1、 2022历史学留学入学申请书版 2022历史学留学入学申请书 Dear _, My most important aim for the next few years is to further my studies of History. Studying the subject at GCSE and A Level has extended my interest in Social and European History, and how this relates to world History. The subject has enhanced my understanding
2、 and interest of current affairs and contemporary issues, which I enjoy following closely. As a student of History, I aim to extend my analytical and presentational skills. Once given an area to study, I like to research independently, but also working with others. My time at Sixth Form College has
3、enabled me to improve my reliability, punctuality and ability to work individually, while coping with the demands of exams and deadlines. The AS levels I selected; English, Geography, History and Politics complemented each other well, enabling me to use the knowledge of one subject to develop my und
4、erstanding of another. They have also extended my abilities in research, essay and report writing. My AS results proved pleasing, after analysing my results, they have given me realistic targets for the year ahead. I have evaluated my progress of my first year in order to find weaknesses in exam and
5、 study technique and I am working on these for a hopefully successful outcome for the years ahead. In addition to my academic studies, I have achieved qualifications in first aid, and I feel confident to administer first aid in unlikely situations. Over the past two years, I have helped with a youth
6、 holiday scheme connected with my Church where I had responsibility for looking after and helping children. In my spare time, I enjoy reading non-fiction books, and travelling to see many parts of the country. My Duke of Edinburgh award scheme enabled me to deal effectively with decision making with
7、in a group. Out of College, a part-time job at a newsagent, over the past two years has given me responsibilities such as dealing with customers, stock and large amounts of money, and also being organised and punctual. At my secondary school, I helped to set up a student council, as I felt that ther
8、e were student issues that needed to be dealt with. Other responsible positions I have held are both prefect, and fifth year representative at my previous school, and form representative on the student council at my present college. Work experience at an Estate Agent in Cambridge gave me good experi
9、ence of working in a city and commuting, and also insight into an area of business. I hope to travel and work at an orphanage near to Jakarta, which I have maintained links with, and also to New Zealand. My career prospects are left open for now, but I do have interests in research and education. My
10、 main priority for now is to complete my A Levels to the best of my ability and to go on to University, not just for the degree but for the entire experience it has to offer and I look forward to moving on, learning and meeting new people. Yours sincerely, 泰国留学入境指南 一、精简行李 出行的航班会对乘客可携带的行李进行严格的要求,尤其是出
11、国,因为波及到了较长的飞行距离,对行李的重量把控会更严格,普通航班的托运额度是40kg,行李箱不能超过30寸。 二、贵重物品 和在国内坐飞机一样,贵重的物品会建议乘客随身携带,这里对留学生来说主要就是电脑、手机等电器,这些会是比较贵重,并且托运可能会损坏的东西,大家随身背好会更有利。 三、随身零钱 自己的口袋里,还需要带上几百块的零钱,可以直接换成泰铢以后带过去,这样就不需要下了飞机以后对换,毕竟机场的对换点手续费是比较高的,不需要太多,只是备用不会有很大的支出。 四、带一支笔 在飞机上还会需要填入境卡,自己备好了笔的话,可以不需要麻烦乘务员为你准备,可以直接开始填写;并且出入境的时候,可能也
12、需要填表填信息,自备了笔就不需要等待别人用完了以后再填,节省时间。 五、办好入境 学生在下了飞机以后,需要走一系列的流程,大家一定要完成了以后才可以出机场入境,确保自己没有遗漏的事情,程序走完了以后也能够免除后续的麻烦。 主要就是经受行李和信息的检查和核实,确认没有问题以后,再联系接机的工作人员,确认自己的身份以后,就可以耐心等待了,不会花大家很长的时间。 六、办理签证 留学的新生在国内班里的签证,只有90天的有效期,所以大家需要在抵达以后,尽快的去移民局进行时间的续期,才可以保证自己有在这里生活的合法 身份,直接带上签证和护照,以及入学证明去移民局即可。 丹麦留学住宿方式 一、学校公寓 宿舍
13、是大家熟悉的方式,但是一般数量较少,公寓也是不错的选择,是学校和专门机构进行合作提供的住宿,一般来说会比大家直接租要便宜一些,并且入住的都是学生,安全更有保障。 申请直接在学校中进行,会给出申请的链接,大家直接进入,提交自己的申请就可以了,资格会很快确认下来,大家抵达以后带着证明直接办理入住就可以了,特别方便。 二、独力公寓 而直接申请公寓入住,大家会有更高的自主性,能够选择单人间或者多人间,提出自己更多的要求,会尽可能的满足,当然这样直接申请,价格会贵一些,主要看大家的需求。 申请的话就直接找到官方的网站就可以了,可以进行筛选看房,不着急直接定下来,先进行预定,等到了现场看了房子以后再签合同,自己的要求满足后再确认,会更有保障。 三、私人住房 还可以选择私人房东的房子,这样的房子一般通过中介租会更安全一些,因为直接对接确认少了第三方的约束,并且对于新生来说,还是会有比较大的挑战的,毕竟语言就会是一个阻碍。 通过中介的话,可以直接将自己
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