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1、七年级下册重点语法Unit1语法重点1.can(情态动词)+动词原形(be/do),动词无人称变化,都用原形)重点句型:whatclubdo you want to join?你想加入什么俱乐部?第二人称单复数答句:I /We want to join the chess club.What club does Lisa/she/he want to join? 第三人称单数答句:She/He wants to the music club. What club do Mary and Bob want to join? 第三人称复数答句:They want to join the Engli

2、sh club .1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club/a sports club.3. What sports do you want to play? (I want to play在日常口语中常省略) Soccer. 4. Can he play chess? Yes, he can./No. he cant 5.Can Jane and Jill swim? Yes, they can./No, they cant

3、.6.What can you do? I can dance./ I cant sing.Unit2 in,on, atIn 1泛指“在上午,在下午,在晚上”:in the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening2表示“在某个季节”:in spring/in summer 在春天/在夏天3表示“某年,某月,”:in 2014(twenty fourteen)/in March(在三月)/in the day (在白天)On 1表示“星期几”on Monday 2表示“在具体的某一天”:on March 24th,2014(日期序数词the 只读不写)

4、3表示“在某个节日”:on childrens dayAt 1.表示“在具体的某个时刻”:at nine oclock 9:00 2.表示“在中午,在晚上”:at noon, at night 3.表示“在特定时间”:at that time重难:时刻表达:1.顺读法:6:30 six thirty 3:15 three fifteen 分钟30用past(几点过几分): 6:30 thirty/half past six 2.逆读法:3:15 a quarter/fifteen past three 分钟30用to(差几分几点):6:55 five to seven3.整点:用oclock,

5、也可以省略: 7:00/ 7oclock重点句型What time句型 :提问精确时刻。而when提问时间范围广,可以指哪一天,哪一年或月,也可指时刻。 1.What time do you usually get up? I always get up at five fifty . 2.What time is your radio show? From twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning 3.When do you go to work? I go to work on weekdays.1.提问交通工具用how Uni

6、t3重点句型第一人称How do you get to school? I ride my bike. 第三人称单数: How does Marry get to school? She takes the subway. 2.It takes sb(宾语)+时间段+to do(动词原形)sth How long does it take you to work?拓展:for+时间段也用how long 提问He does home work for two hours.How long does he do homework?3. howfarisitfrom A to B?(提问距离)It

7、 is +距离.4.It is+adj.+(forsb)+todosth做某事对某人来说怎么样5. thereis(有)就近原则 There is a banana and some apples on the table. There are some apples and a banana on the table. 交通工具表达方式:1.take a/the+交通工具+ to sp=go/get to sp by+交通工具(交通工具均用单数,后者前面无冠词)(take放句中,by+交通工具放在句末)注意不同人称后的动词变化I take the bus to school=I go to

8、school by bus.She/He takes the train to Jinan=She/He goes to Jinan by train Lucy and Lily(They) take the subway to Jinan =They go to Beijing by subway.2.几种特殊用法 骑自行车去某地: ride a/the/ones bike to sp=go to sp by bike步行去某地:walk to sp=go to sp on foot开车去某地: drive a/the/ones car to sp=go to sp by car乘飞机去某地

9、: take a/the plane to sp=go to sp by plane/ by air He takes the plane to England =He goes to England by planeUnit4重点句型祈使句:常省略第二人称主语,一般是第二人称。肯定句 :动词原形(be/do)+其他否定句:Dont+动词原形(be/do)+其他Arrive late for school(肯)Dont arrive late for school.(否)Be on time (肯)Dont be on time.(否)Let him come in.(肯)Dont let h

10、im come in.(否)(经常由带有can, must, have to的句子转换)must是个情态动词,直接动词原形=have to doUnit51. Why do you want to see the lions?Because theyre very smart. 2.Why do you like pandas?Because theyre kind of interesting. 3. Why does John like koalas? Because theyre very cute. 4. Why dont you like tigers? Because theyre

11、 really scary. 5.Where are lions from? Theyre from South Africa 6.What animals do you like? I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.一般现在时表现在的状态或经常或习惯性的动作1.be 动词的一般现在时的句式: 肯定句:主语+be+n./adj.等。2.实义动词的一般现在时句式1)主语(I/We/You/They/两个以上)+实动原形+其他eg:I like English.You are beautiful.2)主语(He/She/It/一个人或物)+

12、实动单三+其他eg: He plays basketball every day.3.一般现在时的常见标志词:always ,usually, often, sometimes, never, everyday erery morning, on weekends等。现在进行时:指现在正在进行的动作陈述句:肯定句:主语+be+ doing :She is reading a newspaper at home. 否定句:主语+be+ not+ doing: She isnt (is not缩写)reading a newspaper.一般疑问句:将be 动提前: be+主语+doing sth

13、?Is she reading a newspaper? Yes, She is./No, she isnt.特殊疑问句:提问做什么what+be+主语+doing sth 提问地点Where+be+主语+doing sthWhat is she doing?Where is she reading a newspaper?(陈述句为第一人称时,问句也和一般现在时一样变成第二人称)现在进行好判断,汉意多有“正在干”;句中now最常见,look, listen放在前。另外Its+时间,还有Dont+动原。标志词:now,look,listen,be quiet , dont 动原+其他, Wha

14、t is doing? Where is .? Its 7:00.等 (1) The children are swimming at the pool now. 孩子们现在正在游泳池游泳。 (2) Look, the twins are flying a kite. 看,那对双胞胎在放风筝。(3) Listen, who is singing in the next room? 听,谁正在隔壁房间唱歌?(4) Its 8 oclock. The students are having English . 现在8点了,学生们正上英语课。 (5) Dont talk. Im writing a

15、letter. 别说话。我在写信呢现在分词变化规则watch-watches- watching wash-washes-washing talk-talks-talking read-reads-readinglisten-listens-listening clean-cleans-cleaninguse-uses-using make-makes-making exercise-exercises-exercising直接+ing:watch-watching/wash-washing/talk-talking/talk-talking/read-reading尾字母不发音的去掉不发音字

16、母+ing:use-using/make-making/exercise-exercising双写词尾加 ing的词 swim- swimming shop- shopping cut- cutting get- getting run- running sit- sitting1.1)She goes to Shanghai on a train = She goes to Shanghai_ _=She _the train _Shanghai.2)Mr Smith takes a car to the library.= Mr Smith goes to the library _ _=

17、 Mr Smith goes to the library _ _ _.3)他步行去上学 :He _ _school. =He goes to school _ _.4)He rides his bike to school every day. =He goes to school _ _every day.2. 汤姆每天步行回家需要半小时 It _Tom half an hour _ _to his home.同义句转换by train takes to by car In his car walks to on foot by bike takes to walk3.我花了两个小时做作业

18、 It takes two hours _ _my homework. How long does it take you to do your homework?4. Li Mei lives five miles from school.(划线提问) _ _ does Li Mei live from school?5. It takes me ten minutes to walk home.(划线提问) _ _ does it take you to walk home? 6.许多村民从来没离开过这个小村庄。_ of the villagers _ _ the small villag

19、e. 7.To play soccer is difficult. (改为同义句)_ difficult _ _ _.8.他每天练习弹吉他。He _ _ the guitar every day. me to do How far How longMany never leave Its to play soccer practices playing1. There are many (动物)_ in the zoo.2. We are tired. Lets _(放松). 3. The people in the bank are all very _(友好的).4. The girl i

20、snt nice. Shes _(丑陋的) 5. I like monkeys(猴子) very much. Because they are c_ .6. We know t_ eat meat and dangerous. 7. He usually gets up and eats leaves at night (划线提问)_ _ does he usually _ at night?8. He like giraffes and penguins. (否定句) He_like giraffes _ penguins.10. The picture is a little ugly.

21、(同义句) The picture is _ _ ugly. 一、汉译英(词组)1.用两条腿走路_ 2.整天睡觉 _3.非常喜欢_ 4.来自中国的老师_5.有点懒_ 6.好运的标志/象征_7. 其中之一_8.拯救大象_9.迷路_10.走很长一段时间_11.有水和食物的地方_12.这能帮助他们生存_13.在巨大、极大的危险中_14.失去他们的家园_15.为了象牙而杀死大象_16.象牙制品_17.对某人人友好_18.砍倒很多的树_19.一只大象从不忘记_lose their homes二、汉译英(句子)1. 我喜欢狗因为它们又友好又有趣。_ 2. 我非常喜欢老虎。_ 3. 大象是泰国的标志之一。_

22、 4. 这是好运的标志。 _ 5. 大象能够长时间行走而且从不走路_6. 它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。_7. 但是大象面临巨大的危险。_ 8. 人们砍伐树木,因此大象正在遗失它们的家园。 9. 我们必须拯救树木,拒买象牙制品。_10. 人们说“大象从不会忘记”。 _三、按词语正确的形式填空 1.Why do you like _(panda)? Because they_ (be) very cute. 2.Why do you want _(see) them ? Because they are very _(interest).3.He can _(walk) on two legs.

23、 He can _(dance) ,too.4.Lets _(see) the koalas first.5.Elephants can _(walk) for a long time and never _(get) lost.6.Elephants remember places (有) food and water 7.People (砍倒) many trees so elephants _(lose) their homes.8.We must _(save) elephants and _(not buy ) things _(make) of ivory.9.Where _(be) they


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