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1、 2022传媒专业留学申请书 身在祖国时,常常体会不到身为炎黄子孙的文化自豪感,但是一旦身处异国,暴露在另一个文化领域,你将会极其直接的体会到不同文化带来的冲击,这时,你看待本国文化的眼光,将不同以往。这里给大家分享一些2022传媒专业留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022传媒专业留学申请书 Dear _, The medias writing style today is owed to the New Journalists of the 1960s and 1970s who transformed the approach towards Journalism. I am making th

2、is application as I am fascinated by the vast scope which is covered by the subject and how in todays society the media plays a major role in every subject imaginable and affects everybodys life in some way. After completing this course I hope to enter into Print or Broadcast Journalism and eventual

3、ly I would like to have the prospect of working in both of these forms of media. I have a particular interest in magazines and Foreign Affairs and I am inspired by the work of John Simpson, who has maintained his position of World Affairs Editor at BBC News for over twenty years. For my A-levels I c

4、hose to study English Literature, Theatre Studies and French, because these courses have allowed me to develop both my written skills and structuring the writing style that is so varied for each subject. In English Literature we studied the era in which New Journalism was introducing itself into soc

5、iety by such Journalists as Tom Wolfe and Gay Talese. Their unconventional works were published in magazines rather than newspapers, due to the response from the editors who favoured the more traditional journalists of the time. Theatre Studies has required me to devise and interpret plays which has

6、 enhanced my confidence, improvisation and time management skills, as well as building on theory and historical context. When studying French we take a view on current affairs from around the world today. We learn how to debate and compose various pieces of written work documenting both our own opin

7、ions and taking a neutral view. French A-level has also strengthened my skills to successfully learn a language with its grammar, vocabulary and culture. I have recently been on a five day work placement with my local paper. It was a great experience where I gained the insight into the daily life of

8、 a journalist and I was able to write articles which required piecing together through photojournalism and interviews in order to produce the finished article. It also provided me with the practice to prepare me for both University and my future career. I have written articles for my school newspape

9、r and hope to write more in the future. Throughout my life I have developed a particular interest in acting and the surrounding effects upon society that it creates. In 2022, I received a part as an extra in a period film directed by Julian Fellowes, recently previewed at The London Film Festival. I

10、 found it to be a good example of the amount of work put into successful media which is unknown by the public. It also showed me how intense the competition is within the film and media industries. I am an Assistant Leader at Dorchester Youth Theatre and I have the privilege of working with teenager

11、s only a few years younger than myself who share my passion for performance and have had responsibilities, such as co-directing various productions, whilst undertaking the role of Stage Manager. These responsibilities are reflected in my work life as I have worked in a camping shop for 18 months; my

12、 time at the shop has allowed me to develop both my social and interpersonal skills alongside my organisation skills. These skills have been beneficial when taking part in expeditions as part of the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. I am taking a gap year commencing August 2022, in which I will go and w

13、ork as an Au Pair for a family living in Italy; I will look after the child as required and teach him English. I am sure that this will help me to learn a new language and experience its culture, whilst experiencing independent life submerged in foreign culture. I look forward to my University life

14、and my future within Journalism and where it will take me. I believe that I am well suited to the demands of a Journalism degree because I have a genuine interest and the motivation to work hard and succeed. Yours sincerely, 选择乌克兰留学常识问题详解 1、乌克兰在哪? 乌克兰位于欧洲东部,东接俄罗斯、南濒黑海,北与白俄罗斯毗邻、西与波兰、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、罗马尼亚和摩尔多

15、瓦诸国相连。乌克兰地理位置重要,是欧洲联盟与独联体非常是与俄罗斯地缘政治的交叉点。 2、乌克兰气候怎么样? 气候:受大西洋暖湿气流影响,大部分地区为温带大陆性气候,克里米亚半岛南部为亚热带气候。1月平均气温-7.4,7月平均气温19.6。年降水量东南部为300毫米,西北部为600700毫米,多集中在6、7月份。 3、乌克兰是不是很冷? 乌克兰国家冬季气温在-7.4左右,室内暖气充足和我们北方的气候相似,四季分明,冬季比南方舒服一些,也没有我国黑龙江省那么的冷。 4、乌克兰国家大吗? 它位于欧亚大陆中心,是欧洲国土面积第二国家;源远流长的斯拉夫文化发源地、一带一路重点地域(中乌两国国家扶持),原

16、苏联的文化、教育中心。 5、中国学生能适应乌克兰的饮食吗? 乌克兰汇聚了各个国家的美食,餐厅选择如:意大利餐厅、法国餐厅、乌克兰当地美食餐厅、日本寿司、中国餐厅、西班牙烤肉店等。乌克兰饮食素以丰富、营养和美味著称,它的形成得益于这个国家有利的地理位置(得天独厚的肥沃土壤黑土)和适合粮食作物生长的气候。乌克兰民族在烹饪艺术上是独具特色的,“乌克兰红菜汤”、“基辅肉饼”、“首都沙拉”、“水果填鸭”都是闻名于世的乌克兰美食。 6、可以买到中国调料和一些生活用品吗? 乌克兰有集中的中国市场,日常生活中所需要的所有中国产销的食物及调料,可以买到如:花椒、大料、干辣椒、豆腐、木耳、老干妈、臭豆腐、酱豆腐、

17、酱油、醋、料酒等等,大家所需要的各种调料应有尽有,不用担心做饭没有调料这一问题。在乌克兰的中国市场中,很多销售人员大部分都是中国人,便于大家购买。 7、乌克兰商场多吗?买食材方便吗? 乌克兰本地每个城市都有大型的商场超市,市场的货物也特别丰富。不仅有蔬菜水果,还有甜点、糖果和一些腌制品,夏天蔬菜特别齐全,菠菜、蘑菇、圆白菜、土豆、西红柿和一些肉类食品等在市场上应有尽有。在市中心等一些地区有许多名品店,有运动类、休闲类、正装类的衣物供学生选择。提醒大家:每年年底,乌克兰各大商场会进行大型的打折促销活动,大家可以把握时机购入自己所需的物品。 8、孩子不会做饭他们吃饭方便吗? 乌克兰有各式各样类型的

18、餐厅,无论是校内还是校外,宿舍附近也有很多餐厅。中国学生也经常一起做饭,做一些中国美食宿舍生活也其乐融融。慢慢的孩子们都会独立自主的生活,家长这点可以放心。 9、学校距离宿舍会很远吗? 宿舍不会很远,学校会为学生安置最适合她们的宿舍楼居住。 10、在乌克兰出行的交通方便吗? 乌克兰的城市交通特别发达(地铁、公交、有轨电车),公共交通可通往城市各个地区,车票费用和中国公交地铁费用差不多。乌克兰地铁无论是否转站都是统一票价很划算。同学出行还可以打车,类似于中国的滴滴。国外较常用的是Uber打车软件。 11、在乌克兰娱乐活动有什么? 乌克兰在寒假过后节假日很多,同学们可以选择去别的城市或在本城市内旅游外出,也可向当地旅游部门申请去邻国旅游,手续非常简单。简单介绍一下旅游地区:海滨城市敖德萨,是夏天的渡假胜地,不仅可以享受阳光、沙滩、海滨的美景,同时还可以感受异国的文化气息。冬天,滑雪胜地利沃夫,它是一座全民用乌语对话的城市,同学们在享受滑雪乐趣的同时,可以感受到乌克兰的民族气息。从乌克兰办理其他国家旅游,如埃及,委托旅行社办理所有手续,包含机票在内。如同学不想去远处旅游,在春秋天的时候,大家也可以自带事先准备好的材料,在美丽的第聂泊河畔或森林烧烤,别有一番风趣。 乌克兰留学省钱技巧 一、规划


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