五年级上册英语教案Unit4 Hobbies (Story time)_第1页
五年级上册英语教案Unit4 Hobbies (Story time)_第2页




1、.*;第 PAGE3 页五上Unit4 Hobbies Story time一、教学目的:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:dance, draw, play the piano, read, watch films, also, be good at.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:I likedoing likes doing3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在老师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型议论自己或别人的爱好。二、教学重点和难点:教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在老师的帮助下尝试复述课文。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型议论自己或别人的爱好。三

2、、教具准备:PPT课件、人物图片、人物爱好图片、单词卡教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and warm up1.Enjoy a song: 2.Greetings.3. Think and say.1T: What can you do at an English lesson?S: I can sing/ talk/ listen Teach: read,Tips: When you want to read the new words, you can use two ways. The first one is, you can use the dictionary, Eg T

3、he second one is, you can read them with the old words. Now, lets try to read the new words with the old words, OK?2 T: What can you do at a PE lesson?S: I can run/ jump /play football 3 T: What can you do at a music lesson?S: I can Teach: dance, play the piano. Step 2 Pre-reading1. T: I like playin

4、g the piano, and I like singing. Theyre my hobbies.2. When we talk about our hobbies, we can say: I like But, the word behind like should plus ing.Here are the words about hobbies, can you read them? Lets try! swim swimming read reading dance dancing watch watching play playing draw drawing run runn

5、ing skate skatingNow, can you tell me your hobbies? What do you like doing? Ss: I like3. 揭题:Yes, we talked about our hobbies. You have a lot of hobbies. In fact, life will be more beautiful with hobbies. Today, well learn Unit4 Hobbies.Step 3 While-reading.1.Heres the story time.Teach: story.T: Look

6、, The Goldilocks and the three bears is a story. Read:storyThe three little pigs is a story, too. Theyre stories. Read: stories.2. First, lets watch some nice pictures of the story Hobbies and try to get more information from the pictures. Please answer the questions: Who are they? Check the answers

7、.贴图3. Yes, Mike is talking about his and his friends hobbies.What do they like doing?Now lets listening to the tape, read and underline their hobbies on your book.4. Now, lets read the story in details. First, lets talk about the boys hobbies.What are Mikes hobbies? What are Liu Taos hobbies? Match

8、and report5. Now, lets know more about Mikes friend Liu Tao:1Can Liu Tao play football well? Why? Teach: be good at. He is good at football. What else can we say?Now read the passage about Mike, Can you ask some questions about Mike?2 Can Mike play football well? Why? He is good at basketball. But h

9、es not good at football.By the way, what does Tim like doing? Why?Teach: with What does it mean? It means “together.I want to know: Is Tim good at drawing? Why? Because, Mike usually draws in the park with Tim. So maybe they are good at it.6. What about the girls hobbies? Now, please look at the pas

10、sages in Page37.Check with the form:What does Yang Ling like?Ss: She likes讲解:当主语是第三人称单数时,动词like要加STeach: both Practice: and both like football.7. Lets read after the computer. Please pay attention to the raising tone and the falling tone.8. Ask four students to read. Read in Teams. 9. Dub for the ca

11、rtoon.Step4 Post-reading1. Now, Id like to know whether you can understand the story or not. Do you remember what they like doing? Now scan the story time, talk about the pictures on P38. Then report.2. Retell.Suppose, youre Mike. Choose the person you like and introduce your and his hobbies like th

12、is.Im Mike. I like I can But I like, too. I usually. This is my friend Liu Tao. He likes He likes, too.3. We talked about our hobbies. We also know the hobbies about Mike and his friends. Every man has his hobbies. Now, lets talk about our familys hobbies. OK?示范,学生同桌准备Oh, most of you can talk about


14、活泼,轻松愉快,既训练了听的才能,强化了记忆,又开展了思维,为说打下了根底。Step 5 Proverb time1. Enjoy more hobbies.2. Today, we talked a lot about the hobbies. Good hobby makes good life. What hobbies do you think are good hobbies? What hobbies do you think are bad hobbies?Step6 Homework1. Listen to the tape and follow the tape.听录音,跟读

15、课文。2. Talk about your friends hobbies to your family.向你的家人介绍你朋友的爱好。板书设计:Unit4 Hobbies Playing basketball and football drawingPlaying football Playing table tennis likesReading books playing the pianoDancing swimmingWatching films swimming 教后反思:本节课我以人物的爱好为线索,从议论自己的爱好,到书中人物的爱好,再到议论家人的爱好,设计了不同层次的略读和精度的





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