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1、Funny English品牌中的英语含义 雪碧 (饮料) Sprite 乐百氏(饮料) Robust 金利来(领带) Goldlion 司麦脱(衬衫) Smart 舒肤佳(香皂) Safeguard 纳爱斯(香皂) Nice 汰渍 (洗衣粉)Tide 雷达 (电蚊香)Raid 飘柔 (洗发水)Rejoice 苏泊尔(压力锅)Super 耐克 (鞋) Nike小妖精,调皮鬼健壮的金狮子潇洒的保护者美好的潮流袭击,搜捕欣喜特级品胜利女神Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost my little dog!Mrs. Smith: But you must put a

2、n advertisement in the papers!Mrs. Brown: Its no use, my little dog cant read.Funny Story注释: advertisement 广告英语绕口令Tongue twistersA big black bear sat on a big black bug. A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. 3. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big bl

3、ack nose! 在运动史上,乒乓球运动可以算是一项年轻的体育运动,它只有100多年的历史,比起田径运动(两千年以上)来,它可算是名副其实的后辈。 1890年,几位驻守印度(India)的英国海军(navy)军官偶然发觉在一张不大的台子上玩网球颇为刺激。后来他们改用空心的小皮球代替弹性不大的实心球,并用木板代替了网拍,在桌子上进行这种新颖的“网球赛”,这就是table tennis得名的由来。 乒乓球的由来 Table tennis出现不久,便成了一种风靡一时的热门运动。20世纪初,美国开始成套地生产乒乓球的比赛用具。最初,table tennis有其它名称,如Indoor tennis。后

4、来,一位美国制造商以乒乓球撞击时所发出的声音创造出ping-pong这个新词,作为他制造的“乒乓球”专利注册商标。Ping-pong后来成了table tennis的另一个正式名称。当它传到中国后,人们又创造出“乒乓球”这个新的词语。 在日语里,乒乓球叫做“桌球”。乒乓球运动的很多用词是从网球变来的。打乒乓球所用的球叫ping-pong ball或table-tennis ball,乒乓球台叫ping-pong table,台面称court,中间的球网称net,支撑球网的架子叫net support。 What season is the most dangerous one? (Autumn

5、. Because it is also FALL.)Riddles 谜语2.How many months have 28 days? (All of them. Each month has its 28th day.)3. What kind of dog never can bite and bark? A hot dog4. What two things cant you have for breakfast? (Lunch and supper.)5. What tables grow in the fields? Vegetables4.I wish I were what I

6、 was when I wished I were what I am.5.I wish you were a fish in my dish.6. Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!英语绕口令Tongue twisters惯用语太75人了,看你能猜对几个a green hand An old China hand pull someones leg 新手中国通I dont believe you. You are pulling my leg. 戏弄,捉弄face to faceside by sideeye for

7、 eyeteeth for teeth面对面并肩地;并肩作战以眼还眼以牙还牙Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳to rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨Drink like a fish 牛饮 To break the ice 打破沉默take it easy凡事看开些, 放轻松You are all wet. 你完全误会了dont let me down 别叫我失望 Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌Where is the father? Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings. Loo

8、k, said the elder brother. How nice these paintings are! Yes, said the younger, but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father? The elder brother thought for a moment and then explained(解释), “Obviously(明显地) he was painting the pictures.Funny Story7. How man

9、y cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.英语绕口令Tongue twisters8.The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!9.The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. 英语绕口令Tongue twistersActions speak louder than words。事实胜于雄辩。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。An apple a day keeps the doc


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