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1、 2022尖子生韩国留学申请书 如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击“怎么写申请书”察看更多 2022尖子生韩国留学申请书 Dear _, Hello! My name is _, and I am a senior high school student from Shanxi. Thank you for reading my self-recommendation letter in your busy schedule. When I was young, I heard adults talk about _, a name that was given a rich associatio

2、n by me at the time. When I was young, I just thought that the name gave people a very prestigious and majestic feeling, and I longed to be a part of it someday. As I grow older, I have learned more about _: Different from other schools, _ always maintains a rigorous academic attitude; no matter whe

3、n, _ can provide students with the quietest and least disturbed Learning environment. _Located in Hangzhou, which is known as paradise on earth, compared with universities in Beijing, Shanghai and other places, it has a teaching level that is not the same or even higher, but it is less hustle and qu

4、iet than them. When I saw the school motto of _, the touch from the bottom of my heart strengthened my determination to I want to be a person. _Adhere to the concept of ideological education and professional knowledge training, and the combination of theory and practice, and focus on cultivating stu

5、dents knowledge and innovation spirit. Therefore, to become a person, this will be a decision that I will never regret and be proud of. Of course, the choice is not only due to incomparable superiority, but also due to ones own personality factors. I am a lively, cheerful and straightforward girl, a

6、lways full of curiosity about new things, and like to constantly surpass myself in various challenges. I love the freehand music flowing from the gurgling under the black and white keys, and the hearty flow of the clouds and water on the basketball court. So in high school, I served as the literary

7、committee of the class, the president of the schools music club, and the captain of the womens basketball team. Although I am a girl, I also have an extraordinary love for computers. During the summer vacation after graduating from junior high school, I went to a computer school to learn the VisualB

8、asic programming language. At a very young age, I was able to master a lot more words than my peers. With my language talent, I studied the first volume of university Korean textbooks during the vacation. For me, studying is always a happy thing, because I can always experience the satisfaction of c

9、onstantly enriching myself and surpassing myself. I am a girl who loves to play and knows how to play. But no matter how unrestrained you are when you are playing, when you learn, you will immediately calm down and devote yourself to the study without any distractions. From elementary school to high

10、 school, you have always had excellent grades and never partial subjects. Among all disciplines, my favorite is mathematics. I like to look for those tiny rules between numbers, symbols, and subtitles; I like to search for the relationship between various parts in a variety of graphics; I like the f

11、eeling of facing each other when encountering a problem; I like to overcome the problem and million The heroic feeling of taking the first rank in the army. Although I have never studied Mathematical Olympiad, I still won the third prize of the Hope Cup Mathematics Invitational in junior high school

12、 and the second prize of the National Mathematics League in high school. I like the focused and pure feeling when I delve into the problem. I believe that only _ is the bright clear sky that allows the eagle of knowledge to soar freely. At the same time, I am also confident in my abilities. I have s

13、erved as a host in class and school activities many times; I have also been a tutor during vacations and organized club activities on a regular basis. Steadily improve ones abilities in practice again and again. Of course, if you want to become a person, moral character is a more important aspect. M

14、y mother taught me since I was young: No matter what, we must first learn to be a pure person. In my study and life, I will do my best to help the students around me, earnestly and responsibly do my job for the group, and actively win honors for the class in singing competitions and sports meets; wh

15、en I am at home, I will help my mother after studying. Washing and cooking, and doing all kinds of housework; during the holidays, I will organize my classmates to go to the orphanage to carry out voluntary activities. Practical and innovative is my motto. And will stay with me throughout my life. S

16、o I eagerly hope that one day I can wear that profound school badge on my chest, walk around the beautiful campus with my books, and solemnly say to myself I am a person! I hope you can pass my application. If my application is not passed, I will seriously find out my shortcomings and humbly correct

17、 them, and strive to get an ideal result in the college entrance examination next year and enter the campus of _. Yours sincerely, 韩国研究生留学条件 1、大学毕业,获得毕业证、学位证(或大学大四在读); 2、大学成绩的平均绩点在2.5以上或主课平均分75分以上,申请SKY学校建议绩点在3.0以上或主课平均分80分以上; 3、自考或成考本科毕业,获得毕业证,同时具备学士学位,但是自考成考学历申请研究生时有学校限制。 4、T O PIK五级以上,同时有雅思或者托福成绩

18、;一种是英文授课(GSIS),另一种是韩语授课(普通的韩国研究生)。如果你的韩语水平不是很好,只会最基本的日常生活交流,那么你的英语水平就一定要很好了,因为你可以申请英文授课的课程;但是如果你的英语水平不好,那只能申请韩语授课,可以先去韩国大学的语学院学习一段时间韩语,考出相应的韩语等级水平再申请研究生。 5、如果是想跨专业申请,我们建议专业跨度不要太大不,相近专业申请也是有希望的。因为研究生和本科不同,属于深造学历,没有本科前面四年的学习铺垫,就算能申请成功,读下去也会比较艰难。因此考虑转专业的同学一定要谨慎。 6、申请材料,全面详细的个人介绍和学业计划书也是申请研究生过程中,特别最重要的一个环节,这是你在教授面前的第一印象。因此,个人介绍和学业计划书不容小觑。其他的申请材料也一定要尽量严谨、全面、完整,遵照学校招生简章的要求去准备。准备材料时如果自己做起来比较吃力,可以找学长学姐帮忙,亦或是找专业人士操作,确保万无一失。 7、面试,申请韩国研究生和申请本科生不同,本


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