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1、 2022俄罗斯优秀学生留学申请书格式 2022俄罗斯优秀学生留学申请书 Dear _, With the approach of new century, the developing China is requiring better trained and more highly educated men and women than ever before in history. In order to make more contributions to the society and, at the same time, satisfy my keen interest in sc

2、ience, I am looking forward to beginning my graduate study. I heard of Case Western Reserve University as early as when I was an undergraduate student. She is one of the most highly regarded universities in the world and is an ideal place for ambitious youth. I plan to study for Ph.D. in Biochemistr

3、y at Case Western Reserve University with special interests in metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, and protein crystal growth. I have had plentiful preparations. First, when being an undergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University, I got very extensive and intensive

4、education. I took many courses on chemistry and the related subjects, and earned high scores for most of them. Second, my major, Polymer, can be put into good use in Biochemistry programs because Polymer is closely related with biological Macromolecule. Third, I have working experience that enriches

5、 my theory and laboratory skills. From 1990 to now, I have been engaged as an Assistant Engineer by the Research institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation (RIBYPC). In the first year, I was in charge of a 5-litre reactor for polymerization of Carboxylated Butadiene-Styene Latex. Then I wa

6、s transferred to another research group to synthesize PETPHB copolymer, a kin of polyester, which has the property of Liquid Crystal. I am the assistant head of the group. We can prepare the novel polymer with high molecule weight and excellent property in a 2-litre stainless steel reactor. During t

7、his monomers, with purity of more than 99.99%; this made my leader very satisfied. More than four years of working experiences expand my capacity. I often make use of NMR, X-ray, DSC and other instrumental methods for research. Among them, I am most skilled in NMR reactors, I have experiences on sol

8、ving problems of Engineering and Mechanics. What is more, I am familiar with computer operation and some application software. The above information about my specialty may be helpful for you to evaluate me. It is said that the 21st century will be the age of Life Science. I hope to enter the esteeme

9、d Case Western Reserve University to face this challenge. I am confident tat I shall be an excellent fellow. After completing my graduate study, I would like to return to my homeland and make use of my knowledge to serve the people. By the way, I would like to give thanks to my parents. Being their

10、oldest son, I am offered the most formal education and the deepest love. I never forget the 18-years life with them. Twelve years in the countryside and six years in Shengli Oil Field bestowed me the character of diligence, resolution, and perseverance, as well as the deep love of nature and life. I

11、 am also indebted to my dear wife. Without her never-ended encouragement and support in these years, I could not become closer and closer to the gate of the eminent Case Western Reserve University. Knowing where is heading during navigation brings assured happiness. As a student majoring in Biochemi

12、stry, I began my odyssey five years ago, when our class had a new biology teacher, who was young and energetic. He taught us in an entertaining way and communicated with us quite well. I liked him very much and was impressed by the knowledge of Biological Sciences. He opened new doors to the realm o

13、f Biology in my life. And with time being, I feel more and more sure about my destination. Although the trail of navigation has not always been definitely straight, I believe it leads me to my dream. Because of my excellent performance in the National Olympic Mathematics Contest of High School Stude

14、nts in 1994 and my outstanding academic record in senior high school, I had the opportunity to be admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University, two most selective universities in China, waived of the Admission Examination. But if I took the chance, I couldnt select biological sciences as my

15、major. So I gave up the precious chance and took the Admission Examination. I succeeded and was admitted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Peking University, which ranks first in biological science education and research in China and has raised many scholars including member

16、s of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the first three years in university, my curriculum has a broad range, covering both natural and humanity sciences, as well as putting emphasis not only on biological sciences but also on closely related courses. I have dedicated my energy to my study and have rec

17、eived a complete, profound and strict training in biological sciences with the combined strength of individual and professors help. Playing basketball is also a solid part of my campus life. I am an active member in the basketball team of the College of Life Sciences in Peking University. As a point

18、 guard, the organizer of the teams attack, I have learned to make the five players to be a strong group in a game. Last year, we ranked the third in Peking University Cup among the thirty-six teams. This experience endows me a strong sense of responsibility, confidence and team-working spirit. To be

19、 a successful scientific researcher requires not only academic potential but also independent research ability. A student will develop capability for independent research by working closely with a scholar. For this reason, I entered the National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic En

20、gineering and participated the Group of Protein Structure and Function. Now I cooperate with two graduate students, one of whom will go to the Harvard Medical School to continue his research work. Our ultimate goal is to develop a new thrombolysis drug, which is supported by the National 863 Hi-Tech

21、 Planning. (Please check Research Experience for detail.) By the three months here, I have been able to do many experiments independently and have obtained serious attitude and cooperation in scientific work. I have a sublime dream to be one equipped with exceptional experiment skills in addition to

22、 advanced scientific and technological knowledge. In my mind Pennsylvania State University is an ideal place to purse the graduate study, which is intellectually exhilarating and challenging. I respect your rigorous scientific approach, original idea and outstanding achievements. I am eager to join

23、a group in which I can make the best use of my capabilities and combine my personal intelligence with group cooperation to full-fill the groups benefit as well as to make my dream come true. The Department of Pharmacology is definitely this type. With the fast development in the field of life scienc

24、es, human is getting more and more interested in probing into the nature of life itself and every great achievement in the study of life is sure to put light to our understanding of ourselves and to benefit our people and society as a whole. The field of Pharmacology has particular importance to ser

25、ve mans purpose above. A scientist of Pharmacology is not only a researcher, but also the creator of the future world. I think the challenging Pharmacology is the most suitable field for me to begin my graduate study, which is more than a continuation of undergraduate study and is of not only a matt

26、er of greater knowledge. The aim of it is to prepare students to enter a profession in which the knowledge is put into daily use. I am interested in the field of signal pathway in tumor formation. Several professors research impressed me, including Dr. Mulder and some other professors. After obtaini

27、ng my Ph.D., I plan to do research work in an institution either domestically or overseas. I believe that such a position provides the largest room in which I can make the most enthusiastic dedication to the world of sciences. I believe the advanced courses, distinguished faculty and the best-equipp

28、ed laboratories of your group will help me make the desired achievements. With the conviction that I can sustain me through the intense graduate study, I have made the decision to apply for Pennsylvania State University and hope your serious consideration. Yours sincerely, 俄罗斯留学费用清单 一、学费 以地区为例,不同的城市

29、由于生活水平有差异,所以费用的收取是不一样的,莫斯科读本科一年要3-4万元,圣彼得堡的本科留学学习一年只需要2-2.5万元。 以专业为例,普通专业如文科、理科和工科的分支,一般都是2万元左右;艺术类则要稍贵一些,一年至少准备3-4万元;医科的学习是最贵的,时间也最长,需要5-8万元。 二、住宿费 学校会为学生提供宿舍,会囊括简单的家居,还有独力的厨房、浴室和厕所,每天24小时供应的热水,还提供暖气,在安全性能上有保障,从单人到多人间选择众多。 当然费用收取也是有地区差异的,在首都一年需要5000-10000元,在圣彼得堡需要5000-8000元,在喀山等远东地区一年只需要1000元左右,还提供各种补贴。 三、餐饮费 每天的饮食安置,可以选择食堂,内部提供的菜色,以西餐为主,不过偶尔也能看到几种不正宗的中餐,虽然口味会不太适应,但是价格很亲民,一顿饭只需要20-30元。 此外还可以自己做,宿舍就会提供厨房,大家可以自行购买食材和各种配料,只要前期准备充分了,就可以很容易的做出寄到自己喜欢的菜。一般的学生会选择两者交叉进行,一个月需要1500-2000元。 四、其他 还需要安置好自己的出行,是准备坐车还是骑车,或者选择步行,把一张交通卡或者月票,一个月只需要200元就可以满足出行的需求,不花钱的出行方式还


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