



1、经济学原理 I(2011 年秋季学期)1(A 卷试题)(2011/11/2)学术部温馨提示:此处为仅有题目版本,适合对照完全版中期中使用。可以将此版本打印并配合答题纸实况。一、判断题(判断并简明理由,必要时可以用图形。每题 4 分,共 24 分)sary for life, the marginal benefit of a glass of water is large.1.Since water is ne2.假定通过补贴给穷人的收入而使得穷人能够买得起住房。这一政策将使得住房市场价格上升, 终导致穷人不一定买到的住房,其状况也不一定变好。3.一个音乐唱片的者,其对音乐唱片的需求价格弹性将

2、小于对古典音乐唱片的需求价格弹性(注:古典音乐唱片包含音乐唱片)4.A good weather around the world decreases the total revenuet farmers receive from the saleof grain, but a good weather only in Kansas Se, U.S. increase the total revenuet Kansasfarmers received. (Note: The demand frain is inelastic, and Kansas is only a small part o

3、fthe whole world graarket.)5.增加在医疗市场上向就医者(买者)支付的补贴量将肯定减少就医者的支付比例,即就医者支付的总金额占向卖者支付总金额的比例,但未必减少了就医者支付的总金额。(请画图说明)6.市场需求弹性与供给弹性越小,则价格波动越大(请用图形说明)。二、选择题(每题 3 分,共 39 分。每题只有一个正确。)1. The companyt you manage has invested $5 million in develoa new product, but thedevelopment is not quite finished. At a recen

4、t meeting, your salespeople reportt theroduction of competing products has reduced the expected sales of your new product to $3 million. What should do?You should go ahead to finish development and make the product if and only if it would costA.lessn $5 million to do so.B.You should go ahead to fini

5、sh development and make the product if and only if it would costlessn $3 million to do so.C.You should go ahead to finish development and make the product if and only if it would costlessn $2 million to do so.D.You should not go ahead to finish development and make the producall.2.中的一则“公共汽车何时准点”提到在的

6、芝加哥,由于线路常常要经过交通拥挤地区,导致“车本来是十分钟一趟,往往变成半个小时后同时来三辆。这没效率的公共交通系统。”为什么说这一系统是无效率的?A.B.C.是因为他延长了乘客的等待时间,以节约公司的成本是因为他虽然没有延长乘客的等待时间,但增加了是因为他延长了乘客的等待时间,但没有节约公司的成本公司的成本D. 是因为他延长了乘客的等待时间,无论是否节约公司的成本3. Nations with corruptand court systems typically have lower standards of livingn nationswith less corruption. Why

7、 mightt be the case?Because more corruptive nations tend to be defeated by other nations in competitionsBecause more corruptive nations are more unfair.A.ernationalB.C.D.Because more corruptive nations provide less incentives for firms to invest and workers to work.Because peoplesore corruptive nati

8、ons are more selfish.4. When Stuart earns $34 working at a fast-food restaurant one day and then buys himself $5 foodat the same restaurant. Stuart product, factorfactor, productfactor, factor product, producteractshemarket and thenhemarket.A.B.C.D.社会在两种“物品”清洁的环境与工业产量之间存在权衡取舍。如果工程师开发出了一种污染更少的新的发电方法,

9、则一般来说:社会的工业产量不变;但环境更清洁了社会的工业产量增加;但环境没有变化C.D.社会的工业产量增加;且环境更清洁了要么社会的工业产量增加,要么环境更清洁了;但二者不可兼得6.Which of the following areas of study typifies microeconomics as oped to macroeconomics?A. the impact of minimum-wage laws on employmenthe fast food industryB. the effect of changes in household saving rates o

10、n the growth rate of nationaleC.D.the impact oster money growth on the rate of inflationa comparison of alternative tax policies and their respective impacts on the rate of the nations economic growth7.Which of the following is an example of aitive, as oped to normative, sement?A. Inflation is more

11、harmful to the economyn unemployment is.B.C.D.If welfare payments increase, the world will be a bettlace.Pririse when theernment prs too muoney.When public policies are evaluated, the benefits to the economy of improved equality shouldbe considered more importantn the costs of reduced efficiency.8.

12、Supet someone makes the argumentt because empty alcohol containers are found atmany accidents, the containers cause accidents. This would be an example of:sound logic.reverse causality.omitted variables.D.reverse causality or omitted variable.9.A.B.C.D.Which of the following sement is true?If a cert

13、aIf a certa If a certarade is good for onerade is good for one rade is good for one, it cant be good for the other one., it is always good for the other one., it cso be good for the other one.None of the above sements is true.10.假定中国和都只生产纺织品和电脑两种商品。中国在生产纺织品上有比较优势,而在生产电脑上具有比较优势。一般来说,如果中国在电脑上的生产率提高但仍不

14、具备比较优势,则两国之间的贸易条件(即两种物品之间的交换比例)将变得对更有利,中国的整体福利将;如果中国在纺织品上的生产率提高,则两国之间的贸易条件将变得对更有利,中国的整体福利将。A.,下降;中国,下降中国,增加;中国,增加;均无法判断,增加,下降11. Scientists revealt consumption of oranges decreases the risk of diabetes, and at the same time,farmers use a new fertilizert makes orange trees more productive. What effec

15、t would thesechanges have on the equilibrium price andty of oranges?A. Bothe the equilibrium price andty of oranges will rise.B. The equilibrium price will rise and the equilibriumty will fall.C. The equilibriumD. The equilibriumty will rise and the equilibrium price will fall.ty will rise and the e

16、ffect on equilibrium price will be ambiguous.12. Beef is a normal good. You observet both the equilibrium price andty of beef havefallen over time. Which of the following explanations would be most consistent with this observation?A.Consumers have experienced an increase in improved.e, and beef-prod

17、uction technology hasB.C.The price of chicken has risen, and the price of steak sauce has fallen.New medical evidence has been released beef consumption and life expectancy.t indicates a negative correlation betnrsonsD.The demand curve for beef must beitively sloped.13. Among which situation of a la

18、bor market, the number of workers employed is the largest?A.B.C.D.A labor market wi A labor market wi A free labor marketA labor market wibinding minimum wagebindingum wagepayroll tax三、问答题(共 3 题,37 分)1.Comparative Advantage and Gains from Trade (9 pos)American and Japaworkers can each produce 4 cars

19、 a year. An American worker can produce10 tons of grain a year, whereas a Japaworker can produce 5 tons of grain a year. To keep thingssimple, amet each country has 100 million workers.a.Graph the productionsibilities frontier of the American and Japaeconomies. (2 pos)b.For the United Ses, what is t

20、he opportunity cost of a car? Of grain? For Japan, what is the opportunity cost of a car? Of Grain? (2 pos)c.Which country has an absolute advantage in producing cars? In producing grain? Which country has a comparative advantage in producing cars? In producing grain? (1 po)d.Without trade, half of

21、each countrys workers produce cars and half produce grain. What ties of cars and grain does each country produce? Show you answer in each countrysproductionsibility frontier. (1 po)e.Supe with trade, the U.S end up with 500 million tons of grain and 208 million cars toconsume, and Japan end up with

22、280 million tons of grain and 200 million cars to consume, do you think both countries benefit with this trade? Explain your answers. (1 po)f.In part (e), do you think both countries exhausted the benefit from trade? Explain you answer.(H: Graph the two countries joproductionsibility frontier.) (2 p

23、os)2. 关井政策与煤矿安全(15 分)中国的煤炭市场上主要有两类企业:国有煤矿和乡镇煤矿。从 1999 年起,中国实施了对于乡镇煤矿的大规模关闭政策,其中一个目的是试图抑制煤矿安全事故的发生。以下利用供求曲线分析这一政策是否达到其目的。(1) 在下列左图中画出单个乡镇煤矿的供给曲线,右图中画出煤炭市场整体的需求和供给曲线。在图形中标出单个乡镇煤矿的产量、市场均衡价格和数量。(2 分)(2)实施关闭乡镇煤矿的政策后,煤炭的市场价格和销售量如何变动?未被关闭的单个乡镇煤矿的产量如何变动?乡镇煤矿整体的产量如何变动?关井政策对于被关闭的乡镇煤矿是好消息还是坏消息?对于未被关闭的乡镇煤矿是好消息还是坏消息?运用图形和文字解释你的。(3 分)(3) 现在考虑关井政策对率的影响。这里的率以产量的人数来衡量。假定单个煤矿的率不随产量变化而变化,同时假定国有煤矿的率远低于乡镇煤矿。则你认为的关井政策是提高还是降低了整个煤矿行业的人数和率,还是不确定?说明你的分析过程。(2 分)(4) 现在假定单个煤矿的率随产量上升而上升。其他条件和第(3)问相同。此时你认为的关井政策是提高还是降低了整个煤矿行业的人数和率,还是不确定?进一步地,乡镇煤矿的供给弹性、国有煤矿的供给弹性以及煤炭的需求弹性如何影响你的回答?简明你的分析过程。(3 分)假定不采取关井政策,而是用安全的方式(例如要求


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