已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 My New TeachersA基础园地.听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。 young short thin old kind funny strong tall . 听录音,标序号。又高又壮的男人又瘦又老的男人 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). 听录音填空,补全句子。A: your teacher ?B: Carter.A: he ?B: Hes and strong . 下面单词的顺序乱了,请你看图并把正确的单词写在相应的横线上,使句意完整。1. 2. 3. 4.1. The boy is (ctveia). 2. The old woman is (lod). 3. The m

2、an is (tronsg )4. The teacher is (inkd). 读一读,圈出与图片相符合的句子。1.A . My math teacher is thin and short.B . My math teacher is strong and short.A . Look!Our new English teacher is young and pretty.B. Look! Our new English teacher is old and short. 2. .将下列句子按顺序排列,使之成为一段完整的对话。( )Hes tall and strong. ( )Mr Ca

3、rter.( )Whos your English teacher ?( )Whats he like ?( )Hes from Canada.( )Where is he from?拓展空间.同学们,你们能观察出以下单词的规律吗?动动脑,将下列单词补充完整。读一读,并在字典里查一查它们的意思。1. sheep sleep see n _d f_t2. peach seat jeans s _son w _k3. bread brown library _ing _eakfast4. blue black block _ow _ess .你知道吗?中国人之间彼此较为熟悉的人见面问候时,一般采用

4、下列用语:上哪 去?、“吃过了吗? 如果把 这些问候的话直译成英语(即:Where are you going? Have you eaten yet?)。 英美人可能会茫然,困惑 ,有时也可能引起 误解。不了解汉文化习俗的外国人并不会认为这是一种起交际作用的问候语, 比 如:问对方 :Have you eatenyet?对方可能认为这不是单纯的见面问候的 话,而会误认为你可能发出对他(她) 的邀请。又如Where are you going? 很可能引起对方的不快, 所以他(她)对这一问话的反应极有 可能是: Itsnone of your business.(你管得着吗?)。英美人的问候一

5、般用Good morningaftern oonevening(早上好、下午好、晚上好)How do you do? (您好!)Nice to meet you. (见到你 很高兴)How are you doing? (你最近好吗? )。 在关系亲密者之间可用Hello或Hi在英美国家,人们相互间称呼与我国的习惯相差极大。有些称呼在中国人看 来有悖情理,不礼貌,没教养 。比如:小孩子不把爷爷奶奶称作grandpa和 grandma,而是直呼其名,却是得体,亲切的,年轻人称老年人, 可在其姓氏前 加Mr、Mrs或Miss。比如:Mr Smith、Mrs Smith、Miss Alice等。在汉

6、语里, 我们可以用老师 、书记、经理、工程师、厂长等词与姓氏连用作称呼语, 而 在英语中却不能, 我们不能说teacher Zhan g(张老师),engineer Wu(吴 工程师)等。正确的说法是应按照英美人的习惯把Mr、Mrs、Miss 与姓(名 ) 连用表示尊敬或礼貌。 中国人称呼家庭成员、亲戚或邻居时,往往用大哥、二姐、大嫂、 李大伯之类,这些称 呼不可用于英语。用英语称呼时不论男人还是女人, 一般直呼其名就行了。Part B基础园地. 听录音,给下列单词排序。kindsmartfunnyactivestrict. 听录音,圈出与句意相符的图片。加了竖线和AB标号1. 2. 3. A

7、B A B A B. 听录音,下列句子与所听到的内容是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“1. Shes very active. ( ) 2. Whos he ? Hes our principal. ( ) 3.She is strict,but shes very kind . ( )4. I have a new math teacher. ( )5.Miss Green is young . ( ). 看图,仿照例句回答问题。-Is she strict ? -Yes,she is./No.she isnt.-Is he kind ? - Yes ,he is / No. he isn

8、t.-Is she young ?-_1.-Is he strict ?-_2.-Is he thin ?-_ 3.4.-Is she kind ?-_ . 找朋友。将正确答句前的字母填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. Whats he like ? A. Shes our teacher. ( ) 2. Whos that old lady ? B. Yes,he is. ( ) 3. Is he strict ? C . Hes tall and young. ( ) 4. Do you have new teachers ? D. No,she isnt. ( ) 5. Is she tal

9、l ? E . Yes ,I do.拓展空间.请你仔细观察你们学校的各科老师,认真填写下列表格,并和你的伙伴一起说说吧!- Whos your _?- Hes/Shes _.- Whats he/she like ?- Hes/Shes_.- Is he/she_?- Yes,he/she is.- No,he/she isntsubjectnamethin/strongold/youngtall/shortkind/strictsmart .开心一刻。 Mother was too busyTeacher: Mike,youre alsways asking your father to d

10、o your homework instead,and again this timeMike:Pardon,sir,this time at first I would not let him do it,but mother was too busy.instead:代替pardon:原谅Can I marry nowDaughter aged 5: Mum .I want this dress.Mum: Oh!Baby,this dress is for the bride.Daughter: Well,can I marry now ?bride: 新娘marry: 结婚单元测试卷听力

11、部分(40分).听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(6分) ( )1. A. class B. close( )2. A. thin B. think( )3. A. fun B. funny( )4. A. strict B. smart( )5. A. old B. cold ( )6. A. young B. strong.听录音,圈出符合句意的图片。(8分) 1. 2. 3 4 A B A B A B A B. 听录音,标序号。(6分)( )1. Mr Carter A. tall and young( )2. Miss Green B. short and thin( )3. Mr Bla

12、ck C. smart and funny( )4. Miss Li D. strong and kind ( )5. Mr Kelly E. young and pretty( )6.Miss Wang F. old and short. 听录音,在括号内圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)Hi,my name is (Pat/Ted).Im (11/12) years old.I am a (student/teacher).Im from (Canada/China).I have a new (Chinese/English) teacher now. He is not(tall/shor

13、t),But he is(strong/thin).Is he (strict/kind) ?Yes,he is.His class is so much (funny/fun).We all like (him/her). 听录音,将下列句子排序,使之组成一个完整的段落。(10分)( ) We all love him very much.( ) Hes strong and tall.( ) Hes from America.( ) He can run very fast.( ) Our new P.E.teacher is Mr Hu.笔试部分(60分).请你根据图片,按顺序在四线格上

14、写出相应的单词。(5分) .选出与所给单词不同类的一项,将序号填在题前括号内。 (5分) ( )short A. old B. tall C. bread ( )math A. English B. Chinese C. China ( )beef A. sheep B. meat C. chicken ( )blue A. bus B. black C .yellow ( )peach A. tea B.banana C. orange.给问句找答句,将答句的序号填在括号里。(5分)1. ( ) Do you like your math teacher ? A. He is tall an

15、d thin. 2 .( ) Whats he like ? B.No,she isnt.3. ( ) Is she a student ? C .Mr Li4. ( ) Whos your Chinese teacher ? D .Yes,they are.5. ( ) Are they students ? E .Yes,we do.连词成句,注意标点和大小写。(10分) 1. math , whos , teacher, your ( .) 2 . active, shes, and, funny (. ) 3. like ,Mr ,whats, Carter (?) 4 . stric

16、t, is, he (?) 5. Chinese, new ,a, have, teacher, we( .) . 根据所给信息填空,每空一词。(5分)Sarahs favourite teacherJohns favourite teacherMr ZhangP.E. teacherFrom ChinaMiss MayArt teacherFrom Canada1.Miss May is an teacher and Mr Zhang is a P.E. .2. Mr Zhang is tall and . 3. Miss May is from .4. John is Mr Zhangs

17、.请你仔细阅读短文,完成1、2两题。(10分) Mary is young and pretty. .She has many friends but she doesnt like them very much. .John is strong but he is not clean. Teddy is smart but he is not kind.Bob is a tall,kind and happy young man and Mary likes him.A.根据短文内容,为下列图片排序。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B.判断正误,对的打,错的打。(5分)1.

18、Mary likes all her friends. ( )2.John is strong. ( )3.Teddy is smart and clean. ( )4.Bob is a kind young man . ( )5.Mary likes Bob. ( ) .仔细阅读Chen Jie和Mike的对话,完成下列两题。(15分)A.选择方框中合适的句子补全下列对话,将句子前的序号写在文后的横线上。(5分) A.Is she strict?B.Whats your English teacher like ?C.Yes, she is.D.How are you ?E.He is st

19、rong and tall.F.Her class is so funny.G. She is pretty. Chen Jie :Hello, Mike!Mike:Hello,Cheng Jie. 1 Chen Jie:Im fine.We have a new English teacher and a new Chinese teacher:Miss Pat and Mr Wang.Mike: Really? 2 Chen Jie:Oh,she is young and pretty.Mike: 3 Chen Jie: Yes,but she is kind ,too. 4 Mike:W

20、hat about your Chinese teacher ? Whats he like ? Chen Jie: 5 Hes kind, too.We all like him.Mike:Oh.How lucky you are ! B . 根据对话内容,回答下列问题。(10分) 1. Whos Miss Pat ? 2. Whats Mr Wang like ? 3. How many new teachers does Cheng Jie have ? 4. Is Mr Wang kind ? 5. Whats Miss Pat like ? .你能模仿下面的短文,介绍一下你的一位老师

21、吗?(5分) Hello!My name is Mike.Im 12 years old.Now Im in Willow School.I like math very much. I like math because I like our math teacher-Mr Hu.Hes short and thin.Hes very funny.We all like him. _ _ _ _ _ _ .请你根据所给短文,画出这位教师。(选做)听力录音材料Unit 1 My New Teachers录音材料PartA. short,old,funny,tall.1.Our English

22、teacher is young and pretty. 2.Mr black is our math teacher.Hes tall and thin. 3.Mr Hu is our Chinese teacher .He is old and thin. 4.Our art teacher,Mr Li,is tall and strong. Whos your English teacher ?Mr Carter Whats he like ?Hes tall and strong. PartB. funny,smart,active,strict,kind. Our art taech

23、er is tall and strong. Mr Li is our math teacher. Our Chinese teacher is very kind. Our music teacher is very active. Hes our math teacher. Miss White is strict but very kind. I have a new math teacher. Mr Black is young and funny. 单元测试卷. 1.class 2.think 3.fun 4.smart 5.old 6.strongMr Wang is our ne

24、w teacher. Mr Hu is old and kind. Mike looks very funny. We have Chinese class in the morning.Mr Carter is old and short. Miss Green is tall and young. Mr Black is short and thin. Mr Li is smart and funny. Mr Kelly is strong and kind. Miss Wang is young and pretty. Hi,my name is Pat.Im 12 years old.I am a student.Im from Canada.I have a new Chinese teacher now. He is not tall,but he isstrong.Is he strict ?Yes,he is.His class is so much fun.We all like him.Our new P.E.teacher is Mr Hu.Hes from America.Hes strong and tall. He


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