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1、化装品 vkua.Giftedness:The Gift that Keeps on Giving.IntroductionStable versus unstable personal traits e.g. gender versus hair colorWhich is giftedness?Often viewed as a childhood attributeThis reflected by a recent web searchWhat are the results of googling ?.Google results“gifted children 1,440,000

2、hits versus post-childhood:“gifted adolescents 39,600 hits“gifted teenagers 1,670 hits“gifted adults 24,700 hits“gifted elderly 56 hits “gifted senior citizens 8 hits .Google resultsand versus pre-childhood:“gifted babies 6,660 hits“gifted infants 540 hits“gifted zygotes 1 hitthe latter some Jon Ste

3、wart quip!.ArgumentGiftedness can be a life-long traitThis developmental continuity is especially conspicuous when we look at the highest levels of giftednesse.g., top 1% rather than top 10%.Superlative Performance ThresholdAGETop 10%Top 1%PERFORMANCE.From Conception to ReputationGenetic conceptionG

4、estationInfancyChildhoodAdolescenceAdulthoodDeathPosthumous reputation.Genetic conception.Genetic conceptionIt all begins with the “gifted zygoteGaltons 1869 Hereditary GeniusModern behavioral genetics: Giftedness is most likelymulti-polygenic (many polygenic traits)emergenic (multiplicative/configu

5、rational)epigenetic (unfolds over time)In short, a complex, dynamic process.Gestation.GestationIntrauterine environmente.g., Geschwinds theory elevated testosterone after 20th weekright left posterior hemisphere growthgiftedness/savantismmathematical abilityartistic/spatial abilitymusical abilitySim

6、on Baron-Cohen: “extreme male brain.Infancy.InfancyThe Developmental “Dark AgesEarly developmental signposts not always indicative of later giftednessand may even be counter-indicative (e.g., delayed speech)So when do the Dark Ages end?Whats the earliest age at which the gift begins to manifest itse

7、lf?.Fagan Test of Infant IntelligenceAttention to novelty at 6-12 months predicts adult IQacademic achievementbut this assessment concerns general intelligence (Spearmans g)What about more domain-specific indicators?.Cox (1926) 301 GeniusesJeremy Bentham: English jurist and utilitarian philosopher (

8、early IQ 180) Learned alphabet before talking At 3 began classical education when father buys a Latin grammar; same age read Rapins History of England .Feldman/Goldsmith (1986/2000) 6 prodigiesa child who read music before he was four,two children who played winning chess before they entered school,

9、 another who studied abstract algebra in grade school, a youngster who produced typed scripts of original stories and plays before his fifth birthday, and a child who read, wrote, began learning foreign languages, and composed short musical pieces before he was out of diapers.Winner (1996): Gifted C

10、hildrenMichael Kearneyspeak at 4 months; read at 8 months;algebra on own at age 3KyLee Henchfascinated with letters & numbers at 1.5 mental arithmetic at 2playing math computer games by 3.SMPY (Julian Stanley et al.)Terry Tao: Fields Medal recipienttaught himself to read before 2; using portable typ

11、ewriter before 2.5;solved math problems typical of 8-year olds by 3.Childhood.ChildhoodDark Ages rarely end before ages 2-3,and more commonly end at the age of a late preschooler or kindergartnereven Mozart didnt begin composing until 5 (with fathers help)and J. S. Mill didnt write his first book (a

12、 history of Rome) until 6.5 (juvenilia).ChildhoodDuring this age period various environmental factors kick inincludingBirth order (not prenatal!)Traumatic, enriching, and diversifying eventsDomain-specific role models and mentors, andExpertise acquisition (10-year rule)that affect the type and degre

13、e of giftednessThe “gift as a nature-nurture collaboration.Adolescence.AdolescenceAlthough the previously mentioned factors continue to nurture growth,the gifted youth can also be led astray from the path of optimal development:Peer groups become especially critical during this phasee.g., Csikszentm

14、ihalyi et al.s (1993) Talented teenagers .Adulthood.AdulthoodThe Great Transformation from Input to OutputPotential to Actual AchievementGiftedness to Genius.AdulthoodAccelerated career onsetAbbreviated expertise acquisition ( 10 years)Early achievement (viz. 1st “hit in 20s)Exceptional productivity

15、 or output (e.g., Napoleon, Edison, Picasso, Mozart)High impact (e.g., disciples, honors)Long, productive careerEarly- + late-bloomers long-bloomersHence, last testaments, old-age style shifts, swan-songs.ExamplesCervantes: Don Quixote, Part II, age 68, died age 69.ExamplesGalileo: Two New Sciences,

16、 age 74, died age 78.ExamplesGoethe: Faust, Part II, age 83, died age 83.ExamplesVerdi: Falstaff, age 85, died age 88.Death.DeathLife expectancy as contingent on achievement domainExamples:Mathematicians versus BiologistsPoets versus NovelistsMilitary versus Political LeadersRevolutionary versus Status Quo PoliticiansPrecocity negative impact on longevity.GeniusAge 1st masterworkAge at deathArriaga (music)1820Galois(math)2020Chatterton(poetry)1617.Posthumous reputation.Posthumous reputationEventual eminence is a direct function of lifetime achievement, wh


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