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1、Unit 7Unit 7Its raining!Section A 11a-2dSnow( v. )下雪;( n.) 雪 snowy (adj.)雪白的;多雪的 sun (n.) 太阳 sunny adj. 晴朗的、阳光明媚的wind (n.)风windy (adj.) 多风的cloud (n.) cloudy(adj.) 多云的rain (v.)下雨 (n.)雨水; rainy (adj.) 多雨的 weather n. 天气cook v. 做饭Whats the date today?Its The weather is good today. Yes, its sunny/cloudy/

2、windy.Warming upTalk about the weather.1aMatch the words with the pictures a-e. raining _ windy _ cloudy _ sunny _ snowing _acebdListen and write these city names in the boxes above.1bBeijing Moscow Toronto Boston ShanghaiListeningBeijingMoscowShanghaiTorontoBostonImagine you are in one of the place

3、s in 1a. Talk about the weather with your friend on the phone. Hows the weather in Beijing? = Whats the weather like in Beijing ?1c Its sunny.Pairwork Its cloudy. Hows the weather in Shanghai?= Whats the weather like in Shanghai ? Its snowy.= Its snowing. Hows the weather in Moscow? Its raining. =It

4、s rainy. Hows the weather in Boston? Its windy. Hows the weather in Toronto?Listen and number the pictures 1-4.2a324ListeningListen again. Match the names with the activities. c Uncle Joe _ Jeff _ Mary_ Aunt Sally2badb a. is playing computer games. b. is cooking. c. is playing basketball. d. is watc

5、hing TV.Talk about the people with a partner. Whats Uncle Joe doing?2c Hes playing basketball.Pairwork Whats Aunt Sally doing? Shes cooking in the kitchen. Whats Mary doing? Shes watching TV. Whats Jeff doing? Hes playing computer games.park n. 公园message n. 信息back adv. 回来come backbad adj. 坏的 bad wea

6、therNew wordsRead the conversation in 2d and answer the questions. 1. Whats Steve doing? _ _ 2. Whats Ricks brother doing? _ 3. What does Steve want Ricks brother to do? _Hes studying at his friends home.He wants Ricks brother to call back.Hes playing basketball with some friends at the park.2dReadi

7、ngRole-play the conversation. Rick: Hello, Rick speaking.Steve: Hi, Rick. Its Steve. Hows it going?Rick: Not bad, thanks. The weathers great. What are you doing? Steve: Im playing basketball with some friends at the park. Rick: Sounds like youre having a good time. Steve: Yeah. Is your brother at ho

8、me?Rick: Oh, hes not here. Hes studying at his friends home. Steve: Can I take a message for him?Rick: Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?Steve: Sure. No problem. 1. Its raining. rain 做动词,意为“下雨”。 e.g. 现在天津在下雨。 _ 【拓展】rain 做名词,意为“雨水”。e.g. There is a lot of rain in summer in our city. 我们这里夏天雨

9、量很大。Its raining in Tianjin now.Language points 2. Its windy. windy 多风的;cloudy 多云的;sunny 晴朗的 构词法:名词 + y 形容词 e.g. 今天宁夏风很大。 Its _ in Ningxia today. windy3. Hows the weather in Beijing? weather 是不可数名词,意为“天气;气候”。 其前面不能用不定冠词 a 修饰,但可以用定冠词 the 或 bad/fine 等修饰;通常可以用 it 来指代。e.g. 春天在中国北部是多风的。 _ is windy in spri

10、ng in the north of China. The weather 今天天气如何? 今天下雨。 Hows the _ today? _ raining. weather Its 4. Shes cooking. cook 作动词,意为“烹调;煮” e.g. 通常妈妈给我们做晚饭。 My mother usually cooks for us. 【拓展】作名词,意为“厨师”。 e.g. 我叔叔是一位很棒的厨师。 My uncle is a great cook. 5. Hows it going? 情况怎么样? Hows ? 句型在问候语中用来询问对 方的情况。 答语常为:Great.

11、/ Pretty good. /Not bad.等。 e.g. 你的学习情况如何? Hows it going with your study? 【拓展】 表达问候还可以用 How are you? 进行询问,答语常为“Fine, thank you.”。 这两句话的重点不在于询问,而在于问 候或打招呼。 6. No problem. 没有问题。 e.g. 你会做风筝吗? 没问题。 Can you make a kite? No problem. 7. Sounds like youre having a good time. 这是一个省略句,相当于 It sounds like youre

12、。英语It sounds like 与It sounds 句型近似,都表示“听起来;听上去”。这种省略的用法十分口语化,在日常英语会话中经常听到。例如:(It) Sounds like hes all right now.听上去他现在病已经好了。(It) Sounds like you had a good time on your trip. 听起来你旅行玩得很开心。一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Its a _ day today (sun). 2. The weather is bad now. Its _ (wind). 3. Sounds like you _ (have) a

13、 good time now. sunnywindyare having练一练4. Its _ (cloud) now. Is it going to rain?5. Hows the weather now? It _ (rain) now. 6. Its _ (snow) in winter in Harbin now. cloudyis rainingsnowy二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 多伦多的天气如何? _ 你那里情况怎么样? 不错。 _ _Hows the weather in Toronto? Hows it going? Not bad.3. 我奶奶正在给我们做饭。 _.4

14、. 你能给杰克捎个信吗? _? 5. 你能告诉她给我回个电话吗? 没问题。 _? _My grandma is cooking for us Can you take a message for Jack Can you tell her to call me back No problem.Section B 11a-2cA: Hows the weather?B: Its snowy.RevisionA: Hows the weather?B: Its sunny. A: What are they doing?B: They are taking a walk.hot adj. 热的wa

15、rm adj. 暖和的cold adj. 冷的dry adj. 干燥的New words1. _ dry 3. _ cool 5. _ hot 2. _ cold 4. _ warmMatch the words with the picture. 1adeabcHows the weather in picture d?Its dry.1bAsk and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in 1a. Hows the weather in picture e?Hows the weather in picture c?It

16、s hot.Its cool.Hows weather in picture a?Hows the weather in picture b?Its warm.Its cold.Hows the weather?Its windy and cool.GuessingIts raining.Hows the weather? Its sunny and hot.Hows the weather?Hows the weather?Its snowy and cold.Hows the weather?Its dry.Hows the weather?Its sunny and warm.Liste

17、n and write what Mary and Eric answer to Hows it going. 1c Hows it going? MaryEricgreatnot bad.ListeningListen again. Write the answers to What are you doing and Hows the weather. What are you doing? Hows the weather?MaryEric visiting her grandmother1dhot, dry and sunny.having a partyterrible. Its c

18、old and its raining.Role-play a conversation between Mary and Eric. 1eEric: Hi! Hows it going?Mary: Hello! Oh, not too bad! What are you doing?Eric: Im having a party. My family is here. Mary: Sounds like fun. Hows the weather? PairworkEric: Terrible. Its cold and raining. Hows the weather in Mexico

19、? Mary: Hot. Hot and dry. And sunny. Eric: Sounds good. So what are you doing? Mary: Im visiting my grandmother.2aTalk about the pictures below with a partner. Hows the weather? What are the people doing?TalkingHows the weather?Its sunny and warm.What is she doing?Shes drinking orange juice. Hows th

20、e weather?Its cloudy and cool.What are they doing?They are climbing the mountains.Hows the weather?Its raining.What is she doing?Shes writing a letter. visit v. 拜访 summer n. 夏天 Canada n. 加拿大 sit v. 坐New wordsmountain n. 高山country n. 国家Europe n. 欧洲juice n. 果汁Match each postcard below with the correct

21、 picture in 2a.2bReadingDear Jane.Hows your summerIm having a DaveDear Jane.Hows it going? Im having a great time Su LinToJaneToJaneRead the first postcard in 2b again and answer the questions.Where is Su Lin now? _2. What is Su Lin studying there? _Shes in Canada. Shes studying English. Careful rea

22、ding3. Is she visiting some of his old friends there? _4. Whats she doing right now? _ _5. Hows the weather there? _Yes, she is.Shes sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.Its warm and sunny. Read the second postcard in 2b again and answer the questions. 1. Where is Dave now? _ 2. What are Da

23、ve and his family doing there? _ _Shes in Europe. They are having a vacation in the mountains. 3. Are they having a good time? _4. Hows the weather there? _5. Hows the weather in Janes country? _Yes, they are.Its cool and cloudy.Its hot. NameWhere are they?Hows the weather?What are they doing?Su Lin

24、warm and sunnyFill in the chart with information from the postcard in 2b. Canada2csitting by the pool and drinking orange juiceAfter readingNameWhere are they?Hows the weather?What are they doing?Davecool and cloudyEuropewriting to Jane1. Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. have a gre

25、at time doing sth. 意为“做某事过得愉快”。例如: We have a great time singing and dancing. 我们唱歌、跳舞过得很高兴。Language points2. Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. 1) sit 动词,意为“坐”,是不及物动词。如表达“坐在某地”就用介词短语来表达地点。如:Please sit on the chair and have some tea. 请坐在椅子上喝杯茶。2) by 意为“在旁边”,它所表示的位置比 near 更近一些。例如: All th

26、e children are sitting by the table. 所有的孩子们都坐在桌子旁边。 Do you live near your school? 你家住在学校附近吗?3. I want to call you but my phone isnt working, work 在这里是不及物动词,意为“(机器)运转;活动”。例如:My watch doesnt work. What time is it now? 我的手表坏了。几点了?The TV set doesnt work. Lets take a walk in the park. 电视机坏了,让我们去公园散步吧。一、根

27、据要求填空并翻译下列短语。 1. hot (反义词) _ 2. cool (反义词) _ 3. wet (反义词) _ 4. 在图片d中 _ 5. 做某事过得高兴 _coldwarm dryin picture dhave a great time doing sth.Exercise6. 上暑期班 _ 在水池旁边 _ 喝果汁 _go to summer school by the pool drink orange juice1. A: What _ Jim _? B: He _ water. 2. A: _ the weather today? B: Its _. A: What _ th

28、e children _? B: They are _ a great _ _ a snowman.二、看图补全对话。is doingis drinkingsnowyHowsare doinghaving time making3. A: Hows it going, Jack? B: Not bad. Were _ a vacation _ _ _. A: Hows the _? B: Its _ and _, just right for walking. weatheron/havingcloudy coolin the mountainsSection B 23a-Self check

29、NameWhere are they?Hows the weather?What are they doing?Su Linwarm and sunnyFill in the chart with information from the postcard in 2b. Canada2csitting by the pool and drinking orange juiceAfter readingNameWhere are they?Hows the weather?What are they doing?Davecool and cloudyEuropewriting to Jane1.

30、 Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. have a great time doing sth. 意为“做某事过得愉快”。例如: We have a great time singing and dancing. 我们唱歌、跳舞过得很高兴。Language points2) by 意为“在旁边”,它所表示的位置比 near 更近一些。例如: All the children are sitting by the table. 所有的孩子们都坐在桌子旁边。 Do you live near your school? 你家住在学校附近

31、吗?3. I want to call you but my phone isnt working, work 在这里是不及物动词,意为“(机器)运转;活动”。例如:My watch doesnt work. What time is it now? 我的手表坏了。几点了?The TV set doesnt work. Lets take a walk in the park. 电视机坏了,让我们去公园散步吧。一、根据要求填空并翻译下列短语。 1. hot (反义词) _ 2. cool (反义词) _ 3. wet (反义词) _ 4. 在图片d中 _ 5. 做某事过得高兴 _coldwar

32、m dryin picture dhave a great time doing sth.Exercise6. 上暑期班 _ 在水池旁边 _ 喝果汁 _go to summer school by the pool drink orange juice1. A: What _ Jim _? B: He _ water. 2. A: _ the weather today? B: Its _. A: What _ the children _? B: They are _ a great _ _ a snowman.二、看图补全对话。is doingis drinkingsnowyHowsare

33、 doinghaving time making3. A: Hows it going, Jack? B: Not bad. Were _ a vacation _ _ _. A: Hows the _? B: Its _ and _, just right for walking. weatheron/havingcloudy coolin the mountainsLets watch!Warming upskate v. 滑雪winter n. 冬天snowy adj. 下雪的snowman n. 雪人New wordsRussian adj. 俄罗斯的 n. 俄罗斯人;俄语rainy

34、adj. 多雨的1. A: Hows the _ in Harbin? B: Its _. A: Whats the girl wearing? B: Shes _ a _ and warm clothes. snowyweatherwearing hatFree Talk2. A: _ the _ in Harbin? B: Its _. A: _ are they _? B: Theyre _ in the _. Hows weathersnowyWhat doingplaying snow3. A: What _ they _? B: They _ on the river. 4. A:

35、 _ the man _? B: Hes _ a photo of the _. are doing are skatingWhats doingtakingsnowmanFill in the blanks with the words in the box.3askating buying playing taking snowy windyDear Xiao Lu, Its winter in Harbin. The weather is _ and _. People are wearing hats and sweaters, but theyre having fun. Frien

36、ds are _ Russian bread to take home. In a park, some boys are _ in the snow. One girl is _ on a river and a man is _ a photos of a snowman.I miss you.Kate. Dear Xiao Lu, Its winter in Harbin. The weather is _ and _. People are wearing hats and sweaters, but theyre having fun. Friends are _ Russian b

37、read to take home. In a park, some boys are _ in the snow. One girl is _ on a river and a man is _ a photo of a snowman.I miss you.Kate. snowywindybuyingplayingskatingtakingskating buying playing taking snowy windyImagine you are on vacation. Write notes about your vacation.Where are you?Whats the w

38、eather like?What are you doing right now?What are your friends and family doing?Are you having a good time?3bWritingMy answers to the questions:Im on a vacation in Beijing. Were on the Great Wall right now. The weather is cloudy and cool. Im talking to some students from the US. My father is taking

39、some photos of the mountains.My mother is taking a walk.My sister is drawing a picture.My vacation is great. Write a postcard to a friend. Tell your friend about your vacation and what you are doing.3cDear ,_I miss you.One possible version:We are on a vacation in Beijing. Were on the Great Wall righ

40、t now. Its cloudy and cool today. Its just right for walking. Look! My mother is taking a walk. My father is taking photos of the mountains. My sister is drawing a picture. Im talking with some students from the US in English. My vacation is great. Add more words in each box.Weather: cool, _1Feeling

41、s: great, _good, not bad, terrible cold, warm, hot, dry, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunnySelf checkActivities: playing ping-pong _going to the movie, visiting my aunt, drinking orange juice, swimming, reading a newspaper playing baseballMatch the sentences on the left with the responses on the right.A: Hello? Jenny speaking. A: Sorry, shes not at home. Can I take a message?A: Sure, no problem.B: Thank you. Bye.B: Hi, Jenny. Its Steve here. May I speak to Laura, pleas


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