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1、中国可继续开展工商理事会CBCSD 关于2021年任务回想及2021年任务方案的报告 China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD) Report on Work Review of 2021 and Work Plan for 2021(二九年四月十五日) (Apr. 15, 2021)中国可继续开展工商理事会执行会长 王基铭 Executive President of CBCSD Wang Jiming.2021年任务回想Work Review of 2021.一、召开CBCSD年度理事会和会员大会,积极开展会员 I.

2、 Convention of Board Meeting, Annual General Meeting & Recruit of New Member Companies 1.理事会和会员大会 Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting2021年1月23日 一届七次理事会Jan. 23, 2021 the Seventh Session of the First CBCSD Executive Board Meeting2021年4月10日 会员大会Apr. 10, 2021 the Annual General Meeting2021年任务回想/Wor

3、k Review of 2021 .2.开展会员的任务 Member Company Recruitment3.网站及对外宣传 Website Construction & External Communication4.完善秘书处组织建立和相应人员、设备配备 Improvement of Secretariat Construction and Replenishment of Relevant Personnel and Facilities2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .二、抗震救灾捐赠 Donation for Earthquake ReliefCBCSD

4、理事和会员企业捐赠款物: 91092.5万元不完全统计CBCSD board and member companies: 910.925 million Yuan incomplete statisticsCBCSD: 十万元 CBCSD: 100,000 YuanCBCSD指点和任务人员十人: 25500元CBCSDs leaders and employees ten people): 25,500 Yuan2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .三、标志性工程得到政府、工商界和社会的高度注重和认可 Key projects received high attenti

5、on and recognition from government, business community and the society1“企业节能与温室气体管理工程/ Energy & Climate Change本工程重点关注能源和温室气体管理,选择冶金、建材、电力、化工、石油和石化等六大高耗能行业的有关企业作为试点企业,推进企业自觉进展温室气体管理和开发本钱效益好的温室气体减排方案。The project puts its main emphasis on energy and GHG management. Pilot enterprises are selected in ene

6、rgy-intensive industries of metallurgy, building materials, electricity, chemical, petroleum and petrochemical, and are encouraged to conduct GHG management according to their own conditions and to develop a cost-efficient GHG reduction system independently.2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .2建筑能效工程获得本质

7、性进展 Substantial progress has been achieved in Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB) project 一是在建筑行业节能和新建节能建筑方面,CBCSD结合WBCSD的建筑能效EEB工程,选择建筑能效示范工程,开展中国建筑能效任务。First, in the area of constructing energy saving buildings in China, based on WBCSD EEB projects, CBCSD selected model EEB projects to carry out

8、EEB work in China. 2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .二是从现有建筑着手,选“利用能效检测工具EPMT进展商用建筑试点,实施推行低本钱节能措施,开展节能潜力评价,构成节能评价示范报告。然后在节能成果得到认可的根底上,进一步推行节能工具和实施工程。Second, the project specialist team used Energy Performance Monitoring Tool (EPMT) on pilot commercial buildings, promoting low or no-cost energy saving m

9、easures, conducting energy conservation opportunity assessment and producing standard evaluation reports. After the results being recognized, further efforts will be made to promote energy saving tools and to conduct more projects.2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .3 副产品综合利用工程 By-Product Synergy (BPS) p

10、roject4继续加强与政府相关部门、国内外机构、企业的交流和协作。 Further communication and cooperation with related government departments, international and local organizations and enterprises.2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .2.平安消费HSE任务2. Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)完成AQ/T3012-2021finished the compilation of “Guideline f

11、or Petrochemical Corporation Safety Management System (AQ/T3012-2021)2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .3.企业社会责任“1+3工程3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) “1+3 Project7月29日CBCSD、BASF企业社会责任“1+3团队任务阶段总结会在上海召开。On July 29, CSR “1+3 workgroup periodic wrap-up meeting was held in Shanghai. 8月30-31日由中国企业结合

12、会主办的“2021中国企业500强发布暨中国大企业顶峰会在宁夏银川市召开。 On Aug. 30-31, the “Top 500 China Enterprises Release and China Corporations Summit held by China Enterprise Confederation (CEC) convened in Yinchuan, Ningxia province.2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .4.可继续开展报告编制工程4. The compilation of corporate sustainable develo

13、pment reportCBCSD的可继续开展报告总汇工程中搜集的报告总数为121家公司190多份报告,其中可继续开展报告34份,企业社会责任报告85份,英文版报告45份,其它相关报告和文章34份。So far, in CBCSDs sustainability report collection, there are altogether around 190 reports from 121 companies, in which sustainable reports account for 34, CSR reports 85, English reports 45, other re

14、ports and related articles 34.2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .四、CBCSD深化开展与WBCSD 的协作 CBCSD Further Strengthened the Cooperation with WBCSD1.参与WBCSD的2021年执行委员会、理事会 Participated in WBCSD 2021 Executive Committee Meeting and Board Meeting1执委会的主要内容 /Main points of ExCo Meeting2理事会的主要内容/Main points of the

15、Board Meeting2.CBCSD继续深化开展与WBCSD在分领域、分行业工程方面的协作 CBCSD is dedicated to the cooperation with WBCSD in various fields and sector projects. 2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .五、与美国、韩国、日本等国家可继续开展工商理事会BCSD的协作 Cooperation with US BCSD, KBCSD, CBCC, and other BCSDs of WBCSD regional networkCBCSD-KBCSD协作体谅备忘录 CB

16、CSD-KBCSD Memorandum of Understanding2. 中美协作进入本质性任务开展阶段 the cooperation between CBCSD and US BCSD enters the phase of pragmatic project implementation3. 中日CSR交流会/ China-Japan CSR workshop4.香港商界环保协会/ Business Environment Council of Hong Kong2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .六、积极开展与国际、国内可继续开展相关机构、政府及非政府组

17、织的交流和协作,并积极参与可继续开展相关活动VI Communication and Cooperation with International and Domestic Organizations of Sustainable Development, Government Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations & Active Participation in Sustainable Development Activities2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .1.中国环境与开展国际协作委员会CCICE

18、D China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED)2. 企业可继续开展战略新趋势高层圆桌会议 High-level roundtable- “Sustainability: A Strategy for Growth and Innovation3. 亲密关注和积极支持CBCSD理事和会员企业组织的可继续开展相关会议。 CBCSD actively supports member companies in their meetings or projects of susta

19、inable development.2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .4. 举行和关注企业界、政府和社会组织共同参与的交流工程,促进可继续开展领域的对话、交流及协作。 CBCSD organized and attended activities among enterprises, governmental departments, and social organizations. Meanwhile, it worked hard to promote various dialogues, exchanges and cooperation in the f

20、ield of sustainable development.5.CBCSD与中国集团公司促进会、中华环保结合会等机构建立了良好的协作关系,并就可继续开展的详细领域举行了富有效果的交流讨论。 CBCSD has maintained cooperation with many institutions, such as China Group Companies Promotion Association, All-China Environment Federation, etc. CBCSD has carried out frequent exchanges and extensive

21、 discussions with these institutions in various fields concerning sustainable development.2021年任务回想/Work Review of 2021 .2021年任务方案Work Plan for 2021.2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 一、召开CBCSD年度理事会和会员大会,优化会员构造,进一步开展会员Hold the CBCSD Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting, optimize the structure of membe

22、rs and improve the organization, and further develop membership1CBCSD年度理事会、会员大会和联络代表会 CBCSD Board Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Liaison Delegates Meeting2优化会员构造,进一步开展会员 Continuously enhance the work on membership development and optimize the structure of members.3加强联络交流,加强CBCSD的会员凝聚力 Improve c

23、ommunication mechanism and develop closer relationship with member companies4关于网站 Website 5完善秘书处组织建立和相应资源配备 Improve the organizational structure of the secretariat and replenish its facilities2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .二、充分发扬会员企业的主体作用,推进CBCSD标志性工程开展. Push forward the development of CBCSD key proj

24、ects, giving full play to member companies2021年工程任务要明确重点,发扬优势,突出重中之重工程,高度关注能源和气候变化工程,节能减排,节水、节电、节煤等,继续加强与有关行业协会的协作,工程实施中要与国家重点工程提出的目的相结合,分行业进展工程推行。In 2021, key projects will be carried out, as the focus and highlight of CBCSD including Climate Change project, Energy Conservation & Emission Reduction

25、, Water Conservation, Electricity Conservation, Coal Conservation, etc., strengthening corporation with relevant sector associations to extend pilot projects benchmarking the national standard, with fully regards to the national key program targets.2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .1完成编制并推行工程建立、消费运营和工艺平

26、安管理的平安消费导那么以及工商企业实际范例系列 Complete the development and continue the promotion of HSE series Guidelines and Good Business Practice for construction, production, operation and processing 2继续推行企业社会责任“1+3工程及其运用方式,带动更多企业更广泛地参与实施各项企业社会责任活动 Further implement CSR “1+3 Project and the application model, and pr

27、omote more corporations to participate broadly in all CSR activities2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .1分享实际阅历,推进和深化企业社会责任“1+3工程及其运用Share experiences and practices, further promote “1+3 project and its implementation2积极推进相关活动Follow up with related activities2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .3企业可继续开展报告的编制及总汇工

28、程The compilation and collection of business sustainable development report1推进企业报告的编制进程并提高报告质量,举行可继续开展报告交流研讨会 Promoting enterprises to compile their own sustainable development reports and improve the quality of the reports, holding seminars on sustainability reporting 2开展与全球报告倡议组织GRI等相关组织的协作 Carryin

29、g out cooperation with relevant organizations such as GRI2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .3搜集、编制会员单位在CSR和可继续开展方面有特征的优秀企业实际案例,不定期向会员企业发布可继续开展报告领域的国际国内最新动态,分享研讨阅历和实际成果;推出可继续开展报告企业和优秀案例,以优秀企业实际案例带动更多企业开展可继续开展任务。 CBCSD will continue to collect CSR and SD business show cases from its member companies. It wi

30、ll also provide member companies with the latest world sustainability reporting to help them exchange experience and achievements. CBCSD will showcase the good practice of companies who are doing well in sustainable development reporting process, and to drive more companies to compile sustainable de

31、velopment reports with the power of business cases.2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .4. 能源和气候变化工程Energy and climate change project1节能与温室气体管理工程 Energy conservation and GHG management project2副产品综合利用工程 By-Product Synergy (BPS) project2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .3水的可继续开展和节水工程 Water Sustainability and Wat

32、er Saving Program4建筑能效工程 Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB) project5餐饮效力业环保工程 Environmental Protection in Catering Industry2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .6加强国际、国内的相关领域协作 Strengthen cooperation with international and local organizations7建立能源与气候变化的网络信息交流平台,及时向会员企业传送国际社会、中国政府的相关政策导向和最新动态,同时加强会员企业和理事会相

33、关工程实施的报道宣传。 Establish a network platform for information sharing on energy and climate change; provide member companies with policy directions and latest development from international society and Chinese government. Meanwhile, more efforts will be made in the coverage and advocacy of the project im

34、plementation in CBCSD and its member companies.2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .三、加强与WBCSD 的协作,充分利用其国际网络优势开展关注领域重点工程. Further Develop overall cooperation with WBCSD, make full use of its international network and implement key projects in focus areas1充分自创WBCSD的工程阅历,全面推进与WBCSD在分领域、分行业工程方面的交流协作。 To make

35、full use of WBCSDs program experiences, CBCSD will continue to cooperate with WBCSD in focus area projects and sector projects. 2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .2参与WBCSD的2021年执委会、理事会、会员大会及区域网络会议。 Participate in WBCSD Executive Committee Meeting, Council Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Regional Netw

36、ork Meetings. 3. 积极运用WBCSD的平台与资源优势,深化CBCSD和中国工商界在全球可继续开展领域的参与度,推进相关工程的协作,扩展CBCSD和中国工商界在可继续开展领域的全球影响力。 With the resource of WBCSD and its role as an international platform for sustainable development, CBCSD will get more involved in the work of global sustainability, promote project cooperation and e

37、nhance global influence together with Chinese business community in the field of global sustainable development.2021年任务方案/Work Plan for 2021 .四、加强与美国、韩国等国家可继续开展工商理事会BCSD的协作. Enhance cooperation with US Business Council for Sustainable Development (US BCSD), Korean Business Council for Sustainable Development (KBCSD) and other BCSDs1. 进一步落实与美国可继续开展工商理事会在水泥可继续开展、副产品综合利用以及可再生能源等环保与可继续开展领域的协作 Further implement Cement Sustainable Development, Byproduct Syner


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