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1、九年级英语复习代词二人教四年制版【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:复习代词二二. 重点、难点:四反身代词:1. 反身代词的分类:反身代词是表示动作回到执行者本身或是强调代词或名词的一组代词。反身代词是由人称代词第一人称和第二人称的所有格和第三人称的宾格加“-self或“-selves构成的。列表如下: 数人称单数复数第一人称myself我自己ourselves我们自己第二人称yourself你自己yourselves你们自己第三人称himself他自己herself她自己itself它自己themselves他/她/它们自己 2. 反身代词的用法:1作表语:She will be herse

2、lf again in no time . 她一会儿就会好的。That poor boy was myself . 那可怜的孩子就是我。2作宾语:Did they enjoy themselves last Sunday ?他们上个星期天玩得快乐吗?Make yourself at home . 别客气,就像在家一样。3作主语或宾语的同位语,在作同位语时,反身代词多可译为“本人或本身。但有时为了加强语气,常译为“自己或“亲自。起强调作用时,反身代词可以放在被强调词之后,也可以放在句末。如:Nobody taught him drawing . He learned it himself .没有

3、人教他绘画,他是自学的。Youd better ask the teacher yourselfhimself.Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves .我们的向导从村民那里买来一些食物,我们自己烹调。 3. 习惯用法:among ourselves / themselves在我们/他们之间;of oneself单独;to oneself供自己用;by oneself单独地,单独地;for oneself替自己,为自己;between ourselves私下说的话不可告诉别人call onesel

4、f自称;help oneself to随便吃;enjoy oneself过得快活;teach oneself自学;speak to oneself自言自语;lose oneself = lose ones way迷路;make oneself understood让别人懂自己的意思;seat oneself = sit down = be seated坐下五相互代词: 1. 用来表示相互关系的代词叫作相互代词。英语中的相互代词只有each other和one another两个。宾格属格each other相互each others相互的one another相互one anothers 相互

5、的 2. 相互代词的用法:1作动词的宾语:The two girls help each other in their lessons . 这两个女孩在功课上互相帮助。They saw each other every day . 他们每天相见。2作介词的宾语:They looked at each other . 他们互相看着。You two should learn from each other . 你们两人应互相学习。3相互代词的所有格形式只能作定语:They looked into each othersone anotherseyes for a long time .他们彼此对视

6、了很长时间。They know each others parents . 他们都认识对方的父母。六疑问代词:1. 疑问代词是指用来构成特殊疑问句的代词。常见的有who,whom,whose,what,which。who常用作主语和表语,whom作宾语,whose,what,which可用作主语、表语、宾语或定语。疑问代词还可用来引导主语从句,表语从句和宾语从句,所以它们又可称为连接代词。疑问代词有格的变化,还有指人和指物的区别。主格宾格所有格指人whowhomwhose指物whatwhose指人或物whichwhose 2. 疑问代词的用法:1who,whom的用法who只能指人,常作主语和

7、表语,只有名词性质。在非正式英文和口语中,who可以代替whom,但介词后面要用whom;whom也指人,常用作宾语,也只有名词性质。如:Who would you like to go with ? 你想和谁一起去?By whom was the house built ? 这房子是谁建的?WhoWhomare you waiting for ? 你在等谁?2whose的用法:whose和物主代词一样,具有名词和形容词的性质,可作主语、宾语、表语和定语。如:Whose is better ? 谁的好一些?Whose room is this ? 这是谁的房间?3what的用法:what表示“

8、什么人或物,可用作单数和复数,具有名词和形容词性质,作主语、宾语、表语和定语等。如:What is happening now ? 发生什么事了?What would you like to buy ? 你想买点什么东西?Whats your father ? 你父亲是干什么的?What time do you usually get up ? 你通常几点钟起床?注意:what可用来指人的职业;what可用于感慨句;what与like连用表示“怎么样如:What is your sister ? She is a doctor . 你姐姐是干什么的?她是一名医生。What a fine day

9、 today ! 今天天气真好啊!What is the weather like today ? 今天天气如何?4which的用法:which表示“在一定范围内的哪一个哪一些人或物,可用作单数和复数,具有名词和形容词性质,用作主语、定语、宾语等。如:Which is yours ? 哪一个是你的?主语Which sport do you like best ? 你最喜欢哪一项运动?定语Which do you prefer , tea or coffee ? 你喜欢哪种,茶还是咖啡?宾语注意: who,what,which作表语指人时的区别:whoWhat问人的职业。which问在一定范围内

10、的人群中特指的人。 what和which作定语时的区别:what指“什么,“哪种,不限制范围。which指在相当数目中的人或物中进行选择,限制在一定范围内。 疑问代词作主语时,后面的谓语动词可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式,主要看代表的人或物是单数还是复数。七不定代词:不是指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫不定代词。1. 常用的不定代词有:some一些可数或不可数;somebody某人;someone某人;something某物,某事;any一些,任何;anybody / anyone任何人;anything任何事物;no无;nobody无人;no one无一人;nothing无物;all全

11、体,全部;both两个;neither两者都不的;两者中无一的;none全无;either任何一个;each每个;every每个;everybody / everyone每人,人人;everything每一个事物,一切;others另一个些;another另外一个,又一个;much很多不可数;many很多可数;few很少可数;a few一些,几个可数;little很少不可数;a little一些不可数;one一个人或物 不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语,但none和由some,any,no,every-thing,-body,-one构成的复合不定代词如some

12、body等只能作主语、宾语或表语;every和no只能作定语。2. 常用不定代词的用法: 1some,any与no的辨析: some和any表示“一些“某种的意思,some通常用于肯定句,any通常用于疑问句和否认句。二者可以用作形容词,修饰可数或不可数名词。如:You can come at any time . 你随时都可以来。For some reason , she couldnt come to school . 由于某种原因,她今天没能到校。 no可用来代替not any。如:I have no= I havent anymoney . 我没有钱。There are no stud

13、ents in the classroom . 教室里没有学生。 some,any,no还和body,one,thing构成合成代词,由some构成的合成代词通常用于肯定句,由any构成的合成代词用于否认句或疑问句。这些不定代词用作主语时,动词都用第三人称单数形式。如:Somebody will meet you . 有人会接你。I dont know anybody= anyonein his team . 我不认识他队里的任何人。注意: 有时some可用在疑问句中,表示希望得到肯定的答复。如:Could I have some paper ? 我可以拿一些纸吗? 这些合成不定代词被定语修饰

14、时,定语要放在它们的后面。如:I have something interesting to tell you . 我有些有趣的事儿告诉你。2each,very与all辨析: each和every都表示“每一个的意思,但each通常强调个体,指有限的数目,尤指两个中的每一个时,可用both代替;而every强调共性,指三个或三个以上的人或物中的“每一个,有时与all接近。each可作定语,主语和宾语,every只用作定语。如:There are trees on each side of the road . 道路两边是树。不能用every side,但可以说both sidesNot eve

15、ry man can do that kind of work .形容词作定语并非每个人都能做那种工作。Each of them knows our teacher . 代表或修饰三个或三个以上的人物,也可以替修饰不可数的东西。作主语、表语、宾语、同位语或定语。如:All of us like to study English .主语我们所有的人都喜欢学英语。They are all students .表语他们都是学生。All students are here . 同学们都到齐了。3another , other与others辨析:another另一个= an other泛指众多中的一个,

16、作定语时一般后面为单数名词,有时也可指几个,another前面不能用the。other可当做形容词,作定语,而others只用作代词。如:Would you like another cake ? 你还要一块蛋糕吗?Have you any other pens ? 你还有别的笔吗?Some are watching TV , others are talking . 一些人在看电视,一些人在交谈。4afew与alittle辨析:很少,几乎没有否认意义有几个,有一些肯定,意义用于可数名词fewa few用于不可数名词littlea little注意:副词only,quite,just可以用于a

17、 few,a little之前,但不能用于few,little之前。如:She can speak only a little French . 她只会说一点法语。5either,both,neither与any,all,none辨析:之一都都不两者eitherbothneither三者或三者以上anyallnone注意:either两者中任选一个或neither两者都不作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。both两者都作主语时,谓语动词用复数。6many与much辨析:many和much都意为“许多。二者通常用于否认句和疑问句中。many用于可数名词前,假设在句中作主语,动词用复数;much常

18、与不可数名词连用,假设在句中作主语,动词用单数。注意:much可用于比拟级前,而many没有这种功能。many =a greatgooddeal of = much7no,none与no one辨析:no没有=not a或not any,通常用作定语,可修饰单数名词或复数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。none意为“一个也没有,用作名词时,在句中一般作主语或宾语,用于否认意义。none代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,代替可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单/复,均可。no one=no body指人,意为“无人,“没有人,永远用单数。注意: 在答复how many或how much引出的问句时

19、,常用none来表达“一个也没有的意思。 在答复“有没有或“谁的问句时,如果想答复“没有时,用no one。8one与it辨析:one一个,可以指人,也可指物。用来代替上文中提到的单数可数名词,以防止重复,其复数形式为ones,one兼有名词和形容词的作用,可以被this,that,the,another,which等修饰,可作主语,宾语,表语和定语,it是人称代词,可用来指代前面所提到的某个对象,其复数形式为them。如:This coat is too small . Would you show me a bigger one ?这件大衣太小,你能给我再拿件大点儿的吗?There is

20、a desk in the middle of the room . Move it away , please .房子中间有张桌子,请把它搬了。【模拟试题】一. 单项选择1. Autumn is the season summer and winter . A. in B. before C. after D. between 2. I didnt do during the holiday .A. exciting anything B. anything exciting C. something exciting D. exciting something3. Im still new

21、 to this subject , I have experience . A. but B. because C. so D. or4. Harry , why are you crying ? I my finger , Mum . A. am cutting B. cut C. cuts D. cutted 5. She was marathon runner in history last year .A. the second fast B. second fastest C. the second fastestD. the second faster 6. I dont lik

22、e the scales . Why ? When Im on them , they say : “ One person , please . A. at times B. all the time C. sometimes D. at a time 7. The long holiday is a good time to get some . We can go hiking远足, climb the hills and play basketball . A. homework B. housework C. exercise D. shopping8. Every year , a

23、ntlers鹿角 a deers head . Then they grow back . A. give off B. take off C. put off D. fall off9. I saw a lot of , like monkeys and tigers . A. animals B. flowers C. movies D. museums 10. I didnt know because it was dark .A. whats happened B. what was happened C. what had happened D. happened what二. 完型

24、填空I have a great biology teacher . I have smart biology classmates . But , Im new to biology ! For days we grew yeast酵母in biology . My classmates were doing OK . But I thought I wasnt very good . My work was 11 . I wrote down every little thing every day . But I always felt that I might 12 something

25、 , or write down a wrong number .The homework two days ago changed that . It was very simple . The teacher asked us to write about how to 13 a sandwich . We wrote down everything we did . There were a lot of little things to remember ! Soon we found this was 14 . The teacher brought the things to ma

26、ke a sandwich . She washed her hands , and asked one student to read his paper to her . It first 15 , “ Open the jars罐. She did . “ Get a scoop勺of peanut butter . Spread it on to the bread . The teacher smiled . She opened the peanut butter 16 , and got a scoop of peanut butter . She used her 17 han

27、d to open the bag with the bread in it . Then she spread the peanut butter onto the outside of the bread ! The peanut butter should go on the soft side of the bread , not on the hard outside ! We were all laughing . “ You forgot to say , use the knife ! , the teacher said to the student . My paper h

28、ad 18 on it , and I got an A .Now I am not worried about biology class . I feel I am 19 , just like the others . I have been in the class for two weeks now 20 the work isnt bad . 11. A. careless B. easyC. hardD. careful 12. A. changeB. forgetC. realizeD. record 13. A. makeB. buyC. findD. eat 14. A.

29、difficultB. funnyC. boringD. terrible 15. A. wroteB. toldC. saidD. spoke 16. A. boxB. jarC. cupD. glass 17. A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. other 18. A. nothingB. anythingC. everythingD. something 19. A. outgoingB. seriousC. funnyD. smart 20. A. butB. andC. orD. so三. 阅读理解Yellow , orange , red and

30、green-tree leaves make autumn a colourful time ! Who paints all these colours ? It is the leaves themselves . Inside a leaf , there are millions of little colour “ bags . They are green , yellow and orange . The green ones are called chlorophyll叶绿素. They yellow ones are called xanthophyll叶黄素. The or

31、ange ones are carotene胡萝卜素.In the summer , the green chlorophyll is very , very busy . It makes food for the tree . It catches sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide二氧化碳into sugar . This sugar is the food for the tree . It is so busy that it covers up all of the other colours in the leaf .When

32、the weather grows colder in autumn , there is less light and water for trees . The trees will have a rest and get ready for winter . Theyve made enough food in summer ! The leaves no longer need water to make food .Without the water , the green chlorophyll starts to go away . The other colours in th

33、e leaf the yellow xanthophyll and the orange carotene-come out . So , the leaves dont really “ turn a certain colour-they just lose their green !But how about the red , purple and green leaves ?The leaves look red or purple because they have some sugar in them . They “ steal some food from the tree

34、! The green leaves are from the evergreen trees常绿树. The evergreen trees stay green all year long . Their leaves dont lose water in winter .21. The tree leaves have the following colour “ bags except除了 . A. red B. yellow C. orange D. green 22. In the summer , the green chlorophyll .A. leaves the tree

35、 leaves B. works hard for the tree leaves C. steals food from the treeD. has lots of sugar in it 23. In the autumn , the tree leaves turn yellow or orange because .A. they have enough air in them B. the green chlorophyll is busy working C. they have too much sugarD. the green chlorophyll stops working and goes away24. Which of the following is true according to the article ? A. Tree leaves no longer make food in autumn .B. The yellow xanthophyll makes food for the tree .C. The evergreen trees stay green all year long because they always need food .D. Tree leaves may look red or purple


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