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1、同源中考阅读训练-印度的“汉语热” 等3则 2023届中考英语复习备考印度的“汉语热”语篇导读随着中国经济和政治影响力的持续扩大,尤其是近年来中、印两国经贸人文交流不断深入,印度人对中国和汉语的兴趣也呈现上升趋势。比如“皮皮虾,我们走!”“微信红包”“无现金支付”等这些风靡中国的网络流行语,正成为印度汉语教科书的内容。Popular Chinese Internet terms like “Lets go, mantis shrimp!”, “We Chat red packet” and “Cashless payment” are being added to Chinese langua

2、ge textbooks across India so that Indian learners can get newer materials of learning Chinese.So far, Chinese language is taught in twenty Indian universities, eight of which offer Chinese as a major. Around 2,000 Indian students are majoring in Chinese in India, while the number of Chinese language

3、 learners across the whole country has reached nearly 20,000.“People are showing greater enthusiasm for learning Chinese,” said an Indian teacher, Mei Li (Chinese name), who teaches Chinese. “Now our challenge is that the textbooks arent fresh enough, so I decided to compile a new textbook on Chines

4、e language.” She said she had collected many hot topics on Chinas social development and popular Internet culture in the text book.Tang (Chinese name) has also created learning materials in Indian to help Chinese language lovers who dont understand English learn Chinese more conveniently. In his spa

5、re time, he promotes Chinese language learning in the local area and runs a local Chinese language training school. “In India, people usually use the textbooks which are written in both Chinese and English. However, some learners dont understand English, so we have to teach them in Hindi (印地語) or ev

6、en some local languages,” explained Tang.A professor said that the rise of” Chinese fever” in India is the natural result of Chinas growing economic and political influence around the world, and especially one of the results of the deepening peopletopeople exchanges between China and India in recent

7、 years.词语沉淀material /mtril/ n. 用以创作的材料;素材enthusiasm /nju:zizm/ n. 热情compile /kmpal/ v. 编写;编译promote /prmt/ v. 促进;推动economic /iknmk/ adj. 经济的political /pltkl/ adj. 政治的deepen /dipn/ v. 加深;(使)变深典句赏析1.While the number of Chinese language learners across the whole country has reached nearly 20,000. 而印度全国

8、的汉语学习者的数量已接近2万。the number of是固定短语,意为“的数量”,后接可数名词复数,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式;“the whole +集合名词(=all the +集合名词)”结构,意为“全部;整个”。【即时尝试】全城的人都受到这次地震的影响。2.Tang(Chinese name) has also created learning materials in Indian to help Chinese language lovers who dont understand English learn Chinese more conveniently. 唐(中文名)还用

9、印度语制作了学习材料,帮助那些不懂英语的汉语爱好者更方便地学习汉语。该句是包含定语从句的复合句,who dont understand English是由who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词Chinese language lovers; conveniently作为副词,意为“方便地”;to help Chinese language lovers是动词不定式短语,作目的状语。【即时尝试】她是将要教我们语文的新老师。3.And especially one of the results of the deepening peopletopeople exchanges between China

10、 and India in recent years. 特别是近几年来中印两国人民交流加深的结果之一。“one of +名词复数”结构,意为“之一”,后接可数名词的复数。该结构作主语时,其谓语动词要用单数形式;in recent years是固定短语,意为“最近几年”,常用于现在完成时的句子中。【即时尝试】其中的一个原因是他没有足够的钱。日本街头的 “垃圾收集武士”语篇导读你可知,在日本的街头游荡着一群现代武士。他们戴着毡帽,穿着武士服。每当他们看到要处理的目标时,他们总是摆出极酷的造型,以迅雷不及掩耳之势出手好了,又有一片垃圾被拾走了。The trashcollecting samurai

11、belong to a street performance group who walk on the streets of Japan collecting trash with their trash clips.They have the very similar looks of the old samurai, but often take on their appearances with cool hats, and modern shoes. They are known for performing samurai songs, dances, and sword show

12、s at different public events. But in the last few years, the trashcollecting samurai have been making national news headlines for their trashcleaning acts. They, in fact, turn collecting street trash into a performance worth buying tickets.The trashcollecting samurai give attractive poses whenever t

13、hey locate and decide to pick up a piece of trash, while at the same time shouting like “Who has done this?” or “Punish those with no morals!” Theyre completely harmless, but the action is a huge part of their performance.Even in a clean country like Japan, littering is a big problem, especially dur

14、ing popular festivals, so the trashcollecting samurai take it upon themselves to deal with the streets, trash and make people happy at the same time. They walk on the streets dressed in traditional clothes and trash clips, with traditional trash baskets on their backs. And when they find a piece of

15、trash, they shout like “who goes there?” and show a dance battle. Only the winner can have the chance to pick up the trash.So if youre ever in Tokyo and happen to see a group of samurai with trash collecting tools looking cool and shouting threats, dont run for your life. Just step back and enjoy th

16、e show, its not something you get to see every day.词语积淀trash /tr/ n. 垃圾samurai /smura/ n. 武士clip /klp/ n. 夹子sword /sd/ n. 剑;刀moral /mrl/ n. 道德litter /lt(r)/ v. 乱扔battle /btl/ n. 斗争;战斗threat /ret/ n. 威胁;恐吓典句赏析1.The trashcollecting samurai belong to a street performance group who walk on the streets o

17、f Japan collecting trash with their trash clips. “垃圾收集武士”是一个街头表演团队,他们行走于日本的街头,用垃圾夹子收集垃圾。该句为复合句,who在这里作关系代词,引导定语从句;短语belong to作谓语,意为“属于”,to是介词,后接名词或者代词。belong to不可用于进行时态,也不能用于被动语态;collecting trash是现在分词短语作从句的伴随状语。【即时尝试】露西是一个可爱的女生,她喜欢读书并且乐于助人。2.They, in fact, turn collecting street trash into a perform

18、ance worth buying tickets. 事实上,他们把收集街头垃圾的行为变成了一种甚至值得购票欣赏的表演。该句为简单句, 名词performance后面用形容词短语作了后置定语;(be) worth doing (sth.) 是常见的搭配,意为“值得做(某事)”,属于用动词的主动形式来表示被动意义。【即时尝试】莉莉买了一本很值得一读的小说。3.So if youre ever in Tokyo and happen to see a group of samurai with trashcollecting tools looking cool and shouting thre

19、ats, dont run for your life. 所以,如果你在日本碰巧看到一群外形酷帅的武士,手持捡垃圾的器具,发出威胁的怒吼,你可不要着急逃命啊。该句为复合句。if引导的是条件状语从句,意为“如果”,其主句为祈使句,省略了主语you; happen to是固定短语,意为“碰巧”;run for ones life是固定搭配,意为“逃命”。【即时尝试】如果你遇到了麻烦,一定要去找警察啊!就餐的礼节语篇导读不同的地域有不同的文化,不同的文化会形成不同的风俗礼节,有些我们认为很有礼貌的行为到了其他地方可能会代表着粗鲁和无礼。拿就餐而言,不同的国家就有着不同的礼仪规则。下面我们就一起来看看

20、各国不同的就餐礼节吧!Russia: Dont try to shake hands before you enterShaking hands would seem to be a polite way to greet someone, and yes, it often is. However, when in Russia, do not offer to shake hands in a doorway. Its said that the “house spirit” lives in a homes doorway, and crossing over it for a gree

21、ting would be bad luck.India: Dont eat with your left handWhen in India, avoid eating with your left hand, because the left hand is seen as disgusting, as its normally used for wiping in the bathroom. The same is true for countries in the Middle East and parts of Africa. On the other hand, there are

22、 some rude manners that are actually polite in other countries.United Kingdom: Pass the port to your leftBut guess what? If youre in Great Britain, the left is importantyou should only pass the port in that direction. Passing the dessert wine to the right is considered as bad manners. So is forgetti

23、ng to pass the port. But dont worry. If you do forget to pass the port, the person whos waiting for it may remind you, “You know the Bishop of Norwich? Hes a good man, except he always forgets to pass the port.”词语积淀avoid /vd/ v. 避免;避开disgusting /dsgst/ adj. 令人厌恶的wipe /wap/ v. 擦拭;擦去the Middle East 中东

24、port /prt/ n. 波尔图葡萄酒;港口remind /rmand/ v. 提醒;使想起典句赏析1.Its said that the “house spirit” lives in a homes doorway, and crossing over it for a greeting would be bad luck. 据说门口住着“房屋精灵”,跨越那里时握手打招呼可能会带来厄运。 Its said that.是一个固定的句子结构,意为“据说”,it是形式主语,真正的主语是由that引导的主语从句。该句直译是“门口住着房屋精灵是由人们说出来的”,所以用了被动语态“is said”形式。【即时尝试】据说茶是偶然被发明的。2.On the other hand, there are some rude manners that are actually polite in other countries.(然而)在另一方面,一些被认为是粗鲁的行为在其他国家竟然是有礼貌的。该句是包含定语从句的复合句,that are actually polite in other countries是由that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词some


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