价定价法、竞争定价法、折扣定价法,或者是上述方法综合采用。- 32 -2022/7/15Wri

29、tingDear Mr. Black, It is my pleasure to inform you of a price decrease of Model K bikes. To celebrate 10-year anniversary, our company will launch a promotional campaign. There will be a 15% price reduction on Model K bikes. The effective date will be from July 1, 2012 to September 1, 2012. Of cour

30、se, you can expect the same quality and service from us. We look forward to continued cooperation with you in the future. Sincerely yours, Caroline Johnson- 33 -2022/7/15ProjectProject GuidelinesThis project aims to go through the process of pricing a product. The whole task is divided into three st

31、eps. Step One is about the factors affecting the final price of a product. Step Two focuses on pricing strategies commonly used. Step Three concerns the selection of appropriate pricing strategies in specific market situations.Please follow the Task Description to complete the project.- 34 -2022/7/1

32、5ProjectTask DescriptionStep One Divide the class into several small group of 4-6 students; Decide on a product youd like to do research on; Discuss the factors that will affect the final price of the product; Categorize these factors into internal and external factors.Step Two Come up with pricing

33、strategies commonly used; Discuss what these pricing strategies are about.Step Three Discuss and decide on which of the pricing strategies mentioned above will be used for the product; Summarize the discussion and report to the whole class.- 35 -2022/7/15Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary: Task 4Voc

34、abulary: Task 3Vocabulary: Task 2Vocabulary: Task 1- 36 -2022/7/15Vocabulary & Structure: Task 1bonus sneakerdrape banner productivityenthusiast categorizepremium retaincampaign- 37 -2022/7/15Vocabulary & Structure: Task 2enthusiasticregulationsensitivemarketersconsequentlyproductivityconsiderableno

35、tableeconomicalleading- 38 -2022/7/15Vocabulary & Structure: Task 3threateningcategorizedperceive depend onadjustedpackagedfall intorecessionvolumetake into account- 39 -2022/7/15Vocabulary & Structure: Task 4do not take into account changes in the inflation rate cleaning the sensitive skin If you w

36、ant to increase profits by a large margin retain many aspects of their ancient culture why are they still keen on emerging marketsThank You !市场营销英语English for Sales and Marketing- 41 -2022/7/15Reading A BackdropEmerging marketAn emerging market generally refers to a developing market economy with lo

37、w-to-middle per capita income. Countries in this category are usually undertaking a process of economic development and reform. Many countries in the world fall into this category. An important feature of most emerging markets is that they are in the process of moving from closed economies to more o

38、pen economies. As part of this process, emerging countries generally experience rapid growth in both local and foreign investment. For foreign investors, the emerging market is an opportunity to expand its production and revenue. From the perspective of the emerging market, it gains access to new em

39、ployment opportunities, transfers of skills and technology, and a source of economic growth. back- 42 -2022/7/15Reading A Translation在新兴市场定价产品最终价格受许多因素影响,如原材料价格、机器设备成本、员工工资、管理费、场地费、广告费、促销费、员工奖金、分销费用、利润率、税费、达标费等等。这些因素可以分为两大类:内部因素和外部因素。- 43 -2022/7/15Reading A Translation在新兴市场定价内部因素有些因素公司可以控制,如果有必要,还可

40、以进行调整,但快速调整一般不太可能。例如,价格很大程度上取决于生产设备的生产率(如,一定时间内的产值)。营销人员知道,提高生产率会降低单位成本,进而降低产品价格。但提高生产率可能需要对生产设备进行大规模改造,如新建厂房,或购入新机器设备,这需要时间,而且在相当长时间内不会拉低价格。- 44 -2022/7/15Reading A Translation在新兴市场定价外部因素定价时还要考虑外部因素,外部因素对消费品定价尤为重要。印度人是世界上对价格最为敏感的人群之一,但许多在印度经营的跨国公司却忽视了大众市场。他们的产品只针对高端消费者,因此,销售量很难保证。例如,1995年6月李维斯进军印度市

41、场,作为世界高端品牌之一,人们都认为李维斯在印度会有很好的销量。但到了1998年年中,李维斯发现在印度已经举步维艰。李维斯牛仔服价格在2000卢比以上,青少年认为太贵,这迫使李维斯公司降低身段。1995年,耐克公司也开始在印度推广其品牌,但直到1999年4月,所有耐克品牌商品都定价在2500卢比或更高。不用说,销量平平。1999年7月,为满足入门级运动爱好者的需求,耐克推出了价格999卢比的运动鞋。- 45 -2022/7/15Listening task 1 ScriptMr. Hunter: As you know, weve just developed a new face cream

42、. Its important we get the pricing strategy right.Emma: Yes. Thatll be critical. Whats the objective for this product?Mr. Hunter: We want to capture a large market share.Emma: Then, I think wed better use penetration pricing. Well have to consider our competitorsprices, and sell the new cream cheape

43、r.Mr. Hunter: Yes, but itll take longer to recover our production and development costs. As you know, weve invested a lot developing this particular product.Emma: Yes, I know, but it is a very good cream. If we sell at a lower price than our competitors, we should be able to build market share quick

44、ly. Then, the large sales volume will help reduce production costs and achieve profit.Mr. Hunter: Mm! - 46 -2022/7/15Listening task 2 ScriptMr. Hunter: Helen, what do you think about the pricing strategy of our new face cream?Helen: I think setting a low price for the cream and using a penetration p

45、ricing strategy will build market share quickly.Mr. Hunter: But consumers usually relate quality to prices. Wont they think our cream is of low quality?Helen: We can offer samples for consumers to test. I think we can convince our customers that the cream is of really good quality and exceptional va

46、lue for the money.Mr. Hunter: Good! OK, so what other factors do we need to take into consideration? I suppose one factor is our target market? Helen: Yes, who are we targeting? Mr. Hunter: Middle-aged, low-income women. Helen: This type of consumer is sensitive to price. So we could use some psycho

47、logy. You know, consumers perceive prices to be cheaper if they end in odd numbers. For example, we charge $9.99 instead of $10 or $99.95 instead of $100. Mr. Hunter: Right. We need to develop both a penetration and psychological strategy to set the price! - 47 -2022/7/15Listening task 3 ScriptHelen

48、: When is the new face cream going to be launched?Mr. Hunter: Next month.Helen: In December?Mr. Hunter: Yes.Helen: December is a good time. People, especially women, are busy shopping for Christmas gifts.Mr. Hunter: Yes, thats why we chose December.Helen: During this special period, perhaps we shoul

49、d also run a buy one, get one free promotion to help attract customers.Mr. Hunter: Mm. Promotional pricing can be effective in the introductory stage of marketing a new product but Im not sure whether the buy one, get one freestrategy is the most appropriate strategy for this. Were hoping to undercu

50、t our competitors on price so the margins wont be high.Helen: The price will either make or break our business so we need to get it right. Mr. Hunter: Yes, youre right. Good pricing strategies depend on several factors. All these factors should be taken into account. Tomorrow well call a meeting to

51、further discuss this issue.- 48 -2022/7/15Listening task 4 ScriptMr. Hunter: Hello, Jane. How are sales?Jane: Good for the first half year. Sales held steady and our profit margin stayed stable. But since last July, profits have begun to decline.Mr. Hunter: Whats the problem?Jane: I think its the ge

52、ographical pricing strategy were using in India. The new face cream is priced lower in India than it is in our country in order to compete, so the margins are very tight. Mr. Hunter: Yes?Jane: But the prices of key raw materials are rising and shipping costs have increased steeply. So if we remain with the same low price, our profit margin will be negligible.Mr. Hunter: Youre right. Well have to adjust our price. Jane, youd better conduct a market survey and find out just what the local competition is charging. The results will help us to decide what to do.Jane: OK. Next week Ill give y


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