



1、牛津深圳版 七下Unit 6 Period 1习题一、根据句意及所给的首字母提示写出所缺单词,并注意其形式。When you read books in the library, you must obey the rIs a worried about the English exam?You shouldnt make such a f mistake.The little boy went to bed. A m later, he fell asleep.The girl is shy. She cant start a c with strangers easily. 二、单项选择(

2、)1. Fm hungry. I want to eat.A. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing()2.is too difficult if you put your effort into it.A. AnythingB. SomethingC. NothingD. Everything()3. -The story is so amazing! Its the most interesting story Fveever read.-But Im afraid it wont be liked byA. everybody B. so

3、mebodyA. everybody B. somebodyC. anybodyD. nobody)4. Julie enjoyslistening to music very much. She oftensays to me thatis more interesting than music.A. nothing B. something C. everythingD. anything)5. Is your sister ill? -Yes, but , only a little cold.A. serious anythingC. serious nothingB. nothing

4、 seriousD. anything serious三、根据中文意思,完成以下句子。.妈妈买了一袋苹果和一箱牛奶。Mum boughtapples and a box of milk.这条电线与电视机相连。The wire the TV.我的姐姐正在整理她的房间。My sister is her bedroom.你发完邮件后别忘记关电脑。Dont forget to the computer after you send theemail.请确认每个学生都在教室里。Please every student is in the classroom.在某种程度上,长假期有时会令人感到无聊。, l

5、ong holidays are sometimes boring.U!、阅读理解Mr. and Mrs. Brown are from America. They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with them. Jack speaks English. They want him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in GradeThree in a Chineseschool. He playswith Chinesechildren every day. He listen

6、s to Chinese, speaks(讲) Chinese, readsbooks in Chinese andwritesin Chinese.Heis doingwell in his Chinese.Mr. and Mrs. Brown are.A. Chinese B. English C. America D. AmericansThey are working now.A. at schoolB. in ChinaC. in America D. in Grade 3Jack is.a student in a Chinese schoola girl from America

7、in Class One, Grade Threelearning EnglishJack likes to play with.A. his father B. his motherC. his brothers D. Chinese childrenJack learns the Chinese language (语言)bylistening to the languagelistening to the language and speaking itreading books in Chinese and writing in itlistening, speaking, readi

8、ng and writing参考答案:一、根据句意及所给的首字母提示写出所缺单词,并注意其形式。rulesanyonefoolishmomentconversation二、单项选择1-5 BCBAB三、根据中文意思,完成以下句子。a packet ofis connected oftidying upswitch offmake sureIn a way、阅读理解1-5 DBADD版权声明21世纪教育网 (以下简称“本网站”)系属深圳市二一教育 股份(以下简称“本公司”)旗下网站,为维护本公司合法权益,现依 据相关法律法规作出如下郑重声明:一、本网站上所有原创内容,由本公司依据相关法律法规,安

9、排专项经费, 运营规划,组织名校名师创作完成,著作权归属本公司所有。二、经由网站用户上传至本网站的试卷、教案、课件、学案等内容,由本公 司独家享有信息网络传播权,其作品仅代表作者本人观点,本网站不保证其内容 的有效性,凡因本作品引发的任何法律纠纷,均由上传用户承当法律责任,本网 站仅有义务协助司法机关了解事实情况。三、任何个人、企事业单位(含教育网站)或者其他组织,未经本公司许可, 不得使用本网站任何作品及作品的组成局部(包括但不限于复制、发行、表演、 广播、信息网络传播、改编 汇编、翻译等方式),一旦发现侵权,本公司将联 合司法机关获取相关用户信息并要求侵权者承当相关法律责任。四、一旦发现侵


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