国际酒店客房资料 Rooming a Guest引到客人到房间_第1页
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1、国际酒店管理资料走在路上客房标准操作程序Hotel Room Management Training Manual国际酒店客房手册International Hotel Room Handbook酒店客房的重要性:负责组织和安排客房和公共区域的清扫工作,督导、培训和考核下属员工按标准和流程实施清扫和服务工作,确保酒店客房干净与设施完好,满足客人的服务需求,并负责客房物品的管理,协助工程人员完成客房和公共区域的维修项目。按标准要求负责清扫整理客房和楼层公共区域,为客人提供干净安全的客房和环境,满足客人正当合理的服务需求,负责本区域安全工作。负责酒店公共区域的卫生保洁及保养工作,为客人营造干净、温

2、馨、舒适的环境,保持酒店环境的美观,满足酒店服务要求贯彻执行店总的经营管理指令,向店总负责并报告工作;根据酒店确定的经营方针和目标,负责编制客房部预算,制订各项业务计划,并有效组织实施与监控,实现预期目标;以市场为导向,研究并掌握市场的变化和发展情况,适时调整经营策略,努力创收,坚持以部门为成本中心的方针,严格控制成本,降低消耗,以最小的成本获取最大的经济效益;STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序ROOMING A GUEST引导客人到房间Task Number: 任务号:BUT-0008Department: 部门:ButlerDate Issued: 制定日

3、期:Guest Expectation: 客人期望:I expect a friendly, efficient and unobtrusive rooming experience. If I am a regular, I may not want this courtesy.希望能友好、有效、不唐突地被引到房间,如果我是长客,不需要此项服务。 Time to Train: 培训时间:1 hour1小时Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么这项任务对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers: 回答:I can ensure

4、a smooth check in experience. 确保客人顺利登记。I am able to provide personalized service. 提供个性化服务。Fulfill and exceed all expectations of the guest. 超前完成客人期望。I can increase our GSTS score. 提升客人意愿调查系统的得分。The guest will feel expected and welcomed. 客人感到被受到欢迎及期待。WHAT/ STEPS什么/步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎样做/标准TRAINING QUEST

5、IONS培训问题Greeting at the elevator在电梯处迎接客人Guest Relations Officer will present the Butler by name and pass the room key to the Butler.对客关系协调员将会给管家客人的名字,并把钥匙给管家。Thank the Guest Relations Officer.感谢对客关系协调员。Bow slightly, and address the guest as follows:“Welcome (back) to InterContinental ., Mr./ Mrs. XX

6、X” 轻度弯腰,跟客人打招呼:“XXX先生,欢迎来到洲际酒店。”Offer to carry his/ her coat or brief case as you escort the guest to his/her room.陪同客人到房间时,主动帮客人拿他的衣服和皮箱。Who will greet the guest at the main entrance?谁在入口迎接客人?How should the guest be addressed? DRILL LANGUAGE/BODY LANGUAGE怎样跟客人打招呼?训练语言/身体语言Show the room展示房间Open the

7、guestroom door with the guest key (making sure it works before the guest arrives), hold the door open and insert the key into the master switch.用客人钥匙打开客人房间(确信在客人到达前已准备好房间),开门后,把钥匙插入总的电源开关。Allow the guest enter the room first and proceed according to one of the following scenarios: 先让客人进入房间,按照下列其中一种设

8、想进行:If the bellman is waiting in front of the door, let him in the room. Do not begin “The presentation” until the bellman has finished placing the luggage. Begin “The Presentation” as soon as the bellman exits. 如果行李员已在门前等候,让他进入房间,等到行李员放好行李出门后,再开始“介绍”。If the bellman arrives after you have begun “The

9、 Presentation”, let him in and stand as he places the luggage. Continue after he exits the room.如果行李员在你已经开始“介绍”时到达,让行李员进入房间,站在旁边等行李员放好行李出门后,再继续你的“介绍”。The bellman will usually receive a gratuity. Allow the guest time to give it to him, but do not pause too long, look or seem interested in the gratuit

10、y given to the bellman.行李员通常会收到小费,留给客人时间给行李员小费,但时间不要过长,显得对给行李员的小费表示感兴趣。What should be done first when entering the guest room?进入客人房间时首先应该做什么?What should be done if the bellman is in front of the door?当行李员已等候在门前时,应该怎么做?Present the in room facilities展示房间内设施Do not assume that the guest has time for a f

11、ull presentation. Ask the guest as follows:“May I take a few moments to explain the features of your room?”不要假设客人都有时间去了解房间内的设施,询问客人如下:“能占有您一会儿时间来替您介绍房间内的设施吗?”Guest orientation always includes instructions about客人一般会倾向于对以下物品的用法说明:temperature control温度的控制emergency exits紧急出口technology information regar

12、ding internet access有关上网的信息power supply电源配备introduce the I SPA介绍水疗introduce Restaurants and Bar介绍餐厅和酒吧Introduce Club services and advantages介绍俱乐部服务及优势Do all guests receive an introduction to the room?所有的客人都需要对房间做出介绍吗?Which facilities should be introduced to the guest?应该给客人介绍哪些设施?Offer services提供服务Ic

13、e will be offered to all guests or pre-set in room.为所有客人提供或预先准备冰冻食品。Whilst greeting arriving guests, the butler will offer complimentary pressing and shoeshine service.在迎接客人时,管家应该为客人提供熨烫及擦鞋服务。During the rooming, the butler will offer to take coats and hang them in the closet.在客人到达房间时, 应该为客人拿衣服并把衣服挂到

14、衣柜里。During the rooming, the butler will explain the operation of the Instant Service Button.在客人到达房间时,管家应该给客人解释怎样操作紧急按钮。Whilst greeting arriving guests, the butler will offer unpacking services.在迎接客人时,管家应该提供行李服务。Whilst greeting arriving guests, the butler will offer complimentary coffee, tea, or soft

15、 drinks.在迎接客人时,管家应该给客人提供咖啡、茶或饮料。Which services should be offered?应该提供哪些服务?Leave the room离开房间Make sure that all the guests questions have been answered and offer additional services.确信已回答完所有客人疑问并提供了额外服务。What should be asked before leaving the guest room?在离开客人房间前,应做些什么?Follow up跟踪All the guests reques

16、ts need to be followed up with the appropriate departments.与主管部门一起对客人要求进行追踪What happens when are not?当没有追踪时,会发生什么?Summary questions:问题概述:Where should the Butler wait for the Guest?管家应该在哪里等客人?Which steps need to be followed when checking the guest in?在客人登记时,应做哪些步骤?Why is it important that we take the

17、 guest to the room?为什么带客人到房间非常重要?Should all guests receive an introduction to the room / hotel?所有客人都要求介绍房间和酒店吗?What do I have to introduce and why?我们必须介绍什么?为什么?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.现在由培训生按照步骤从头到尾进行实践操作并做测试 对于客房服务,相信不少的酒店人都有一些误区,认为客房服务就是打扫房间或者递



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