1、PROLOGUEAUCTIONEERSold. Your number, sir? Thank you.Lot 663, then, ladies and gentlemen: a poster for this houses production of Hannibal by Chalumeau.PORTERShowing here.AUCTIONEERDo I have ten francs? Five then. Five I am bid. Six, seven. Against you, sir, seven. Eight.Eight once. Selling twice. Sol
2、d, to Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny.Lot 664: a wooden pistol and three human skulls from the 1831 production of Robert leDiable by Meyerbeer. Ten francs for this. Ten, thank you. Ten francs still. Fifteen, thank you,sir Fifteen I am bid. Going at fifteen. Your number, sir?665, ladies and gentlemen: a pap
3、ier-mach musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ.Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes playing the cymbals. This item, discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working order.PORTER Showing here.AUCTIONEERMay I start at twenty francs? Fifteen, then? Fifteen I am bid.Sold, for
4、 thirty francs to the Vicomte de Chagny. Thank you, sir.RAOUL A collectors piece indeed . . every detail exactly as she said . . .She often spoke of you, my friend Your velvet lining, and your figurine of lead.Will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead?AUCTIONEERLot 666, then: a chandelie
5、r in pieces. Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera: a mystery never fully explained. We are told ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster. Our workshops have restored it and fitted up parts of it with wiring for the n
6、ew electric light, so that we may get a hint of what it may look like when re- assembled. Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination, gentlemen?OvertureCARLOTTA (ELISSA)Once more to mywelcoming armsmy love returnsin splendour!CHORUSThe trumpeting elephants
7、 soundhear, Romans, now and tremble!Hark to their step on the groundhear the drums!Hannibal comes!Think of MeCARLOTTAThink of me,think of me fondly,when weve said goodbye.Remember me once in a while -please promise me youll try.When you find that, once again, you longto take your heart . . .MEG/BALL
8、ET GIRLS/CHORUSHes here:the Phantom of the Opera . . .He is with us . . .Its the ghost . . .Hes there; the Phantom of the Opera .ANDREGood heavens!Will you show a little courtesy?FIRMIN (to MEG and the OTHERS)Mademoiselle, please!ANDRE (to CARLOTTA)These things do happen.CARLOTTASi! These things do
9、happen! Well, until you stop these things happening, this thing does not happen!Ubaldo! Andiamo!MEGChristine Daae could sing it, sir.FlRMINThe chorus girl ?GIRYLet her sing for you, monsieur. She has been well taught.CHRISTINEThink of methink of me fondly,when weve said goodbye.Remember me once in a
10、 while -please promise me youll try.When you find that, onceagain, you longto take your heart back and be free -if you ever find a moment,spare a thought for meWhen you find that, onceagain, you longto take your heart back and be free -if you ever find a moment,spare a thought for mewell never do -t
11、here will never be a day, when I wont think of you .RAOULCan it be?Can it be Christine?Bravo!What a change!Youre really not a bitthe gawkish girl that once you were.She may not remember me, but I remember her.CHRISTINEWe never saidour love was evergreen,or as unchanging as the sea -but please promis
12、e me,that sometimes you will think o-o-o- of me!Angle of MusicMEGWhere in the worldhave you been hiding?Really, you were perfect!I only wishI knew your secret!Who is this new tutor?CHRISTINE (abstracted, entering the dressing room)Father once spoke of an angel . . .I used to dream hed appear . . .No
13、w as I sing, I can sense him . . .And I know hes here . . .(trance-like)Here in this roomhe calls me softly . . .somewhere inside hiding . . .Somehow I knowhes always with me . . .he - the unseen genius . . .MEG (uneasily)Christine, you must havebeen dreaming . . .stories like this cant come true .
14、. .Christine, youre talking in riddles . . .and its not like you . . .CHRISTINE (not hearing her, ecstatic)Angel of Music!Guide and guardian!Grant to me your glory!Angel of Music!Hide no longer!Secret and strange angel . . .CHRISTINE (darkly)Hes with me, even now . . .MEG (bewildered)Your hands are
15、cold . . .CHRISTINEAll around me . . .MEGYour face, Christine, its white . . .CHRISTINEIt frightens me . . .MEGDont be frightened . . .Little Lotte /The MirrorRAOULLittle Lotte let her mind wander . . .CHRISTINEYou remember that, too . . .RAOUL (continuing). . . Little Lotte thought: Am I fonder of
16、dolls . . .BOTH (CHRISTINE joining in). . . or of goblins,of shoes . . .CHRISTINE. . . or of riddles.of frocks . . .RAOULThose picnics in the attic . . . . . or of chocolates . . .CHRISTINE(spoken) Father playing the violin . . .RAOUL(spoken) As we read to each other dark stories of the North . . .C
17、HRISTINENo what I love best, Lotte said,is when Im asleep in my bed,and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head!BOTHthe Angel of Music sings song in my head!PHANTOMS VOICEInsolent boy!This slave of fashionbasking in your glory!Ignorant fool!This brave young suitor,sharing in my triumph!CHRISTINE (
18、spell-bound)Angel! I hear!You speak I listen stay by my side, guide me!Angel, my soul was weak - forgive meenter at last, Master!PHANTOMS VOICEFlattering child, you shall know me,see why in shadow I hide!Look at your face in the mirror -I am there inside!CHRISTINE (ecstatic)Angel of Music!Guide and
19、guardian!Grant to me your glory!Angel of Music!Hide no longer!Come to me, strange angelPHANTOMS VOICEI am your Angel Come to me: Angel of Music RAOULWhose is that voice? Who is that in there? PHANTOMI am your Angel of MusicCome to me: Angel of MusicRAOULChristine! Angel!The Phantom of The OperaCHRIS
20、TINEIn sleep he sang to me,in dreams he came that voice which calls to meand speaks my name And do I dream again?For now I findthe Phantom of the Opera is there -inside my mind PHANTOMSing once again with meour strange duet My power over yougrows stronger yet And though you turn from me,to glance be
21、hind,the Phantom of the Opera is there -inside your mind CHRISTINEThose who have seen your facedraw back in fearI am the mask you wear . . .PHANTOMIts me they hear . . .BOTHYour/my spirit and your/my voice,in one combined:the Phantom of the Opera is thereinside your/my mind . . .PHANTOMIn all your f
22、antasies,you always knewthat man and mysteryCHRISTINEwere both in you BOTHAnd in this labyrinth,where night is blind,the Phantom of the Opera is there/here inside your/my mindSing, my Angel of Music!CHRISTINEHes there, the Phantom of the Opera .PHANTOMI have brought you to the seat of sweet musics t
23、hrone to this kingdom where all must pay homage to music, music .You have come here,for one purpose, and one alone Since the moment I first heard you sing,I have needed you with me to serve me, to sing,for my music my music .The Music of The NightPHANTOMNight-time sharpens,heightens each sensation D
24、arkness stirs and wakes imaginationSilently the senses abandon their defences .Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender Turn your face awayfrom the garish light of day,turn your thoughts awayfrom cold, unfeeling light -and listen to the music of the night
25、.Close your eyes and surrender to yourdarkest dreams!Purge your thoughts of the lifeyou knew before!Close your eyes,let your spirit start to soar!And youll liveas youve never lived before .Softly, deftly,music shall surround you .Feel it, hear it,closing in around you .Open up your mind,let your fan
26、tasies unwind,in this darkness whichyou know you cannot fight -the darkness of the music of the night .Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world!Leave all thoughtsof the world you knew before!Let your soul take you where youlong to be !Only then can you belong to me .Floating, fallin
27、g, sweet intoxication!Touch me, trust me savour each sensation!Let the dream begin,let your darker side give into the power of the music that I write -the power of the music of the night .You alone can make my song take flight -help me make the music of the night . . .I Remember / Stranger Than You
28、Dreamt ItCHRISTINEI remember there was mist swirling mist upon a vast, glassy lake .There were candles all aroundand on the lake there was a boat,and in the boat there was a man .Who was that shapein the shadows?Whose is the facein the mask?PHANTOMDamn you!You little pryingPandora!You little demon -
29、is this what you wanted to see?Curse you!You little lyingDelilah!You little viper!now you cannot ever be free!Damn you . . .Curse you . . .Strangerthan you dreamt it -can you evendare to lookor bear tothink of me:this loathsomegargoyle, whoburns in hell, but secretlyyearns for heaven,secretly . . .s
30、ecretly . . .But, Christine . . .Fear canTurn to love - youlllearn to see, tofind the manbehind themonster: this . . .repulsivecarcass, whoseems a beast, but secretlydreams of beauty,secretly . . .secretly . . .Oh, Christine . . .Come we must return -those two foolswho run my theatrewill be missing
31、you.Mgical LassoBUQUETLike yellow parchmentis his skin . . .a great black hole served as thenose that never grew . . .You must be alwayson your guard,or he will catch you with hismagical lasso!GIRYThose who speakof what they knowfind, too late, that prudentsilence is wise.Joseph Buquet,hold your ton
32、guehe will burn you with theheat of his eyes.Motes / Prima DonnaFIRMINMysteryafter gala night,if says, Mysteryof sopranos flight!Mystifiedbaffled Surete say,we are mystified -we suspect foul play!(He lowers the paper)Bad news onsoprano scene -first Carlotta,now Christine!Still, at leastthe seats get
33、 soldgossips worthits weight in gold . . .What a way torun a business!Spare me theseunending trials!Half your cast disappears,but the crowd still cheers!Opera!To hell with Gluck and Handel -Its a scandal thatllpack em in the aisles!(ANDRE bursts in, in a temper)ANDREDamnable!Will they all walk out?T
34、his is damnable!FIRMINAndre, please dont shout . . .Its publicity!And the take is vast!Free publicity!ANDREBut we have no cast . . .FIRMIN (calmly)But Andre,have you seen the queue?(He has been sorting mail on his desk. Finding the two letters from the PHANTOM)Oh, it seemsyouve got one too . . .(He
35、hands the letter to ANDRE, who opens it and reads):ANDREDear Andrewhat a charming gala!Christine enjoyed a great success!We were hardly bereftwhen Carlotta left -otherwisethe chorus was entrancing,but the dancing was alamentable mess!FIRMIN (reading his)Dear Firmin,just a brief reminder:my salary ha
36、s not been paid.Send it care of the ghost,by return of postP.T.O.:No-one likes a debtor,so its better if myorders are obeyed!FIRMIN AND ANDREWho would have the gallto send this?Someone with a puerile brain!FIRMIN (examining both letters)These are both signed O.G. . . .ANDREWho the hell is he?BOTH (i
37、mmediately realizing)Opera ghost!FIRMIN (unamused)Its really not amusing!ANDREHes abusingour position!FIRMINIn additionhe wants money!ANDREHes a funnysort of spectre . . .BOTH. . . to expect alarge retainer!Nothing plainer -he is clearly quite insane!(They are interrupted by the arrival of RAOUL, wh
38、obrandishes another of the PHANTOMS notes)RAOULWhere is she?ANDREYou mean Carlotta?RAOULI mean Miss Daae -where is she?FIRMINWell, how should we know?RAOULI want an answer -I take it that you sent me this note?FIRMINWhats all this nonsense?ANDREOf course not!FIRMINDont look at us!RAOULShes not with
39、you, then?FIRMINOf course not!ANDREWere in the dark . . .RAOULMonsieur, dont argue -Isnt this theletter you wrote?FIRMINAnd what is it, that weremeant to have wrote?(Realizing his mistake)Written !(RAOUL hands the note to ANDRE, who reads it)ANDREDo not fear for Miss Daae.The Angel of Musichas her u
40、nder his wing.Make no attempt to see her again.(The MANAGERS look mystified)RAOULIf you didnt write it, who did?(CARLOTTA bursts in. She too has a letter, which has cheered her no more than the others)CARLOTTAWhere is he?ANDREAh, welcome back!CARLOTTAYour precious patron -where is he?RAOULWhat is it
41、 now?CARLOTTA (to RAOUL)I have your letter -a letter which Irather resent!FIRMIN (to RAOUL)And did you send it?RAOULOf course not!ANDREAs if he would!CARLOTTAYou didnt send it?RAOULOf course not!FIRMINWhats going on . . .?CARLOTTA (to RAOUL)You dare to tell me,that this is not theletter you sent ? !
42、RAOULAnd what is it that Immeant to have sent?(RAOUL takes the letter and reads it)Your daysat the Opera Populaire are numbered.Christine Daaewill be singing on your behalf tonight.Be preparedfor a great misfortune,should you attemptto take her place.(The MANAGERS are beginning to tire of the intrig
43、ue)ANDRE AND FIRMINFar too manynotes for my taste -and most of themabout Christine!All weve heard since we cameis Miss Daaes name . . .(GIRY suddenly appears, accompanied by MEG)GIRYMiss Daae has returned.FIRMIN (drily)I trust her midnight oilis well and truly burned.ANDREWhere precisely is she now?
44、GIRYI thought it bestthat she went home . . .MEGShe needed rest.RAOULMay I see her?GIRYNo, monsieur,she will see no-one.CARLOTTAWill she sing?Will she sing?GIRYHere, I have a note . . .RAOUL, CARLOTTA AND ANDRELet me see it!FIRMIN (snatching it)Please!FIRMIN (Opens the letter and reads. The PHANTOMS
45、 voice gradually lakes over)Gentlemen, I have now sent you several notes of themost amiable nature, detailing how my theatre is to berun. You have not followed my instructions.I shall give you one last chance . . .PHANTOMS VOICE (taking over)Christine Daae has returned to you,and I am anxious her ca
46、reershould progress.In the new production of Il Muto,you will therefore cast Carlottaas the Pageboy, and put Miss Daaein the role of Countess.The role which Miss Daae playscalls for charm and appeal.The role of the Pageboy is silent -which makes my casting,in a wordideal.I shall watch the performanc
47、e from my normal seat inBox Five, which will be kept empty for me. Shouldthese commands be ignored, a disaster beyond yourimagination will occur.FIRMIN (taking over)I remain, Gentlemen,Your obedient servant, O.G.CARLOTTAChristine!ANDREWhatever next . . .?CARLOTTAIts all a ploy to help Christine!FIRM
48、INThis is insane . . .CARLOTTAI know who sent this:(pointing an accusing finger)The Vicomte - her lover!RAOUL (ironical)Indeed?(To the OTHERS)Can you believe this?ANDRE (to CARLOTTA, in protest)Signora!CARLOTTA (half to the MANAGERS, half to herself)O traditori!FIRMIN (to CARLOTTA)This is a joke!AND
49、REThis changes nothing!CARLOTTAO mentitori!FIRMINSignora!ANDREYou are our star!FIRMINAnd always will be!ANDRESignora . . .FIRMINThe man is mad!ANDREWe dont take orders!FIRMIN (announcing it to EVERYONE)Miss Daae will be playingthe Pageboy - the silent role . . .ANDRE AND FIRMINCarlotta will be playi
50、ngthe lead!CARLOTTA (waxing melodramatic)Its useless trying toappease me!Youre only saying thisto please me!Signori, e vero?Non, non, non voglio udire !Lasciatemi morire!O padre mio!Dio!GIRYWho scorn his word,beware to those . . .CARLOTTA (to MANAGERS)You have reviled me!GIRYThe angel sees,the angel
51、 knows . . .RAOULWhy did Christinefly from my arms . . .?CARLOTTAYou have rebuked me!ANDRE AND FIRMINSignora, pardon us . . .CARLOTTAYou have replaced me!ANDRE AND FIRMINPlease, Signora,we beseech you . . .GIRYThis hour shall seeyour darkest fears . . .MEG AND RAOULI must see her . . .CARLOTTAAbband
52、onata!Deseredata!0, sventurata!GIRYThe angel knows,the angel hears . . .RAOULWhere did she go . . .?CARLOTTAAbbandonata!Disgraziata!ANDRE AND FIRMINSignora, sing for us!Dont be a martyr . . .RAOUL, GIRY AND MEGWhat new surpriseslie in store . . .?ANDRE AND FIRMINOur star . . .!CARLOTTANon vo cantar!
53、(ALL look at CARLOTTA, as the MANAGERS approach her lovingly)ANDREYour public needs you!FIRMINWe need you, too!CARLOTTA (unassuaged)Would you notrather have yourprecious littleingenue?ANDRE AND FIRMINSignora, no!the world wants you!(The MANAGERS adopt their most persuasive attitudes)ANDRE AND FIRMIN
54、Prima donnafirst lady of the stage!Your devoteesare on their kneesto implore you !ANDRECan you bow outwhen theyre shoutingyour name?FIRMINThink of how they alladore you!BOTHPrima donna,enchant us once again!ANDREThink of your muse . . .FIRMINAnd of the queuesround the theatre!BOTHCan you deny us the
55、 triumphin store?Sing, prima donna, once more!(CARLOTTA registers her acceptance as the MANAGERS continue to cajole and the OTHERS reflect variously on the situation)RAOULChristine spoke of an angel . . .CARLOTTA (to herself, in triumph)Prima donnayour song shall live again!ANDRE AND FIRMIN (to CARL
56、OTTA)Think of your public!CARLOTTAYou took a snubbut theres a publicwho needs you!GIRY (referring to CHRISTINE)She has heard the voiceof the angel of music . . .ANDRE AND FIRMIN (to CARLOTTA)Those who hear your voiceliken you to an angel!CARLOTTAThink of their cryof undyingsupport !RAOULIs this her
57、angel of music . . .?ANDRE (to FIRMlN)We get our opera . . .FIRMIN (to ANDRE)She gets her limelight!CARLOTTAFollow where the limelightleads you!MEGIs this ghostan angel or a madman . . .?RAOULAngel or madman . . .?ANDRE AND FIRMIN (aside)Leading ladies are a trial!GIRYHeaven help you,those who doubt
58、 . . .CARLOTTAYoull sing again,and to unendingovation!RAOULOrders! Warnings!Lunatic demands!GIRYThis miscastingwill invite damnation . . .ANDRE AND FIRMINTears . . . oaths . . .Iunatic demandsare regular occurrences!MEGBliss or damnation?Which has claimed her . . .?CARLOTTAThink how youll shinein th
59、at final encore!Sing, prima donna,once more!GIRYOh fools, to have flouted his warnings!RAOULSurely, for her sake . . .MEGSurely hell strike back . . .ANDRE AND FIRMINSurely therell be further scenes -worse than this!GIRYThink, beforethese demands are rejected!RAOUL. . .I must seethese demands are re
60、jected!MEG. . . if his threatsand demands are rejected!ANDRE AND FIRMINWhod believe a divahappy to relieve a chorus girl,whos gone and slept with the patron?Raoul and the soubrette,entwined in loves duet!Although he may demur,he must have been with her!MEG AND RAOULChristine must be protected!CARLOT
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