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![Biosensor Applications in the Field of Antibiotic Research—A Review of Recent Developments_第5页](http://file4.renrendoc.com/view/c62f7a126e8be195f3bcc41690a1b971/c62f7a126e8be195f3bcc41690a1b9715.gif)
1、 Sensors 2011, 11, 9450-9466; doi:10.3390/s111009450OPEN ACCESSsensors ISSN 1424-8220 mdpi /journal/sensorsReviewBiosensor Applications in the Field ofAntibiotic ResearchA Review of Recent DevelopmentsKatrin Reder-Christ * and Gerd BendasPharmaceutical Chemistry, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univer
2、sitt Bonn, An der Immenburg 4,D-53121 Bonn, Germany; E-Mail: gbendasuni-bonn.de* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: kchristuni-bonn.de;Tel.: +49-228-73-5217; Fax: +49-228-73-4692.Received: 5 August 2011; in revised form: 9 September 2011 / Accepted: 21 September 2011 /Publish
3、ed: 3 October 2011Abstract: Antibacterials are among of the most important medications used in health care.However, their efficacy is increasingly impeded by a tremendous and globally spreadbacterial resistance phenomenon. This bacterial resistance is accelerated by inadequateapplication of antibact
4、erial drugs in humans, the widespread veterinary use ofantibacterials, and antibacterial occurrence in the environment and food. Further, there is alack of development of innovative novel drugs. Therefore, the search for novelantibacterials has to be intensified and the spread of antibacterials in t
5、he environment hasto be restricted. Due to the fundamental progress in biosensor development and promisingapplications in the antibiotic field, this review gives for the first time an overview on theuse and prospects of biosensor applications in that area. A number of reports have appliedbiosensors
6、of different design and techniques to search for antibacterials in environmentaland foodstuff matrices. These studies are discussed with respect to the analytical valuesand compared to conventional techniques. Furthermore, biosensor applications to elucidatethe mode of action of antimicrobial drugs
7、in vitro have been described. These studies werecritically introduced referring to the informational value of those simulations. In summary,biosensors will be illustrated as an innovative and promising, although not yetcomprehensively applied, technique in the antibacterial field.Keywords: antibacte
8、rials; antibiotics; biosensor; bacterial resistance Sensors 2011, 1194511. IntroductionBacterial Resistance, Prospects of Antibacterial Development and the Use ofBiosensors in This FieldAntimicrobial drugs (antibiotics either as compounds of microbiological origin, their partialsynthetic derivatives
9、 or chemically synthesized compoundscollectively termed “antibacterials” inthis review), more than any other class of drugs, have accounted for an increased life expectancy inhumans. However, the efficacy of antibacterials is increasingly impeded by a tremendous and globallyspread occurrence of bact
10、erial resistance against these treatmentsa phenomenon that arose with thediscovery of antibacterial drugs and remains an increasing problem. Nowadays, resistance affectsvirtually all major bacterial pathogens and all types of epidemiological settings. As an example of thesituation worldwide, Figure
11、1 shows the progress of selected resistant bacterial strains in Central andSouthern Europe between 2002 and 2009 (data collected by the European Antimicrobial ResistanceSurveillance System, EARSS 1).Figure 1. Progress of selected resistant bacterial strains in Central and Southern Europebetween 2002
12、 and 2009. The amount of resistant isolates increased slowly but constantlyover the years.60502010 aminopenicillins R E. coli aminoglycosides R E. coli fluoroquinolones R E. coli 3rd generation cephalosporins R E. coli0 fluoroquinolones R K. pneumoniae20022003200420052006200720082009YearDuring conti
13、nuous exposure to antibacterials, sequential chromosomal mutations can occur, leadingto the appearance of resistance mechanisms step by step 2,3. Several factors contribute to theoccurrence of bacterial resistance: (i) the inappropriate use/misuse of antibacterials in humans; (ii) theveterinary use
14、of antibacterials in pets, farm animals and animals raised in aquaculture 4; and (iii) theincreased occurrence of antibacterials or their metabolites contaminating the environment, mainlyresulting from the latter applications.To ensure the efficiency of antibacterial treatments in the near future, t
15、he further development ofbacterial resistance has to be stopped, i.e., by reducing the contamination of the environment withantibiotics. Furthermore, it is equally important to develop novel antibacterials or to identify naturalcompounds that can overcome the existing resistance mechanisms or attack
16、 novel target structures.The development of new antibacterial substances, however, is still a problem. For example, despite thefact that lower respiratory infections were the third leading cause of death worldwide in 2008 and the Sensors 2011, 119452leading cause in low-income countries 5, many phar
17、maceutical companies have withdrawncompletely from antibacterial drug discovery because the development of new drugs is increasinglyexpensive before getting approval. Once new entities reach the market, it is difficult to recoup the costsof development, which is especially true for antibacterials du
18、e to their mainly short time applicationintervals 6. This is reflected in the time scale of antibacterial development (Figure 2).Figure 2. The timeline of antibacterial development modified from Wright 7.Antibacterial development started in the 1930s with the sulfonamides, followed by a periodof 40
19、years with successful antibacterial discovery. After a long period in which no realnovel antibacterials were discovered, only a few new antibacterial classes were identifiedin the current millennium.Until the early 1980s different antibacterial classes were identified. Then, until the end of the20th
20、 century, there was no further development of real novel antibacterials, which strengthens thepresent efforts to find novel modes of action or to attack hitherto unknown target structures 7. Inrecent years three novel antibacterials (the lipopeptide daptomycin 8, the glycylcycline tigecycline 9and t
21、he pleuromutilin antibacterial retapamulin 10) have been approved. All other approvedantibacterials are more or less derivatives of known ones. Moreover, there are presently only five realnovel antibacterial agents in clinical development, necessitating the search for new sources, such asmarine natu
22、ral products or for new bacterial targets in plasma and outer membrane, cell wall,ribosomes, nucleoid, or plasmids.The following review will highlight biosensors as useful tools in the antibacterial research field,their usefulness to fight against the spread of bacterial resistance, and the developm
23、ent of newantibacterial compounds. The number of biosensor approaches in this area has increased during the lastfive years, dominated by studies for the detection of antibacterials in the environment Figure 3(A). Inthe first part of this review a number of studies, which have applied different biose
24、nsor methods todetect antibacterials in various matrices with the intention to stem resistance developments, will beinterpreted and evaluated with respect to the technical merits and prospects. Sensors 2011, 11Figure 3. Biosensor applications in the antibacterial field are classified regarding to (A
25、)9453their experimental approaches, and (B) the detection principles. (A) Nearly 60% of thebiosensor applications contribute to detection or quantification of antibacterials in theenvironment as a basis for interference with the increasing bacterial resistance; (B) Nearlyhalf of the detection princi
26、ples are based on surface plasmon resonance technique.The second part focuses on the use of biosensors in mode of action studies of novel antibacterials.Although there are fewer studies for the latter application Figure 3(A), the prospects of biosensors toparticipate in drug development are certain.
27、It must be noted that this review can only give an instantaneous view in the current situation ofbiosensor application in the antibacterial field. The given information (especially that in Figure 3) isbased on the availability of published data 11. However, the authors cannot exclude the existence o
28、fmuch more, as yet unpublished applications of biosensors mainly in the field of industrial antibacterialdevelopment. As mentioned before, the development of new antibacterials before approval is a slowand strictly regulated process. One can assume that the number of applications of biosensor techni
29、quesin the search for new antibacterials is higher than demonstrated by the authors. Nevertheless, thisreview and the data therein are restricted to already published data and, in the case of the antibacterialtimeline (Figure 2), to approved drugs.2. Biosensor Application to Detect Antibacterials in
30、 Environment and Food as Contribution toPrevent Bacterial Resistance2.1. GeneralThe growing incidence of resistant bacteria due to inadequate medical or veterinary treatmentregimens is greatly intensified by the subsequent appearance of antibacterials in the environment.Environmental accumulation an
31、d pollution is not only a problem of antibacterials, but also relevant fordifferent biologically active compounds in general (drugs, drug metabolites or endocrine disruptors).Due to bacterial adaptation and resistance formation, antibacterials merit special attention. Theanalysis of drinking water i
32、s of special interest in this context given the different pathways andpossibilities to place potential pollutants into aquatic circulation. However, there are no standardized Sensors 2011, 119454analytical methods for aquatic pollutants. Nowadays the main analytical tools are liquid and gaschromatog
33、raphic techniques, mostly combined with mass spectrometric analysis. For detailedinformation on current analytical techniques for the detection of aquatic pollutants, the reader isreferred to reviews in this field (12-18 and the references therein). The analysis of antibacterials, forexample, in env
34、ironmental waters is usually performed by HPLC-MS or HPLC-MS/MS. Othermethods, such as UV or fluorescence spectroscopy or electrochemical detection are of minorimportance due to their lower sensitivity.Since antibiotics are given to animals for therapy and prophylaxis as well as to increase growth a
35、ndfeed efficiencies 4, the proof and control of antibiotics in animals and foodstuffs of animal origin isessential. In the food industry milk is one of the most heavily regulated products. Due to theirlipophilic properties, antibacterials can easily accumulate in higher amounts in milk. The widespre
36、adusage of milk makes it necessary to control threshold levels of antibacterials in milk. It is essentialto detect the antibacterials prior to a contamination of the food chain event, e.g., at the farm. Thereforeanalytical methods for simple and speedy detection are necessary.It is well known that t
37、he above mentioned “conventional” analytical methods are elaborative withrespect to sample preparation (pre-treatment, clean-up and concentration), costs and time consumptionand often require personal expertise and skills. The ongoing development of biosensors opens apromising new way to enable the
38、use of fast, simple and sensitive techniques to detect environmentalpollution by antibacterials or their appearance in food products.The application of biosensors as tools to detect pathogens is beyond the scope of this review.Besides the analysis of pathogens in the human organism, such as analysis
39、 of Chlamydia trachomatisin urine using optical biosensors 19 or causative organisms of dengue fever using quartz crystalmicrobalance (QCM) 20, the detection of e.g., pathogen-infected foodstuffs is essential. Examples ofbiosensor applications are the detection of aflatoxin in milk samples 21, the d
40、etection of E. coliO157:H7 in food samples 22 or the use of a cell based biosensor technique to detect various numbersof pathogens and toxins 23.Biosensors as detection tools for antibacterials clearly differ in the sensor system, the principle ofsample recognition as well as in the type of matrix.
41、The different recognition and detection principleswill be pointed out below.2.2. Recognition and Detection Principles for the Biosensor Based Detection of AntibioticsIn general, there are two main principles for the recognition of antibacterials by biosensor systems.The first one comprises the wides
42、pread use of immobilized aptamers as recognition elements(so called aptasensors) 24-27. RNA and DNA aptamers are oligonucleic acids that bind the analyte ofinterest by their 3D-structure via ionic interaction, van-der-Waals-forces or hydrogen bonds leading todetectable signals. Their sensitivity is
43、comparable to that of antibodies. Furthermore they can bechemically synthesized, possess a high thermal stability and are easy to modify and to immobilize. Thesecond principle of antibacterial recognition for biosensing is given by antibody-mediated bindingprocesses. Those immunosensors have been wi
44、dely used for antibacterial detection 28-34. It is eitherpossible to immobilize antibiotic-specific antibodies at the sensor surface to directly detect the Sensors 2011, 119455antibiotic binding, or to invert the assay and detect the binding of antibody-spiked samples ontoimmobilized antibiotics in
45、terms of a competitive assay.Beside aptamers and immunoassay-based recognition, other principles have to be mentioned, e.g.,the use of enzymes or functionalized gold nanoparticles or the application of whole bacterial cells asrecognition elements.Referring to enzyme-coupled principles, a number of s
46、tudies have reported on the immobilization of-lactamase for the in vivo detection of penicillins 35-37. Hydrolysis of the penicillins led to a decreasein the pH value, which was amperometrically detected by Chen et al. 37, amongst others in milk samples.A very interesting recognition approach is the
47、 use of functionalized gold nanoparticles.Frasconi et al. 38 protected gold nanoparticles with thioaniline (as electropolymerizable unit),mercaptophenylboronic acid (as ligand for antibiotics) and mercaptoethanesulfonic acid (fornanoparticle stabilization). The polymerization of these functionalized
48、 nanoparticles on a gold surfacewas followed by SPR in the presence of aminoglycosides (neomycin, kanamycin, streptomycin) andused as a sensor for antibacterial detection in milk samples. SPR signals are amplified by the use ofnanoparticles and thus, the sensor sensitivity is increased.In contrast t
49、o the above mentioned technical biosensor devices, a number of studies also referred to“biosensing” antibacterials using whole bacterial cells with specific detection and sensing mechanismfor certain antibacterials. One example is given by Virolainen et al. 39, who introduced an E. colibacterial str
50、ain containing a luciferase operon placed under control of a tetracycline response element.Therefore, these bacteria, which can be kept in a freeze-dried form, produce self-bioluminescencefollowing tetracycline recognition. The evaluation can be performed in a plate assay format as anessential prere
51、quisite for a rapid, inexpensive high-throughput screening system. The authors describedthe detection of different tetracyclines in poultry muscle tissue in the low ng/g range meeting thedemands of the maximum residue levels (MRL) of the European Union. A follow-up study, whichcompared the capacity
52、of the bacterial sensor with microbiological inhibition assays or LC-MS/MSdetection of tetracyclines in routine analyses of poultry samples, confirmed the value and applicabilityof this approach 40.Despite many different antibacterial recognition principles that can be used for biosensor application
53、s,only a limited number of biosensor techniques were used in the antibiotic field. Figure 2(B) illustratesthe most common methods for analyte detection in that area. Some 50% of the biosensors used arebased on the SPR technique. SPR can be upgraded by imaging methods (iSPR) to get more details onthe
54、 antibacterial binding process 32,41.Optical detectors that are different from SPR account for about one fifth of antibacterial detection.Alongside the already mentioned detection of luminescence after antibiotic binding, fluorescencemeasurements were also applied 28,35.Electrochemical methods (21%)
55、 are the second most used detection principles beside SPR. Theyare dominated by voltammetric (cyclic voltammetry/CV or square wave voltammetry/SWV) andamperometric methods. Thereby a reduced Faradaic current is detected after antibiotic binding. Theantibacterial layer impedes the electron transfer a
56、cting as an electrode isolating layer. Since antibacterialsare most often not electrochemically active by themselves, redox tags like hematein, methylene blue orthe commonly used Fe2+/Fe3+ system have to be added. Impedance spectroscopy as an electrochemicaldetection method was also described and wo
57、rks without redox tags. Sensors 2011, 119456In principle there are versatile ways to combine the different recognition and detection principles.However, some combinations are more common in the antibiotic field. For instance, the binding ofantibiotics to aptamers is often detected by electrochemical
58、 methods (CV and SWV). Zhang et al. andKim et al. used DNA aptamers for the detection of tetracycline and oxytetracycline. Zhang et al. 24coupled a tetracycline binding ssDNA-aptamer via EDC/NHS-chemistry on a glassy carbon electrode.Cyclic voltammograms of defined tetracycline concentrations were r
59、ecorded in the presence of redox-active K3Fe(CN)6. The correlation between increasing tetracycline concentrations and decreasingcurrent peaks (due to an increasing isolation of the electrode) was used for fast detection ofunknown tetracycline concentrations in milk. Kim et al. 25 immobilized an oxyt
60、etracycline bindingssDNA-aptamer with high affinity, while the binding of other tetracyclines was discriminated. Sincethe aptamers was thiol modified, immobilization could easily be performed occurred via covalentchemistry on a gold electrode. CV and SWV were applied to determine oxytetracycline con
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