1、最全2017年下半年CATTI二口真题、题源和答案English to Chinese InterpretingPassage 1匹兹堡经济转型对中国的借鉴意义2015年6月19日,中国国务院副总理刘延东会见美国匹兹堡市市长佩杜托,听 取了佩杜托关于匹兹堡市发展转型有关做法和经验的介绍.2015年11月23日,美联储前主席伯南克在布鲁金斯研究院发表文章Can China be like Chattanooga?Shifting from industry to services。链接:https : /www o /blog/ben-bernanke/2015/11/23/can-china-
2、be-like-chattanooga-shifting-from industry to services/Financial markets and media reports have been focused lately on the slowing of China s growth rate。 That slowing has diverse causes and consequences but as Ill discuss in this post in at least one important respect it is both a healthy and a pre
3、dictable development, resulting from a necessary change in China s growth model.金融市场和媒体最近关注中国经济增速放缓。 这种放缓可能有多种原因,但是,至 少在一个方面中国经济更加健康,这是一个可预见的发展,而经济模式必然改变。Since the beginning of Chinas growth miracle, a large part of the countrys development has been directed from the center. This top-down approach h
4、as focused on heavy industry, infrastructure (highways, bridges, airports), the movement of people from rural to urban areas, and the promotion of exports, particularly manufactures 0 The top-down model had its roots in Communist central planning, but in China it has been leavened with enough market
5、 liberalization and openness to international competition to foster significant gains in productivity and a rapid ascent up the technological ladder. To date, this strategy has been incredibly successful: In real terms, the Chinese economy is two and-ahalf times bigger today than a decade ago (IMF e
6、stimates, converted to constant dollars at PPP exchange rates) . And, despite the recent slowdown , Chinese economic growth currently accounts for about a third of global economic growth, up from about a quarter ten years ago.由于中国经济增长创造了奇迹,这种“自上而下”的方法集中于重工业和基础设 施,如公路、桥梁、机场等。从农村到城市,促进出口,特别是生产。自顶向下的模式
7、其根源在于计划,而中国经济充满了市场自由化与开放的国际竞争力,生产力显著提升,技术快速发展。迄今为止,这个战略已经非常成功,中国经济比十年 前快两倍半,尽管最近经济放缓,中国经济仍占全球经济增长约三分之一,十年 前是四分之一。However, the top-down approach is reaching its limits。 The share of output devoted to heavy manufacturing, construction , and exports is too large to be sustained, the pace of urbanizatio
8、n is slackening, and the easier opportunities to improve technologically in manufacturing and related sectors have been exploited. Moreover, with its emphasis on capital investment and exports rather than on goods and services aimed at domestic consumers, the Chinese economy has not been serving its
9、 citizenry as well as it could.Recognizingthese limits , Chinas leadership is working to make the transition to a more organic,“bottom-up ”growth model, focused on the development of services industries-retail trade, health, education, finance, transportation delivered in many cases through markets
10、and by smaller business units。(Services currently make up about half of theChinese economy, compared to about four-fifths of the economy of the United States, according to the World Bank.) For various reasons, including the fact that productivity in services generally does not grow as quickly as in
11、manufacturing, this transition will involve economic growth that is slower (though still rapid)。 And, because of the increasing reliance on market forces and smaller business units, Chinese growth in the future will be more erratic and harder to control from the center o然而,自顶向下的方法达到极限,产出份额中侧重重工业、建设、
12、持续的出口, 城市化步伐放缓,机会提高,技术被运用在制造业及相关行业。止匕外,强调资本 投资和出口商品服务,而不是国内消费者。认识到这些,中国经济正努力过渡到一 个更有生机活力的增长模式,就是专注于服务、零售贸易、医疗、教育、金融、 交通等,在许多情况下的更小市场和业务部门.服务业目前占中国经济一半,美国 服务业占经济的五分之四。由于各种原因,这种转变越来越依靠市场力量,未来 中国经济增长更加稳定,成为世界中心。The experience of U.S. “rust belt cities provides a for Chinas challenge at least qualitativ
13、ely. As in China, the economies of American cities like Chattanooga and Pittsburgh were built on heavy manufacturing , a model that eventually reached its limits. The analogy is not exact, of course: Unlike the case of China, the industrial hollowing out of U.S. rust-belt cities resulted in large pa
14、rt from increased foreign competition。 In some respects, however, the constraints on industrial development faced by China and Chattanooga notably, the increasing toll of heavy industry on the environment were similar. (In 1969, the federal government identified Chattanooga as the country s most pol
15、luted dty。) In any case, the rust belt cities that succeeded in reviving their economies did so primarily by turning from manufacturing to services. In Chattanooga and other cities , public/private taskforces worked to revitalize downtowns, to develop tourist attractions and conference facilities, t
16、o clean up the environment, to improve transportation links and other critical infrastructure , and to attract businesses in “clean“ sectors like medicine, technology, finance, and retail 0 Strengthening education was key, with benefits ranging from attracting and maintaining skilled workforces to s
17、eeding high-tech startups。Pittsburgh s redevelopment in particular was greatly helped by the location there of several major universities, including Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh, which led efforts to build research facilities. Emblematic of Pittsburghs transformation is that the
18、U.S. Steel building, the largest in downtown Pittsburgh, now bears a UPMC sign, for University of Pittsburgh Medical Center the region s largest employer。美国“铁锈地带”城市的经验提供了一个有用的比喻,在美国查塔努加和匹兹堡 等城市建设偏重重工业,1969年联邦政府确定查塔努加为污染最严重的城市,最 终达到极限。类比是不确切的,当然,中国与美国不同。美国空心化工业区那些 城市,很大程度上增加了外国竞争。然而,在某些方面,重工业环境相似。无论
19、怎样,城市发展经济主要通过从制造业向服务业过渡,在美国查塔努加等城市,公 共和私人部门致力于振兴商业区,开发旅游景点,建设会议设施,清洁环境,改善 交通枢纽,其它关键基础设施建设等,吸引企业在干净环保的行业,如医学、科 技、金融、零售等,从而吸引与留住劳动者人才到高科技公司.匹兹堡城市有几所大学,匹兹堡卡内基梅隆大学等,钢铁建设城市匹兹堡努力构建研究设施转换经 济,现在,匹兹堡医疗中心是最大雇主.How can China make a transition to a more services oriented economy, analogous to that made by Chatt
20、anooga and Pittsburgh, as well as by other East Asian countries like Japan or Korea? Reducing the subsidies to and direct government support for exports and heavy industry , while continuing reforms to make it easier to start and sustain new private businesses, are critical steps. So, in some cases
21、are partnerships with foreign companies that bring essential expertise。 A useful lesson from the experience of reviving U.S. cities is the importance of building and empowering a strong middle class: Middleclass households are the primary market for more sophisticated services, from education to hea
22、lth care to retail toentertainment。 For those cities, attracting middleclass consumers involved improving public infrastructure and education, adding amenities , reducing crime, and increasing job opportunities 0In China, empowering the growing middle classwill require measures such as strengthening
23、 the social safety net (which will give households the income security they need to be comfortable saving less and spending more) and reducing regulations and controls that restrict consumer choice。 A strong Chinese middle class will stimulate the development of new services industries, allowing the
24、 “bottom - up approach a chance to succeed 中国经济怎样过渡到服务业,类似于美国查塔努加和匹兹堡城市,或者像东亚国 家如日本和韩国.减少出口补贴和对重工业的支持,继续改革,私营企业是至关重要的。因此,在某些情况下,与外国公司合作,交流最基本专业知识。美国城市 建设的一个经验是强大的中产阶级.中产家庭的主要市场是服务,从教育到医疗保 健和娱乐零售,对于城市建设来说,吸引中产阶级消费者参与公共基础设施建设 中,增加就业机会,增加公共服务设施.不断壮大的中产阶级要求增加收入保障, 增加消费,加强社会治安网,减少监管,提供给消费者选择。一个强大的中产阶级 将支
25、持服务业发展,也是“自下而上”的方法成功的机会.Chinas economy certainly has its share of short term problems, including bad loans in the banking system, a shaky stock market, and excess capacity in heavy industries. How it navigates those risks will have important near-term implications both for China and for China s trad
26、ing partners. In the medium term, however, China s biggest economic challenge is to make the transition from a top-down , heavy-industrial growth model to a bottom-up, services focused one. In considering models for reinvention , China could do worse than to contemplate the experiences of Chattanoog
27、a and Pittsburgh 中国经济中也可能有短期问题,包括银行体系不良贷款,重工业产能过剩等,降低 这些短期风险,中期挑战是从自上而下过渡到自下而上,改变侧重重工业增长模 式,从美国查塔努加和匹兹堡城市的经验中,中国城市能做得更好。Passage 2机器人和气候变化的影响大概意思回忆版,没找到题源,欢迎留言补充。本题是 英译汉。在未来几年内,将有两个变化会产生,一个是机器人,一个是全球变暖。我个人认为随着技术发展机器人将会代替人工劳动力.机器人技术迅速发展,将在很多经 济领域代替人工劳动力。对于有特殊技能和良好教育背景的人来说,这是一个好的 机会,他们将可以利用新科技提高自己的价值和收
28、入,但是对于只拥有普通技能的人来说,这是个不好的时机,随着机器人的发展,他们将会大面积替代简单的劳动力。因此,很多人将面临失业的压力,社会在面临这个问题时,应该会寻找途径解决由 于机器人代替而导致失业的人的问题,如果社会找不到平衡的方法,将来带社会 和政治动荡,这对于全球的领导者来说,是一个巨大的挑战。很多科学奖都相信全球气候变暖是真实存在的,随着气温升高,海平面上升,很 多国家将被迫移民.科学家指出,海平面每上升1米,需要2100年的时间,一些| 科学家预测,很多主要城市,纽约,威尼斯,东京,都将被淹没在海平面以下, 政府将拿上千上百亿出资金安置这些气候移民,生态难民。机器人和气候变暖还会带
29、来新的社会问题,如何处理好这些问题,对于全球领导者 来说是一个巨大挑战,政府的领导人应该史诗采取措施解决这些问题,我们不应 该认为,这些都发展缓慢且无关紧要,我们应该顾全大局,同时也要认识到,这些问题距离我们不会遥远,这是政府领导人应该着重解决的头等大事。Chinese to English InterpretingPassage 1非洲孔子学院2014年6月24日,李源潮在非洲孔子学院联席会议开幕式上的讲话携手推动 中非文化交流互鉴。标红的是试题.尊敬的比拉勒副总统,尊敬的穆堪达拉校长和各位与会校长,尊敬的许琳主任和各位老师、同学们:Your Excellency Dr。 Mohamed G
30、harib Bilal, Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania,Respected Vice Chancellor RwekazaS Mukandala, and Presidents from African and Chinese Universities;The Honorable Madame Xu Lin, Other distinguished guests, and teachers and students,很高兴在达累斯萨拉姆大学参加非洲孔子学院联席会议。刚才的开场白充满非洲 特色,同学们表演的节目充满中国韵味.值
31、此孔子学院创办十周年之际,我代表中 国政府,向参会的老师和同学们致以诚挚问候!向支持孔子学院发展的非洲朋友 们表示衷心感谢!It is my great pleasure to attend the Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Africa at the University of Dar es Salaam. The opening remarks were full of African characteristics, and the performances by the students were full of Chine
32、se cultural elements. On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the founding of this Confucius Institute, on behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to convey my sincere greetings to teachers and students at the conference, and express my heartfelt gratitude to all African friends who have g
33、reatly supported the development of Confucius Institutes!孔子是中国2000多年前伟大的思想家、教育家,孔子所处的时代是中华文化百 家争鸣、百花齐放的时代。中华文化已有5000多年的历史,是世界文化的重要 源头。举世闻名的“四大发明”造纸术、指南针、火药、印刷术,是推动人类文明进步的伟大创造。历史上,丝绸之路贯通亚欧,郑和船队远达非洲,带去的不仅 是精美的丝绸瓷器,更是中国人(的文化)“和为贵” “崇礼尚文”“重义轻利”等价值理念.Confucius is a great thinker and educator of more than
34、 two thousand years ago He lived in an era that hundreds of schools of thoughts thrived。 The Chinese civilization boasts a history of more than 5000 years; it is one of the most important sources of world civilization。 The Four Great Inventions of ancient China , namely, papermaking ,compass, gunpow
35、der and printing, greatly contributed to the progress of human civilization. Historically, the Silk Road linked Asia and Europe, and the fleet led by Zheng He reached as far as Africa0 China exported not only silk and chinaware, but also Chinese values and concepts such as “harmony is precious” , “r
36、espect for rituals and cultures , and prioritizing values over material gains。改革开放30多年来,中国文化开始加快走向世界,丰富了各国人民的精神生活, 拉近了中外人民的心灵距离.尤其是中非人民走得更近、亲上加亲.去年中国公民 赴非旅游超过万人次,多部中国电视剧在非洲国家热播。近年来非洲赴华留学生 人数年均增长30%以上,非洲歌手郝歌登上中国春晚舞台,非洲多位足球运动员活 跃在中国绿茵场上。文化因交流而多彩,文化因互鉴而丰富。In the past three decades of reform and opening
37、 up, the Chinese culture has become increasingly popular in many parts of the world, enriching the spiritual life of peoples in different countries and fostering friendship between the Chinese people and the rest of the world。 The Chinese culture especially has brought the Chinese people and the Afr
38、ican people closer. Last year, over 1。5 million Chinese tourists traveled to Africa。 Many Chinese TV series are hit shows in African countries The number of African students studying in China has been increasing at an annual average of over 30%. The African singer Uwechue Emmanuel was invited to the
39、 Chinese Spring Festival Gala, and many African football players have joined Chinese leagues A culture is enriched through exchanges and mutual learning在全球化的背景下,中国文化应该进一步面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来,以 更加多样的形式、更受欢迎的内容走向海外,与各国文化交流互鉴,推动人类文 化繁荣发展。In the context of globalization, The Chinese culture should orient its
40、elf toward modernization , the whole world, and the future, and it should go overseas in more diversified forms and with more popular contents, with a view toward promoting cultural diversity and intercultural exchanges孔子学院是中外文化交流互鉴的重要平台。学院以孔子命名,既体现着鲜明的中国特征,也承载着加强中外文化交流、久远传承中国人民与各国人民友谊的美好愿 望.2004以来,
41、中国与各国合作,在全球建成了435所孔子学院,设立了 646个孔子课堂,学员超过100万。非洲地区的孔子学院发展迅速,2005年第一家孔子 学院落户肯尼亚内罗毕以来,已在32个国家建成38所孔子学院和10个孔子课堂。 孔子学院为满足各国民众学习汉语需求、增进中国人民与各国人民的相互了解作 出了积极贡献.Confucius Institutes are an important platform for exchanges between Chinese and foreign cultures。 Named after Confucius, these institutes not only
42、symbolize the distinctive Chinese culture, but also carry the good wishes of enhancing cultural exchanges and peopleto-people friendship. Since 2004, 435 Confucius Institutes and 646 Confucius Classrooms have been established with a total of more than 1 million students。The African continent has wit
43、nessed a rapid increase in the number of Confucius Institutes. The first Confucius Institute in Africa was established in Nairobi, Kenya in 2005。Currently there are 38 Confucius Institutes and tenConfucius Classrooms in 32 African countries. Confucius Institutes have served both to meet the increasi
44、ng demands of people for learning Chinese and to promote mutual understanding between the Chinese people and other peoples孔子学院是中非文化交流的重要载体,办好孔子学院是中非人民的共同心愿。希望非洲各国孔子学院努力成为促进中非交流的友谊合作之桥,携手推动中非文化交流互鉴。一是贴近各国人民学习汉语实际需求,加大选派高素质中国师资和志愿 者力度创造条件为外籍师生提供赴华交流机会,不断提升汉语教学水平。二是充 分发挥优势,服务中非文化交流合作,既传播中华文化,又弘扬非洲文化,交流
45、互鉴、共同发展。三是积极融入当地,既搞好汉语教学,又重视加强职业技能培训,为当地民众创业就业提供帮助。Confucius Institute is an important institution of cultural exchanges between China and Africa. It is the shared goal of the Chinese and African peoples to better develop the Confucius Institutes 0 We hope that Confucius Institutes in Africa will st
46、rive to become the bridge of friendship between China and Africa First, they should cater to the specific demands of Chinese learning by people in different countries。 More high quality Chinese teachers and volunteers will be sent abroad, and there should be more opportunities for foreign teachers a
47、nd students to visit and learn in China, Second, these institutes should make full use of their advantages in promoting China Africa cultural exchanges and mutual development; they are messengersof both Chinese and African cultures。 Third, they should adapt to local communities by providing not only
48、 high quality Chinese teaching, but also vocational training, with a view toward helping local people create job opportunities.我想乘此机会对进行汉语教学的孔子学院的老师讲几句话.I also would like to take this opportunity to say a few words to the teachers at Confucius Institutes孔子学院既是中国海外汉语教学机构,也是向世界介绍中国的重要平台,因此孔 子学院不仅要让人了解
49、中国语言,而且应该让人了解中国文化、中国历史、中国 思想、中国习惯。我希望孔子学院的汉语教育能“三有”:有用处、有故事、有 理念。一个“和”字,既有“和为贵”的故事,又有“协和万邦”的历史,也有“和 而不同”的哲理,还有“和平友好”的外交方针。一条鱼,加上三点水就变成了动 词,“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”是现在非洲最欢迎的援助理念。总之,希望我们 的孔子学院不仅教中国语言,而且让外国朋友通过这个渠道,更多地了解中国文 化、中国历史、中国理念。这些都是中国对外友好关系的基础。Confucius Institute is an educational organization for teaching
50、 Chinese in foreign countries; it is also an important platform to introduce China to the world。 Therefore, apart from teaching the Chinese language, it should also introduce to local people Chinese culture, history, thoughts, and customs I hope that Confucius Institutes will follow three principles
51、 in teaching Chinese, that is, usefulness, historybased, and philosophy。 Take the Chinese character “和” ,or harmony, as an example. There is not only a story behind “harmony is previous,but also the Chinese history of “all neighboring countries co exist peacefully/ Moreover, it contains the Chinese
52、philosophy of diversity in harmony and the Chinese foreign policy principle of “peace and friendship, . The Chinese character “鱼” ,or fish, becomes a verb by adding three dots, meaning to fish。 The idea that teaching a friend how to fish is more useful than giving him a fish is widely accepted in Africa when it comes to foreign development assistance. In one word , I hope that our Confucius Institutes not only teach the Chinese language, but also serve as a channel for for
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